Chapter 10 Study Guide What is the scientific revolution? Explain

Chapter 10 Study Guide
1. What is the scientific revolution?
2. Explain the medieval view of science and the solar system
3. What is the Ptolemaic system and who is its most famous follower?
4. What is Nicolas Copernicus most well-known for?
5. How was the new model of the universe different than the old model?
6. Name at least 3 things that Galileo is credited for inventing
7. Name some of Galileo’s major discoveries?
a. Where was he from & why does that matter?
b. His famous “I Recant “quote refer to what?
c. A why did he have to recant?
8. What is the scientific method?
a. What type of reasoning does it use?
b. Who is credited for its creation?
9. Who famously said” I think therefore I am “?
a. What is deductive logic?
10. What is John Kepler known for?
11. Who is Sir Isaac newton?
a. What mathematics did he invent?
b. Worked with optics, which refers to what?
c. Name of his written work?
d. the theory of motion
e. Law of universal gravitation
12. What happens as the scientific revolution spreads?
13. How did the scientific revolution affect modern medicine?
14. What was the first vaccination?
a. Who invented it?
15. Who is Robert Boyle?
a. What is Boyles Law?
16. What astronomer, authored On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, believed that the earth
revolves around the sun?
17. Explain Deism and the idea of a distant God?
18. What does it mean to enlighten?
19. Define the enlightenment?
20. What is the definition of Philosophe?
21. What is the most important philosophical idea of the enlightenment dealing with the views of others
and explain how it works.
22. Explain how religion changed during the enlightenment
a. Development of protestant denominations
John Wesley
b. Cult of Reason
c. Deism
23. Who is famous for the quote I think therefore I am?
a. Father of modern philosophy
24. Who is John Locke?
a. Where is he from?
b. What is opinion on tolerance?
25. What are the two treatises of Government?
a. Natural rights b. Social Contract –
26. What is the idea of Tabula Rasa?
a. Who?
b. How is knowledge gained?
c. How is it used in education?
27. Who is famous for saying “to be is to be perceived”?
a. What does this mean?
28. Why is Baron de Montesquieu one of the most important enlightened thinkers?
a. Separation of powers?
29. Which French enlightened thinker published many works including Candid?
a. Advocated civil libiteres such as ______________and _____________
b. He believed that democracy propagated the idiocy of the masses.
(What does this mean?)
30. Explain what Jean- Jacques Rousseau advocated in his writings
a. Discourse of art and science
b. Emile or an Education ( nature versus Nurture)
c. The social Contract
Define Free will
31. Why is Denis Diderot an important person to the enlightenment?
a. What is an encyclopedia?
32. Who wrote the wealth of nations?
a. What is Laissez- Faire?
33. How does Immanuel Kant Define Enlightenment?
34. What did Cesare Beccaria do for the enlightenment?
35. Who is Mary Wollstone Craft?
36. What is the great debate all about?
a. What are the two sides
37. List the 12 characteristics of enlightenment
38. How do salons play a role in enlightenment?
39. How did urbanization play a role in the enlightenment period?
40. What role did literacy play in the time of enlightenment?
Section 3&4
41. What is Rococo art?
42. Identify Hadyn
43. Explain Mozart
44. What does enlightened absolutism say about monarchs?
45. Explain the role of Fredrick the great in Prussia
46. Explain the role of Joseph II in Austria
47. Explain the role of Catherine the great in Russia
48. Who fought during the 7 years’ war?
49. What is the difference in a mulatto and mestizos?
50. Explain the reign of the Hanoverian dynasty?
51. How does the 7 year war lead to the American Revolution?
52. What is the last battle of the American Revolution?
a. Who won?
53. What did the treaty of pairs of 1783 do?
54. Explain our first constitution?
55. Contract the articles of confederation to the united states constitution
56. Explain the federal system.
57. Why do we have the Bill of rights?