Rokospol a.s. Czech republic The worst removable side products of human activities: -car exhaust fumes -cigarette smoke -organic solvents released from adhesives,paints and various chemical processes -microbes, mildev germs You can't see them, nevertheless, they are harmful. Fig.1 Photosynthesis of plant: After the sunlight has been adsorbed, plants will converse carbon dioxide and water to complex organic molecules The reverse process is photo-degradation: Organic substances decompose to elementary ones, especially water and carbon dioxide. To start this process a higher light intensity and longer exposition time are needed. The photo-degradation is photo-catalytic process. Fig.2 Photo-degradation Photo-catalysers = substances extraordinarily sensitive to light TiO2 - titanium dioxide known as white pigment. Its photo-catalytic efficiency strongly depends on particle size and the method of particle preparation. The finest TiO2 parts (nano-size) are characterized by a large active surface. They are effective mainly in case of an intensive lighting, especially with UV part of solar spectrum. Detoxy Color = modified very fine titanium dioxide powder Fig.3 Into crystalline structure foreign metal atoms were purposely introduced (similarly to semiconductors). On their surface, only minimum light energy release a part of electrons that will, together with oxygen from the air, attack all around them very intensely. Even this may be a reflected light, or artificial light. Decomposition of gaseous and liquid harmful substances may thus run even in building interiors A big amounts of biologically detrimental organisms are floating in the air all around us, such as microbes, mildew germs, etc. In contact with photo-catalyst, the surface of their cells is strongly attacked so they rapidly die. The reflected sunlight or artificial light is suffices. Detoxy Color is the first paint which is really efficient in case of both gaseous and liquid pollutants and has an anti-microbial and fungicide effect in both daily and artificial light conditions. The paint is based on a special photo-catalyst, produced using own, copyright protected manufacturing procedure. The determination of photo-degradation efficiency of Detoxy Color was performed by Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences in the testing photo-reactor. The result is displayed in the graph 1. and 2. The decomposition of organic pollutants is running with simultaneous creation of carbon dioxide. Graph No.1 DETOXY COLOR Decomposition of acetone in visible light, as measured by mass spectrometer 1,0 400 nm CO2 - carbon dioxide 0,9 O2 - oxygen 0,8 C3H60 - acetone 0,7 H20 - water C/Co 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0,0 0 200 400 600 800 Time (min) 1000 1200 The Czech National Institute of Public Health has tested the action of Detoxy Color on the most common microorganisms. The measurement results evidenced that micro-organisms die on the surface of Detox Coloru within several hours. The same action mechanism was observed also in case of mildews monitored. Microbe tested: Staphylococcus aureus Microbe growth in CFU/ml Time exposure Specimen - 105 Inspection 105 Specimen - 108 Inspection 108 5 minutes 105 105 108 108 10 minutes 105 105 108 108 15 minutes 105 105 108 108 30 minutes 800 105 108 108 1 hour 600 105 108 108 2 hours 200 105 108 108 6 hours 100 105 108 108 24 hours 40 105 108 108 48 hours - 105 500 108 Explanatory notes: CFU – Colony Forming unit Test result: Inhibition of the growth of Staphylococcus aureus by 5 log. orders of magnitude in both suspension concentrations of 105 and 108 is after 48 hours Detoxy Color may therefore be rightfully classified as a color which cleans the air. It decomposes bacilli and germs efficiently, as well as all aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons (propane, butane, petrol, xylol and benzene) and all dangerous smoking products. Detoxy Color is therefore really a meaningful contribution to environmental protection. Detoxy Color may be recommended for any place where humans are exposed to a strong, negative action of civilization. DETOXY COLOR ® is suitable for use in hospitals, offices, consulting rooms and apartments. Especially in hospitals, where (according to available statistics ) 7 to 10% of deaths are caused by confrontations of viruses and weakened organisms, is Detoxy Color is enormly important DETOXY COLOR® is the result of the common research conducted by Rokospol a.s. Corporation and the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.