Academic Senate Present: President: Michele Hester-Reyes Faculty Senators: Linda Amaral, Craig Arnold, Joanne Barkhurst, Jeff Basham, Adrian Beltran, Matt Bourez, Glena Crumal, John Davis, Gina Haycock, Steve Howland, David Hurst, Joni Jordan, Belen Kersten, Chris Mangels, Josh Muller, Deborah Nolan, Marla Prochnow, Catherine Rodarte, Frank Tebeau, Jane Thomas, Stephen Tootle, Tiffany Wainwright Guests: Ed Sense, Lisa Greer, Greg Turner Absent: Janice Brown, Amy Dwelle, James McDonnell, Kevin Picciuto, Thea Trimble 1 Summary Wednesday, March 13, 2013 4:10-5:30 pm, Room 1 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Michele Hester-Reyes at approximately 4:10 p.m. 2. Public Comment A. Regarding items not on the Agenda: Catherine Rodarte thanked Michele Hester-Reyes for going before the Board of Trustees and reading the counseling resolutions. She remarked that it was unfortunate that the Board and President behaved so badly toward Michele Hester-Reyes. Stephen Tootle explained that he, Joni Jordan, and Marla Prochnow (among others) met with Eva Conrad this week, and Michele Hester-Reyes added that it was interesting that Conrad explained, the best we can hope for is that we are on show cause for another year after they come back in October. Getting off show cause in a year is not possible because we won’t have the evidence of it. We will have the planning but no the evidence. Michele Hester-Reyes reported that Dr. Conrad as explained, the reason we are on Show Cause is because we do not have institutional capacity and processes for integrated planning, human resources, research and the SLOs, and we were, in fact, on Warning in 2006 for the same things. The reason we got off Warning in 2009 is because the accreditors were not being stringent enough and the commission was actually put on warning by the Department of Education for this. So in 2009, we should not have been off Warning. “You have horrible decision-making processes here.” Stephen Tootle remarked that it sounded like the management structure was going to change drastically, many committees will be deleted because of redundancy, a major cultural shift at COS. He suggested that if Academic Senate wants to remain a relevant voice on campus that we use the language of the new culture. “You identify the problem with evidence. You identify the solution with evidence. You are student centered with evidence. You make sure that your accountability is straightforward.” Joni Jordan reported that Conrad confirmed that it isn’t just making the SLOs but it’s the use of the evidence/data from the assessments to make decisions. It’s time to do that. Michele Hester-Reyes announced that Senate will have an extra meeting next week and we will be looking Committee AP and BP on Outcomes and Assessment. A new schedule was distributed with extra meetings in May as well. We will be holding the April 24th meeting at the new Tulare Center and the meeting will begin a little later to accommodate the drive. Emergency meetings (should we need them) will be held on Friday mornings sometime between 11am and 1pm and will be announced as needed. Ed Sense commended Michele Hester-Reyes on her performance at the Board meeting. 2 Chris Mangels announced that Jekyll and Hyde opens this Friday. Please call the Box Office for tickets. B. Regarding items on the Agenda: M/David Hurst. 2nd/Steve Howland. MSA. 3. Approval of Minutes 4. Action Items A. Curriculum: M/Gina Haycock. 2nd/Linda Amaral. MSA. 5. B. Music and Theater “Families” M/Steven Howland. 2nd/Stephen Tootle. MSA. C. Approval of RTF Committee members: Christian Anderson, John Boragno, Matt Bourez, Amy Dwelle, Valerie Ehrlich, Rolando Gonzalez, Joni Jordan, Joshua Muller, Steve Natoli, Marla Prochnow, Stephen Tootle, Thea Trimble, Marvin Turk, Meng Vang, Jared Burch, Linda Amaral, Julie Rodriguez, and Michele Hester-Reyes. Approved by acclamation. Discussion A. CVHEC Resolution: M/Frank Tebeau. 2nd/Chris Mangels. MSA B. Michele Hester-Reyes introduced Greg Turner, taking David Hurst’s place for the remainder of the semester beginning in April, and he will be the new Committee B Chair. There will no be a Committee C. Those members will be folded into Committee B. C. AP 2510: M/Marla Prochnow with changes 2nd/David Hurst. Strike #4 as redundant. Joni Jordan suggested striking from C, the word “Organizational” and replace with “Accreditation-related” reasons. Same change in 2b. Discussion ensued. Michele recommends that we add the starred portion of Mt. SAC’s policy and maybe the general statement on their second page under General Goals and Operating Principles. Michele Hester-Reyes also distributed Miracosta’s AP. They have a governance manual, which is updated yearly, rather than many complicated APs, so the AP just refers people to the manual. The Standard IV Committee, according to Josh Muller, is working on constructing a governance manual. Chris Mangels remarked that in his recent research, he’s encountered more colleges with governance manuals rather than a lot of different APs or BPs. Chris Mangels moved to postpone this until next Wednesday, March 20. Linda Amaral/2nd. MSA. Frank Tebeau requested an explanation as to how this AP is connected to the manual being made. Why are we doing both? Matt Bourez will ask his committee. D. AP 4102: M/Steven Howland. 2nd/David Hurst. MSA. E. AP 5070: M/Chris Mangels 2nd/David Hurst. MSA. F. Michele Hester-Reyes announced at the Board meeting that Senate would address Campus Climate. She presented the Senate with the Mt. SAC AP on Code of Ethics/Standards of Practice. It was decided that Senate could start a conversation with the President and invite him to participate in creating our own AP/BP on this. 3 6. 7. 8. 9. Reports from Standing Committees New Business Old Business Adjournment Submitted by Sondra Bergen