Hinduism Islam Judaism Buddhism Christianity/ Chinese Philosophies 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 Question 1 - 10 • What are the three most important gods? Is Hinduism a polytheistic or monotheistic religion? Answer 1 – 10 • The three most important gods are Brahma(the creator), Vishnu(the preserver), and Shiva(the destroyer). It depends who you ask, many Hindus believe that all gods and goddesses are aspects of the one supreme god(Brahman). Question 1 - 20 • What is the name of the prayer book of Hindus? Answer 1 – 20 • The name for the Hindu prayer book is the Vedas. Question 1 - 30 • What is the name of the ultimate goal and the ultimate goal of Hindus, and the purpose of it? Answer 1 – 30 • The ultimate goal is called Moksha. The purpose is to completely unite soul Brahman and stop reincarnation. Question 1 - 40 • What is Dharma and Karma and the relationship between them? Answer 1 – 40 • Dharma: Duties and obligations/ rules of each caste system Karma: All of the good and bad actions of the human soul carries on to next life. Those who follow the Dharma will get good Karma ultimately leading them to unty of the soul with Brahman. Question 1 - 50 • Name the 5 caste system levels from the highest to lowest position. Answer 1 – 50 • Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Sudra, Untouchables. Question 2 - 10 • Who do Muslims consider their last prophet? Answer 2 – 10 • Muhammad is considered Islam's last prophet. Question 2 - 20 • Where do Muslims go for their pilgrimage? Answer 2 – 20 • They go to Mecca, Saudi Arabia to worship at the Ka'aba. Question 2 - 30 • True or false. Christians,Jews, and Muslims believe in an eternal kingdom on earth. • Answer 2 – 30 • True. Question 2 - 40 • What are the two camps that formed after the Hurd caliph was murdered? Answer 2 – 40 • Sunni and Shi'a. Question 2 - 50 • What are the five pillars of Islam? Answer 2 – 50 • Shahadah, Salat, Zakat, Sawm, Hajj. Question 3 - 10 • Who is the founder of the Jews? What did he do? Answer 3 – 10 • Father of the Hebrews who was commanded by God( YHWH) to go to the promised land of Canaan. Question 3 - 20 • Who is Moses and what is the Exodus? Answer 3 – 20 • Moses was the son of a Jewish slave in Eygpt that was saved from the Egyptian ritual of killing Jewish babies. He later was told by god to help the Jews flee from Egypt and to Canaan. He received the 10 commandments from god on this journey. Question 3 - 30 • What is the diaspora? Answer 3 – 30 • The dispersal of Jews throughout Europe after being kicked out of their homeland(Israel). Question 3 - 40 • What is the common beliefs of most Jews? Answer 3 – 40 • There is only one god, Abraham and his descendants ( all Jews and Christians) were special people and promised the land of Canaan, God made an agreement ( covenant) with the Jews that they are to follow the 10 commandments/ laws, Abrahams people are the model of behavior and god is not a person, but a spiritual force. Question 3 - 50 • What is the name of the Hebrew bible and first five books of the bible? Answer 3 – 50 • The bible is called the Tanakh and the first five books are the Torah. Question 4 - 10 • What is the ultimate goal of a Buddhist? How does one accomplish this goal? Answer 4 – 10 • The ultimate goal is to reach Nirvana and on would accomplish this by living a life of moderation. Question 4 - 20 • When Siddhartha Gautama escaped the palace, what three things did he see and experience? Answer 4 – 20 • Siddhartha Gautama experienced sickness, old age, and death. Question 4 - 30 • What is the minimum amount of lives it takes for a person to reach enlightenment(Nirvana)? Answer 4 – 30 • A person can achieve enlightenment in as little as one life. Question 4 - 40 • What are the similarities in Buddism and Hinduism? Answer 4 – 40 • Both religions believe in dharma, reincarnation, ahimsa, karma, and both are strongly present in India and Asia. Question 4 - 50 • Since suffering can be cured by ending desire, how can one eliminate desire? Answer 4 – 50 • Desire can be eliminated by following the Eightfold Path. This is a moral code that tells you how to live a moral life and how to avoid evil words and actions. Question 5 - 10 • Who is the founder of Christianity and what did he do? Answer 5 – 10 • Jesus, he claimed he was the son of God and you could have eternal life in heaven if you follow the way of god. He was eventually killed by the Roman emperor because he encouraged people to not worship the Roman rulers. Question 5 - 20 • What was Christianity’s appeal? Answer 5 – 20 • It offered a personal relationship with God, embraced all people, gave hope, appealed to those who didn’t like Rome and promised an eternal life after death. Question 5 - 30 • In Confucianism superior and inferior relationships are big, which relationship are both people considered equals? Answer 5 – 30 • The only equal relationship is between friends. Question 5 - 40 • Compare and contrast Christianity and Judaism. Answer 5 – 40 • Similarities: Both monotheistic, descendants of Abraham and believe in the 10 commandments. Differences: In Christianity Jesus is the Messiah (Savior) and there is eternal life after death. There is also another book in the Bible for Christians called the New Testament. Question 5 - 50 • How can one achieve oneness with the Dao? Answer 5 – 50 • To achieve oneness with the Dao you have to live in harmony with nature and not strive for fame, power, or knowledge.