Week ending 9th October 2015 Dear Parents/Carers, In

Week ending 9th October 2015
Dear Parents/Carers,
In Mathematics this week the children saw pictures of a boy and girl on the interactive whiteboard and had to
determine which 2d shape was being used as well as describe its properties. In groups, they then went on a shape
hunt around the school looking for 2D shapes and describing their properties. We have also been using an
interactive game to help with number recognition and matching numeral with quantity.
In phonics, we have been learning letter sounds ‘p, g and o’; blending and letter formation.
We have two Giant African Snails in Class R. On Wednesday, we had the snails on the carpet and as a class we
discussed their size to garden snails; the length that the snails might grow to; what they might eat; the purpose of
their shells and we explored where Africa was on the globe. The snails do not have names, so as part of Literacy the
children had to think of a name and write it mark making/using their phonic knowledge. Our snails are called
‘Lettuce’ and ‘Eden’.
On Thursday, we read the story of ‘The Rainbow Fish’ (a fish who feels happier having shared his scales). The
children discussed with their talk partner something that they shared at home and we shared these as a class.
In PE, the children practised ball skills through rolling, kicking and catching a large ball.
As part of our topic ‘Under the sea’ we have been learning more about different creatures that we find in the sea
(including coral and the different types of shells).
In Music, we sang a song ‘My turn, your turn’ where we clapped to a rhythm.
In Expressive Arts and Design, the children have been making ‘sea creatures’ using junk modelling and the creative
Your child has been sent with two reading books today (further details were enclosed with the reading book on how
to help your child). Please put a comment in their yellow reading record book to say how they found it (this is the
only way that we will know that it has been read). The books will be replaced the following Friday once they have
been returned to school. Please note that we are unable to make exceptions and send a new set of books if your
child does not being them in on a Friday. In the event that books are lost, we will request you to reimburse us the
cost of them.
A set of ‘high frequency’ words have been sent home today. These are words that are commonly used in the English
language. Some are ‘tricky’ words that cannot be sounded out and have to be learnt (e.g. ‘said’) versus others that
can be ’sounded out’ (e.g. ‘dog’). Please do help your child learning these.
Please also find attached with this email a set of ‘Show and Tell’ dates that were sent previously. You can also find
these on our window (to the left-hand side of the door).
A date for your diary! Mrs. Watkins and Mrs. Wilga (class reps) are organising a ‘cookie and hot chocolate’ sale on
Friday 13th November. Please do come and enjoy the treats. All proceeds will go towards equipment for Class R.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs. Sharma, Miss. Dye and Mrs. Boden