East Longitude

Latitude and Longitude
Think- Pair- Share
• What are we talking about when we say
15 Degrees East Longitude by 25 Degrees
North Latitude?
Essential Question
How do we use latitude and longitude lines
to locate places on a map?
•lines of latitude
•lines of longitude
•prime meridian
Please write on the back of your EQ Page
• Latitude and longitude
are imaginary lines that
make it easy to find a
location on a map.
• Latitude and longitude
are two numbers that
pinpoint the location of
places on the surface of
the earth.
Definition of Latitude
• The lines of latitude run east and
west on a map.
Latitude lines are measured in
degrees north or south of the equator.
They are also called Parallels of
Each line is about 69 miles apart.
Characteristics of Latitude
• Latitude Lines are Parallel
• Latitude Lines never meet each other
• Latitude Lines above the equator are
called north latitude and in the northern
• Latitude lines below the equator are
called south latitude and in the southern
Characteristics of Latitude
Examples of Latitude
• The Equator with the address of 0°
Latitude is an example.
Non-Examples of Latitude
• The Prime Meridian and International
Dateline are both lines of Longitude.
Definition of Longitude
• The lines of longitude run north and south
on a map.
• Longitude Lines are measured in degrees
east or west of the Prime Meridian.
Characteristics of Longitude
The Prime Meridian
goes through
Greenwich, England
at 0° Longitude.
Lines of Longitude
meet at the poles.
Lines of Longitude
are furthest apart at
the equator.
Characteristics of Longitude
• Left of Prime Meridian is
called West Longitude…this
is the western hemisphere.
Right of Prime Meridian is
called East Longitude…this
is the eastern hemisphere.
More Characteristics of Longitude
Examples of Longitude
• The Prime Meridian and International
Dateline are both lines of Longitude.
Non-Examples of Longitude
• The Equator is a non-example
Latitude and Longitude lesson
– On page 4 in your packet you will see two
drawings. Follow the directions for each
– Use page 32-33 in your textbook if you need
Partner Activity
• Pick up activity lab 9-10.
• Complete this with your partner.
• Tell me 3 facts about lines of latitude.
• Tell me 2 facts about lines of longitude.
• Tell me 1 fact about the equator.
Answer the essential question.
Essential Question
• How do we use latitude and longitude
lines to locate places on a map?