Final Exam Review Fall 2015

Name: ______________________
Fall 2015 Final Exam Review
1. What was the Virginia House of Burgesses?
2. Which crop saved the colony of Jamestown?
3. Why were African slaves brought to the American colonies?
4. Who was the founder of the colony of Rhode Island?
5. What was the Native American goal during King Phillip’s War? Who was their leader?
6. Why did the Dutch found the colony of New Amsterdam?
7. What happened to New Amsterdam and what was it renamed?
8. Which colonial region was founded by Quakers and Catholics and supported religious tolerance?
9. Why did France found a colony in North America?
10. What was the Triangular Trade?
11. What was mercantilism? Why did powerful European countries (like Britain and France) use it?
12. What was the Middle Passage?
13. What happened to African culture after Africans were sold into slavery?
14. What did Benjamin Franklin contribute to the founding of the United States?
15. Why did the French and Indian War begin?
16. How did the French and Indian War lead to the American Revolution?
17. What was the Stamp Act?
18. What was the purpose of Committees of Correspondence?
19. What was the significance of Thomas Paine’s pamphlet Common Sense?
20. What were the beliefs of English philosopher John Locke? What famous American document did his
writings contribute to?
21. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
22. How did the Marquis de Lafayette contribute to the American Revolution?
23. What was the significance of the Battle of Saratoga during the American Revolution?
24. How did George Washington use the winter at Valley Forge?
25. What was the significance of the Battle of Yorktown during the American Revolution?
26. What were the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?
27. What was the significance of Shays’ Rebellion?
28. Why were The Federalist Papers written?
29. Who were their primary authors?
30. What was the importance of the Great Compromise to the US Constitution?
31. What was the importance of the Three-Fifths Compromise to the US Constitution?
32. Why was the Bill of Rights added to the US Constitution?
33. What is the purpose of the checks and balances in the US Constitution?
34. What was the importance of the Whiskey Rebellion during George Washington’s Presidency?
35. What led to the formation of the first political parties?
36. Which American president completed the Louisiana Purchase? Who did he buy the land from and
how much did he pay?
37. What was the purpose of the Lewis and Clark expedition?
38. What was the major purpose of the Northwest Ordinance in 1787?
39. Why did the War of 1812 begin?
40. What was the significance of the Erie Canal?
41. What did the Monroe Doctrine establish in 1823?
42. What were the two major inventions of Eli Whitney?
43. What was Manifest Destiny?
44. What was the major goal of the Abolitionist movement?
45. What was the significance of the Seneca Falls Convention?
46. What are some of the characteristics of Jacksonian Democracy?
47. What is nullification?
48. What was the purpose of the Wilmot Proviso?
49. Who was Nat Turner?
50. What was the purpose of the Missouri Compromise?
51. What were the important elements of the Compromise of 1850?
52. What was the Fugitive Slave Act?
53. What was significant about the court case Dred Scott v. Sandford?
54. What were the major advantages of the North and South during the Civil War?
55. What was the importance of Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address?
56. What was the importance of Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address?
57. Explain the Civil War significance of all of the following people:
Ulysses S. Grant
Stonewall Jackson
Jefferson Davis
Robert E. Lee
William T. Sherman
58. Where were the first shots of the Civil War fired?
59. What was the significance of General Sherman’s “March to the Sea” in 1864?
60. What was the significance of the Emancipation Proclamation?
61. How did the Reconstruction plans of President Andrew Johnson and the Radical Republicans in
Congress differ?
62. What was the purpose of the Freedmen’s Bureau?
63. What was the significance of each of the following Constitutional Amendments?
13th Amendment
14th Amendment
15th Amendment
64. What was the purpose of the black codes?
65. Why circumstances led to the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson?
66. How were African Americans prevented from voting during the late 19th and early 20th Centuries?
67. What is the purpose of the NAACP?
68. How did the expansion of railroads impact the United States?
69. Who was a Captain of Industry? A Robber Baron?
70. Who was John D. Rockefeller?
71. What was the purpose of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?
72. What were some of the important inventions of Thomas Edison?
73. What was the significance of Ellis Island?
74. What were the goals of the American Federation of Labor? Who was its leader?
75. Why were many Native Americans removed from their lands in the late 19th Century?
76. What happened to Chief Sitting Bull? What happened to his people shortly after at the Battle of
Wounded Knee?
77. What were the goals of the Pullman Strike? What was the outcome?
78. Who was Jane Addams?
79. What is Upton Sinclair’s novel The Jungle about?
80. What is Ida Tarbell’s book History of Standard Oil about?
81. What were the goals of the Progressive movement?