AS Psychology: Social Influence 1- Introduction and Majority Influence S.W.G.S. Psychology Department What is Social influence? “The influence of a group or an individual to modify the thinking, attitudes and / or behaviour of others” • Can you think of any examples of social influence in your own lives or in the media? • Was the influence exerted by large groups on smaller groups, by groups on individuals, or the other way around? SOCIAL INFLUENCE SYLLABUS TOPICS Critical Issue: Ethical Issues in Psychological Research Majority and Minority Influence Obedience to authority MAJORITY INFLUENCE OR CONFORMITY 3 TYPES OF CONFORMING BEHAVIOUR (Kelman) Compliance Identification Internalisation Accepting views of majority despite not really agreeing with them Conforming to what is expected of one in a given role Conforming because of real agreement with those who influence 2 TYPES OF SOCIAL INFLUENCE Informational influence Influence due to the perceived superior judgement or knowledge of others Probably leads to internalisation Normative Influence Influence due to wanting to be liked / respected by other members of the group May lead to compliance Which type of influence leads to identification? Studies on majority influence…. Asch Sherif X A B C Jennes s ….. & internalisation of social roles Zimbardo: the Stanford Prison Experiment