Gilded Age America: Industrial Revolution & Society

Give Me Liberty- Chapter 16- America’s Gilded Age, 1870-1890
What factors combined to make the United States a mature industrial society after the Civil War?
a. Explain why the Statue of Liberty was given to America and what it was meant to represent.
b. List ways the Statute of Liberty has been used since it was build
c. What did leaders hope the Statute of Liberty would inspire?
d. What two questions dominated American public life during the 1870s and 1880s?
I. The Second Industrial Revolution
a. The Industrial Economy
i. Explain what signaled a change from Lincoln’s America to a mature industrial society
ii. By 1913…
iii. By 1890…
1. Explain what happened between 1870 and 1920
a. Explain how New York helped with Westward Expansion and industrialization
b. Where was the second industrial revolution? Why?
1. Pittsburgh2. Chicagob. Railroads and the National Market
i. Explain why the number of railroad miles tripled between 1860 and 1880, and again by 1920
1. How did this help create the “second industrial revolution”
ii. What made it possible for trains of one company to travel on another’s track?
iii. Explain the railroad’s impact on the economy
iv. List some things that represented the integration of the economy and the modern industrial economy
c. The Spirit of Innovation
i. Explain what spurred the rapid communication and economic growth
ii. Describe “Menlo Park”- why was it created? Where was it? Who created it? Why is it important?
iii. Explain how electricity helped spread industrialization
iv. Who was Nikola Tesla and why is he important?
d. Competition and Consolidation
i. What were the years 1873 to 1897 were known as, why?
ii. Explain what “trusts” were
1. List and describe some of the mergers that were created
e. The Rise of Andrew Carnegie
i. Describe who Andrew Carnegie was
1. Define what “vertically integrated” means
2. What industry did Carnegie dominate? How?
3. What did Carnegie learn from his mother and father?
4. What did Carnegie believe was the responsibility of the rich?
a. What did he denounce? How did this impact how he spent his money?
f. The Triumph of John D. Rockefeller
i. Explain how Rockefeller amassed his wealth
ii. Define “horizontal” expansion
iii. How did Rockefeller establish a vertically integrated monopoly
1. By the 1880s
iv. Define “robber barons”
v. Wealth Against Commonwealth (1894)
g. Workers’ Freedom in an Industrial Age
i. Summarize how the industrial age affected the lives of the workers
ii. Summarize the working conditions of the 1880s-1900s
iii. “City Slave Girls”h. Sunshine and Shadow: Increasing Wealth and Poverty
i. Summarize the disparity of wealth during this era
1. How was this displayed by neighborhoods
ii. By 1890…
iii. “Conspicuous consumption”iv. Jacob Riis-