ATI Book Outline

Depo Provera: IM injection every 11-13 weeks
Vaginal Ring: insert for 3 weeks, take out for 1 week
Patch: change 1 x week
Arm Implant: good for 3 years. Can be used while breastfeeding
IUD: 1-10 yrs. Can be used while breastfeeding. Risk for PID, perforation, ectopic preg.
Minipill: progesterone only. Fewer s/e. safe to take while breastfeeding
1 year w/o ability to conceive
Semen analysis: first test done b/c least expenisive test to perform
Presumptive signs of pregnancy
Woman things she is pregnant. Symptoms only.
o Quickening – fluttering movements of fetus at 16-20 weeks
o Uterine enlargement
Probably signs of pregnancy
Signs & medical conditions
o Hegars Sign: softening and compressibility of lower uterus
o Chadwicks’s Sign: blue color cervix
o Goodells sign: softening of cervical tip
o Callottement: rebound of unengaged fetus
o Braxton Hicks
o Positive pregnancy test
o Fetal outline felf by examiner
Positive signs of pregnancy
Signs only related to pregnancy.
o Fetal heart sounds
o Fetus in ultrasound
o Fetal movement felt by experienced examiner
7-10 days after conception
Peaks at 60-70 days
Higher levels if mulitples, ectopic, molar pregnancy, down syndrome
Do a pee-stick test on first-void morning sample
Term birth: 38 weeks or more
Preterm: 37 weeks or less
Pregnant Vital Signs
Blood pressure degreases 5-10 mmHG during 2nd trimester then returns to normal at 20 weeks
Pulse increases 10-15 around 20 weeks and stays elevated
Respirations increase by 1-2 breaths (due to elevated diaphragm)
Prenatal Check-ups
Monthly for the first 7 months
Every 2 weeks during 8th month
Weekly during 9th month
Initial Check up
EDD, medical hx, baseline physical assessment, lab tests (Blood type, Rh, CBC, H/H, Rubella, Hep, GBS, Glucose,
Ongoing Check ups
FHR at 10-12 weeks via ultrasound, 16-20 weeks w/ stethoscope
Fundal height at 12 weeks
Fetal movement at 16-20 weeks
RhoGAM 28 weeks if mom is Rh Neg.
Discomforts of pregnancy
1st Trimester: N/V, breast tenderness, Urinary frequency, Fatigue, Braxton hicks
2nd Trimester: Heart burn, Constipation, hemorrhoids, backaches, Varicose veins, Braxton hicks
3rd Trimester: urinary frequency, fatigue, heartburn, constipation, hemorrhoids, backaches, SOB, Leg cramps,
varicose veins, Braxton hicks, supine hypotension
Danger signs: ROM <37 weeks, vaginal bleeding, ab pain, decrease fetal movement, hyperemesis gravidarum,
severe headaches (gestianiton HTN) dysuria (UTI), blurred vision (gest HTN) edema face and hands (Gest. HTN),
epigastric pain, fruity breath & rapid breathing & increased urination (hyperglycemia), hypoglycemia
2Nd trimester: increase calories by 340. 3rd trimester: increase calories by 452
Breastfeeding: increase calories by 330 for first 6 month, then 400 for second 6 months
High protein, High folic acid, calcium & iron supplements
2-3 L fluid per day
Limit caffeine to 300mg/day
Nausea: eat dry crackers or toast. Do not eat fats, spices. Avoid drinking fluids with solid meals
PKU: where high levels of phenylalanie cause danger to fetus. Avoid foods high in protein (fish, poultry, meat,
eggs nuts, dairy)
Confirms pregnancy, gestational age, site of implanation, growth, abnormatlities, amniotic fluid volume,
heartbeat, activity
Make mother drink 1-2 quarts of fluid prior to fill bladder, lift utuers and displace bowel to get better image
Biophysical profile: visual fetus and fetal response to stimuli
Includes: reactive FHR, fetal breathing, body ovements, fetal tone, amniotic fluid
Score 8-10 = normal, 4-6= abnormal
<4= fetal asphyxia
Nonstress test: done during 3rd trimester to assess for intact CNS. Mom pushes button when she feels fetal
Reactive: FHR normal baseline w/ moderate variability accellearates 15 beats/min lasting 15 seconds. Must
occur 2 + times during 20 mins.
Nonreactive: after 40 mins the criteria of 15/15 hasn’t been met
Do this test for: GDM, GHTN, hx of fetal demise, advanced maternal age, postmaturity, decrease fetal
movement, IUGR
Contraction stress test: Nipple stimulation or Pitocin to create contractions
Accurate data needs to have 3 contractions 40-60 sec duration during a 10 min time frame to get idea of how
FHR responds
Negative CST: Normal. Shows no LATE decels
Positive CST: Abnormal: shows LATE decels. (That is bad).
Aspirate amniotic fluid with needle into uterus and amniotic sac
Diagnosis: chromosomal anomaly, neural tube defects, genetic disorders, lung maturity, meconium, hemolytic
disease, Alpha -fetoprotein (high = for neural tube defects, low = downs syndrome, molar preg.)
Fetal Lung test: Lecithin/sphingomyelin (L/S) ratio= a 2:1 ratio indicates maturity
Phosphatidyglycerol (PG): if Absent = respiratory distress. We want PG!!!
Early Decels: fetal head compression = not serious
Late Decels: uteroplacental insufficiency = serious
Variable Decels: cord compression = depends on amount and duration
Umbilical Blood Sample
Most common method for fetal blood sampling and transfusion
Chronic Villi Sampling (CVS)
1st trimester to check for abnormalities at 10-12 weeks
Risk for miscarriage, SAB, ROM, fetal limb loss
Quad Marker Screening
A blood test that includes hCG, AFP, Estriol, Inhibin - done at 16-18 weeks
Low Estriol- down syndrome.
Alpha Fetal Proteins (AFP)
16-18 weeks
Protein produced by fetus
High levels = nueral tube defect
Low levels = down syndrome
Sponteanous Abortion
1st trimester- bleeding, cramping, partial or complete expulsion of products of conception
Terminated before 20 weeks gestation or less than 500 g
Caused by: High maternal age, substance abuse, chromosomal abnormalities (most common), maternal illness,
cervical dilation, trauma, antiphospholipid syndrome
Don’t have bath, sex, for 2 weeks. Finish abx. Discharge will occur for 2 weeks. Wait 2 months to try again
Ectopic Pregnanancy
Implanted outside uterine cavity usually in fallopian tubes which can cause a fatal hemmorahge if ruputured.
Risks: STD, IUD, tubal surgery
S/S: stabbing pain in lower ab. On one side. Delayed or irregular pregnancy, Dark red/brown spotting or RED if
Ruptured. Shoulder pain!!, dizzy from bleeding into ab cavity
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease (GTD)
Proliferation & degeneration of trophoblastic villi in placenta that looks like GRAPE CLUSTERS!
No embryo develops instead a metastasizing malignancy (Choriocarcinoma) forms.
COMPLETE MOLE: No genetic material or any placenta, fluids
PARTIAL MOLE: Has genetic material plus some baby parts
Risks: young and old mothers
S/S: Excessive vomiting, High levels hCG, Rapid uterine growth that is way too big for age, prune-juice looking
Placenta Previa
Placenta abnormally implants in lower utuerus resulting in bleeding in 3rd trimester
Complete: cervical os is covered by placenta
Incomplete: partially covered cervical os
Low-lying: doesn’t reach cervical os
Risks: Previous placenta previa, scarring, older mother, multiples, smoking
S/S: PAINLESS. Bright red bleeding 2nd-3rd trimester
Abruptio Placenta
Premature separation of placenta from utuerus AFTER 20 weeks.
Causes baby and mother mortality. Leading cause of maternal death
Risks: maternal HTN, trauma, previous incident of abruption, smoking, multiples,
S/S: Sudden DARK RED bleeding, shock, fetal distress
Toxoplasmosos: Raw or undercooked meat & handling cat feces. Flu symtoms
Rubella: joint & muscle pain
Cytomeglovirus: droplet infection- can cause damage to baby during birth. Asymptomatic
Herpes Simplex: Oral or genital lesions
Group B Strep (GBS)
Bacterial infection passed to fetus during L&D
Risks: <20y, black or Hispanic, prolonged ROM, low birth weight, preterm baby, fever
Treat with PCN
Bacterial infection. Most common STD.
S/S: ITCHING! Watery vaginal discharge
Give erythro eye ointment to babies, treat with abx
Urethral discharge, painful urination & frequency, Yellow/green vag discharge can lead to PID.
Candida Albicans
Fungal infection
S/S: thick, creamy white discharge, itching, grey-white patches on vag wall
Patches in neonate mouth
Premature dilation of cervix
Incompetent cervix: feel urge to push. Expulsion of products
Risks: cervical trauma, defects
Give Tocolytics to inhibit contraction, mom on bedrest, no sex
Hyperemsis Gravidarum
Excessive n/v. past 12 weeks.
Risk for IUGR or preterm birth if not treated
Risks: <20 yo, migraines, obese, 1st pregnancy, multiples (high hCG), emotional stress, hyperthyroidism
S/S: n/v, ketones in urine from protein breakdown, electrolyte imbalances, high hCG
Can cause: SAB, infections, hydyramnios, ROM, preterm, hemorrhage, macrosomia
Glucose test at 24-28 weeks, county daily kicks
20 weeks. BP >140/90 at least twice 4-6 hours apart in a 1 week period. No proteinuria
Mild Preeclampsia
Same as GHTN but with proteinuria 1+
Severe Preeclampsia
BP 160/100, proteinuria 3+, headache, blurred vision, hyperrfelxia, edema, hepatic issue, RUQ pain,
Seizure activity following severe preeclampsia
HEELP Syndrome
H- hemolysis resulting in anemia & jaundice
EL- elevated liver enxymes (ALT, AST), Epigastric pain, n/v
LP- low platelet (<100,000), causing thrombocytopenia, bleeding, cant clot, DIC (intravascular coagupathy)
RISK FOR GHTN & elevated BP
<20y or >40, Obesiety, muliltple babies, DM, molar pregnancy, hx of preivious HTN
S/S: non-stop headache, blurred vision, flashes of light, n/v
Treat: give HTN meds (NO ACE Inhibitors), give Mag
Preterm Labor
20-37 weeks
Risks: infections, previous preterm labors, hydramnios, young age, smoking, drugs, violence, hx or SAB, DM,
HTN, remature dilation, placenta previa, abrputio placentae, preceding labor pregnant quickly after giving birth,
Treatment: can give meds to slow, stop labor. Nifedipine, mag
Signs of preceding labor (Labor is coming)
Backache, weight loss 1-3lb, leightning where fetal head descends down into pelvis 2 weeks prior, bloody show,
energy burst, n/v, ROM (labor occurs 24 after this),
5 P’s
Passenger: size of head, presentation (head/occiput, chin/mentum, shoulder/scapula, breech/sacrum or feet
Lie: transvers, longitudinal
Attitude: fetal flexion (chin to chest), fetal extension
Passageway: birth canal
Powers: uterine contractions, dilation, urge to push
Position: how mom is positioned in labor
Psychological: stress, anxiety can impair labor
Meachanism of Labor
Engagement: head passes into pelvic – 0 station
Descent: head through pelvis
Flexion: head flexes chin to chest
Internal rotation: rotates laterally to pass through pelvis
Extension: Head is born
External rotation: head roates to allow body to roate
Expulsion: rest of baby born
Minimal: <5/min
Moderate: 6-25/min
Marked: >25/min
Category I
FHR baseline 110-160 – normal
Moderate variability
Accel present or absent
Early decels present or absent
Variable or late decels are absent
Category II
Baseline tachy or brady
Variability minmal, absent, marked
Decels b/t 2-10 mins
No accels after stimulation
Category III
Absent FHR
Recrrent variable decls, late decles, brady
First Stage of Labor
Latent (0-3cm), Active (4-7cm), Transition (8-10cm)
Lepold maneuver to determine where baby is
Vag exam for dilation and effacement & station
Blood Pressure: Latent phase (30-60min), Active phase (30 min), Transiation Phase (15-30min)
Temp: q4h or q1-2h for ROM
Contraction Monitor: Latent phase (30-60min), Active Phase (15-30 min) Transition (10-15min)
FHR Monitor: Latent (30-60min), Active (15-30), Transition (15-30)
Encourage voiding q2h
Second stage of labor
Dilation to birth – can take 30mins – 2 hrs for first time moms
FHR q15 min.
1st degree lac – does not involve muscle
2nd degree lac- extends through skin & muscle to peri
3rd degree lac- extends through skin muscle peri and anal sphincter
4th degree- through skin, mucle, anal sphincter and anterior rectal wall. (WTF, seriously?)
Third Stage of Labor
Delivery of baby to delivery of placenta
Monitor vitals q15min
Firm fundus
Fourth Stage of labor
Placenta is out, recovery
Vitals q15 for 1 hour
Fundal and lochia check q15min for 1hour
Massage fundus, encourage voiding
Rupture or membrane with amnihook
Supplement the amout of amniotic fluid and decrease cord compression or oligohyramnios
Induction of Labor
39 weeks
Bishop score greater than 8 for multip, 10 for nullip
A prolonged ROM that has risk of infection
DM, HTN, Fetal demise
Precipitous Labor
3 hours or less. High risk for hemmroharge
Panting will control urge to push
Side lying position optimizes perfusion and fetal oxygenation
Never stop delievery
Amniotic fluid embolism
Ruprture in amniotic sac plus high pressure causes PE, resp distress and collapse
S/S: respiratory distress, tachy, shock, cardiac arrest
Vitals q15 mins for first hour, q30min for second hour, q1hour then q4-8hr
BUBBLE : breast, uterus, bowel, bladder, lochia, episotomy/edema
Fundus descend 1-2cm per day. Day 10, non palpabale uterus
Lochia: Rubria (1-3 day), Serosa (4-10 days), Alba (11day – 6 weeks)
Lochia amount: Scant, light, moderate (10 cm), heavy ( pad saturated in 2 hours) , excessive (one pad saturated
in 15 mins)
Blood loss: Vag deliever = 500 mL C-sect.= 1,000 mL
WBC increase to 20-25 for 10-14 days w/o infection present
Bladder empty q2-3h. Bowel movement 2-3 days
Dependent- taking in phase
24-48 hr
Focus on personal needs
Rely on others
Excited, talkative, wants to share story
Dependent-independent – taking-hold phase
2-3 days-weeks
Baby care and improving care-giving competency
Needs acceptance from others
Learn and practice
Inderdependent – letting-go phase
Focus on family as unit
Resumption of role- wife
Discharge teaching
Menses returns 4-10 weeks if not breastfeeding
Contraception ASAP
Fluids, rest, limit activity
Infant feeding 8-12 x a day
Heart Rate
Respiratory Rate
Muscle Tone
Reflex Irritability
Blue, Pale
0-3 = severe distress
4-6= Moderate distress
Slow, weak cry
Some flexion
Pink body, acrocyanosis
7-10= no distress
Initial Assessment
External Assessment: skin color, peeling, birthmarks, meconium, nasal patency
Chest: breathing, heart rate, any crackles, wheezes, point of maximum impulse
Ab: round, umbilical cord with 1 vein, 2 arteries
Neuro: muscle tone, reflex reaction, fontanels and sutures
Gestational Age
Done 2-12 hours of birth
Weight: 2500 – 4000g
Length: 45-55 cm
Head circumference: 32-36.8cm
Chest circumference: 30-33cm
Preterm: <37 weeks
Term: 38 weeks
Postterm: 42 weeks
Postmature: 42+ weeks
Good Cry
Completely pink
Newborn Vitals
Resp: 30-60/ min
Heart rate: 100-160 bpm
BP: 60/40 – 80/50
Temp: 36.5-37.2 (97.7 – 98.9)
2-3 cm larger than chest circumference
If 4 cm or larger than chest circumference it can be hydrocephalus.
Head less than 32 – microcephaly
Anterior fontanel: 5cm & dimanond shape. Posterior fontanel: smaller & triangle shaped
Fontanels: soft, flat, may bulge when newborn cries/vomits/coughs. Abnromal bulge= hemorrhage, infection,
pressure increase
Sutures: palpable, separated, overlapping from molding
Eyes & ears
Eyes should be equal 1/3 distance b/t outer canthus
Ears should line up with outer canthus of eyes. Rule out down syndrome or kidney disorder
Chest & Ab
Breast nodules 6 cm
Bowel sounds present 1-2 hours after birth
Anus should not be covered by membrane
Meconium should be passed w/in 24 hours
Rugae should be on scrtoum, testes in scrotum
Vaginal blood-tinged discharge may occur in female newborns
Hymenal take should be present
Urine w/in 24 hours after birth.
Chapter 24-27… read on your own and take notes on the important stuff 
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