The Salvation Army Hope Acres Addiction & Rehabilitation Centre 998614 Mulmur Tosorontio Townline Glencairn, ON L0M1K0 Glencairn, Ontario Dear Friend: L0Mat1K0 Thank you for your inquiry about our Treatment Program Hope Acres, a long-term Treatment facility for men with a substance abuse problem. Hope Acres is funded by the Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care and The Salvation Army, and requires a minimum commitment of four months for successful completion. Telephone: (705) 466-3435/6 Ext. 251 Our Program consists of Class work, Group and Individual Counseling. Classes use a variety of evidence based material that will assist you in understanding needs of Fax: the bio-psycho-social-spiritual (705) 466-2102 recovery. The Program also has a spiritual component in which Clients are required to attend our Sunday chapel service. Monday – Friday clients gather in the morning for a brief, client led inspirational thought to prepare them for their day. We also offer a variety of electives in the evening including a mandatory 12-step program each Monday. In addition to all of this, there is a work therapy program in which the client will be assigned to specific duties in maintenance, janitorial, and kitchen services. There are also ample recreational activities available, to enable the client to progress in a completely healthy manner. The aim of the program is to provide each client with a healthy environment for every aspect of his recovery. This includes providing a smoke and tobacco free environment and the opportunity to receive no cost nicotine replacement through a partnership with CAMH and the STOP program. Our treatment staff is all trained as smoking cessation counsellors. New Clients will also be screened for drug/alcohol use upon entry and random screening is an ongoing part of your stay at Hope Acres. Any positive tests for non-prescribed drugs or alcohol will result in immediate discharge from the Program. Centre Staff will make all medical needs appointments if required. Clients must have a valid Ontario Health Card before being admitted to the Program, and Clients must be physically and emotionally able to perform all assignments while on Program. Similarly, Clients must have all Legal issues resolved before entering Treatment, including Court appearances or Parole/Probation Hearings. Potential Clients must complete a full Intake Application Package plus the Assessment Tools Package done by the Referral Agency in your city, including the Admission and Discharge Summary and the Health Screen. The Admission Team will assess these and each potential Client will be interviewed by telephone or in person before a decision is made on admittance to the Program. Sincerely, Yvonne Forrest Intake/Medical Worker Enclosure William & Catherine Booth Founders Andre Cox General Susan McMillan Territorial Commander 1 The Salvation Army Hope Acres Addiction Treatment Centre 998614 Mulmur Tosorontio Townline, Glencairn, Ontario L0M 1K0 Phone: (705) 466-3435 ext/251 Fax: (705) 466-2102 Intake Application Package Please fully complete each section of this form, and fax it, along with the Admission & Discharge Tracking Summary/Scores and Health Screen from the Assessment Tools Package completed by the Referral Agency in your community. When this information has been received, a telephone interview will be arranged if it is not feasible for the potential Client to come to Hope Acres for the interview. Hope Acres is a long-term Addictions Treatment and Rehabilitation Centre for men, operated by the Salvation Army, providing comprehensive assessment, treatment and continuing care to those who are experiencing continuing difficulty with problems related to substance abuse. When completing your PHONE INTERVIEWS (s) which assist in determining suitability clients must have been free from alcohol, street drugs and non-essential mood altering medications for a minimum of 72 hours before this interview. If accepted into the program it is expected that a client will remain substance free starting at the time of the notification of acceptance. Clients are encouraged to seek admission into a Withdrawal Management Centre if needed to insure that they remain clean and sober The Centre provides a 20 bed residential unit, located in the country near the village of Glencairn, Ontario, 35 km west of Barrie and 30 km south of Collingwood. Clients are responsible for their own transportation to Hope Acres or to Barrie or Collingwood Bus Stations from where pick-up may be arranged. All Clients must be willing to commit to a minimum four month stay at Hope Acres in order to complete the entire Program. 2 ABOUT YOU Date of Application: ______________________________ Name of Applicant: ______________________________ Address: __________________________________ Date of Birth: Contact/Phone #: _______________ If an answering machine or voice mail is it okay to leave a message? City/Town: _______________ __________________________________ Emergency Contact: _______________________________ YES Postal Code: NO _______________ Phone #: _______________ Relationship: ________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________ City/Town: _________________________________________ Postal Code: _______________ Please indicate who is making this referral to Hope Acres and provide the phone number. Phone Number Withdrawal Management Centre: ____________________________ _______________ Salvation Army Centre/Corps: ____________________________ _______________ Employer EAP: ____________________________ _______________ Physician/Other Professional: ____________________________ _______________ Family/Friend: ____________________________ _______________ Other: ___________________________ _______________ Please clearly and fully indicate substances used and last date used. Date of last use Alcohol Yes No __________ Date of last use Valium, Percocet, Tylenol Yes No _________ Cocaine Yes No __________ Crystal Meth Yes No __________ Crack Cocaine Yes No __________ Ecstasy Yes No __________ Marijuana Yes No ___________ Tobacco (Smoking) Yes No __________ Heroin Yes No ___________ Other Yes No __________ 3 SMOKING AND TOBACCO USE In order to improve your chances of life long abstinence from all addictive substances Hope Acres is a smoke free tobacco free facility. This includes smoking while off of Hope Acres property. Research has shown that you improve your chances at recovery by quitting smoking at the same time of other addictions. It is also known that smoking kills more people then all addictions combined. We would like to know more about your smoking habits I am a smoker/tobacco use YES NO (if no please continue to next page) How soon after you wake do you smoke your first cigarette? (circle one) 5 minutes 6 to 30 minutes 31 to 60 minutes After 60 minutes Do you find it difficult to refrain from smoking in places where it is forbidden (for example, in church, at the library, at the movies)? YES NO Which cigarette would you most hate to give up? The first one in the morning The afternoon break-time cigarette The after-dinner smoke When hanging out with friends When I am stressed and need to relax Other __________________ How many cigarettes per day do you typically smoke? __________________ Do you smoke more frequently during the first hours after waking than during the rest of the day? YES NO Do you smoke if you are so ill that you are in bed most of the day? YES NO 4 YOUR TREATMENT HISTORY Have you ever been involved in a 12 step fellowship? YES NO How many meetings have you attended in the past 90 days? _______ Date of last meeting: _______________ Have you ever had a home group? YES NO Have you ever had a sponsor? (NO NAMES!) YES NO Have you ever BEEN a sponsor? YES NO Which steps you have EVER worked? (circle all that apply) 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Other than 12 step programs and the programs listed below what have you done to try to deal with your alcohol and/or drug use? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Previous Programs Attended Client must list all previous Programs he has attended in the past 10 years and indicate length of stay, reason for leaving and length of sobriety after leaving program. Full disclosure is required -- if necessary attach another sheet. Start with your most recent Name of Program: ____________________________ Dates Attended: _____________________ Completed: YES NO Reason for leaving program (if not completed): ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Length of sobriety after leaving program: ______________ What do you believe led to you relapsing after this program? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 5 Name of Program: ____________________________ Dates Attended_______________________ Completed: YES NO Reason for leaving program (if not completed): ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Length of sobriety after leaving program: ______________ What do you believe led to you relapsing after this program? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Program: ____________________________ Dates Attended: ____________________ Completed: YES NO Reason for leaving program (if not completed): ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Length of sobriety after leaving program: ______________ What do you believe led to you relapsing after this program? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Program: ____________________________ Dates Attended: ___________________ Completed: YES NO Reason for leaving program (if not completed): ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ Length of sobriety after leaving program: ______________ What do you believe led to you relapsing after this program? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 6 YOUR PHYSICAL HEALTH Clients must also have a valid Ontario Health Card before being admitted to the Program, or means to obtain required prescription medicine. Hope Acres will not be responsible to obtain/and or pay for prescribed medicine for Clients once he arrives at the Centre. Please indicate Health Card number below and attach photocopy of card/ Ministry of Health letter Health Card # ______________________________________________ Two Letter Version Code: ____ Expiry Date: __________ I have a history of: Yes No Epilepsy: Hepatitis: A- Yes No Diabetes: Yes No B Yes No C Yes No Cirrhosis: Yes No HIV Positive: Yes No STD: Yes No Emphysema/Lung Disease: Yes No Cardiac: Yes No Back Problems: Yes No Ulcers: Yes No Allergies: Yes No Vision Problems: Yes No Do you require Glasses? Yes No Dental Problems: Yes No Last Visit to the Dentist: ____________________ All dental concerns MUST be dealt with prior to admission to Hope Acres. Last visit to Doctor: ______________ Emergency Clinic: __________________________ Walk-in Clinic: __________________ Other: ___________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 7 Current Prescriptions and Dosages Clients must bring two months supply of prescribed medicine to Treatment. This medication must be reported and turned over to the Intake/Medical Worker upon arrival at the Centre Prescription Name Dosage/Start Date _____________________________________________ ___________________ _____________________________________________ ___________________ ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________________________________ ________________________ ______________________________________________________ ________________________- ______________________________________________________ ________________________ Non-prescription medication I have taken in the last 30 days (including prescription medication not prescribed to me) Medication Name Reason taken _____________________________________________ ___________________ _____________________________________________ ___________________ ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________ Clients at Hope Acres are required to participate in our Work Therapy Program and will be given an assignment in one of three areas; Janitorial Services, Kitchen or Maintenance. Assignments to Work Therapy are made according to Program needs by the Treatment Team and every effort is made to place the Client in an area where he will have some competence and from which he will gain the greatest benefit in his Program. Clients will not generally have a choice in this matter. Are you aware of any medical reason that would prohibit you from fully participating in any of the work therapy areas? YES NO If YES please describe the area and why you believe you would not be able to participate: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 8 YOUR MENTAL/EMOTIONAL HEALTH Psychiatric Diagnosis: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Are you currently under the care of a mental health professional (Psychiatrist/Psychologist/Mental Health worker etc.)? YES NO If so, please provide contact information for those we are allowed to contact. Name: ____________________________ Phone Number: ____________________ Name: ____________________________ Phone Number: ____________________ Name: ____________________________ Phone Number: ____________________ If Hope Acres needs to contact your mental health professional to assess your suitability for our program please print yes or no in the contact o.k. box above and sign below I, _______________________ grant permission for Hope Acres staff to contact those indicated above named to help assess my suitability for admission to The Salvation Army Hope Acres. Signed: ________________________________ Dated:_________________________________ 9 SPIRITUAL HEALTH At this time when it comes to matters of faith I would describe myself as: ___ Atheist I don’t believe in God. ___ Agnostic I believe we can’t really know about the existence of God ___ Unsure I don’t know what to believe about God. ___ Spiritual I believe in God, but I am not religious ___ Religious I believe in God and practice a religion Yes Are you familiar with The Salvation Army? No Hope Acres has an active Spiritual (Christian faith based) component to its Program, and all Clients are required to attend in the client led morning inspirational thought and Sunday chapel. Do you understand this requirement? Yes No Do you have objections to this? Yes No Legal Concerns . Does Client presently have outstanding charges against him? Yes No Current Charges: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Does Client have pending Court date(s)? Yes No Dates: _________________________________ Can these Court dates be remanded during treatment? (attach lawyer letter confirming) Yes No If Client has pending Court dates, we will require a letter from the lawyer indicating that the case(s) has been remanded or that the lawyer can attend court proceedings while Client is at Hope Acres. Yes Is Client currently on Probation/Parole or bail? No If Client is on Probation, Parole or Bail we will require a copy of the Order as part of the Intake package If you weren’t required by probation/parole/bail would you still be seeking treatment? Yes Does Client have any outstanding fines? Yes Amount: _________________________________ 10 No No Your Work History Your regular occupation: _______________________________________________________ Date last worked regularly: _______________________________________________________ Do you have a job to go back to when you finish the program? _______________________________ Is completing program a condition of you returning to or regaining your job? ______________________ Income Source (s) Salary/Wages: Yes No Pension: E.I. Regular Benefits: Yes No Sick Benefits: Yes No Ontario Works (Must have receipt) Yes No O.D.S.P. Yes No C.P.P. Yes No WSIB Yes No CPP Disability Yes No Family: Yes No Other: Yes No None: Yes No 11 Yes No UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND CHANGE ASSESSMENT SCALE (URICA) Each statement below describes how a person might feel when starting therapy or approaching problems in his life. Please indicate the extent to which you tend to agree or disagree with each statement. In each case, make your choice in terms of how you feel right now, not what you have felt in the past or would like to feel. For all the statements that refer to your "problem," answer in terms of problems related to your drinking (illegal drug use). The words "here" and "this place" refer to your treatment center. There are five possible responses to each of the items in the questionnaire: 1 = Strongly Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Undecided 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly Agree Circle the number that best describes how much you agree or disagree with each statement. 1 2 3 4 As far as I’m concerned, I don’t have any problems that need changing I think I might be ready for some self-improvement. I am doing something about the problems that had been bothering me. It might be worthwhile to work on my problem. STRONGLY DISAGREE 1 DISAGREE 2 UNDECIDED 3 AGREE 4 STRONGLY AGREE 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 12 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I'm not the problem one. It doesn't make much sense for me to consider changing. It worries me that I might slip back on a problem I have already changed, so I am looking for help. I am finally doing some work on my problem. I've been thinking that I might want to change something about myself. I have been successful in working on my problem, but I'm not sure I can keep up the effort on my own. At times my problem is difficult, but I'm working on it. Trying to change is pretty much a waste of time for me because the problem doesn't have to do with me. I'm hoping that I will be able to understand myself better. STRONGLY DISAGREE 1 DISAGREE 2 UNDECIDED 3 AGREE 4 STRONGLY AGREE 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 I guess I have faults, but there's nothing that I really need to change. I am really working hard to change. I have a problem, and I really think I should work on it. I'm not following through with what I had already changed as well as I had hoped, and I want to prevent a relapse of the problem. Even though I'm not always successful in changing, I am at least working on my problem. I thought once I had resolved the problem I would be free of it, but sometimes I still find myself struggling with it. I wish I had more ideas on how to solve my problem. I have started working on my problem, but I would like help. Maybe someone or something will be able to help me. STRONGLY DISAGREE 1 DISAGREE 2 UNDECIDED 3 AGREE 4 STRONGLY AGREE 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 14 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 I may need a boost right now to help me maintain the changes I've already made. I may be part of the problem, but I don't really think I am. I hope that someone will have some good advice for me. Anyone can talk about changing; I'm actually doing something about it. All this talk about psychology is boring. Why can't people just forget about their problems? I'm struggling to prevent myself from having a relapse of my problem. It is frustrating, but I feel I might be having a recurrence of a problem I thought I had resolved. I have worries, but so does the next guy. Why spend time thinking about them? I am actively working on my problem I would rather cope with my faults than try to change them STRONGLY DISAGREE 1 DISAGREE 2 UNDECIDED 3 AGREE 4 STRONGLY AGREE 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 © COPYRIGHT McLean Hospital Department of Mental Health Services Evaluation (B32.0108) 15 Acceptance Criteria (Each question must be answered) 1. Is Client free from any medical condition that would hinder or prevent treatment? Yes 2. No Is the Client physically capable, and mobile and able to fully participate in Program and required activities? Yes No Yes No (a). If so, are these documented? Yes No (b). Is Client fully stable and functional? Yes No 3. Does Client have any psychiatric issues? 3. Has the Client had any recent or current thoughts, plans or ideas of suicide? Yes No 5. Does the Client experience problems with community living, such as anti-social behavior? or violent episodes (whether sober or under the influence)? Yes No 6. Does the Client have outstanding/immediate issues that must be resolved, such as family difficulties, living arrangements, work issues, financial, legal, health or relationship matters? Yes No Yes 7. Is the Client currently on a Methadone Program? No If so, it will be necessary for us to arrange a transfer to another Treatment Program, as we do not have the ability to support mechanisms to treat Clients on Methadone. 8. Does the Client have a valid Ontario Health card? Yes No Clients without other vaild forms of I.D. are strongly encouraged to apply for Ontario Photo I.D card PRIOR to admission to Hope Acres 9. Is the client willing to accept the Regulations and Policies of Hope Acres and to abide by them during his stay? Yes No 10. Has the Client received Ontario Works payments this year? Yes No 11. Clients accepted into the Program will be tested on admission. 12. Only those Clients who have received O.W. will be eligible to receive P.N.A 16 PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES CAREFULLY: 1. Clients should bring only those personal belongings that he will require for his stay at Hope Acres, including adequate clothing, footwear, grooming and toiletries, but only what is absolutely necessary. Please read labels of all toiletries (including toothpaste, deodorant etc (to insure they do not contain alcohol) Storage space is limited and laundry facilities are available. Two medium size bags or suitcases will be satisfactory. 2. Bodybuilding drinks/powders, vitamins or herbal supplements are not allowed. 3. Muscle shirts or cut-off shirts and shorts, shirts with beer or drug logos, or bearing violent, obscene or racist slogans or wording will not be permitted. 4. Clock radios or small radios are permitted. However, portable record/CD players and entire stereo systems. TV’s, cameras, cell phones and other valuable equipment and jewelry must not be brought to the Centre. Do not bring bicycles. 5. Clients should not bring large amounts of cash to the Centre 6. Clients will be screened for Alcohol/Drug use on arrival, and will be subject to regular and random screening during their stay at Hope Acres. There is a zero tolerance policy and any positive test will result in discharge from the Program. 7. Clients cannot have visitors during the first two weeks at Hope Acres. After that, visitors are permitted as per the Policy Manual. Clients cannot leave the grounds during the first two weeks at Hope Acres. Following the two week period, clients may go for walks off grounds as per Policy Manual. After one full calendar month Clients may be eligible to apply for a day pass, and after two full calendar months, Clients may be eligible to apply for an overnight pass as per Policy Manual. PASSES ARE AT THE SOLE DISCRETION OF YOUR HOPE ACRES COUNSELLOR. 8. Clients receiving Government Assistance (O.D.S.P or Ontario Works.) should talk with their Worker before coming to Hope Acres to insure that their Benefits will continue during Treatment. If a Client is planning to apply for Ontario Works, he must do this before he comes to Hope Acres, as he cannot apply for and receive Assistance while actually in Treatment. Please have Welfare receipt available. Centre Staff cannot arrange Benefit Coverage for a Client once he comes to Hope Acres. 9. Upon arrival at Hope Acres, Clients will go through a four week Orientation and Assessment process with the Staff. The Client’s status will be examined by the Client Assessment Review Board during that Period, and if the Client is deemed in any way inappropriate for the Hope Acres Program, he will be discharged. 10. Clients must pay a one-time, non-refundable fee of $50.00 at time of admission to cover the cost of books and study materials. 11 Hope Acres is a smoke and tobacco free facility. Clients are not permitted to smoke or be in possession of cigarettes or other tobacco related products including lighters, matches etc. 17 PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU HAVE FULLY COMPLETED EACH SECTION OF THIS FORM. AND FAX IT BACK TO 1-705-466-2102 When this information has been received, a telephone interview will be arranged if it is not feasible for the potential Client to come to Hope Acres for the interview. As a prospective Client in the Hope Acres Addictions Treatment Program, I have read this Application Package and agree to the conditions as outlined. Signed: __________________________________ Client Date: _____________________ Signed: __________________________________ Counselor/Worker/Witness Date: _____________________ MAKE SURE YOU HAVE INCLUDED: Hope Acres Application Package (including URICA -University of Rhode Island Change Assessment Scale) □ Tracking Summary, Health Screen & Adverse Consequences and Drug History Questionaiire from ADAT Tools package ( PLEASE DO NOT SEND ENTIRE ADAT PACKAGE. SEND ONLY THE TOOLS INDICATED □ Parole/Probation/Court/Bail Order □ Photocopy of Ontario health card □ Ontario Works Receipt □ REFERRING AGENCY: _____________________________ WORKERS NAME(print) : _________________________ Signature: _________________________ . 18 The following two pages should be removed from the application package and kept where you can find them. They contain some important information for you and your family and friends in the event that you are accepted as a client at Hope Acres. The first page is for YOU. It outlines what you should bring and what you should leave at home. The first page is for you and outlines what you should bring and what you should leave at home. The second page provides your family and friends with some information that they should know about Hope Acres. What to bring Toiletries (toothpaste, razors, shampoo etc.) PLEASE READ ALL LABELS TO MAKE SURE THEY DO NOT INCLUDE ALCOHOL (Common in many hair care products, toothpaste and deodorants) Appropriate clothing Pen, paper etc. Shoes, slippers A good attitude and willingness to learn An alarm clock A watch Small radios or “boom boxes” are permitted but must be used with headphones Phone cards for long distance calls $50.00 for program material What not to bring Hair clippers Personal TV’s, computers (including laptops/netbooks/tablets), cellular phone (even if they are nonfunctioning), pagers, weight/exercise equipment Body building supplements, herbal supplements, vitamins, etc. Over the counter medication Clothing with liquor, beer or gambling logos or advertisements Clothing with sexist, racist, abusive, offensive or obscene language Mouthwash Cologne, aftershave or any other product that may contain alcohol (please carefully check all labels for ingredients. Common products include hand sanitizers, deodorants, hair care products etc.) A personal vehicle Expensive jewellery, watches etc. SHOULD BE LEFT AT HOME Music with content warnings Fishing poles, bicycles, or other sport equipment Reading or listening material that is not conducive to your recovery Cigarettes, tobacco or any smoking related items (lighters, rolling papers, matches etc.) 19 This page is for YOUR FAMILY AND Friends. Please detach and give it to them as it contains important information that they should know about your stay at Hope Acres Someone important to you has started a journey of change and discovery that we pray will be life-changing. As someone important to this person we want you to be aware of the following: Clients are not allowed visitors for the first two weeks of their stay at Hope Acres Clients can be reached on the client pay phone at 705-466-9915. This is a common phone for all clients. Calls should be limited to one 15 minute call per day as we have 20 men who share the use of this phone. Staff reserve the right to limit the amount of calls a client may make or receive – if it is believed that this contact is causing them to either be distracted from their treatment or is causing other problems. In case of an emergency (such as illness or death in the family). A message can be left for the client by calling the main office line at 705-466-3435. It is important that you understand that due to client confidentiality, staff will not confirm that someone is here. We can merely offer to take a message and pass if on if the person is here. Visits should be planned in advance so that you can make appropriate arrangements to visit. Clients are not allowed off grounds in a vehicle unless it has been pre-approved by their counselor or the treatment team. Clients will not be allowed off grounds for unexpected visitors. If for some reason you need your visit to be a surprise, please contact your client’s counselor prior to Thursday at 8:00 A.M. If you are picking a client up for passes please be aware that they cannot leave before the start time of their pass. For weekend passes start on Friday at 1:00. Saturday day passes start at 8:00 and Sunday day passes start at 1:00 The mailing address is: Client’s Name C/o Hope Acres 998614 Mulmur Tosorontio Townline Glencairn, Ontario L0M 1K0 Client personal mail is not opened by staff. Clients are asked to open any packages in the presence of a staff member. Clients may receive a maximum of two (2) packages per month. Phone calls are limited to one 15 minute call per day. Please remember to keep your phone calls with your loved one to within this time frame. Visiting hours: Saturday Sunday Friday 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. & 5:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. & 5:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. This letter is part of our pre-admission package and SHOULD NOT be seen as confirmation that the client has been accepted to The Salvation Army Hope Acres. 20