Cell Cycle & Mitosis

Cell Cycle, Mitosis and Dusterbacillus
You were chosen from thousands of applicants for an internship at the Center For Disease
Control in Washington DC. Before you are assigned a job, you have to prove to them that
you have studied and learned the cell cycle.
1. Take the cell cycle pieces and place them in the correct places on the board. Answer
the following questions then call Mrs. Fischer over to check your work when you are
2. What is G1, S, and G2 called? ____________________
3. What does mitosis mean?
4. What is the common and scientific name of the cell where mitosis takes place?
Common Name - ____________________
Scientific Name - _____________________
5. What does cytokinesis mean?
Since you have successfully completed this task you are assigned to a top secret
assignment studying Dusterbacillus. It is a newly discover bacteria that might be able to
help cure peoples laziness when it comes to cleaning. Dusterbacillus likes to devour
dustballs. We also have discovered that it contains 4 chromosomes. Your job is to figure
out how it divides, so we can create millons of these Dusterbacillus to put in all the dirty
6. Flip your board over to the side with a circle. The circle represents your view through a
microscope. You are going to study the first phase of mitosis called
____________________. List the 4 main things that occur during this phase.
7. Take four chromosomes out of the bag and place them on your board in the correct
place to represent the first phase of mitosis. Use the marker to draw in the remaining
parts. Are the chromosomes duplicated or unduplicated? ____________________
When you are finished, call Mrs. Fischer over to check your work.
8. Once you have completed that task, you are going to study the second phase of mitosis
called ____________________. List the two main things that occur during this phase.
9. Erase your board and place the chromosomes in the correct place to represent this
stage. Use the marker to draw in the remaining parts. How many chromosomes are in
this stage? _______ How many chromatids are in this stage? ______ When you are
finished, call the Boss, Mrs. Fischer, over to check you work.
10. Congratulations, you have completed the first two steps to discovering how to get a
clean room without all of the work. Now you are going to study the third phase of
mitosis called ____________________. List the two main things you should know
about this stage of mitosis.
11. Erase your board and place the chromosomes in the correct place to represent this
stage. Use the marker to draw in the remaining parts. How many chromosomes are in
this stage? ______ How many centromeres are in this stage? ______ When you are
finished, call Mrs. Fischer over to check your work.
12. You have almost completed to secret dividing life of Dusterbacillus. The fourth stage of
mitosis is called ____________________. List the 4 main things that occur during this
stage of mitosis.
13. Erase your board and place the chromosomes in the correct place to represent this
stage. Use the marker to draw in the remaining parts. How many chromosomes are in
the cell at this stage? ______ How many chromatids are in the cell at this stage?
______ When you are finish, call Mrs. Fischer over to check your work.
14. The final thing to occur in the cell cycle is ____________________. Once that has
occurred two _______________ __________ have formed and the cell cycle of
Dusterbacillus is complete. How many chromosomes are in each new cell that was
formed? ______ Are these chromosomes duplicated or unduplicated?