
Healthy Schools, Healthy Families
Mithila Jegathesan, M.D.
Kate Avitabile, M.D.
What is Diabetes?
 A disease
in which there are high
levels of blood glucose in the body
 Glucose
 It
is the medical term for sugar
is the fuel the body uses to stay
active, just like gas in a car
Why does diabetes happen?
Normally, an organ called the pancreas
produces a hormone called insulin
Insulin controls the level of sugar in the
In diabetes the insulin does not control the
sugar correctly
Type 1 Diabetes
The body destroys the cells in the pancreas
that usually make insulin
There is no insulin in the body to control the
levels of sugar
Insulin must be injected into the person to
control the levels of sugar
Type 1 Diabetes
 Usually
happens in children and young
 May
 No
be “in their genes”
way to prevent or cure this type of
diabetes yet
Type 2 Diabetes
At the beginning the pancreas is able to
produce insulin to control the sugar
But the other cells in the body, like the
muscles, cannot respond to this insulin
The pancreas tries to produce more and more
insulin but the organs cannot respond
This is called “insulin resistance”
Type 2 Diabetes
The pancreas eventually gets tired out and
cannot produce any more insulin
The body’s sugar levels are uncontrolled
Some people need medications to decrease the
level of sugar in the body
Other people may eventually need insulin
Who often gets Type 2 Diabetes?
Older age - adult and young adult cases
Overweight or obese people
Women who had diabetes during pregnancy
People who do not exercise often
Some races and ethnicities
African American
Native Americans
Some Asians
May run in families
Gestational Diabetes
Diabetes in pregnant women
May go away after the baby is born
But some women with this type of diabetes
may be more likely to develop permanent
diabetes after pregnancy
Can cause problems for the baby including
heart and lung problems and problems with the
baby’s sugar
Who may get diabetes of
Obese women
Women with family members with diabetes
More common in African Americas,
Hispanic/Latina Americans, and Native
Body Parts Affected by Diabetes
– Diabetes causes the blood vessels of the
back of the eye called the retina to grow too
– This may cause the retina to separate from
the back of the eye
– This may lead to permanent blindness
– Some people may have surgery to remove
these blood vessels
Body Parts Affected by Diabetes
 Kidneys
– Diabetes causes the blood vessels of
the kidneys to become weak
– This may lead to leaking of important
proteins into the urine
– These important proteins are lost from
the body
Body Parts Affected by Diabetes
 Kidneys
– Loss of proteins may lead to swelling
of the feet and ankles
– Kidney damage can also cause high
blood pressure
– Some people need kidney transplants
Body Parts Affected by Diabetes
 Heart
– High sugar causes damage to the blood
vessels that bring blood to the muscle
of the heart
– The vessels can become narrow
– Blood cannot get to all parts of the
– This may lead to chest pain, heart
attacks, and possibly death
Body Parts Affected by Diabetes
 Other
blood vessels
– The vessels of the legs, ankles, and feet
may be damaged by diabetes
– This may lead to change in color, pain,
and ulcers
– Some diabetics need to have
Body Parts Affected by Diabetes
– The nerves of the feet are often damaged
– This can cause changes in feeling as well
as burning sensations in the feet
– The nerves of the stomach and intestine
can also be damaged and cause problems
with digestion
Body Parts Affected by Diabetes
– Diabetics are more prone to getting
– They may get very serious infections with
– The ulcers of the feet can become
infected and spread to infection of the
What is Pre-Diabetes?
 A condition
that may later develop into
 The
levels of sugar in the blood are
higher than normal but not as high as
in diabetes
Who can get Pre-Diabetes?
Also children!
As more and more children are overweight,
more and more children are getting prediabetes
What are the signs of PreDiabetes?
A person with pre-diabetes has high sugar
on a blood test taken first thing in the
morning, before eating anything
The doctor may then test the blood after the
person eats a sugary meal and the blood
sugar is even higher
What are the signs of PreDiabetes?
Acanthosis nigricans
– Dark color of the skin on the back of the
neck or under the armpits
– May be seen in both light and dark
skinned people
– Sign of high levels of blood sugar
– Especially important in finding children
at risk of pre-diabetes and diabetes
Now for some
How can I prevent diabetes in
myself and my children?
– 30 minutes per day or 3 times per week
– Try walking more rather than taking the bus
or subway
– Take the stairs instead of the elevator
– Try buying an exercise video to use at home
– Find a friend to exercise with you!
How can I prevent diabetes in
myself and my children?
Eat healthy
– Eat a diet low in fat, low in carbohydrates,
and high in fiber
– Limit fast food
– Limit soda and juice
– Parents’ examples help children form good
How can I prevent diabetes in
myself and my children?
Lose weight
– Obesity is a major risk factor for
developing diabetes
– Exercise and healthy eating can help you
maintain a healthy weight and lower your
risk of developing diabetes
How can I prevent diabetes in
myself and my children?
Decrease screen time
– Instead of watching TV or playing video
games with your kids, go for a walk or go
to the park together
– Cutting down TV time from 4 hrs a day
to 2 hrs a day can decrease children’s risk
of being overweight and developing prediabetes
How can I prevent diabetes in
myself and my children?
See your doctor for regular check-ups
– Follow advice on how to lower blood
pressure and cholesterol
– Having diabetes along with obesity, high
blood pressure, and high cholesterol
increases your risk of heart and kidney
How can I prevent diabetes in
myself and my children?
 Limit
alcohol intake
 Ask
your doctor for information about
how you can stop smoking
 Dial
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