Study guide for the exam Unit 2, lesson 2 and Unit 3, lesson 1 I. Stem-changing verbs What are the steps to conjugate stem-changing verbs? Conjugate He wants. Querer (e>ie) 1. drop the –er, -ir, or –ar Quer er 2. change the stem Qu ie r 3.conjugate the ending Quiero *Remember not to change the stem with nosotros. Translate 1. She prefers (preferir e>ie)______________________________________________________ 2. I can (poder o>ue)____________________________________________________________ 3. She thinks (pensar e>ie)________________________________________________________ 4. We want (querer e>ie)_________________________________________________________ II. Reflexive verbs What are the reflexive pronouns for the following. Yo___________ Tú____________ Nosotros/as________________ Usted/Él/Ella_______________ Ustedes/Ellos/Ellas________________ How do you conjugate reflexive verbs? He shaves. (afeitarse) 1. write the reflexive pronoun. Se 2. drop the –arse, -erse, or –irse of the reflexive verbs. 3. conjugate the ending. afeitarse Se afeita Translate the following: 1. She combs her hair (peinarse).___________________________________________________ 2. We get ready (arreglarse)._______________________________________________________ 3.You (inf) take a shower (ducharse).________________________________________________ How do you conjugate reflexive verbs that are stem-changing verbs? I wake up. (despertarse e >ie) 1. write the reflexive pronoun. Me 3. drop the –arse, -erse, or –irse of the reflexive verbs. despert arse 4. change the stem desp ie rt 5. conjugate the ending Me despierto Translate the following: 1. You (inf) go to bed. (acostarse o>ue)______________________________________________ 2. I fall asleep. (dormirse o>ue)____________________________________________________ 3. Andrés wakes up (despertarse e>ie)_______________________________________________ 4. We go to bed (acostarse o>ue)___________________________________________________ III. Reflexive verbs with two verbs How do you conjugate reflexive verbs when you have two verbs? I should take a shower. ducharse 1. write the reflexive pronoun Me 2. conjugate only the first verb 2. leave the second verb in the infinitive by dropping the –se debo Me debo duchar Translate the following: 1.They should brush their teeth (cepillarse)___________________________________________ 2.We need to take a bath (bañarse)__________________________________________________ 3. I need to get up (levantarse)_____________________________________________________ 4. You (inf) should train (entrenarse)________________________________________________ How do you conjugate reflexive verbs that are stem-changing verbs with two verbs? I prefer (preferir e>ie) to fall asleep (dormirse o>ue) 1. write the reflexive pronoun. Me 2. only conjugate the first verb by… preferir 3. dropping the –ar, -er, or –ir of the stem-changing verb prefer ir 4. change the stem and conjugate. pref ie r prefier o 5. drop the –se of the reflexive verb. Me prefiero dormir Translate the following: 1. They (preferir e>ie) to wake up (despertarse e>ie)___________________________________ 2. I intend (pensar e>ie) to shave (afeitarse)___________________________________________ 3. She wants (querer e>ie) to comb her hair (peinarse)__________________________________ 4. We want to go to be (acostarse o>ue)______________________________________________ 5. Lorena prefers to go train (entrenarse)_____________________________________________ 6.You (inf) have to (tener e>ie que) brush our teeth (cepillarse)___________________________ IV. The present progressive What is the ending for –ar verbs when you use the present progressive?____________________ What is the ending for –er and –ir verbs when you use the present progressive?______________ What are the steps to conjugate the present progressive? I am cooking (cocinar) 1. write the conjugation of estar estoy 2. drop the –ar, -er, or –ir from the verb cocin ar 3.add –ando if the verb is –ar or –iendo if it’s an er or ir verb. estoy cocinando Translate the following: 1. Karina is skiing (esquiar)_______________________________________________________ 2. I am eating (comer)____________________________________________________________ 3. They are talking.______________________________________________________________ *When the stem of –er and –ir verbs end in a vowel, change the ending –iendo for –yendo. I am reading. Estoy leiendo. Estoy leyendo. *The verb decir (to tell) changes to diciendo. Jugar in the present progressive is jugando. Translate the following: 1.She telling the truth._________________________________________________ la verdad. 2. I am playing._____________________________________________________________. 3. He is bringing the clothes. (traer)_____________________________________________. V. The present progressive with reflexive verbs What do you do when you use the present progressive with reflexive verbs? I am brushinh my teeth. (cepillarse) 1.write the reflexive pronoun Me 2. conjugate estar with the subject 3. drop the –arse, -erse, or –irse 4. add –ando or –iendo estoy cepill arse Me estoy cepillando Translate the following: 1. She is brushing my hair.________________________________________________________ 2. I am shaving (afeitarse)________________________________________________________ 3. He is drying himself (secarse)___________________________________________________ 4. You (inf) are waking up.________________________________________________________ VI. Cultura 1. What is a gaucho?_____________________________________________________________ 2. What is a cafetero?____________________________________________________________ 3. Where are the gauchos from?____________________________________________________ 4. What is a bombacha?__________________________________________________________ 5. What part of Colombia is an ideal place where coffee beans are harvested?_______________ 6. What is the salary of the gaucho?_________________________________________________ 7. In what part of Argentina do gauchos have their cattle?_______________________________ 8. What is a typical dish of Argentina?______________________________________________ 9. What animal do cafeteros colombianos still use to carry the coffee beans?_________________ 10. What is the ruana of the cafetero colombiano?_____________________________________ 11. What is a tira cómica?_________________________________________________________ 12. Who is Copetín?_____________________________________________________________ 13. Who was Xul Solar?__________________________________________________________ 14. Where was he from?__________________________________________________________ 15. What are the elements of the paintings of Xul Solar?________________________________________________________________________ 16. What is the capital of Argentina?_______________________________________________ 17. Where is Puerto Rico?________________________________________________________ 18. What is the capital of Puerto Rico?______________________________________________ 19. What are tostones?___________________________________________________________ 20. What is El Morro?___________________________________________________________ 21. Who built El Morro and why?__________________________________________________ 22. What other name is Puerto Rico known as?________________________________________ 23. What is the name of the native Indians who used to live in the island before the Spanish arrived?_______________________________________________________________________ 24. How are people from Puerto Rico called besides Puerto Rican?________________________ 25. What are timbales?___________________________________________________________ 26. What are timbaleros?_________________________________________________________ VII. Go verbs Translate the following verbs. hacer______________________________ salir_______________________________ tener______________________________ venir (e>ie)_________________________ conocer____________________________ saber______________________________ poner_____________________________________ traer______________________________________ decir_____________________________________ dar_______________________________________ ver_______________________________________ Conjugate the following I bring_____________________________ She brings_________________________________ I know (people)______________________ He knows (people)__________________________ I put_______________________________ You (inf) put_______________________________ I leave _____________________________ We leave___________________________________ I know (info.)_______________________ They know (info)___________________________ I have_____________________________ He has ____________________________________ I do_______________________________ We do____________________________________ I tell______________________________ You (inf) tell_______________________________ I give_____________________________ She gives__________________________________ I see______________________________ They see__________________________________ I come____________________________ You (inf) come_____________________________ VIII. Pronouns after prepositions When you use the pronouns (yo, tú, usted, él, ella, nosotros, nosotras, ustedes, ellos, ellas) after prepositions like: para (for, to) de (of, from) a (to, for) con (with) you must change the prepositions yo to mí, and tú to ti. The rest of the pronouns don’t change. She has a book for you Ella tiene un libro para tú ti. She has a book for me. Ella tiene un libro para yo mí. She has a book for us. She has a book for him. Tiene un libro para nosotros. Tiene un libro para él. Ejercicios. Supply the correct pronoun. 1. El escritorio está cerca de ________ (me) 2. Los pantalones son de ___________(she) 3. A _____ te gustan los chalecos. (tú) 4. Las camisetas me encantan a ______ (me) 5. El cinturón es para _______ (tú) To say with me use conmigo; with you is contigo. 1. Yo estoy __________ (with you) 2. Tú estás ___________ (with me) 3. Voy al cine _________(with you) 4. Vas a la escuela __________ (with me) She has a book for them. Tiene un libro para ellos. IX. Encantar, importar, interesar, quedar, y gustar Translate Encantar_______________________________ Importar____________________________ Interesar_______________________________ Quedar_____________________________ Gustar_________________________________ The previous verbs are used with indirect object pronouns. What are the indirect object pronouns for the following? Yo___________ Tú____________ Nosotros/as________________ Usted/Él/Ella_______________ Ustedes/Ellos/Ellas________________ *You can’t conjugate the previous verbs! Use encanta, importa, interesa, queda or gusta with -singular nouns or verbs in the infinitive Use encantan, importan, interesan, quedan or gustan with -plural nouns Translate 1. I really like them______________________ 6. It interests her_____________________ 2. They fit us___________________________ 7. It’s important to you(inf)_____________ 3. We love it___________________________ 8. It fits him_________________________ 4. It’s interesting to me___________________ 9. I don’t like it_______________________ 5. They aren’t important to us______________ 10. It doesn’t fit her____________________ X. Vocabulary el abrigo____________________________ la camisa_____________________________ la ropa_______________________________ los pantalones cortos____________________ el sombrero___________________________ el chaleco____________________________ la falda______________________________ _ la pulsera_____________________________ las sandalias___________________________ el suéter______________________________ de rayas______________________________ el número_____________________________ vestirse (e>ie)__________________________ ¿Cómo me queda/n?_____________________ quedar mal____________________________ quedar apretado/a______________________ la farmacia____________________________ las botas_____________________________ la camiseta___________________________ los jeans_____________________________ los pantalones________________________ la chaqueta__________________________ el cinturón___________________________ la gorra_____________________________ el reloj______________________________ el traje______________________________ estar de moda________________________ de cuadros___________________________ la talla______________________________ quedar______________________________ quedar bien__________________________ quedar flojo/a________________________ el almacén___________________________ la joyería____________________________ la panadería___________________________ la librería_____________________________ está abierto/a__________________________ creo que sí____________________________ en mi opinion_________________________ es mala idea__________________________ encantar_____________________________ importar_____________________________ la zapatería__________________________ el internet___________________________ está cerrado__________________________ creo que no__________________________ es buena idea_________________________ me parece que________________________ interesar_____________________________ recomendar (e>ie)_____________________