Teacher: The Deskins Course Organizer Period: This Course: Chemistry II Student: Course Dates: August 2014– June 2015 COURSE STANDARDS: What? How? Value? 3 Major Tests 300 pts. Prob. Practice / 2 Daily Avgs. Labs /“Routines” 200 pts. _______ 500 pts. CONTENT: is about understanding the behavior of matter by studying the behavior of atoms and molecules. Concepts / Problems PROCESS: Course Questions: 1) How do chemists evaluate experimental error? 2) How does atomic structure relate to chemical bonding and periodicity? 3) How does the periodic table help us solve problems and make predictions? 4) Why are balanced equations so important in chemistry? 5) Why are mole relationships so important in chemistry? 6) How do conditions of pressure, volume, and temperature affect gases? 7) How does the process of solvation change concentration and properties of a solution? 9) How is energy involved in chemical and physical changes? 10) How do kinetics, equilibrium, and thermodynamics influence chemical reactions? There are NO do-overs in Chem II. Course Expectations: This class is designed for students who will need to take a chemistry class in college. It assumes that the student is comfortable applying math skills (should be enrolled in Pre-calculus if you haven’t already had it). This class uses a college text, includes college level labs, and requires students to learn much of the material outside of class on their own. Expect to do more work for the same grade you got in Chem I. You must have excellent attendance to do well in this class. Course Map This Course: Chemistry II Student : includes Community Principles Performance Options Learning Rituals Take control of actions. Have respect for self, others, and property. Show responsibility. Course Organizer, Unit Organizer, FRAME, & Other Content Enhancement Routines Lab Activities “Turn to Your Neighbor” Present Solutions to Problems to the Class Online Homework Assignments – “MasteringChemistry” * Work with partner or in a group * Submission of original, well thought-out answers to Unit Organizer Questions for extra homework points Big Ideas (Critical Concepts) Atomic Theory Nomenclature Chemical Bonding How We Study Matter Kinetic Theory Thermodynamics Equilibrium Kinetics, Equilibrium, & Thermodynamics Learned in these Units Atoms, & How They Combine Phase Changes & Solutions Organic Chemistry Stoichiometry Gases Thermochemistry Electrons & Periodicity Bonding