Changing Cultural Heritage Policy: Cooperation of Memory Institutions

28th conference of the European Board of National Archivists (EBNA)
15th meeting of the European Archives Group (EAG)
8th - 9th October 2013, Vilnius
Session I:
Changing Cultural Heritage Policy: Cooperation of Memory Institutions
“The policy of the G.S.A. regarding the
promotion of its archival material:
characteristic references”
Director of the General State Archives of
General framework
 General common characteristics of archives, libraries and
 Differentiations
 Trends at international level: collaboration and/or merging of
Memory Institutions – Archives, Libraries, Museums
3. The Case of Greece
 Historical background
 G.S.A Presentation
Legal framework
Brief History
Main goals and activities
Cooperation of the G.S.A with other Memory Institutions
1. Introduction
The recent years, there has been a trend and, in parallel, a need for
Memory Institutions to follow the wind of changes, which can be
located to the level of technological evolution and progress. Every
new policy concerning standards, methods, encoding of data,
exchange of data and metadata in a common “language” through
different technological platforms are a wind of changes in the
functions and the development of operations in every memory
The rapid and continuous changes in the field of technology
influence day per day the management of the cultural heritage
and we experience that, both as citizens and as people who are
responsible for managing cultural heritage and as people who
participate from our institutional positions in constituting policies on
the field of archives.
2. General framework
General common characteristics of archives,
libraries and museums (1/4)
Already since the beginning of their appearance,
archives, libraries and museums, at international and
national level, constitute everlasting “interconnected
areas” and lead “parallel lives” since they serve many
common goals and concern the preservation, promotion
and making use of the cultural heritage.
This is made clear in the creation and the aims of
UNESCO and its close ties with the International Council
on Archives (ICA- founded in 1948), the International
Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
(IFLA- founded in 1927) and the International Council of
Museums (ICOM-founded in 1946).
General common characteristics of archives,
libraries and museums (2/4)
General common characteristics of archives,
libraries and museums (3/4)
The International Committee of the Blue Shield which is
the symbol used to identify cultural sites protected by
the Hague Convention (1954) which was adopted by
The International Committee of Blue Shield (ICBS)
covers museums and archives, audiovisual supports,
libraries and monuments and sites. It brings together the
knowledge, experience and international networks of the
following non-governmental organizations dealing with
cultural heritage.
General common characteristics of archives,
libraries and museums (4/4)
It is taken for granted that archives, libraries and
museums are strongly connected with the knowledge
and memory as well and they are the roots upon which
every people supports its present and future. A people
that lose or do not have access to archives are in danger
of “social amnesia”.
It is also commonly accepted that the preeminent need of
every country, member of the international community is
to try to preserve alive the memory of its past- active
memory- and to activate appropriate mechanisms of
functioning as a policy of management and many times
of survival.
Differentiations (1/2)
Apart from the elements that connect archives, libraries and
museums of course there are clear differentiations regarding
the material they possess, the access to it and all of the above
mentioned influence in an important way the methods that the
bodies responsible for forming policies of each state follow in
order to preserve and use them.
According to my opinion, the basic difference that characterizes
the archives is that their birth is associated through time with the
necessity to serve administrative needs and then they
constitute sources of historical research.
In addition, archives include a huge dynamics which is part of
their “power”, since following the latest technological evolution
during the latest decades and from the transfer from paper to
electronic document, they have another great role to play that is
the development of policies for the management of
electronic archives.
Differentiations (2/2)
The Archival Services are not only connected with memory and
knowledge but they are also oriented towards the future in
order to form the stable foundations to preserve and manage
successfully the electronic memory that is being produced in
the digital era. This new responsibility that becomes demanding
due to modern developments in contemporary society adds new
dynamics and connects archives in a particular way reinforcing
their power.
In Greece the G.S.A are closely connected with the Ministry of
Administrative Reform and e- Governance on this matter and
the formation of policies that will be valid in all public sectors
concerning the electronic governance of archives is being in
Trends at international level (1/2)
Collaboration and/or merging of Memory
Institutions – Archives, Libraries, Museums
During the last decades the model of close
collaboration (which may lead to merging)
among archives, libraries and museums is
being observed internationally.
Trends at international level (2/2)
As to EU, this trend of close collaboration
is mirrored on the project Europeana.
In the context of Europeana archives
participate as a vertical action with the
internet portal of archives APEnet that
has already been concluded and the
APEX project which is in progress.
3. The case of Greece
3.1 Historical background
The progression of archives through time:
From the ancient past until today the archives have been strongly
related to the safeguarding of memory and the power of the value of
proof. The archives are produced mainly for administrative reasons
and after this they obtain their historical dimension.
They had also had some basic and permanent functions such as
to ensure rights,
to participate in administration,
to provide historical sources
to disseminate culture.
Generally, a basic mission of the Archives is to safeguard and
preserve the public and private “tekmhria” (documents) and items,
ensuring that people can discover, use and learn for this
documentary heritage.
Historical and Ethnological Foundation of Greece
In the long history of the Greek State a prime institutional
example of the cooperation of memory institutions is the
Historical and Ethnological Foundation of Greece, which
was founded in 1882 and constituted a “tripolon” (archive,
library and museum).
Its main aim was, and still is, the collection, protection,
preservation and the presentation of relics and documentary
evidence that illuminate the history of modern Greece.
Throughout the history of the newly founded state in 1831 a
co-locations and a close collaboration between libraries and
archives are being observed, as it is shown in action but also
through the Greek and foreign language literature.
National Library of Greece
National Library of Greece (NLG) was founded by
the decree, issued on 15th of May 1832 under the
name "Public Library", and its Director was George
Under the current legislation (Law 3149/2003), the
mission of National Library is to collect, organize
and make available to the public in any possible
form all the written products of science and culture
associated with Greece.
National Library is housed to a classical building,
designed by Theophil Hansen and was built with the
general supervision of Ernst Ziller.
The General States’ and Libraries’ Directorate of the
Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs is
responsible for the supervision, the control and the
reinforcement of the National Library of Greece.
Cultural Foundation of Piraeus Bank
Another example of the modern reality in
which archive, library and museum constitute a
successful model is the case of the Cultural
Foundation of Piraeus Bank in the private
sector which during the recent years has
proved in Greece, and continues to proceed
with success, that the co-existence of the three
pillars in the same body can be productive.
Lately it was merged with the Agricultural Bank
and its activities have become more powerful.
Let’s see first of all whether libraries and archives
in Greece have by law established a close
collaboration or merging. The answer to this is
They operate independently with similar purposes in
many cases but also with clear differentiations.
The archives and libraries belong to the Ministry of
Education and Religious Affairs and in particular
to the Directorate of Libraries and Archives (budget
issues, administrative flow of services). As to
museums they fall under the Ministry of Culture.
Minister of Education and Religious Affairs
Deputy Minister
General Secretary
Special Secretary
Libraries and General State Archives Department
3.2 General State Archives of Greece (GSA):
GSA: Legal framework (1/2)
The duties of the General State Archives (GSA)
are regulated by the Law 1946/91. Restrictions
posed by Personal Data Protection Authority are
also kept.
2005: The Public Special Service of Greek
Government’s Prime Minister, Ministers and
General Secretary Archives (founded by the
Law 2846/2000) was incorporated into the
Central Service of the General State Archives of
GSA: Legal framework (2/2)
The G.S.A are governed by a special legal framework. This law,
which gives them power on all public archives of the public sector
has been signed by the Ministries of the Interior, Justice, Finance
and Foreign Affairs. Because of the nature of the Service, the
legislator has provided the direct report of the Service to the Minister
of Education, due to the special national role of the Service.
That is why specific qualifications are required for the selection of
the Director, while the G.S.A. Advisory Council, among other
responsibilities gives expert opinion on documents related to the
national interest and the foreign policy in close collaboration with the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The enhanced role of the G.S.A. in Public
Administration and Local Government is emphasized by a special
circular of the Ministry of Administrative Reform and E-Government
in September 2011.
GSA: Structure
General State Archives of
Greece (G.S.A.)
“Ephorate of G.S.A.”
Advisory Council
Central Service
Indexing and
Appraisal and Disposal
Planning, Coordination
and Studies
Conservation and
Secretariat and
Accounting Department
Reading Room and
Library Department
Special Service of
Government’s Prime
Minister, Ministers and
General Secretariat
48 Prefecture Services
16 Regional Services
2 Regional Archival
Brief history
1914: “The Establishment of the Greek State Archiving Service” according to
the Law 380/1914 under the governance of Eleftherios Venizelos, thanks to
the efforts of Professor Spyridon Lambrou and the historian-researcher
Yiannis Vlachogiannis with the purpose of “collecting and monitoring
documents included in all public archives dating 50 years back”. The first
Director of the General State Archives was Yiannis Vlachogiannis who
donated his valuable collection to the General State Archives and the first
Chairman of the Advisory Council was Nikolaos G. Politis.
1939: Law 2027/1939 is passed regarding the “Reorganization of the
General State Archives”.
1991: Law 1946/1991 determines a new legislative frame which regulates
the operation of the General State Archives to this day. The Central Service
is structured into departments and Archives are established in prefectures
which did not exist till then.
2005: The Public Special Service of Greek Government’s Prime Minister,
Ministers and General Secretary Archives (founded by the Law 2846/2000)
was incorporated into the Central Service of the General State Archives of
Main goals and activities (1/2)
The General State Archives in Greece, a
center of national heritage whose main goal is
preserve and
disseminate the Greek cultural / historical memory.
The GSA is, also, a central repository
providing access to public and private
archives, documents and manuscripts
collected throughout modern history (from the
13th century until today).
Main goals and activities (2/2)
The GSA are the best consultant of the public administration in
terms of managing the public archives and following their life
cycle, since the wider public sector is for the GSA the main
provider of archival material. In parallel, the national archival
service has since 2011 a fundamental and institutionalized role
in terms of electronic records management. Besides, the
national law has incorporated and is harmonized with the
priorities and goals of the Digital Agenda 2020 and the
European e-government Action Plan.
Nowadays that free access to information constitutes a
fundamental right, GSA does not just store and preserve
documents but also manages information issued in different
types of material. The GSA ensures the usability of its records
by making them available in the Reading Room area. By
participating in digitization projects it also manages to make the
records available to the public via the Internet. It also serves the
administration and the public.
Trends of the Greek Governmental policy regarding the functions
of the Memory Organizations in the 21st century
Referring to the development of a new national policy
on archives and libraries, a National Conference for
Memory Organizations was held under the auspices
of the President of the Hellenic Republic, on 27 and
28 January 2011.
The ex-Minister of the National Education and Religious
Affairs had set three main policy axes on:
 The National Network
 Developmental Dimension
 In Transnational Cultural Action
Cooperation of the GSA with other cultural
institutions : characteristic references
International Day of Archives in June 2012
G.S.A and the Zongolopoulos Foundation co-organized an
event with the title "When archives and art meet"
International Day of Archives in June 2013
“The Map of Rigas: from the archives to the digital world”
On the occasion of the merger of the National Cartographic Service in the General State
Archives and the celebration of the International Day of Archives, this June 2013 the GSA
co organized with the Municipality of Filothei- Psychiko (OKAPA) and event which aim is to
present to the public the scientific activities of G.S.A. regarding the preservation of historical
memory with parallel projection of the Archive for Cartographic Heritage, making use of new
technologies and modern digital approaches to the cartographic heritage.
The event included an Exhibition titled: “The Map of Rigas: from the archives to the digital
world” and was accompanied by speeches related to the topic. It was dedicated to the great Map
of Greece of Rigas Velestinlis, which is not only the ultimate achievement of Greek
Enlightenment and Greek cartography towards the end of the 18th century, but also a
cartographic work of universal significance.
Publication of the G.S.A. The Acropolis von
Athen “Acropolis in Athens”
In a publication of good aesthetics the G.S.A
presented material kept at the Central Service related
to the period of Otto and to the marbles of the
In the edition 21 unpublished documents in a facsimile
form are reproduced which demonstrate the first claim
of the Parthenon Sculprures. The event was
welcomed by the Professor D. Pantermalis, President
of the Acropolis Museum.
The file, a part of which is presented in this edition,
derives from “the Secretariat (Ministry) of
Ecclesiastical Affairs and Public Education” archive
(1833-1862) and constitutes a typical sample of a
structured file of the Ottonian period with the title
Akropolis von Athen. Chronologically it covers the
period from 1834 to 1842 and contains 223
Collaboration with the Library of the Greek
A very important forthcoming event in
collaboration with the Library of the
Greek Parliament is the organization
of an exhibition focusing on the
archives which show the relationship of
citizens with politicians and specifically
how citizens interpret the power of
politicians and rulers in their life.
The Regional Branches of General State Archives:
• Hydra Museum and Historical Archives
• Prefecture Archival Service of Chios
• Prefecture Archival Service of Zakynthos
Hydra Museum Historical Archives (IAMY)
The Hydra Museum Historical Archives (IAMY) is a
characteristic example of the joint cooperation of Archives,
Libraries and Museums because it accommodates the substance
of Archives and Museum together.
The museum has valuable documents such as letters by Ioannis
Kapodistrias and other philellenists (Friends of the Greek People),
various documents, traditional costumes of the time, navigation
instruments, cannons, wood carved akrostolia (figureheads),
lithographic impressions representing the Hellenic fleet in the 19th
and 20th centuries and rich photographic material detailing the
history of an island whose long maritime tradition and history are
still attracting contemporary visitors.
Furthermore, the Historical Archives possess a wealth of material
for historians and researchers. As regards manuscript documents,
the Archives hold 17.000 to which must be added 122, handwritten
in their majority, codes and community records with details of the
period from the mid-18th to the end of the 19th century.
Regional Branches of the G.S.A.: Chios and
Another example of the joint cooperation of
Archives and Libraries is the Prefecture service
of Chios where the Archives and the Public
Library of Chios not only collaborate harmonically
but they are co-located since 1940 with the
establishment of the Prefecture Archival Service.
Finally, an example of co-location under the same
roof is the example of the Prefecture Archival
Service of Zakynthos with the Public Library in
the Cultural Center of the Municipality of
Conclusions (1/2)
All countries around the world during the last years are making an
effort to find the best way to respond to the new data that the enduring
and the developing technology make it preeminent and encourage a
closer collaboration between memory institutions. This has as a direct
result, a new approach of policy regarding the management of cultural
heritage is being formed.
Of course, the economic and political circumstances play a very
important role in forming these policies, the financial crisis that makes
a lot of countries suffer such as mine brings about many
administrative changes that lead, unfortunately in many cases, to
merging and abolishment of bodies that are under the umbrella of
cultural/memory institutions.
In Greece, as I have mentioned before, from antiquity until today, the
three pillars of culture, archives, libraries and museums are
progressing and collaborating in a harmonious way. In addition, it
follows systematically the international trends and participates to
programmes at European level towards this direction.
Conclusions (1/2)
However, we strongly believe on the part of the field of archives
the following three points:
in the collaboration between Archives, Libraries and
Museums, but they find important not to proceed with any
merging because the areas have distinct boundaries.
the wind of changes to the level of technological evolution
and progress should not be sweeping and destroying the
particularities of every filed but it should be a refreshing
wind that with stable steps these important bodies will be led
to the new digital era.
in the current period we need within the fluid reality stable
principles that will constitute sources of power and
inspiration for the people. Under these constrained
circumstances go to underline the importance of memory
institutions such as our archives, that preserve the social,
cultural and historic basis of our society for the benefit of
future generations. In Greece, we are making every effort
towards this direction.
Thank you!