Cell Cycle Checklist

Name _________________________ Date _______________________ Period __________
Cell Cycle Check List
Directions: Complete the activities in order. Once you complete an
activity, place a ✔
submit the completed work to your
teacher before moving to the next activity.
_____ Activity 1 – Guided Reading: Cell Division (pages 95-100)
_____ Activity 2 – Cell Cycle Diagram
Complete the Cell Cycle diagram. Be sure to use colored pencils to clearly show what
happens during each stage of the cell cycle.
_____ Activity 3 – Cell Cycle (Mitosis) Picture Sort
The picture sort is of bluebell cells in various stages of the cell cycle. Sequence the
stages of the cell cycle using the pictures. Then, take a photo of your sort and
annotate it in Educreations or some other app. Bring your iPad, with your finished
product, to your teacher for grading.
_____ Activity 4 – Cell Cycle Choice Board #1 (select one activity)
Cell Cycle Choice Board #1 (circle your selection)
Create and perform a song,
poem or rap that incorporates
the stages of cell cycle. The
lyrics or stanzas must include
the purpose of each phase.
You may record your
Design, illustrate, and write a
children’s book or iBook in
which you describe the steps
of the cell cycle. You must
label and describe the
purpose of each phase.
Design, illustrate and write a
comic strip/graphic novel
that shows the stages of the
cell cycle. You must label
and describe each phase.
_____ Activity 5 – Cell Cycle Modeling Choice Board #2 (select one activity)
Cell Cycle Choice Board #2 (circle your selection)
Model the Cell Cycle using paper plates, pipe
cleaners and beads. You must label each phase
and describe the purpose of each phase.
Create a stop-motion or time-lapse movie
using play dough, pipe cleaners or wiki
sticks. You must label each phase and
describe the purpose of each phase.