Ms. Bowman Pelvis • Two innominates articulate with the sacrum to form the sacroiliac joint Innominates formed by the fusion of the ilium, ischium, and pubis 8 bones in pelvis Sacrum Coccyx Ilium-2 Ischium-2 Pubic-2 Support the spine and trunk Transfer weight from trunk to lower limbs Attachment site for muscles of the trunk and thigh Protection of the pelvic organs Hip • Formed by the articulation of the femur and the acetabulum of the pelvis Forms ball and socket joint Longest and strongest bone in the body Articulates with the tibia to form the knee and the pelvis to form the hip Significantly less moveable than shoulder, but much more stable Neck of the femur has little blood supply Origin- outer surface of ilium and posterior surface of sacrum and coccyx Insertion- proximal posterior femur, iliotibial band Action- extends and externally rotates the hip Origin- outer edge of iliac crest Insertion- iliotibial tract Action- flexes, abducts, and internally rotates hip Origin- proximal outer surface of ilium Insertion- lateral surface of greater trochanter of femur Action- abducts hip, internal and external rotation of the hip Origin- middle outer surface of ilium, below gluteus medius Insertion- anterior border of greater trochanter of femur Action- abducts and laterally rotates hip Origin- internal surface of sacrum Insertion- greater trochanter of femur Action- externally rotates hip, abducts thigh Origin- ischial tuberosity, proximal posterior femur Insertion- semimembranosis:posterior medial condyle of femur; semitendinosus: proximal medial surface of shaft of tibia; biceps femoris: head of fibula, lateral condyle of tiboa Action- knee flexion, hip extension Origin- anterior part of pubic bone, ischial tuberosity Insertion- medial side of femur Action- adduct and laterally rotate hip Origin- distal margin of pubic bone Insertion- proximal medial surface of shaft of tibia Action- adducts hip, flexes knee Origin- anterior superior iliac spine Insertion- proximal medial tibia Action- flexes hip, externally rotates hip, abducts hip, flexes knee, Origin-rectus femoris: front part of ilium vastus group: proximal shaft of femur Insertion- patella via patellar tendon Action- extends knee, flexes hip