Agenda * Honors 12/18

Agenda – Honors 12/20
1. Bellringer: In our story, which is
winning? Nature or Nurture? Write at
least 3 sentences to answer. (5)
2. Reading Check (10)
3. 11th Grade Common Assessment
(affixes) (15)
4. Go over Flocab list 2 (5)
5. Check/Discuss Keynotes 140-180 (10)
6. Nature versus Nurture? Teams –
Keynote pass is on the line. (30)
7. Read 180-240 (remainder)
• 180-240
• Keynotes (5):
• Keynotes
Anger, imagery,
8. Midterm prompt – 2 texts in a time
symbolism, fear, title
period (still doing the other essay)
9. Closure: Naturalism? How? Predictions? change
Title change?
Agenda - Academic 12/20
1. Bellringer: Write a description of a
character in the story using any
four flocab words (from list 1 and
2). (10)
2. Go over what happened 30-60 (25)
– Checking symbolism and Imagery
• Answering how and why
3. Read – As a class, groups, listen,
individually. (20)
– Should be nearly finished with study
guide 1
• Affixes common Assessment (20)\
• Continue reading • Closure: Write 3 traits of naturalism
Write a
naturalist story
using 15 flocab
Read intro to
Native Son
(Handout) –
write 4 things
you learned
from it.