The Industrial Age Outcome: The Fat Cats 1. Setting the Stage: a. Also known as “ ,” “ ,” & “ ” b. Wealth fell into the hands of a few c. By 1890 ---> millionaires d. Approx % of $ (wealth & assets) controlled by % of the population e. 1900 = Americans lived in poverty (very small class) 2. Who were they? a. Cornelius Vanderbilt i. Started out in , buying his first at age 16 ii. Eventually had large fleet of ferries and iii. Saw as the future; bought many RRs before/after Civil War iv. Became v. Built in NYC vi. Made a deal with to transport his vii. Would have been worth $ in 2007 dollars b. J.D. Rockefeller i. Founded in 1870 ii. By 1880 ---> % monopoly; nation’s first iii. Drove out competitors by selling oil at a than it cost to produce iv. once he controlled the market v. Gave away $ dollars c. Andrew Carnegie i. : born to poor Scottish family who immigrated to U.S. ii. Worked his way to become private secretary to the local superintendent of the iii. Entered the business in 1887 iv. Controlled % of U.S. steel production v. Sold his steel business to in 1901 d. James J. Hill i. born but settled in ii. “Empire Builder” used no government iii. Built from Duluth to Puget Sound, WA iv. Home in St. Paul belongs to MN e. J.P. Morgan i. Was known as the “ ” ii. Began his career as an iii. Was a and a great organizer of companies like iv. Bought in 1901; renamed it U.S. Steel & f. Henry Ford i. Automobile manufacturer who created the in 1908 and went on to develop the mode of production, which revolutionized the automotive industry. ii. First moving assembly line decreased the time it took to build a car from hours to hours, which in turn lowered the cost of the Model T from in 1908 to by 1926 for a much-improved model 3. How did they become rich? a. Opportunity ---> a pure opportunity, but no system allows for unlimited economic b. Laissez-Faire government meant unchecked i. attitude toward business/industry/economy ii. No tax (not made law until 1913, 16th amendment) c. Labor abuses were permitted i. No , No ii. Unions were , even d. Monopolies formed (goal: to rid and control ) i. Integration tactics 1. integration: buying up resources, transportation, etc 2. integration: merging like companies together ii. Bribery & Corruption 1. Rockefeller forced RR’s to pay him 2. (bribing U.S. Senate = on shipping club) e. Improved Technology meant increased efficiency in: i. Farming (McCormick’s & John Deere’s ) 1. By 1880, 1 farmhand could harvest acres a day on average 2. Young men migrated to cities adding to the industrial supply ii. Business & Industry 1. Edison ---> 2. Bell ---> , stock , Sholes ---> , etc f. Corporations (Publically held companies) were formed. i. Quick method of raising ($) for growth and expansion ii. Reduced (spread out among ) iii. Ensures the (life) or the company g. Bessemer Process i. Named after Sir of England ii. First industrial for the mass-production of from molten pig iron prior to the open hearth furnace iii. Key principle is the removal of from the iron by by blowing air through the molten iron h. Social Darwinism - “rich were meant to be rich” i. Life is a struggle and the ii. Justified a “ & are just weak &/or lazy ” method to acquire wealth and power i. Government Actions i. were used to encourage railroad construction and settlements ii. Protective placed a tax on imported goods at compete with US goods 4. Some became believers in Carnegie’s “Gospel of Wealth” a. Rich have an to improve society with their fortunes b. Philanthropy: c. Examples: i. Carnegie: built many & Hall in NYC ii. Rockefeller: Donated $ dollars to many universities iii. Morgan: Donated $ M to University of the South, $ M to