Mr. Maurer American Cultures 6.0 Review for Test on the Cold War

Mr. Maurer
American Cultures 6.0
Review for Test on the Cold War (Chapter 26)
You will need information from your textbook and your notes. If you are comfortable with
your understanding of all the following, you should do well on the test
American Communities (p. 786 – 787)
1. Identify – The G.I. Bill
Section 1 – Global Insecurities at War’s End
1. What did Henry Luce mean by “The American Century?”
2. What was the Soviet Union’s plan for the countries of eastern Europe (countries on the Soviet
Union’s western border) after World War II?
3. What was the U.S. response to the Soviet Union’s control of eastern Europe after WWII?
Section 2 – The Policy of Containment
4. How did Truman’s diplomatic dealing with the Soviet Union differ from Franklin
5. What international events prompted President Truman to issue the Truman Doctrine?
6. What did the Truman Doctrine say?
7. What was the Marshall Plan?
8. What was the common purpose of the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, and NATO?
(What did they all have in common?)
9. Besides kind-hearted generosity, what other motives did the U.S. have in creating the Marshall
10. How did the Soviet Union respond to the unification of West Germany in 1948? How did the
United States respond to Russia blockading West Berlin?
11 How was NATO a major change in traditional U.S. foreign policy?
12. What was the Soviet Union’s equivalent of NATO?
Section 3 – The Truman Presidency
13. What economic problems did the country face in the early years of Truman’s presidency?
14. What were the results of the 1946 mid-term elections? What did they say about the American
people’s feelings about Truman’s presidency up to that point?
15. What did Truman mean when he coined the term the “Do nothing Congress?”
16. List the provisions of the Taft-Hartley Act.
17. Why did Strom Thurmond and the “Dixie-crats” leave the Democratic party in 1948?
18. What was the purpose of Truman’s “Fair Deal?” Which parts of it was President Truman
able to get passed by Congress?
19. How did the exit of Southern Democrats from the Democratic Party affect Truman’s chances
for reelection in 1948?
OVER >>>
Section 4 – The Cold War at Home
20. What was the purpose of the Federal Employee Loyalty Program?
21. What effect did the new national security state have on the size and power of the federal
22. Who were the “Hollywood Ten?”
23. Why did Joseph McCarthy attack groups with little political power?
24. Identify: Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Alger Hiss
25. What factors contributed to the growth of McCarthyism? (What made Americans so fearful
of Communists?)
26. Identify: HUAC.
Section 6 – The End of the Democratic Era
27. Why did President Truman decide to intervene in Korea in 1950?
28. How did the Korean War end?
29. What effect did the Korean War have on President Truman’s political career?
30. Why did President Truman fire Douglas MacArthur?
31. Identify: K1C2.
32. What image did Dwight Eisenhower project in the 1952 presidential election?