DAILY CLASS POWER POINT SPRING 2016 BEGINNING AT 1968 CONTINUING THROUGH 2008 RETURNING TO 1880 FINISHING WITH WWII The Film 1968 Paper assignment handed out at end of fall semester at which time we viewed the first part of the film Short answer responses to prompts on assignment sheet due the next class day after viewing. The Rise and Fall 0f Richard M Nixon 1-11-16 Pros and Cons of Nixon’s presidency. What does Nixon’s report card look like in his first term? ASSIGNMENT: 1. List Nixon’s accomplishments and failures before watergate. 2. Give Nixon a percentage grade based on his first term 3. Finally, using your findings, explain why you gave him the grade that you did. Nixon and Watergate: Abuse of Power 1/13 Today we are going to look at the scandal that brought down Richard Nixon: WATERGATE What is it? What happened? Who was involved? Why did he have to resign? After the ppt presentation there will be a class discussion (you will be expected to take notes on the discussion) There will be an open note quiz on Watergate. WATERGATE POLITICAL CARTOONS 1/15 a-day Instructions: Read each cartoon description individually. Discuss possible answers to the missing elements Sketch and or answer on your own paper Conclusion: Answer the following historical question in detail: What is the long-term impact of the Watergate scandal on the American Presidency on America and on the American people? RISE OF THE NEW RIGHT CONSERVATISM Text Book reading: pages 858 to 864 Follow the study guide to collect information while reading the section. Take careful notes based on the study guide. Summarize your notes on each side of the page. Be prepared to respond in short answer format to questions on the New Right conservatism. RONALD REAGAN AND THE NEW RIGHT Go to link in calendar on the 21st View video starting a 48min mark until time is called. View power point slides on the lead up to the Reagan era. Collect information on conditions that led to the rise of Ronald Reagan (Notes) ***Describe the many conditions, elements, stuff, that led to Reagan’s rise to the presidency 1-28/29 DESERT STORM The First Gulf War 2-1/2 Go to the class website calendar on the 28th for directions and links to both the video and the reading. Questions on the material to follow next week. 2/3 The Era of Globalization Project 2/12 The project will be in small groups or individual *There will PROGRESS GRADES TAKEN EACH CLASS PERIOD that make up approximately HALF OF YOUR GRADE **The project will be valued at 300 points total. Therefore you cannot afford not to participate or complete the project. **Your grade will not be contingent on the effort of your group members. You must earn your own grade. The Era of Globalization Project Breakdown of must have material: Economic material: O.P.E.C.—(1990-2008 ) N.A.F.T.A. G.A.T.T.— (W.T.O. 1994) The American Economic Recovery Act (2009) War on Terror material: The Balkans Crisis (1990s), Afghanistan War, Second Gulf War (IRAQ war), 1993 World Trade Center Bombing, The 9/11 World Trade Center Attack. Politics and Governance material: 3rd party effects (Perot & Nader), The Patriot Act, Response to Hurricane Katrina, Response to Immigrations issues The 2000 election, The fight over “Obama Care.” The Era of Globalization Project All project products must be preapproved. All group members must have documented proof of participation and contribution. If a group member is absent they will not receive full credit for that day. Possible Products: No posters-no,no,no-not. Power point presentation-be careful it needs to follow some rules Video—some rules here too Oral presentation—more rules apply A recording, A piece of art with a written description of the needed material An old fashioned paper-some rules apply Your own idea preapproved before you begin. The Era of Globalization Project There may need to be changes in the criteria and rules as we go forward to fit unique situations and products. This will be at my discretion as needed for the good of the group or the class as a whole. If you have any questions see me right away-don’t wait until the end and be disappointed. ALL PROJECTS COMPLETED AND DUE BY FRIDAY FEBUARY, 12 Regardless of A or B day class. BY 4:15 CHANGE AND CONFLICT IN THE AMERICAN WEST 2/16 The American West is a story of conflict and of change. Settlers moving from east of the Mississippi River to western mountains and plains came into contact with Native Americans. As more settlers streamed westward, Native Americans became increasingly resistant to settler’s assumptions that the land was theirs for the taking. Anglo settlers believed the west a vast “empty” territory waiting to be settled, worked and exploited. However, the west was not empty it was populated by Native American peoples who had been living in the area for thousands of years. This contact between Anglo settlers and native inhabitants of the west produced significant conflict and change in the American West. THE AMERICAN WEST FIRST, what are some things you think of when you think about the “WEST” ? SECOND, lets watch some video depicting the American west and discuss some common themes that we identify with the west. THIRD, Let’s analyze a famous historical image depicting westward expansion and discuss the meaning of what it shows SIGNIFICANT HISTORY QUESTIONS ON THE AMERICAN WEST: How did the westward migration and expansionism of Americans impact the west and its Native People? How did westward expansion change America at that time and into the country’s future? THE AMERICAN WEST OBJECTIVE OF THE LESSON: To understand and be able to explain the major conflicts and changes westward expansion brought to America and the American west and its native peoples. NOW LET’S BEGIN THE LESSON TO BEGIN: go to the class website and follow the links to the documents we will be using. First we will gather some background information from a ppt. You should take Cornell notes on the key information I will point out as we go. THE AMERICAN WEST SECOND: access the document in the Homestead Act from the link Read the section “What is the homestead Act” and The section:” Effects of the Homestead Act” be sure to read both positive and negative effects. Now write down in a “T” chart the pros and cons. THIRD: find the link to the document on the Transcontinental Railroad and begin reading it. You are reading to discover the kinds of changes and effects the railroad had on the west: economic, native peoples, settlement, environmental and any others. Document your findings in a set of reading notes and write a list of the various kinds of changes and effects you found. THE AMERICAN WEST Now access the document “CONFLICT IN THE WEST” And the one titled “The Dawes Act” Read through both documents and note the impact of Anglo expansion on Native American peoples. Then answer the following questions in short answer complete sentences. 1. What were some reasons for conflict between Native Americans and Anglo settlers? 2. How did Anglo settlement change the American West in relation to native peoples? THE AMERICAN WEST Now to complete our understanding of the THE AMERICAN WEST, you will compile your notes and research and use the detail from your research the explain following in short essay format. Explain the major changes in the west as a result of Anglo expansion, and as a result of conflict with Native Americans. Your response must be hand written in class and be approximately one side of one page of standard notebook paper. In order to earn at least passing credit you must include the detail from your study of the material used for the lesson. This question is valued at 100pts The previous parts of the assignment are also 100 pts 2/24 INSUSTRIALIZATION, IMMIGRATION THE BIG CITY The industrialization of America Large influx of European immigrants The growth of large cities Causes and Effects What does all this change do to America? So many changes in so many ways. We need to put them all together over the next two days. **Go to the class website calendar for links to the study material. FIRST: INDUSTRIALIZATION Questions to GUIDE YOUR NOTE TAKING What is industrialization? What kinds of changes does it bring? What are some of the effects of those changes? SUMMARIZE YOUR NOTES, on the above topics 2/26 IMMIGRATION & CITIES European Immigration is the second building block of the industrialization of America. Millions of European immigrants streamed across the Atlantic for a better life in America filling American Cities to overflowing. The life they found here was difficult, often dangerous, and sometimes deadly, but is was usually better than the life they left behind. Though most chose to stay in America many found conditions too difficult here and returned to their home countries. 2/28 IMMIGRATION & CITIES First: study the power point “IMMIGRATION” Second: Make a set of notes on this power point as you go through it. Third: Use your notes to create a list of the conditions/difficulties/challenges immigrants confronted in America. Fourth: Answer the questions at the end of the presentation in short-answer format. Continue to next slide 2/26 IMMIGRATION & CITIES Once you have completed the assignment on immigration continue on to the presentation titled: “LIFE IN THE BIG CITY”. 1. Create a set of study notes that outlines the key elements of life and conditions in the city including and especially the political environment. 2. Answer the questions at the end in short answer format. Continue to next slide 3/1IMMIGRATION & CITIES IMMIGRATION & CITIES There will be an open-note test on the material covered in these three presentations and the material from first day’s lecture presentation next week. There will be two grades: One grade for your notes One grade for your score on the quiz. 3/3 IMMIGRATION & CITIES TEST Please do not write on the test Please do write on your own paper You just need to write the number of the question and your answer choice. Please make sure your paper has you first and last name and your period. GIVE YOUR TEST ANSWERS TO ME WITH THE TEST PLEASE TURN IN ALL YOUR WORK PLACE IT IN THE ORDER IT IS PRESENTED IN THE INSTRUCTIONS. 3/7-8 The Reaction to Industrialization UNIONS Follow the links from the calendar to the History.com site on Unions. Read the short history on unions Watch the videos on Andrew Carnegie and Child Labor. Study the text book on unions pages 326-330. GO ON TO THE NEXT SLIDE FOR THE QUESTIONS BASED ON THE ABOVE DOCUMENTS 3/7-8 The Reaction to Industrialization UNIONS Answer the following questions in complete sentences. 1. What aspects of industrial life (workers) caused problems and frustrations for workers? 2. How did industries respond to unionization? 3. Why were some Americans distrustful of early unions? 4. Who was responsible for the failure of the Pullman Strike? 5. What were some reasons early industrial unions failed? 6. Explain the relationship between unionizing and the hardships of industrial workers.