1. Oh the Places You’ll Go By Dr. Seuss Year: 1990 Genre: Children’s Book Grade Level: 2nd to 6th Topic/ Theme: Life journey, and accomplishments one might face Classroom use and Ideas: This is a great book for those that are moving on to a new grade, new area in life that may need some inspiration. I would definitely use this for a 6th grade class toward the end of the year. This book is a big inspiration to young children and adults alike. 2. Corduroy by Don Freeman Year: 1968 Genre: Children’s Picture Book Grade Level: Kinder- 4th Classroom use and Idea: Great book about imagination. You can use this book for social emotional development, or just a fun read for sequencing. 3. Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson Year: 1983 Genre: Children’s Picture Book Grade Level: PK- 4th Classroom Use and Ideas: For the younger grades it is a great way to teach the children the color purple! For those that know the color it is a great introduction to fiction vs. non-fiction with the imagination that is entail in this piece of litature. 4. Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak Year: 1963 Genre: Children’s Picture Book Grade Level: 2nd- 6th Classroom Use: Anger management for the older children and using this piece for place/ theme/ plot etc. 5. The Story of Fendinand by Munro Leaf Year: 1936 Genre: Children’s Picture Book Grade Level: 2nd- 6th Classroom Use: This is a great story about unconditional love and devotion, and great for the beginning of the year to build self confidence and sense of family. 6. The Lorax by Dr. Suess Year: 1971 Genre: Children’s Picture Book Grade Level: Kinder- 6th Classroom Use: I don’t know 7. Year: On the Night You Were Born by Nancy Fillman Genre: Children’s Picture Book Grade Level: Kinder- 3rd Classroom Use: This is more for a “ at home” use, parents love this book to show the love for their child(ren). 8. Kitten’s First Full Moon by Kevin Henkes Year: Genre: Children’s Picture Book Grade Level: PK- 3rd Classroom Use: 9. Go Away Big Green Monster by Ed. Berley Year: Genre: Children’s Picture Book Grade Level: Preschool – 2nd Classroom Use: This is a great book to teach children about feelings and how it feels to be scared and sad. This is great for the younger children, they can relate to the “ monster” and the facial expressions that come with the book. 10. Llama Llama Misses Mama by Anna Dewdney Year: Genre: Children’s Picture Book Grade Level: Preschool- 2nd Classroom Use: Book for the younger children that may need help with transition or recognizing feelings ( missing mother, transitions, new at school etc.) 11. The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn Year: Genre: Children’s Picture Book Grade Level: Preschool- 3rd Classroom Use: Great for transition ( ex: new school), this is more for parents then for a classroom use. 12. Were Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury Genre: Children’s Picture Book. Grade Level: Preschool- 2nd grade Classroom Use: Use to teach sequencing and plot/ place etc. This can turn into many fun and educational themes with all the action that takes place in the book. The children love to read this book through auto while reading along. Were Going on a Bear Hunt is a great book to teach the children the love of books and how fun they can be. 13. The Giving Tree by Shel Silversten 14: A Gift of Gracias by Julia Alvarez Genre: Children’s Picture Book Grade Level: 1st to 3rd Year:2005 Classroom Use: A great book to teach about multicultural in the classroom, esp. the Hispanic culture. The book also teaches about the farm and the markets. 15: The Moon Over Star by Dianna Hutts Aston Genre: fictional historical book Grade Level: 1st through 5th Year: 2008 Classroom Use: To study about the landing of the moon ( lance Armstrong), multi cultural in the classroom. Great read for the older children. 16: The Cloud Spinner by Michael Catchpool Genre: Fictional Children’s Book Grade Level: K- 4th Year: 2012 Classroom Use: This book has a fairy tale edge. The little boy uses clouds to make clothes, the king demands his clothes and all the clouds disperse. It would be a great book to use with a study about the weather to add a fun twist. 17: Freight Train by Donald Crews ( A Caldecott Honor Book) Genre: Children’s Book Grade Level: Preschool- K Year: 1978 Classroom Use: Simple, cute and fun book to learn about colors and transportation 18: Only You by Robin Cruise Genre: Children’s Book Grade Level: Preschool- 1st Year: 2007 Classroom Use: This book is more for home use, so parents can read to their children before bedtime. Still a great book! This book can be used during nap time for preschool and pre- k. 19: Mwakwa ( Talks to the Loon) by Dale Auger (A cree story for children) Genre: Historical fictional folk tale Grade Level: preschool thru 3rd Year: 2006 Classroom Use: A great book about the native culture 20: The Big Wish by Carolyn Canhan Genre: Children book- fiction Grade Level: K- 3rd Year: 2011 Classroom Use: A great story about a little girl making a wish with a dandelion. The children would love to use this story with a study about spring/ summer and the outdoors. 21: The Butter Man by Elizabeth Alalou Genre: Historical fiction ( Morocco) Grade Level: 2nd thru 4th Year: 2008 Classroom Use: Folk story about a child and a story of hard times in Morocco. Great Multi- cultural book 22: I’m the Best by Lucy Cousins Genre: Fictional Grade Level: Preschool- 1st Year: 2010 Classroom Use: Great book to teach children about empathy and how others feel. 23: My Best, Best Friend by Carol Noble Genre: fiction book Grade Level: Pre-k -3rd Year: 2011 Classroom: Talks about two little girls being best friends ( multi-cultural friendship), great read to teach social emotional skills. Also great for teaching about different colors of skin ( cultural differences), how we are all the same, etc. 24: The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle Genre: Children’s Fiction Grade Level: Preschool- 1st Year: 1984 Classroom: Great for a study about animals (farm animals from book) and insects. The book shows the process of the a spider spinning the web. The book has a great little story so the children can learn about the farm and the animals. 25: The Secret Birthday Message by Eric Carle Genre: Children’s Fiction Grade Level: Preschool -2nd Year: 1971 Classroom: GREAT BOOK FOR SHAPES. It is also a great book to show shapes in common things like a house. After reading the book the children can go on a shape hunt to find shapes in their neighborhood or classroom. 26: Head to Toe by Eric Carle Genre: children’s fiction Grade Level: Preschool- 2nd Year: 1997 Classroom: Great for early years about body parts and animals. It would be a great movement book. http://www.eric-carle.com/bb-H2T.html ( great lesson plans on this link) 27: Does A Kangaroo Have A Mother, Too? By Eric Carle Genre: Children’s fiction Grade Level: Preschool-2nd Year: 2000 Classroom Use: A great book to show children about different animals and their babies. You can discuss how the babies sometimes don’t look identical to the parents, colors and changes of the babies, and also ways the animas take care of their young. 28: Forever Young by Bob Dylan Genre: Children’s Fiction Grade Level: Kinder- 4th Year: 2008 Classroom Use: The book is from a famous song: Forever Young by Dylan, the song is illustrated into a children’s book. VERY MOTIVA TING!!!! 29: You Can Do It by Tony Dungy Genre: Children’s Fiction Grade Level: 2nd- 5th Year: 2008 Classroom use: Great book for culture awareness in the classroom. About an African-American family ( esp. a young boy at school having a bad day). The book is a story about an everyday event in a young boy’s life. 30: Say What? By Angela DiTerlizzi Genre: Children’s fiction Grade Level: Preschool- 2nd Year: 2011 Classroom Use: A book with cute rhythms about animals and what they say in their own language: “ When a lion says ROAR, Does he really mean MORE?”… I think the children would love this book about the animals and would be great to discuss afterwards. 31: Llama, Llama Red Pajama by Anna Dewdney Genre: Children’s Fiction Grade Level: Preschool- 3rd Year: 2005 Classroom Use: Book that talks about a child and its ( llama) mother. Great read for early children classrooms before nap time. Talking to children about the aspects of a family ( mom, dad, siblings, etc.). The children can discuss what they do before bed, great book for discussion. 32: Alphabet Mystery by Audrey Wood Genre: Children’s Fiction Grade Level: Preschool= 2nd Year: 2003 Classroom Use and Ideas: This book can be used for MANY THINGS!!! You can do a whole study about the alphabet and this book. Have the children draw pictures in regards to the story. Make games and lessons about the mystery and the alphabet, having the children guess the letter. Great book for the classroom, especially kindergarten and preschool. 33: Shine Moon Shine by David Conway Genre: Children’s Fiction Grade Level: Kinder- 2nd Year: 2008 Classroom Use and Idea: The book talks about Owen ( the boy) and the Moon being friends. A book to read and discuss about friendship, and the moon and stars. 34: Song and Dance Man by Karen Ackerman ( Caldecott Medal) Genre: Children’s Fiction/ folk tale Grade Level: Prek- 2nd Year: 1988 Classroom Use and Idea: Great for children and how they can run with their imagination. Grandpa plays with his grandchildren dressing up and dancing. Book that should be incorporated in the, play/ house area with early childhood classrooms. 35: What Will You Be, Sara Mee? By Kate Avraham Genre: Children’s Fiction Grade Level: 2nd- 4th Year: 2010 Classroom Use and Ideas: A book about cultural diversity ( an Asian family and young children). Great book to show different cultures. 36: Anne Hutchinson’s Way by Jeannine Atkins Genre: Historical Fiction based on true events Grade Level: 2nd- 5th Year: 2007 Classroom Use and Ideas: the book shows the life on the ships during the mayflower and time of discover. About the Hutchinson family and what happens when they land on the US soil. Great book to show history after study about the past and the beginning of America. 37: Time To Pray by Aha Addasi ( translated from Arabic) Genre: Fictional Children’s Grade Level: 3rd- 6th Year: 2010 Classroom Use and Idea: You cannot really use this book in any lesson plans besides using it as a tool to teach the children about different cultures ( or celebrating a student’s culture) and about different stories in other countries. 38: Down by the Cool of the Pool by Tony Mitton Genre: Children’s fiction Grade Level: Preschool- 3rd Year: 2001 Classroom Use and Ideas: The book is about a frog and a pound with animals. Great book to teach about: beginning/middle and end of a book. It has a style that is repeat like Grandma Who Swallowed a Fly. 39: Dark Emperor and Other Poems of the Night by Joyce Sidman Genre: Poetry Book Grade Level: K-5th Year: 2011 Classroom Use: A poetry book about animals in the night ( nocturnal). 40: Love to Mamá: A Tribute to Mothers by various authors Genre: Poetry Book Grade Level: k-4th Year: 2000 Classroom Use: Poetry with various Latin authors 41: If You Give A Cat A Cupcake by Laura Numeroff Genre: Children’s Fiction Grade Level: Preschool- 4th Year: 2008 (Newberry Honor Book) Classroom Use or Idea: A great read for the little ones, they will love this book and the humor. It talks about a cat, so you can use it with a study of domestic animals. For the older students I would have them make up their own version of the book….. ex: If you give a Cow a Cap…. If you give a Dog a doughnut…. If you give a Sheep a Sunday, etc. 42: Knuffle Bunny Too by Mo Willems ( Also Knuffle Bunny) Genre: Preschool- 2nd Grade Level: Preschool- 4th Year: 2007 Classroom Use and Idea: The book is a great tale of mistaken identity. Great books to have the children predict the ending, or teach them the concept: beginning, middle and end of the book. You can also talk about feelings and how she may feel about what’s going on throughout the book. 43: Bear Stays Up by Karma Wilson Genre: Children’s fiction Grade level: k-3rd Year: 2004 Classroom use and Idea: You have to be careful, even though this is a great book, it talks about Christmas. If your school or classroom talks about the holidays it is a great holiday book and you can even plan activities surrounding the characters in the cave. http://first-school.ws/activities/crafts/animals/wild/bearxmas1.htm ( some great lesson plans on this site) 44: The Cat in The Hat by Dr. Suess ( MY FAVORITE) Genre: Children’s Fiction Grade Level: Preschool- 5th Year: 1957 Classroom Use: There is so much you can do with this beloved book. http://pbskids.org/catinthehat/ ( great for games) http://www.apples4theteacher.com/holidays/dr-seuss-birthday/printables/cat-in-the-hat.html ( lesson plans/ worksheets_ www.makinglearningfun.com/themepages/CatintheHatPrintables.htm ( more activities) 45: The Glorious Flight by Alice and Martin Provensen ( Caldecott medal) Genre: Historical Fiction based on true events Grade Level: 1st-4th Year: 1988 Classroom Use: Great for a history lesson 46: How Do Dinosaurs say Good Night? By Jane Tolen and Mark Teague Genre: Children’s Fiction Grade Level: k-2nd Year: 2000 Classroom Use or Ideas: For home, a great transition for bed time. School: study about dinsosaurs! 47: The Foot Book by Dr. Suess Genre: Children’s Fiction Grade Level: preschool- 1st Year: 1968 Classroom Use and Ideas: A lot on the internet of activities for this classic http://www.apples4theteacher.com/holidays/dr-seuss-birthday/printables/the-foot-book.html ( activities and lesson plans) http://www.homeschoolshare.com/seuss.php ( some examples of what is found on the web) 48: Just Like Mom by Isobel Munoz and Gustavo Mazali Genre: Children’s Fiction Grade Level: k-3rd Year: 2005 Classroom Use and Ideas: A book about a Hispanic family ( siblings that include a brother and sister). A book to show diversity. 49: The Sheep Fairy by Ruth Lousie Symes Genre: Children’s Fiction Grade Level: Preschool- 3rd Year: 2003 Classroom Use and Ideas: I love the illustrations!!! For the younger children they can have fun re-creating the sheep and the wolf. This would be a great book to make a play!! 50: Naught Little Monkeys by Jim Aylesworth Genre: Children’s Fiction Grade Level: Preschool- 1st Year: 2003 Classroom Use and Ideas: This book is a fun alphabet book that uses the monkeys and their naughty ways. I would use this book in a kindergarten classroom or pre- k as a fun way to learn the sight alphabet. You can make monkeys with letter to tie into the book. 51: Pirate Pete by Kim Kennedy Genre: Children’s fiction Grade Level: 1st-4th Year: 2002 Classroom Use and Ideas: An adventure book for the children looking for treasure. This is a great book to do a scavenger hunt with, or hide “gold” so the children can find ( you can incorporate math: numbers, addition etc.). 52: There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves by Lucille Colandro ( Author has numerous titles) Genre: Children’s Fiction/ Folk Grade Level: preschool- 3rd Year: 2010 Classroom use and Ideas: Great for teaching about sequencing, order of a book. Also times of the seasons: fall, winter, spring, summer. 53: Harry Potter Series by JK Rowling Genre: Young Adult- Fiction Year: 1998 ( first book in series) Grade Level: 4th- 8th Classroom Use and Ideas: This book is more for personal reading. Some schools and districts have banned the book With the older children A teacher can use as a unit of study of how some books can turn into a movie.., Great Field trip opportunity! 54: Bad Kitty Series ( Bad Kitty vs. Uncle Murry ) By Nick Bruel Genre: Youth- fiction Grade Level: 2nd-4th Year: 2010 Classroom Use and Ideas: In regards to classroom use it would be a good chapter book for reading groups. 54: The Adventures of Ook and Gluk by George Beard and Harold Hutchins Genre: Youth Fiction Grade Level: 2nd 6th Year: 2011 Classroom: For book reports and reading groups. 55: Children Make Terrible Pets by Peter Brown ( ONE OF MY FAVORITES) Genre: Children’s Fiction Grade Level: K- 2nd Classroom Use and Ideas: This is such a cute story, having things turned around in regards to the child and pet. Great for lessons on empathy and caring for pets in the classroom I would recommend this book for a book report or summary (simple read) 56: A Frog Inside My Hat by various poets Genre: Poetry Grade Level: Preschool- 6th Year: Various years Classroom Uses and Ideas: Early children- just reading poetry and discussing what a poem is. The older children : Giving examples so the children can write their own poetry. 57: Bedtime Stories by International Ltd. Genre: Collection of folk tales Grade Level: Preschool- 6th Year: 2001 Classroom Uses and Ideas: Great for early childhood and young children exposing themselves to folk tale. Older children: a book report or study of folk tales in general. 58: A Father’s Song by Janet Lawler Genre: Children’s Fiction Grade Level: Preschool – 3rd Year: 2006 Classroom Use and Ideas: I choose this book because not many books are written about the father’s vs. mothers. It teaches the children that father’s are just as important in their lives. Could be a great example to write a book report/ report of who inspires them. 59: Giggle Giggle Quake by Doreen Cronin Genre: Children’s Fiction Grade Level: Preschool- 3rd Year: 2010 Classroom Use and Ideas: Great read for children that is studying farm animals. http://teachers.net/lessons/posts/3446.html ( activities / math) http://teacher.scholastic.com/products/westonwoods/study_guides/giggle_giggle_quack.pdf ( An example of a lesson plan for the book). 60. Papa, Please get the Moon For Me by Eric Carle. Genre: Children’s Fiction Grade Level: Preschool- 3rd Year: 1986 Classroom use and Ideas: This book is great to teach the children the different phases of the moon. http://www.brighthubeducation.com/teaching-elementary-school/66985-papa-please-get-the-moon-for-me-lesson-discussion-and-activities/