
King of the Franks
and Emperor of the
Holy Roman Empire
742 - 814
• “Father of Europe”
Charlemagne’s Empire
Main Idea
Through conquest and social change, Charlemagne tied much of
western Europe together in a single empire.
Reading Focus
• How did Charlemagne and the Carolingians build the Frankish
• How did Charlemagne’s actions contribute to shaping a new
By the Sword and the Cross
• Charlemagne (Charles
the Great) was born on
April 2, 742, in
Northern Europe. "By
the sword and the
cross," he became
master of Western
Europe. Through his
enlightened leadership
the roots of learning
and order were
restored to Medieval
Building an Empire
Powerful Kingdom
• Crowning of Charlemagne a surprise, but not random decision
• His predecessors, the kings of the Franks, worked for 200 years to make
kingdom most powerful in Europe
Frankish Empire
• By 800s Franks ruled much of western, central Europe
• Leaders most influential in expansion of Franks all belonged to one family—
Charlemagne’s family, the Carolingians
Early Carolingians
• One of first Carolingians to gain power, Charlemagne’s grandfather
• Charles Martel, political adviser, war leader for Frankish king
• Led Frankish army in many crushing defeats of opponents, notably Muslims
• Charles’s son, Pippin III, also skilled leader; won many battles,
captured new lands for Franks
• Became first king of Carolingian dynasty, 751
• Upon death, 768, Pippin passed kingdom to son, ruler known today
as Charlemagne
Charlemagne’s Rise to Power
• Charlemagne, Old French for Charles the Great
• Name proved accurate, Charlemagne a great leader
• Historically considered one of most important leaders in European
• Foundation of success, his military power
Europe in Turmoil
• In 768, when Charlemagne was 26, he and his brother
Carloman inherited the kingdom of the Franks. In 771
Carloman died, and Charlemagne became sole ruler of
the kingdom.
– At that time the Franks were falling back into barbarian ways,
neglecting their education and religion.
– The Saxons of northern Europe
were still pagans.
– In the south, the Roman Catholic
church was asserting its power to
recover land confiscated by the
Lombard kingdom of Italy.
Europe was in turmoil.
•Charlemagne wanted to expand his country
more to the east and to the west.
•During the time he ruled, his kingdom was
usually in war; he waged more than 50 military
• Charlemagne conquered
about six countries in
modern day Europe. He
ruled for 47 years and died
at the age of 72
• Charlemagne men were
always to be ready for war
.they had to fight with
whatever weapon they
• Such weapons were spears
bows and arrows and
swords for those who had
Military Power
Increased Kingdom
Pope Leo III
• Assembled army each year, led
into battle against a foe
• Recognized Charlemagne’s
skill, called on him for help
when Lombards attacked Papal
States, 774
• Incorporated land of
vanquished foe into his sphere
of influence, formed alliances
with local rulers
• In this way Charlemagne
increased size and power of
Carolingian kingdom
• Papal states, region in central
Italy under control of pope
• Franks defeated Lombards;
Charlemagne became king of
Lombards as well as Franks
Charlemagne Brings Order to Europe
• Charlemagne was determined to
strengthen his realm and to bring
order to Europe. In 772 he launched a
30-year military campaign to
accomplish this objective. By 800
Charlemagne was the undisputed
ruler of Western Europe.
– France, Switzerland, Belgium, and The
Netherlands, half of present-day Italy and
Germany, and parts of Austria and Spain.
• By establishing a central government
over Western Europe, Charlemagne
restored much of the unity of the old
Roman Empire and paved the way for
the development of modern Europe.
Helping the Pope
Another Cry for Help
A Pope’s Thanks
• Pope Leo III grateful for
Charlemagne’s help against
• Pope Leo III thanked
Charlemagne by naming him
emperor of Roman people
• 799, called on Charlemagne
again when angry supporters of
previous pope ran Leo out of
• Title implied Charlemagne had
restored glory of Roman Empire
in Europe
• Charlemagne had Leo escorted
back to Rome, restored to
• Pope’s action suggested that
Charlemagne’s rule had
backing of church, God
Pope Leo III
• Came from humble
beginnings (poor)
• Was a good servant
to God, the church
• Picked to be Pope
• Many in the Church
didn’t like the
• Accused him of
Pope Leo III
• Nobles attacked him
• Tried to Cut out his
Tongue and Eyes
• Escaped, Deposed
to a Monastery
• Escaped again, Met
• Escorted back to
• On Christmas Day in 800,
while Charlemagne knelt in
prayer in Saint Peter's in
Rome, Pope Leo III placed a
golden crown on the bowed
head of the king.
Charlemagne is said to have
been surprised by the
coronation, declaring that
he would not have come
into the church had he
known the pope's plan.
However, some historians
say the pope would not
have dared to act without
Charlemagne's knowledge.
Charlemagne’s Rule
• Charlemagne had tremendous power as emperor
• Empire large, not easy to rule; changes made government efficient, effective
• Established permanent capital at Aachen, in what is now Germany
Delegating Authority
• Built huge palace, cathedral to reflect own greatness
• Chose counts, officials to help rule parts of empire in his name
• Counts bound to obey, granted large tracts of land, given much authority
• Inspectors kept tabs on Charlemagne’s counts
• Rewarded counts who did jobs well, punished those who did not
• Inspectors helped ensure counts remained loyal, empire was well run
How did Charlemagne turn his kingdom into
an empire?
Answer(s): strong warrior; restored the pope to
power; provided stability and order; barons helped
him rule
Although Charlemagne is known mostly as a warrior and a political
leader, he also made sweeping changes to Frankish society.
• Charlemagne personally
interested in learning, spent
much time studying
• Wanted leaders in empire to be
able to read, write
• Ordered churches,
monasteries to start schools
• Students learned:
– Religion
– Music
– Grammar
• Noted European scholars
invited by Charlemagne to
• Spent time teaching, as well
as studying, copying ancient
• Sent copies of texts to
monasteries across Europe;
monks there made copies
• Saved many valuable works
for posterity
• In addition to improving education, Charlemagne wanted to preserve,
spread Christian teachings
• Worked closely with church to create unified Christian empire
• Used force to accomplish, ordered those he conquered to convert to
Christianity under penalty of death
• Sent monks to live among conquered to help Christianity take root
Great Heights
• Honored traditional laws of tribes
brought under his rule
• Western Europe reached great
heights under Charlemagne
• Most laws existed only in oral
• Empire did not survive long after
death in 814
• Had many tribal laws recorded
• Civil war wracked kingdom,
grandsons divided empire
• Allowed tribal legal codes to
maintain separate existence
• Empire weak, invaders poured in
Find the Main Idea
How did Charlemagne change society in his
Answer(s): built an education system, preserved
ancient writings, expanded religion, developed
single law code
Carolinian Renaissance
• Charlemagne learned to read
Latin and some Greek but
apparently did not master
writing. At meals, instead of
having jesters perform, he
listened to visiting scholars
read from learned works.
Carolinian Renaissance
– Charlemagne believed that government
should be for the benefit of the governed.
– He was a tireless reformer who tried to
improve his people's lives.
– He set up money standards to encourage
commerce, urged better farming methods
and worked to spread education and
Book Work…Yeah!! Pages 192 - 195
– When did Charlemagne die? What happened to
the Carolingian Empire afterwards?
– In the 9th and 10th centuries, who invaded
“France”? What kind of things did they do?
– Explain what happened to these invaders in 911.
– What is Feudalism and why did this order form?
– Draw the Feudal “pyramid” and explain what each
level offers.
– Explain the Feudal contract. What responsibilities
did this give each member of the contract?
– How did the idea of Chivalry begin? In your
opinion, should chivalry exist today? Why or why