1 Disability Awareness 2 Switch ( Student Wellness Initiative Toward Community Health ) 3 What I want you to know and feel ! What it’s like to be DISABLED… 4 EVERY DAY A PERSON WITH DISABILITIES FACES MANY CHALLENGES! 5 I WANT YOU TO UNDERSTAND The realities of what its like to be disabled. When or how to offer help to a person 6 People with disabilities must deal with discriminatory and prejudicial attitudes, unfair practices, and structural barriers, DAILY. 7 PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES WANT Empathy…. NO PITY PLEASE! 8 LET’S WORK TOGETHER 9 A disability is the consequence of a disease, injury or condition that impairs one or more facets of a person’s ability to perform the daily functions of life. TAKEN FROM: Disability and the duty to accomodate in the Canadian workplace by Michael Lynk 10 Able…ism is a form of discrimination based on the classic human assumption that non-disabled individuals are the standard of “normal living”. 11 All people are generally kind ! But we may have deeply hidden predudices…. From our upbringing Our life experiences 12 THERE WERE 4.4 MILLION CANADIANS WITH DISABILITIES in 2006 * ~ 10% OF SASK. UNEMPLOYED ARE DISABLED ~ 25% OF THOSE DISABLED FELT THAT THIER DISABILITY AFFECTED THEIR EMPLOYABILITY * *http://www.disabled-world.com/disability/statistics/disability-statisticcanada.php 13 Hi! My name is LEN BOSER At age 46 ~ 12 YEARS AGO I AWOKE TO A PARALYZED STATE THERE WAS NO WARNING……. NO PAIN! I WAS A STROKE SURVIVOR 14 I WAS TAKEN AWAY 15 AT THE HOSPITAL I WAS… In a coma 2 ½ weeks AWOKE ….UNABLE TO TALK OR MOVE MUCH OF MY BODY 16 FROM MY BED… I WAS LIFTED TO A “BUTT BUCKET” OCCASIONALLY I WAS PUSHED TO AND LEFT IN FRONT OF THE NURSES STATION 17 I WAS IGNORED… I WAS TALKED ABOUT “F L Y ON THE W A L L” BUT SELDOM TO! 18 NO ONE LIKES BEING IGNORED! 19 FOR THE NEXT 2 YEARS MY LIFE WAS DEDICATED TO REHABILITATION & RECEIVING MEDICAL SUPERVISION 20 I STARTED WITH LYING ON A MAT 21 I WAS STRETCHED 22 IT WAS TOUGH STAYING MOTIVATED! WHY BOTHER WITH THERAPY! 23 24 25 I BEGAN A “NEW LIFE” AT AGE 46 AS A DISABLED PERSON 26 MAN ABOUT TOWN SPEAKER 27 I’ve been busy! I’m proud to initiate some changes (with a little help from my friends) 28 …. AND ON SNOW CLEARING and other issues! 29 SO HERE I AM! I AWAKE (if I’m lucky) TO my post-stroke reality… 30 MY RIGHT SIDE IS PARALYZED I CAN THINK ALL I WANT BUT I’M UNABLE TO RAISE MY RIGHT ARM OVER MY HEAD 31 THAT CAN BE WHAT IT’S LIKE TO BE DISABLED! YOUR MIND THINKS I’LL RAISE MY ARM BUT YOUR BODY DOES NOT RESPOND 32 MY RIGHT SIDE PARALYSIS… IT’S LIKE FEELING THAT I HAVE ONE FUNCTIONAL ARM AND HAVE A EXTRA WEIGHT STAPPED TO MY LEG! 33 LETS LOOK AT ANOTHER “TYPE” OF DISABILITY 34 A LITTLE EXERCISE! CLOSE YOUR EYES 35 IF THE POWER GOES OUT 36 COULD YOU FIND YOUR WAY AROUND YOUR ? A SIGHT DISABILITY 37 IMAGINE USING A WASHROOM THAT WAS NEW TO YOU! 38 LAZIEST DOG I’VE EVER HAD 39 THIS HELPS IF A PERSON WITH DISABILITIES CANNOT PUSH A BUTTON! 40 GETTING IN OR OUT CAN BE CHALLENGING! BUT NOT WITH THESE SWITCHES 41 CAN WE CHANGE THE WAY WE PERCIEVE PEOPLE WITH A DISABILITY ! 42 COMMUNICATION WITH A DISABLED PERSON IS NO DIFFERENT THAN COMMUNICATING WITH A NON-DISABLED PERSON 43 GREET ALL PEOPLE THE SAME WAY! 44 “ASK” IF THE PERSON DECLINES YOUR HELP… CAN I ASSIST IN ANY WAY? RESPECT THEIR DECISION! 45 IF NO ACCESSIBLE BATHROOM IS PROVIDED ARE YO U O R YO U R S TA F F AWA R E O F O N E NEARBY ? 46 DO YOU ASSUME ALL PEOPLE WITH A DISABILITY ARE EITHER … A DISABILITY CAN INCLUDE: Obesity Height Alcoholism Hypertension Colour Blindness Panic Attacks HIV and AIDS Depression Drug Dependence Speech Impediment Dyslexia Stress Heart attack/heart condition Hysterectomy Broken Foot Tobacco addiction Crohns Knee Pain Fear of flying among many others. TAKEN FROM: Disability and the duty to accomodate in the Canadian workplace by Michael Lynk 48 We recommend… Speak directly to the person with the disability rather than their companion or interpreter. 49 Should I shake hands? MAYBE… 50 BE CAREFUL – SOME PEOPLE DO NOT SHAKE HANDS THE SPREAD OF GERMS CONCERNS PEOPLE . 51 FRANKLY A HANDSHAKE IS NO LONGER A NORM IN OUR SOCIETY 52 If the person has limited hand use or has an artificial limb, it is ok to shake what is offered to you. It is equally acceptable to politely touch them on the shoulder/arm or offer a smile/nod to reciprocate a warm greeting. 53 When talking with a person in a wheelchair for more than a few minutes, “squat down” or use a chair Place yourself at the person’s eye level when talking. 54 Do not talk down to the person… Or make inappropriate gestures such as patting the person on the head. OK FOR THE DOG! 55 LISTENING IS KEY YOU CAN SAY…SOMETHING LIKE AS I UNDERSTAND YOU….YOU WANT______? 56 57 •USE COMPANY LOGO OR MESSAGE AS A SCREEN SAVER 58 59 60 61 UPON GOING OUT A PERSON WITH A DISABILITY ENCOUNTERS… 62 ENVIRONMENTAL BARRIERS 63 A disabled person encounters design flaws in our environment all the time. 64 SOME MAY BE… SIDEWALKS … UN – SHOVELED UNACCESSIBLE BUS SHELTERS NO STAIRWAY HANDRAILS UNCROSSABLE STREETS 65 Will I be able to get into the building OR are there “disabled” friendly bathrooms? 66 67 AND I SEE A VAN PARKED IN A DISABLED PARKING SPOT 68 MY FIRST REACTION MAY BE TO THINK… THEY DON’T LOOK DISABLED ! BUT I MUST REMEMBER… 69 A NON-VISIBLE DISABILITY MAY BE A PERSON’S BREATHING, A HEART CONDITION WALKING DIFFICULTIES 70 71 SOME VISIBLE EXAMPLES A white cane may indicate signs of vision impairment OR low vision. A wheelchair may indicate difficulties with mobility such as walking, strength or balance. 72 A DISABILITY DOES NOT HAVE TO STOP YOU FROM PERSUING YOUR DREAMS 73 TO DANCE AGAIN! … and LOCALLY 74 I HAVE A FRIEND WITH A DISABILITY THAT IS PERMANENTLY IN A WHEELCHAIR A damaged spinal cord (impairment) brings loss of movement of lower limbs (disability), leading to the impossibility of entering a building with stairs (barrier). 75 HE IS EMPLOYED AS A TEACHERS AIDE 76 MY DISABILITY HAS NOT STOPPED ME FROM… WRITING BOOKS VOLUNTEERING GETTING MARRIED S TA RT I N G A BUSINESS 77 THIS WORLD RENOWNED PERSON DID NOT LET HIS DISABILITIES STOP HIM 78 Stephen Hawking is considered among the great minds of the 20th century. A disease left him with no mobility. His voice comes through on a computer and his wheel chair is blink-controlled. AN ASTROPHYSITIST 79 REMEMBER We all A G E ! SO LET’S GET PREPARED 80 WE CALL HIM “TIRED WOODS” 81 HALF OF ALL PEOPLE AFTER REACHING THE AGE OF 50 WILL BE DISABLED IN SOME WAY 82 Even your Eyeglasses CORRECT a vision disability! 83 84 We want a safe environment for all! Everyone should be proactive in identifying barriers to the disabled . 85 Complain if you see… Store aisles so cluttered they couldn’t accommodate scooters, wheelchairs, strollers or walkers. Aisles are not there for storage or huge promotional boxes 86 When people say that the squeaky wheel gets the grease… they mean that the people who complain or protest the loudest attract attention and service. 87 WHO CAN HELP? 88 GOVERNMENT AND PRIVATE ORGANIZATIONS MAY ASSIST IN WORKPLACE ACCOMMODATION COSTS OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTS 89 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WEB SITE ON DISABILITY www.hrsdc.gc.ca/eng/disability_issues/index.shtml 90 http://www.socialservices.gov.sk.ca/office-disability 91 www.neilsquire.ca Is one of many non-profit organizations in Canada that uses technology, knowledge and passion to empower Canadians with physical disabilities. 92 Is a community based organization that has offered programs and services to children and adults since 1970. Radius Community Centre for Education and Employment Training…. FOR EVERYONE! #6 Bateman Crescent Saskatoon, SK S7H 3C2 Tel: 306.665.0362 Fax: 306.665.5579 Email: info@radiuscentre.com www.radiuscentre.com 93 http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/eng/disability_issues/disability_savin gs/index.shtml 94 IN REVIEW… THINK ABOUT HOW YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE TREATED IF YOU WERE SUDDENLY DISABLED! OFFER ASSISTANCE WHEN APPROPRIATE NO ONE WANTS TO BE PITIED! EMPATHIZE 95 STINKIN THINKING! … 96 97 I HAVE VOLUNTEERED FOR VARIOUS GROUPS 98 99 FOR MANY YEARS I ADJUSTED PROPERTY CLAIMS NOW, I ADJUST ATTITUDES 100