Overview of the 18th Century (before 1789) – “The Bird’s Eye View”
– Major Concepts and Developments (up to Ch.19)
Name: _________________________
Period: _____
S – Social
Chipping Away at Ignorance, Superstition, and Intolerance:
Social (Class) Pyramid
“Orders” of European Societies:
 ____________
 _____________
 _____________
Country-specific examples of social “orders” –
What about the clergy?
Population trend (+ Reasons):
Family and Marriage patterns:
Views on poverty/poor:
High vs. Popular culture (pp.526-528 and pp.530-531)
P – Political
Enlightened Absolutism (despots) –
Explanation/Specific Examples –
Balance of Power / Reason of State –
Explanation/ Specific Examples – (War of the Spanish Succession, The Great Northern War, The War of the Austrian
Succession, the Seven Years’ War )
On the map identify:
Austrian Empire
Netherlands (The Dutch Rep.)
The Ottoman Empire
Kingdom of Sweden
I. The Papal States
J. Prussia
K. Austrian Netherlands
L. Poland
M. Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
N. Republic of Venice
O. Switzerland
P. Sardinia-Piedmont
GROUP WORK: BUY/SELL? European Powers and Regions of the 18th Century
- Historic Advisors on the (pretend) 18th Centuries Countries’ Stocks
Imagine you are a financial advisor to investors who need your expertise on whether to buy or sell stocks/bonds
issued by an 18th century country/region. Value of these stocks/bonds are measured by your insightful analysis of
each country’s international status, military power, colonial possessions, degree of internal stability, and prospects
for near future.
Your Group’s Task:
Carefully evaluate the value of each country’s stock during the 18th century. Make sure to include specific details and
developments related to each country. Based on your research, make a recommendation to your clients on whether
to hold on or buy the stock (in case of anticipated increase in value) or to “dump” / sell the stock (in case of
anticipated decrease in value). See my example below:
SPAIN in the 18th Century (prior to 1789)
Background: Catholic country with large overseas colonial empire. Major player in the European
affairs in the 16th and 17th centuries.
18th Century Prospectus: Spain lost territory in Europe during the 18th century after the War of the
Spanish Succession (loss of Flanders, Milan, and Naples - Treaty of Utrecht). However, its overseas
colonies remained intact. This means that the country still have a lot of economic potential.
Internally, the Bourbon dynasty is now established. This means that Spain has a powerful ally France. The new rulers did an effective job in centralizing their power at the expense of regional
nobles. Provinces had to conform to the central government by following national laws and royal
officials. In addition, power of the Catholic Church was also subordinated to the state (Jesuits were
disbanded and the Inquisition activities declined). On the other hand, Spain’s overall international
standing is on the decline. It was basically a “pawn” in the War of Spanish Succession. It has to
acknowledge the power of France and Britain. Foreign troops were present on its soil during the
war. Finally, the government is not doing enough to reform/update its very rigid mercantilist
system of economy. So, Spain is “losing ground” in generating wealth as well as
modernizing/reforming its domestic market.
Conclusion/Recommendation: The overall outlook for Spain for the rest of the 18th century and
beyond is pretty bleak. If you had this country’s stock at the beginning of the century, its value
appreciated a little bit as a result of Spain’s internal centralization and the Bourbon dynasty’s ability
to regain some of the territories lost in Europe by the middle of the century. However, the country’s
international clout has been declining steadily since Spain’s loss in the 30 Years’ War. It is unlikely
that the country will challenge the likes of Britain or France for global supremacy. So, keeping that
in mind, stay away from this country’s stock or “dump”/sell it if you already possess it.
FRANCE in the 18th Century (prior to 1789)
18th Century Prospectus:
RUSSIA in the 18th Century (prior to 1789)
18th Century Prospectus:
GREAT BRITAIN in the 18th Century (prior to 1789)
18th Century Prospectus:
PRUSSIA in the 18th Century (prior to 1789)
18th Century Prospectus:
AUSTRIA in the 18th Century (prior to 1789)
18th Century Prospectus:
THE DUTCH REPUBLIC in the 18th Century (prior to 1789)
18th Century Prospectus:
THE SCANDINAVIAN STATES (SWEDEN AND DENMARK) in the 18th Century (prior to 1789)
18th Century Prospectus:
POLAND in the 18th Century
18th Century Prospectus:
18th Century Prospectus:
R – Religious
Directions: Complete the attached handout entitled: “Christian Churches and Religion in the Age of Reason. After that,
address the following topics in complete sentences below.
Tolerance vs. Intolerance (generally in European society and attitude of rulers (provide examples)) –
The Catholic Church and the Jesuits –
Pietism and Methodism -
I – Intellectual
The Age of Reason: Select any 5 ideas associated with the Enlightenment (make sure that they cover a variety of
topics/issues). For each idea, define/explain it, identify individuals associated with the idea, and provide information on
whether and/or how the idea was implemented in real life.
Idea and Its
Thinkers associated
with the idea.
Practical implementation:
T – Technological
List and explain changes in Agriculture that occurred mostly in England during the 18th century (pp.557-558)
Finish graphic organizer on the European (domestic) Industry below: (pp.558-559)
Cottage Industry (characteristics/description)
“Challenges” associated with the Cottage Industry:
(consequences of new methods and new machines)
E – Economic
In all of Europe, the dominant majority of people were engaged in _____________________________.
However, European economy experienced expansion in the areas of finance and trade.
Review Visuals presented below. On the next page, explain the main characteristics of the MERCANTILIST SYSTEM
based on the visuals as well as information in the textbook (pp.559-560)
MERCANTILISM (your explanation ) -
Explain your understanding of “banknotes” and “government bonds” (see p.558). What were the consequences of
their increased use in Europe?
18th century witness the emergence of Economic Liberalism (Capitalism/p.517)). Explain the basis of this economic
theory in general as well as its denunciations of mercantilism in particular.