Question. 1, Page 1-11
A fiberglass hull is composed of _____
saturated with _____.
Layers of fiberglass strands and/or
mat and/or woven cloth
Question. 3, Page 1-11
The two types of resins used in fiberglass
construction are _____ and _____.
Question. 5, Page 1-11
A male mold is known as a _____
Question. 7, Page 1-11
The hand-lay up or chopped-strand
processes are used in a _____.
cavity mold
Question. 9, Page 1-11
In the matched-die method the _____ are
clamped together with _____.
The male and female molds
A laminate in between
Question. 11, Page 1-11
List the advantages of fiberglass-built
no rot or marine worms
no seams
integral colors
easy to mold
Question. 13, Page 1-12
What are the two general classes of
hardwood, softwood
Question. 15, Page 1-12
List the advantages of steel for boat
highest strength-to-weight ratio
less noisy than all but wood
fire resistant
Question. 17, Page 1-12
Why must you put a layer of non-metallic
paint between the hull of an aluminum
boat and a layer of copper bottom paint?
To protect against electrolysis
Question. 19, Page 1-12
List the disadvantages of aluminum for
boat building.
heat conductor
Question. 21, Page 1-13
The simplest steering system is the
Question. 23, Page 1-13 ‘
The outward curvature of the sides of the
boat near the bow that is used to keep the
deck drier is called the _____
Question. 25, Page 1-13
What is the difference between a
displacement and a planing hull?
displacement displaces water
planing rides on top of water
Question. 27, Page 1-13
What is the difference between a trunk
cabin and a raised deck cabin?
Trunk cabin is above deck but does not
extend to the deck edge;
raised deck cabin does extend to the
deck edge.
Question. 29, Page 1-13
The use of two or more materials in the
hull of a vessel is known as _____
Question. 31, Page 1-14
The spoke of a steering wheel that is
vertical when the rudder
is exactly centered is the _____ spoke.
Question. 33, Page 1-14
Describe the characteristics of the following
sailboat types:
Cat boat :
one mast and sail
Sloop :
one mast with main and jib
Ketch :
two masts with aft one forward of rudder post
yawl :
two masts with aft one behind rudder post
Schooner :
two or more masts with all equal in height or the after one highest
Question. 1, Page 2-11
What is the proper way to block up a hull?
Weight of boat to rest on keel supported
by blocks spaced every 5 feet.
Question. 3, Page 2-11
List the lay-up chores that must be done after the
the boat is hauled out.
1. Proper blocking of the hull.
2. The weight of the boat should rest on the keel which should
rest on blocks to allow ventilation of the bottom of the keel.
3. The blocks should be high enough so you can get to the
bottom of the keel to perform maintenance.
4. Keep water line level.
5. Storing on trailer requires the same procedures.
Question. 3 continued
List the lay-up chores that must be done
after the the boat is hauled out (continued)
Clean bottom of growths and marine life.
7. Drain and winterize.
8. Fill fuel tanks and use stabilizing compound.
9. Drain the bilge, change engine oil and filter.
10. Remove and store battery.
11. Take out everything movable.
Question. 5, Page 2-11
The two types of marine growth are
_____ and _____.
Question. 7, Page 2-11
How does copper protect a boat's hull?
Copper in salt water gives off poisonous
Question. 9, Page 2-11
What causes dry rot?
Fungus that thrives in fresh water.
Question. 11, Page 2-12
List some of the places to look for dry rot
in a wooden boat.
Dark damp places.
Check out areas where fresh water can
enter in the form of rain or condensation.
Question. 13, Page 2-12
How can you prevent dry rot?
Keep fresh water out and stop it from
Question. 15, Page 2-12
Current will flow from the _____ metal to
the _____ metal during galvanic action.
Less noble
More noble
Question. 17 (incorrectly shown as 16 in
Guide), Page 2-12
How can you prevent electrolytic action?
Eliminate stray electrical currents.
Question. 19 (incorrectly shown as 18 in
Guide), Page 2-12
How does the stuffing box work?.
It holds rings of packing material that are
squeezed around the shaft, preventing
water from entering the boat.
Question. 1, Page 3-17
In the spark ignition engine, fuel and air
are mixed in the _____.
Question. 3, Page 3-17
What ignites the fuel in a diesel engine?
Heat of compression
Question. 5, Page 3-17
List the operations performed by each of
the two stokes of a two stroke cycle
Question. 7, Page 3-17
List the main working parts of the power
system that transmit power from the
cylinders to the drive shaft.
Connecting rods,
Question. 9, Page 3-17
The _____ is designed to change rotary
to intermittent reciprocating motion to
open the valves.
Question. 11, Page 3-18
Marine engines are cooled by _____.
Question. 13, Page 3-18
In the gasoline engine, the ratio of the fuel
to air mixture is controlled by the _____.
Question. 15, Page 3-18
What is a lean mixture?
a low % of gas vapor
Question. 17, Page 3-18
A typical ignition system of a gasoline
engine consists of _____, _____, _____,
_____ , _____ and ______.
Ignition coil,
Mechanical breaker (ignition points)
Spark plug in each cylinder,
Necessary wiring
Question. 19, Page 3-19
List the components in the secondary
ignition circuit of a gasoline engine.
_____, _____ , ______ and _______.
Ignition coil,
Spark plugs
Necessary wire
Question. 1, Page 4-12
The two types of natural fiber rope
generally available in marine supply
stores are _____ and _____.
Question. 3, Page 4-12
Manila line will _____ if stored wet.
Question. 5, Page4-12
The four types of synthetic line in
common use today are: _____, _____,
_____, _____.
Dacron (polyester),
Question. 7, Page 4-12
Why is nylon dangerous at times?
Because of its elasticity and "snap back";
Question. 9, Page 4-12
Dacron differs from Nylon line in that it is
not _____.
as elastic
Question. 11, Page 4-12
Why is fiber used in the core of some wire
To give it flexibility and to cushion the
wire strands
Question. 13, Page 4-13
List the ten rules for the proper care of
Do not overload your line
Avoid sudden strains
Always keep it clean
Keep away from all chemicals
Avoid kinks in your lines
Protect line against abrasion
Store properly
Always match line to use
Avoid excessive wear
10. Do not run over sharp angles
Question. 15, Page 4-13
To temporarily join two lines of different
diameters, you would use a _____.
Sheet bend
Question. 17, Page 4-13
A _____ is used when a temporary loop is
Question. 19, Page 4-13
To secure a line to a piling, on a long term
basis, the safest fastening to use would
be a _____.
Round turn with two half hitches
Question. 21, Page 4-14
When laying a long line down on a deck,
where the full length must
be run out fairly rapidly, the line should be
Question. 23, Page 4-14
A _____ will cause less reduction in line
strength than any _____.
Question. 25, Page 4-14
Make an eye splice
This is a demonstration, therefore no
answer can be given. Can you make an
eye splice?
Question. 1, Page 5-4
The part of the current that flows into the
propeller is called _____ _____ _____.
Suction Screw Current
Question. 3, Page 5-4
On a motorboat, turning the steering
wheel to starboard gives the boat _____
rudder and throws the stern to _____ and
turns the boat to _____ .
Question. 5, Page 5-4
When a boat's rudder is put over, the
stern is kicked ____________________.
away from the direction in which the
rudder moves
Question. 7, Page 5-4
Three mooring lines that may be attached
to the bow of a boat for dock mooring are
______, _____ and ________.
Bow line,
breast line,
after bow spring line
Question. 9, Page 5-4
The mooring line that keeps the boat from
going ahead is the _____.
After bow spring line
Question. 11, Page 5-5
Getting away from the dock, when the
boat is being set into it by the wind,
generally requires using an _____ _____
_____ ______.
After bow spring line
Question. 13, Page 5-5
A forward quarter spring line leads
forward from the _____ to the _____.
Boat’s stern,
Question. 15, Page 5-5
By going ahead on one engine while the
other reverses, a twin screw boat can be
_____ .
Turned in its own length
Question. 1, Page 6-13
The height of a wave is the distance
measured vertically from the _____ to the
Question. 3, Page 6-13
The time it takes two wave crests to pass
the same point is known as the _____ .
Question. 5, Page 6-13
The angular measurement from the
trough to the crest of a wave is the_____
Question. 7, Page 6-13
What is swell?
Waves generated by wind that continue
after the wind has died
Question. 9, Page 6-13
The two types of breaking waves and surf
are _____ and _____
Question. 11, Page 6-13
List three ways that a dangerous cross
sea can develop.
Tidal currents,
two angling wave systems,
sudden wind shifts
Question. 13, Page 6-14
A boat with a _____ will be greatly
affected by a strong current
Deep draft
Question. 15, Page 6-14
When running before the seas, if
possible, the boat should be maintained
on the _____ ______ of the wave.
Back side
Question. 17, Page 6-14
List the steps to prepare for rough
Secure all hatches; close all ports and windows
Pump the bilges dry and repeat this action as
often as required. (Free water
in bilges adversely affects the craft's stability.)
Secure all loose gear; put away small items
and lash down the large ones
Break out life preservers and have all on board
wear them if the situation worsens; don't wait
too long.
List the steps to prepare for rough
weather (continued)
Break out emergency gear that might be
needed, such as hand pumps or bailers, sea
anchor, etc
Get a good check of your position if possible
and update your chart.
Prepare plans for altering course to a protected
harbor or sheltered waters if necessary
Reassure your crew and guests; instruct them
in what to do and not to do; give them
something to do if possible to take their minds
off the situation.
Question. 19, Page 6-14
List some of the items you can use to
make an emergency sea anchor in the
absence of a ready-made one.
A bucket,
A basket,
A wide board,
A swamped dinghy
Question. 21, Page 6-15
If conditions get really bad, slow down
and hold your bow at an angle of about
_____ degrees to the sea.
Question. 23, Page 6-15
In a head sea, a vessel with too much
weight aft will tend to _____ .
Fall off
Question. 25, Page 6-15
When a vessel runs down a steep wave,
buries her bow, and the next crest throws
her stern over, she has _____ .
Question. 27, Page 6-15
The primary needs of safety in fog or
other conditions of reduced visibility are to
see and be seen, and to _____ and be
_____ .
Question. 1, Page 7-13
To assist in righting a sailboat, the crew
should _____ and ____________.
Haul in the sails,
Stand on the keel and hold on the
Question. 3, Page 7-13
What could happen if you throw the
engine immediately into reverse upon
going aground?
Propeller could suck up sand and deposit
it under the boat
Question. 5, Page 7-13
How you make an approach to a stranded
boat depends on the _____ and _____ .
Question. 7, Page 7-13
If a stranded boat is held in place by
suction, how can that suction be broken?
Crew moves from side to side, front to
back, to rock the boat
Question. 9, Page 7-13
When assisting a burning vessel, _____ is
Question. 11, Page 7-14
A Class A fire consists of _____ and
_____ should be used to extinguish it .
Ordinary combustibles,
Question. 13, Page 7-14
A Class C fire takes place in _____ and
_____, _____,or _____ should be used to
extinguish it .
Electrical equipment,
Dry chemical
Question. 15, Page 7-14
Plugs and patches are most effective
when applied to the _____ of the hull.
Question. 17, Page 7-14
The anchor that is set out immediately on
grounding is called a _____; the act of
using it to get the boat free is called
_____ .
Question. 19, Page 7-14
If a fire takes place in a relatively confined
space, you should close _____ to keep
_____ from feeding the flames .
Vents and ports;
Question. 1, Page 8-5
The U.S. Inland Navigation Rules are
applicable inside the _____separating the
inland and international waters .
Demarcation lines
Question. 3, Page 8-5
A sailing vessel using both sail and
engine simultaneously is a _____ _____
vessel for the purpose of the Navigation
Question. 5, Page 8-5
Side lights show an unbroken arc of the
horizon of _____ degrees, from dead
ahead to _____ degrees abaft the beam
on each side.
22 1/2
Question. 7, Page 8-5
Small boats propelled by oars may show
the lights of a _____ or have handy an
_____ _____ or _____ _____ to show to
prevent collision .
Electric flashlight,
Lighted lantern
Question. 9, Page 8-5
At night, a vessel not under command will
show _____ vertically spaced where
they can be best seen
Two red all-round lights
Question. 11, Page 8-6
A short blast is a blast of about _____
duration .
One second
Question. 13, Page 8-6
The state of visibility, traffic density, your
vessel's maneuverability, and the state of
wind, sea and current conditions are
factors in determining _____ _____ .
Safe speed
Question. 15, Page 8-6
The Navigation Rules recognize three
types of encounters between two
approaching vessels - _____ , _____ ,
and _____ .
Question. 17, Page 8-6
Under Inland Rules, 2 short blasts mean I
intend to leave you on my _____ side
Question. 19, Page 8-6
Under Inland Rules, in a crossing
situation, the vessel which has the other
on own _____ side is the give way vessel
and must keep out of the way of the other.
Question. 21, Page 8-6
When two sailing vessels are approaching
one another so as to involve the risk of
collision and both have the wind on the
same side, the vessel which is to _____
shall keep out of the way of the vessel
which is to _____ .
Question. 23, Page 8-7
In an area of restricted visibility, a vessel
at anchor must, at intervals of not more
than _____ , ring the bell rapidly for about
_____ .
One minute,
Five seconds
Question. 1, Page 9-3
The lightweight type anchor is excellent in
_____ and _____ bottoms
Question. 3, Page 9-3
The most widely used material for the
anchor line is _____
Question. 5, Page 9-3
Chain is designated by the _____ of the
material in the links
Question. 7, Page 9-3
When anchoring under favorable weather
and sea conditions, and using nylon line a
scope of _____ might be considered a
Question. 9, Page 9-3
If an anchor drags, the first step in trying
to get it to hold is to:
Let out more scope
Question. 11, Page 9-3
The type anchor traditionally used for
permanent moorings is the _____.
Question. 1, Page 10-6
Name two duties of a deck hand.
Line handling,
Fender stowing
Question. 3, Page 10-6
The crewman who takes care of the
engines is called the _____ .
Question. 5, Page 10-6
As a lookout, you are responsible for your
_____ .
Question. 7, Page 10-6
Do you look directly on the horizon for
night scanning?
Question. 9, Page 10-6
You must remain on lookout until _____ .
Question. 11, Page 10-6
Lookouts, in fog, rely to a great extent on
_____ .
Their ears
Question. 13, Page 10-6
The helmsman will _____ all commands
Question. 15, Page 10-7
Radar is _____ of lookout .
Another form
Question. 17, Page 10-7
The tow watch must not stand in line with
the _____ in case it _____ .
Tow line,
Snaps back
Question. 19, Page 10-7
When anchoring near other boats check
for _____ .
Question. 21, Page 10-7
What is a holding tank?
A tank that holds the effluent from the
Question. 23, Page 10-7
Remove your cap when in the _____ of a
commissioned Coast Guard Vessel.
Question. 2, Page 1-11
List the four types of fiberglass reinforcing
Woven roving,
Chopped strands
Question. 4, Page 1-11
There are many substances added to
boat building resins. They are used to
_____, _____, and to _____
Harden them,
Control curing time,
Make them fire retardant
Question. 6, Page 1-11
A female mold is known as a _____ .
Cavity mold
Question. 8, Page 1-11
In the hand-layup and chopped-strand
processes, the _____ is applied to the
inside of the mold first.
Gel coat
Question. 10, Page 1-11
What core materials are used in sandwich
construction? ____ ____ ____
Foamed plastics,
Question. 12, Page 1-12
List the disadvantages of fiberglass-built
boats. _____ _____
Heavier than water,
Easy to cover shoddy workmanship
Question. 14, Page 1-12
What are the principal considerations in
the selection of various types of wood for
boat building? _____ _____ _____
Decay resistance,
Question. 16, Page 1-12
The disadvantage of steel for boatbuilding is ________
Quick deterioration without proper
Question. 18, Page 1-12
List the advantages of aluminum for boatbuilding. _____ _____
Light weight,
Impervious to borers
Question. 20, Page 1-12
The six types of steering systems are:
Drum and cable.
Rack and pinion
Sprocket and chain,
Gear and shaft,
Question. 22, Page 1-13
The curve or sweep of the deck of a
vessel when viewed side is the _____ .
Question. 24, Page 1-13
What are the three basic shapes of the
bottom of the boat? ____ ____ ____
Question. 26, Page 1-13
A timber fastened along the top of the
keel is called the: ____
Question. 28, Page 1-13
What are the limber holes and what
purpose do they serve?
Holes cut in the frames, next to keel, to
allow water to flow to lowest point
Question. 30, Page 1-13
The portion of the exterior hull at the
waterline is called the _____ top.
Question. 32, Page 1-14
The transverse seats in rowing craft are
called _____ the center of which is
supported by the _____.
Thwart stanchion
Question. 34, Page 1-14
The gross tonnage of a vessel is _____
The total enclosed space calculated in
terms of tons of 100 cubic feet each
Question. 2, Page 2-11
Why shouldn't you allow the weight of the
boat to rest on the shoring?
Could damage hull
Question. 4, Page 2-11
What is the purpose of allowing the boat
to ventilate when it is laid up?
Prevent condensation and foul smell or
dry rot
Question. 6, Page 2-11
What are the two things that can happen
to a wooden boat that is not protected
against marine growths?
Performance can be reduced, hull can be
weakened or destroyed
Question. 8, Page 2-11
What should you consider when selecting
a bottom paint for your boat?
Other metals in boat that will be
influenced by paint
Question. 10, Page 2-11
A first indication of dry rot is _____ .
Its smell
Question. 12, Page 2-12
When dry rot is found, it must be_____ .
Question. 14, Page 2-12
What is the difference between galvanic
action and electrolytic action?
Galvanic action is caused by two
dissimilar metals placed in salt water;
electrolytic action is caused by an
external current
Question. 16 (text is numbered 15
erroneously), Page 2-12
What is the principle of using a sacrificial
metal to minimize the effect of galvanic
The sacrificial metal will be corroded
rather than the hull's metal
Question. 18 (text is numbered 17
erroneously), Page 2-12
The shaft train is made up of _____,
_____, _____, _____, and _____ .
Shaft log,
Strut bearing,
Question. 20 (text is numbered 19
erroneously), Page 2-12
The strut bearing relies on _____ for
lubrication .
Question. 2, Page 3-17
The fuel in a diesel engine is _____ into
the cylinder.
Question. 4, Page 3-17
List the operations performed by each of
the four strokes of a four stroke engine:
1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____
Question. 6, Page 3-17
The exhaust valve is open at the bottom
of the _____stroke on a 2-stroke
Question. 8, Page 3-17
The valves are opened by _____
Action of camshaft
Question. 10, Page 3-18
The lubricating system in an internal
combustion engine delivers oil to the
moving parts to _____ and to _____.
Reduce friction,
Assist in keeping them cool
Question. 12, Page 3-18
What are the parts of the induction (fuel)
system of a gasoline engine? _____
_____ _____ _____ _____
Fuel tank,
Fuel pump,
Carburetor, necessary
Fuel lines,
Air passages
Question. 14, Page 3-18
What is a rich mixture in a gasoline
% of gas vapor is high
Question. 16, Page 3-18
The _____ system provides a rich mixture
for slow engine speeds and for starting.
Idling system
Question. 18, Page 3-18
List the components in the primary
ignition circuit of a gasoline engine?
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Ignition switch,
Breaker points and
Question. 20, Page 3-19
The high voltage that produces the spark
in the spark plug is produced in the _____
Ignition coil
Question. 2, Page 4-12
The advantages of manila line are: it is
_____, _____, and _____ .
Relatively inexpensive,
Readily available,
Very durable
Question. 4, Page 4-12
Cotton line has _____ the strength of
manila line.
One half
Question. 6, Page 4-12
Because nylon line is so elastic, it is used
for _____, and _____ lines.
Question. 8, Page 4-12
What are the characteristics of Dacron
(polyester) line? _____ __________ .
Soft to the touch,
Extremely flexible,
Requires no break-in
Question. 10, Page 4-12
What is the difference between
polyethylene and polypropylene line?
Polypropylene is stronger when wet and
is not as slippery as polyethylene
Question. 12, Page 4-13
What are the five grades of wire lines?
Improved plow steel,
Plow steel,
Mild plow steel
Traction steel,
Question. 14, Page 4-13
A Clove Hitch can be used to make a
_____ fastening to a piling.
Question. 16, Page 4-13
A _____ is preferred when permanently
joining two lines together.
Question. 18, Page 4-13
To secure a line to a log for towing, you
would use a _____ .
Timber hitch
Question. 20, Page 4-13
Explain uses of stopper/rolling hitch.
Can be used to maintain the strain while
the other line is being moved. Can be
slid along line under strain but will hold
when strain or load is on it. Sometimes
used when converting a single tow line
into a bridle
Question. 22, Page 4-14
When might it become necessary to dip
an eye on a bollard?
When another boat is using the bollard.
Question. 24, Page 4-16
Tie the following knots:
Square knot,
Round turn and
Two half hitches,
Clove hitch,
Double becket/sheet bends, and
Timber hitch.
Question. 2, Page 5-4
When a right handed propeller is turning
clockwise, the boat will go _____.
Question. 4, Page 5-4
The stern of a single screw boat with a left
handed propeller tends to go to the _____
when the propeller is reversing.
Question. 6, Page 5-4
When backing an inboard, with a single
right hand propeller and rudder amidship,
the stern will tend to move to
Question. 8, Page 5-4
The four lines that may be used as
springs are:
Forward bow spring,
After bow spring,
Forward quarter spring,
After quarter spring
Question. 10, Page 5-4
To spring into a dock, use a _____ spring,
and go ahead slowly with the rudder
turned _____ .
After bow,
Way from the dock
Question. 12, Page 5-5
Backing on a forward quarter spring on
the port side, the bow will _____ .
Go to starboard
Question. 14, Page 5-5
A 4 to 6 foot long plank hung horizontally
on the side of the boat and backed with
_____ is called a _____ .
Question. 16, Page 5-5
A basic principle in maneuvering a twin
screw boat, is to use the rudders primarily
in relation to the direction of the _____
_____ through the water.
Vessel's movement
Question. 2, Page 6-13
The length of a wave is the distance
between _____.
Two consecutive crests
Question. 4, Page 6-13
What is fetch?
The uninterrupted expanse of water over
which the wind blows.
Question. 6, Page 6-13
Name two types of non-wind waves.
Seismic wave,
Tidal waves
Question. 8, Page 6-13
Waves turn into surf as they _____.
Near the shore
Question. 10, Page 6-13
_____ and _____ are the two types of
waves that are caused by the passing of a
motorboat. The _____ wave is the most
Bow wave,
Stern wave,
Question. 12, Page 6-14
A boat with a _____ will be greatly
affected by strong winds.
High freeboard,
High superstructure
Question. 14, Page 6-14
List some of the elements that the effect of
wind and current upon a boat depends.
The strength of the wind.
The length of the boat
The superstructure of the boat.
The freeboard of the boat
The draft of the boat.
The direction of the wind in relation to the heading of the boat.
The direction of the current in relation to the heading of the boat
The direction and strength of the current in relation to the direction
and strength of the wind.
Question. 16, Page 6-14
What is the purpose of a sea anchor?
Slow the drift and help control the boat in
relation to wave direction.
Question. 18, Page 6-14
What is the pitfall in using a tripping line
with a sea anchor?
Can become tangled with the towing line
and collapse sea anchor
Question. 20, Page 6-15
What is the purpose of towing a warp?
Acts as a brake, keeps boat running
straight quiets sea astern
Question. 22, Page 6-15
In a head sea, a vessel with too much
weight forward will _____ rather than rise.
Question. 24, Page 6-15
Thrown broadside to the swells, or in the
trough can cause a vessel to _____
Question. 26, Page 6-15
What happens to a vessel that is pooped?
The following sea breaks into the cockpit
Question. 28, Page 6-15
One way to be seen in reduced visibility
by vessels that have radar sets is to hoist
a _____ .
Radar reflector
Question. 2, Page 7-13
In preparing to refloat a stranded vessel,
one of the obvious things to consider is
the _____ .
State of the tide
Question. 4, Page 7-13
A stranded boat can use an anchor as a
_____ to help pull the boat free
Question. 6, Page 7-13
When attempting to tow off a stranded boat, use the
_____ _____ _____ or ____ ____ ____. or other
secure fastenings such as ____ ____ The Instructor
Guide gives only one answer which is: bridle around the
hulls The Student Study Guide has additional answers
(Page 7-4) as shown below:
Trailering stem eye,
Ski towing transom eyes,
Sampson posts
Question. 8, Page 7-13
You should always approach a burning
vessel from _____
Question. 10, Page 7-13
The four sides of the fire tetrahedron are
____, ____, ____, and ____
Chemical reaction
Question. 12, Page 7-14
A Class B fire consists of _____ and
_____, _____, _____,or _____ should be
used to extinguish it.
Flammable liquids,
Dry chemical
Question. 14, Page 7-14
What type of hole can be plugged?
Fairly small and rounded
Question. 16, Page 7-14 (Refer to
workbook page 7-9)
List some of the materials that can be
used for an emergency patch.
Pieces of wood and cloth,
Floor boards,
Foul weather gear,
Engine covers,
Anything that will fit over hole and stop the incoming
Question. 18, Page 7-14
When using a portable pump, be certain
the outlet is _____ and the discharge is
facing _____..
Projecting over the side,
Question. 2, Page 8-5
A power vessel is _____ vessel propelled
by machinery.
Question. 4, Page 8-5
Underway means A vessel not _____,
made made fast to _____, or _____ .
At anchor,
Question. 6, Page 8-5
A power driven vessel less than 12
meters in length, when underway at night
shall exhibit a _____ light and a _____
light plus _____ .
Question. 8, Page 8-5
On the Western Rivers and on waters
specified by the Coast Guard, _____
lights are not required for a vessel
pushing ahead or towing alongside.
Question. 10, Page 8-5
Vessels engaged in fishing by day must
display a shape consisting of _____ .
Two cones in a vertical line with their
points together
Question. 12, Page 8-6
A prolonged blast is a blast from _____ to
_____ seconds duration.
Question. 14, Page 8-6
Every vessel must use all available
means to determine if a risk of _____
Question. 16, Page 8-6
A vessel in doubt must give the danger
signal, _____ on her whistle.
Five or more short and rapid blasts
Question. 18, Page 8-6
If the bearing of an approaching vessel
_____ _____ _____appreciably, a risk of
collision exists.
Does not change
Question. 20, Page 8-6 (Error in the
wording of the Questionion)
At night, the overtaking situation exists
when the vessel BEHIND cannot see
_____ _____ _____ _____ of the vessel
Either of the sidelights
Question. 22, Page 8-7
When in or near an area of restricted
visibility, a power driven vessel making
way through the water must sound _____
at intervals of not more than _____
One prolonged (blast),
Question. 24, Page 8-7
The continuous sounding of a fogsignaling apparatus would indicate a
_____ .
A vessel in distress (Chapman)
Question. 2, Page 9-3
All gear, taken collectively, that lies
between the boat and its anchor is called
the _____ .
Question. 4, Page 9-3
The three kinds of chains used as anchor
rode are:
Proof Coil
High Test
Question. 6, Page 9-3
The ideal rode for most average
conditions is a combination of _____ and
a short length of _____ .
Nylon line,
Question. 8, Page 9-3
When anchoring, the anchor _____ be
lowered when the boat has any _____ .
Should not,
Question. 10, Page 9-3
When chocks, bitts, cleats, and other
fittings are used on deck they must be
_____ and reinforced with a _____ .
Husky backing plate
Question. 2, Page 10-6
The navigator must be able to _____ and
_____ .
Determine position,
Maintain a plot
Question. 4, Page 10-6
What crew duty is required by law?
Question. 6, Page 10-6
How many degrees do you move your
eyes each second when scanning?
Question. 8, Page 10-6
Binoculars are used for _____ and not for
_____ .
Question. 10, Page 10-6
Lookouts should remain _____ and give
_____ to their duties.
Full attention
Question. 12, Page 10-6
Steering may be by _____ or by reference
to _____ .
Question. 14, Page 10-7
The term meet her means?
Stop the turn so as not to overshoot the
new course
Question. 16, Page 10-7
Radar is a great navigational aid in times
of _____ and _____ .
Reduced visibility
Question. 18, Page 10-7
You are legally responsible for your _____
Question. 20, Page 10-7
It is illegal to discharge _____ into the
Question. 22, Page 10-7
When boarding a Coast Guard vessel
_____ the National Ensign and _____
from the Officer of the Deck.
ReQuestion permission to come