Regeneration and Housing Growth in Waltham Forest 2015-2020 Private Landlords Forum Nick Powell – Head of Strategic Housing & Investment 22 September 2015 Growth in Waltham Forest Waltham Forest is experiencing unprecedented housing pressure: •House prices in the borough rose by 25% & private rents increased by over 14% in 2014/15 Our Response: •We are planning for an additional 12,000 new homes in the borough by 2020 •This will include up to 2,000 new homes on the Council’s own land •And 4,000 affordable homes delivered by housing associations/registered providers Where will the housing go? • Four main areas of growth: - Walthamstow Town Centre - Lea Bridge Road Area - Leyton & North Olympic Park Area - Blackhorse Lane • We need to plan carefully to ensure the supporting infrastructure - schools, health centres, transport, leisure, etc – is provided to create desirable and sustainable communities Growth Locations • Blackhorse Lane: 2,500 new homes • Central Walthamstow & St James/South Grove: 1,350 new homes • Leyton & North Olympic Park Area: 1,500 new homes • Lea Bridge Road Station Area: 1,800 new homes Place-shaping and Place-making • Place-shaping frameworks commissioned for: - Walthamstow - Lea Bridge - Leyton & North Olympic Park Area • Place-shaping frameworks will identify opportunities and ensure they contribute to creating a high-quality environment and sense of place • Place-making through high quality design, coordinated development and investment in wide ranging improvements Blackhorse Lane – 2,500 additional homes Creating a new community: •Many new homes already delivered •GLA approved Housing Zone •Increase pace of housing delivery: - 440 by 2016/17 - 636 by 2017/18 - 421 by 2018/19 - 374 by 2019/20 •New Medical Centre on Sutherland Road/St Andrews Road •New secondary school (opening Sept) •Walthamstow Wetlands project •Station junction road improvements Central Walthamstow - 1,350 additional homes Walthamstow Town Centre •New “city living” homes (above The Mall) •Enhanced retail offer •New public realm •Vibrant leisure quarter •New office spaces •Improved road layout South Grove/St James Street •New neighbourhood •improved health provision •Leisure and community facilities •Draft Supplementary Planning Document Leyton & North Olympic Park – 1,500 additional homes Potential to become one of East London’s pre-eminent residential areas Opportunity to bring together: •a ‘village’ / historical townscape •Connectivity •Unrivalled park setting •International standard leisure facilities at Leyton Jubilee Park, Eaton Manor & Drapers Field •Significant sites for new homes Lea Bridge Road Station Area – 1,800 new homes Potential for a new housing quarter clustered around the Lea Bridge Station •New station opening spring 2016 (Stratford / Tottenham Hale) •Access to Lea Valley and Olympic Park leisure opportunities •Extension of Housing Zone incentives to accelerate delivery •Expect new homes built to the highest space and design standards •Looking at Kidbrooke Village as one exemplar Estate Regeneration - Marlowe Road Project summary: •Current – 198 homes (150 social rent, 43 leaseholders, and 5 freeholders) •Proposed – 439 homes (150 Council rented, 40 shared ownership, 249 private sale) and approximately 1,000sqm commercial space •Estimated £70m total build cost - £1.2m MHC 2015-18 grant, sales receipts Progress update and project timetable: •Cabinet approvals July 2013, September 2014 and March 2015 •Negotiating Development Agreement terms with Countryside Properties •Decanting and leasehold buybacks progressing well •Planning application submission May, consent November 2015 •Phase 1 start on site March 2016 •Phase 3 completion 2021 Montague Road (John Walsh & Fred Wigg Towers) Project summary: •Current - 234 dwellings (inc. 11 leasehold) •Proposed - 273 new homes (157 Council rent, 38 shared ownership, 78 sale) •£44m total cost - £30.5m sales receipts, £7m HRA, GLA funding (balance) Progress update and project timetable: •Cabinet approval November 2014 for regeneration with development partner •Development partner selection End 2015 •Planning application submission Mid 2016 •Start work on infill block End 2016 •Complete building infill block March 2018 •Complete first tower refurbishment Late 2019 •Complete second tower refurbishment 2021 A Changing Demographic Landscape • Borough population set to increase over the next 10 years – particularly in the growth wards • Proportion of children and young people will continue to grow • People are living longer, and we have to cater for their housing and social infrastructure needs • We need to ensure we create places for people to live and enjoy Growth Wards 2015 2020 % increase 2025 % increase High Street 15,379 6.80% 19.80% Higham Hill 14,736 13.80% 16.60% Lea Bridge 16,882 7.90% 14.90% Leyton 15,302 6.10% 16.90% Markhouse 14,525 9.60% 20.90% William Morris 14,165 20.40% 31.40% Wood Street 14,270 9.90% 19% Invest in Waltham Forest New phase of growth, development and improvement building on the Creating a Better Place regeneration programme: •Olympic Legacy •Green Spaces •Leisure •Arts and Culture •High Streets & Retail •Transport •Homes and neighbourhoods Many opportunities to be a part of this •Invest Waltham Forest launch Any Questions?