
Fill in the blanks using your textbook and
your knowledge of seed plants.
Chapter 5
Seed Plant
Section 1 -- Characteristics of Seed Plants
Seed plants --- have _____________tissue
--- use ____________ to reproduce
Vascular tissue types:
1. ____________-- tissue (pipes ) that carries food from leaves to other parts of the
2. _____________-- tissue ( pipes ) that carries water and minerals from roots to other
parts of the plant.
Seed parts:
1. _______________-- the young plant that develops from the fertilized egg.
2. Stored food . In seed plants, the ___________stops growing when it is still
very_____________. When it starts growing again it uses food stored in one or two
seed leaves or _________________
3.______________ -- a protective covering
Seed development:
After seeds develop they are scattered or dispersed
By_______________, __________________, ________________, or
Later ______________________occurs. This is when the seed
absorbs water and begins to grow . First
the embryo's ____________grow downward. Then
the leaves and ______________grow upward.
Plant parts:
1. Leaves
-- capture the sun's _______________and carry
out the food - making process called________________________.
Leaf structure ( see page________)
xylem - ________________________________________________________
phloem - ________________________________________________________
stomata -________________________________________________________
Complete the following paragraph. It is based in information found on page 145.
______________________ enters the leaf through open________________.
____________ from the plant's ___________, travels up the ___________to the leaf
During_______________________, ____________and ______________
are produced from __________ ___________ and_____________.
The _____________exits the leaf through open ______________.
The sugar goes into the________________, and travels throughout the plant.
Leaves loose water through a process called transpiration
They can control water loss by closing stomata.
Plant link
-- to carry _________and _____________
between the plant's _________and ___________
-- to provide ____________for the plant and to hold the leaves up to the sun (light)
3. Roots
-- to ______________a plant
-- to absorb ______________and ______________ from the soil
Chapter 5
Seed Plant
Section 1 -- Characteristics of Seed Plants
Seed plants --- have vascular tissue
--- use seeds to reproduce
Vascular tissue types:
1. phloem-- tissue (pipes ) that carries food from leaves to other parts of the plant.
2. xylem -- tissue ( pipes ) that carries water and minerals from roots to other parts of
the plant.
Seed parts:
1. embryo -- the young plant that develops from the fertilized egg.
2. Stored food . In seed plants the embryo stops growing when it is still very young.
When it starts growing again it uses food stored in one or two seed leaves or
3.seed coat -- a protective covering
Seed development:
After seeds develop they are scattered or dispersed
by wind, water, or animals.
Later germination occurs. This is when the seed
absorbs water and begins to grow . First
the embryo's roots grow downward. Then
the leaves and stems grow upward.
Plant parts:
1. leaves
-- capture the sun's energy and carry
out the food - making process called photosynthesis.
Leaf structure ( see page 145)
xylem - carries water absorbed by the plant's roots up into the leaf
phloem - carries food (sugars) made during photosynthesis throughout the plant
stomata -are tiny holes in leaves that let carbon dioxide in and oxygen and water out
of the leaf
Complete the following paragraph. It is based in information found on page 145.
Carbon dioxide enters the leaf through open stomata.
Water from the plant's roots, travels up the
stem to the leaf through xylem.
During photosynthesis , sugar and oxygen
are produced from carbon dioxide and water.
The oxygen leaves the leaf through open stomata.
The sugar goes into the phloem, and travels
throughout the plant.
Leaves loose water through a process called transpiration
They can control water loss by closing stomata.
Plant link
-- to carry water and food (sugars)
between the plant's roots and leaves
-- to provide support for the plant and to
hold the leaves up to the sun (light)
3. Roots
-- to support a plant
-- to absorb water and nutrients
from the soil