Review Ch.11, Sec.4 for Quiz

Review Ch.11, Sec.4 for Quiz
Ch. 11, Sec.4 vocabulary
Court House
Ch.11, Sec.4
IV. The North Takes Charge
A. South won several battles in 1863
1. Chancellorsville, VA
-Stonewall Jackson died
B. General Robert E. Lee decided to invade the North
1. Gettysburg, PA.-Lee’s Troops were defeated
2. Battle of Gettysburg- considered a turning point of
the war
C. Lee upset, tried to resign. Jefferson Davis
D. General Grant captured Vicksburg, MS for the
-Result – Union controlled the Mississippi
E. Lincoln and the Gettysburg Address
F. The Confederacy Wears Down
1. Southern moral drops, high fatalities, low
on food and ammo
2. Southern leaders began to fight among
3. Lincoln made Ulysses S. Grant commander of
all Union Armies
-William Tecumseh Sherman
1. Both wanted total victory
4. 1864-Grant V. Lee in VA.
1. Grant lost 65,000 compared to Lee’s
5. Sherman’s troops invaded GA. and SC.
-Destroyed cities and towns
6. Lincoln wins 2nd term
7. April 9, 1865- Appomattox,VA.Confederate surrender
Ch.11, Sec.4
A. South Won several battles in 1863
1. Chancellorsville, VA.
-Stonewall Jackson died
B. General Robert E. Lee decided to invade the North
1. Gettysburg, PA.- Lee’s troops were defeated
2. Battle of the Gettysburg- Considered a turning point of the war
C. Lee upset, tried to resign, Jefferson Davis refused.
D. General Grant captured Vicksburg, MS for the Union
-Result- Union controlled Mississippi River
E. Lincoln and the Gettysburg Address
F. The Confederacy wears down
1. Southern morals drops, high fatalities, Low on food and ammo
2. Southern leaders began to fight among themselves
3. Lincoln made Grant commander of all Union armies
-William Tecumseh Sherman
1. Both wanted total victory
4. 1864- Grant V.Lee in VA.
1. Grant lost 65,000 compared to Lee’s 35,000.
5. Sherman’s troops invaded GA. and SC.
-Destroyed cities and towns
6. Lincoln wins 2nd term.
7. April 9, 1865- Appomattox, VA.-Confederate surrender.
Review Questions
Battle of Chancellorsville
Battle of Gettysburg
Battle of Vicksburg
Gettysburg Address
Battles of Spotsylvania,
Cold Harbor, and
Sherman’s March
Character Development
• What if being fair to others means
sacrificing something important of your
own, like time, money, or even your job?
How can you determine what's fair
when you have to choose between
yourself and others?