7th Grade Life Science 2014-2015 Mrs. Jacobson tammi.jacobson@cobbk12.org Welcome to Life Science! Here are some very important things you need to know. Course Goal Students will develop an awareness of the life processes shared by all organisms and of the unique structure and techniques that allow each form of life to carry out those essential processes. Materials Students should bring each of the following to class everyday: 1. Covered textbooks 2. Agenda 3. 3 ring binder (1in or 1 ½ inch) 4. Pencils and pens 5. Colored pencils and/or markers Primary Text: Holt Science & Technology: Life Science, Holt, Reinhart and Winston, 2008 www.my.hrw.com username: lsussman7 password: p5v5w Course work: The Science Georgia Performance Standards curriculum map for seventh grade is shown below. This document is part of a framework that is designed to support the major concepts addressed in the seventh grade Science curriculum of the Georgia Performance Standards through the process of inquiry. These units are written to be stand alone and may be taught in any sequence. Link to curriculum map below: https://picasso.cobbk12.org/Course/Edit/4d57e98a-9962-4685-8595-f8f66fec53a1 7th Grade Life Science Curriculum Map – Cobb County (2014-2015) Unit 1 (S7L4) Unit 2 (S7L4) Unit 3 (S7L2) Unit 4 (S7L2) Unit 5 (S7L3) Interdependence of Life Energy Flow & Nutrient Cycling Structure and Function of Cells Human Body Systems Genetics, Heredity, and Reproduction 5 weeks 5 weeks 6 weeks 4 Weeks 5 Weeks Levels of Organization Characteristics of Biomes Factors Influencing Organism Survival Relationships and Interdependence between Organisms Transfer and Recycling of Matter and Energy Cell Structure Levels of Organization Cell Processes Structure and Function of Body Systems Sexual and Asexual Reproduction Genes and Chromosomes Probability & Punnett Squares Selective Breeding Unit 6 (S7L5) Unit 7 (S7L1) Unit 8 Evolution Classification End of Year Project / 8th Grade Preview 4 Weeks 3 Weeks 4 Weeks Evolution & Natural Selection Evidence for Evolution Dichotomous Keys Six Kingdom System Final Projects & Cumulative Activities Preview 8th Grade Grading Policy: The course grade is derived from a series of grades (homework, class work, labs, quizzes, tests, and projects). The grades are weighted according to the following breakdown: Tests/ Projects: 40% Quizzes/Labs: 25% Classwork: 30% Homework: 5% Please keep up to date on grades / averages by using Synergy. Grading Scale: The grading scale is consistent with the Dickerson Middle School handbook and is as follows: A= 100-90 B= 89-80 C= 79-74 D= 73-70 F= 69 and below Late Work: Assignments that are late will be penalized 10% for each day it is late. After 10 days the assignment will not be accepted. Students will have the number of days absent plus one to make up work. Tests and quizzes must be made up within a week of the absence. If a test or quiz is not made up within that time the student may receive a zero. Please check the blog as it is updated daily to see what is happening in the class and what is being missed. Classroom Rules: 1. Students will bring all supplies to class every day. 2. Be respectful while the teacher or other students are talking. 3. Raise your hand if you have something to offer to the class. 4. Students will remain in seat during class unless given permission to get up and move around the class. 5. Students will be respectful of others and conduct themselves in the proper manner at all times. Safety Rules: Ina science class safety is of the utmost importance! In addition to the classroom safety rules, the following lab rules should be followed: 1. Follow ALL directions given by the teacher. 2. No horseplay during labs. If a student poses a threat to safety, they will not be allowed to participate in the lab and they will receive a zero. 3. When in doubt of the safe handling of any equipment, ask the teacher. Contact Information: The fastest way to reach me is through email: tammi.jacobson@cobbk12.org Please send me an email with your student’s first and last name in the subject line. This will be helpful in our communication process. This syllabus is a guide and is subject to change for the accommodation of various classes.