Multimodal Genre Analysis

Shaun Silverman
Multimodal Genre Analysis
Dr. Gabriela Rios
5K RUN Brochures Genre Analysis
Scene and Setting in which the genre is used:
a) The “5k run” brochure genre appears in many places. It can be a physical paper that is
given out in public places, it can be found online – especially on social media sites --, it
can be found in newspapers, magazines, on television, etc.
b) The issue that a 5k run brochure covers is usually to receive money and donations that
can be put to a greater use, such as a charity.
c) The genre is used by those who are creating the event that the brochure covers. In this
case, with the 5k run, it is used by organizations who are trying to raise money. Not all
5k runs are meant to support or help sick children in need. For example, there are many
to runs to help raise money for the medical bills, or to remember someone who passed.
Some other 5k runs are meant to raise money for farmers, or community projects. The
makers of brochures find a way to get the brochures to an audience in order to get
more people to come or donate to the event. The audience uses this genre in order to
know about such an event and the main brief points about it. A brochure is also usually
a small flyer that is handy to both the producer and consumer. Brochures are usually
given out in public places and the audience usually reads them right when they get
them. Also, if they are interesting in going to the event, they may look at it in their
leisure time as well in order to plan for the event. For the event however, there usually
is a main targeted audience. Those who have at least a decent amount of money and
are privileged or at least support the cause a lot. Those who may have a physical
disability usually will not be able to participate in the event. However, those with
disabilities are not always excluded as part of the audience as they still can be part of
the donations to the event.
d) Writers write this genre in order to easily promote an event. Usually, brochures are
smaller than a regular piece of paper, so this saves the promoter more money while still
being able to promote the event. Readers read it in order to see if they are interested in
going to such an event and to know more about the event and where to go. The
brochure genre fills the purpose of easily getting the word out about an event to people.
Patterns in these brochures:
In these brochures, the following information is used consistently throughout them all: date,
location, cost, how to register, the reason for the event (usually the charity or organization it is
benefiting), as well as information about t-shirts for the event. The content included is usually
what the event is for. For example, for the Grace Race 5k, a quote from the bible is included,
along with writing to encourage one to be healthier and more involved. The cost is twenty
dollars for each individual, and for each team of four it is sixty dollars. For Declan’s Dash, a
picture of him is included in the brochure. The use of pathos is included in these brochures to
engage the reader to feel sympathy for the sick child. In Declan’s Dash brochure, a brief
summary of his story – an emotional one – is included. In the other brochures, there is
motivation, such as candy, supporting a good cause, and improving one’s life. Sentences in
these brochures are usually short and to the point, except for the description of the event. The
diction used in these brochures is telling the audience why they should take part in the run.
Some patterns also reveal part of the situation and scene of the 5k run. For example, in
Declan’s Dash, a picture of him when he was two years old is shown, and right under the
picture is text telling his emotional story. For the Zombie Run, candy corn is shown because the
race will be featuring candy in it as it is a few days before Halloween. Also, the colors of black
and orange – Halloween colors – stick out on the brochure. An interesting part of the Grace Run
brochure that stuck out right away was a quote from the Bible, targeting an audience who
studies the Bible or is part of the religion. Those included, as stated above, are the more
privileged people and those very supportive of the organization/charity that the fundraiser is
helping promote. Those excluded include less privileged people as well as those who have
physical disabilities (they still may donate but cannot participate).
The genre of a brochure does have design requirements in order to communicate and get the
word out to the audience in the best way possible. Having concise information, a reason for the
event, and good color choices get the audience to quickly understand the reason for the event
and hopefully get them to participate.
The values and beliefs instantiated by the genre for 5-kilometer runs include being active,
fundraising for an organization/charity, and donating to a good cause.
I think Declan’s Dash has the best design and content
choices over the other three brochures that I am
analyzing. With the picture of Declan sticking out when
first looking at the page and his story underneath it, it
immediately suggests an organization that supports
kids in need. This is supported by the organizations
mission: to carry out the spirit of play for kids by
helping to fund and build places for play in North
Carolina. All the main points that the audience needs to
know, such as date, location, fees, etc. is very organized
and easy to read right away. Also, the colors of
purple and light blue suggest the theme better
than, for example, the color black. The brochure
for “Just Run 2012” is too bland for my liking. The
colors are dull, and the print is too small. I like the
theme of the Cranberry Sunrise Rotary
Community Projects Fund which takes place
around Halloween. Overall all the brochures are
raising money in order to support a good cause. Giving to a family or community in need is so
rewarding, especially when you help save a life.