Outline for a Response to Literature essay

Outline for a Response to Literature essay:
Paragraph 1: Meaning
The title of the work and the author:
A Brief summary:
A theme and/or sub-themes:
A quote to back up this theme
An explanation of the quote
The audience:
Proof from the text (a quote or example): :
The purpose of the story:
Proof from the text (a quote or example)::
Paragraph 2: Connections
A topic sentence that introduces that the paragraph will be about making connections:
First connection (a story, novel, TV show or personal experience that connects to the story by theme)
A quote from the story to show how it connects to the story
A second connection (a story, novel, TV show or personal experience that connects to the story by theme)
A quote from the story to show how it connects to the story
Note: Don’t forget that you have to make 2 connections in the exam and include 2 quotes to show the
Paragraph 3: Codes, Conventions and Structures (ie: Literary devices/terms/techniques)
A topic sentence that introduces that the paragraph will be about literary devices (or
The first literary device:
Proof from the text (a quote or example):
An explanation of how this literary device enhances the story or helps me to better understand
the theme or the overall text:
The second literary device:
Proof from the text (a quote or example):
An explanation of how this literary device enhances the story or helps me to better understand
the theme or the overall text:
Paragraph 4:
A topic sentence that introduces that the paragraph will be about judgement (opinion) of the text
An explanation of why the text as valuable or not.
A meaningful quote from the text to back up my opinion: