Bussines Plan1

Executive Summary:
Our purpose is to create a marketing plan for a for-profit organization that will retail fresh
baked goods and treats to the students of North Park Secondary School.
In the school there is an evident concern about the rising prices of food items available for
purchase from the school servery. Candy corner will not try to compete with the servery by
providing food items for lunch, however, it will provide snack items for the students to buy and
eat on the go.
Our business will provide these products at a reasonably low price, convenient location and a
hygienic & friendly environment. Our plan is based around the consumer’s ability to buy our
products on a daily basis. Our product will compete with both the servery and the surrounding
Through a random survey conducted with a sample of the population, we have figured out the
projected demand and price. As well we have also created an announcement for the P.A. system
and a flyer to hand out to the students.
Candy Corner, our business, will take the place of the Commons Corner Store at North Park
Secondary School. It is crucial to our business that we use the convenience of our location to its
fullest potential. We are able to target a large group of students by being in the Commons Area.
The price will help the business build a reputation for providing quality goods at low prices.
The business will market at a low price because it is the belief of the students, our target market,
believes that the prices in the servery and vending machines are rapidly increasing.
At North Park Secondary School, increasing prices of food items at the servery, and high prices
of the vending machines are causing the students to question if there are other options. Our
business will provide light snacks and candy to these students at low prices and will be
conveniently placed within the premises of the school.
Background Information:
From our research we have gathered that the Commons Corner Store was originally used to
retail school supplies and is now used to sell candy grams, SPC cards, or to raise money during
fundraisers. Today, the Commons Corner store has little use but is always surrounded by a huge
crowd of people throughout the time that we wish to make our service hours. We also know that
prices of the food items at the servery have been rising.
Current Situation:
Currently the vending machine is in a location close to many vending machines and a small
distance away from its major competition, the servery. The location Candy Corner wishes to use
is currently unoccupied and has a huge target for the products close to it. We also have the
knowledge and understanding that the students want to be able to buy baked goods and treats at
prices that are reasonable.
Current Needs:
Currently, one of the needs of the school is to provide food items at reasonably low prices
compared to the servery, the vending machines, and competition in the neighbourhood. The
needs of the school are to provide snacks or filling food items that a student can grab on the go
without having to wait in line for a long time or having to pay too much. The wants of the
students when it comes to fresh baked goods and candy are freshness, hygiene and low cost.
Projected Prices:
We know that some students are willing and able to pay the current prices charged for baked
goods such as cookies and muffins, chocolates and snacks at the vending machines and servery.
However, to create product differentiation, we are providing fresher goods, at lower prices. So,
through research, projected demand and calculated supply tell us that the price of the goods
should be as follows:
 $0.30 for small packs of candy
 $ 1.25 for large chocolate bars
 A range between $0.75 - $1.50 for baked goods
Effective Advertisement for Students:
Advertising through announcements is an easy, convenient and most effective way to advertise
to students. Announcements are a daily part of a school day and they are often listened to.
Though sounds are not as effective as visuals, the cost of leaflets, or placing full coloured and
attractive posters around the school is cheaper and much more effective for students. As a
secondary plan we are going to put up several posters around the school in high traffic areas like
the stair wells.
Target Market:
Our target market is every student at North Park Secondary School which is in the age range
from 14-19. This is because we are not providing a good or service that will only appeal to or be
of use to one group in particular, (ie. the IBT students). Candy Corner provides a service to all
students of North Park whatever the age.
Estimated Projected Consumer Demand:
Through conducted and compiled research, we can conclude that are target is willing and able
to buy anywhere from 2-4 small treats per day. Also we can conclude that our target is willing to
buy at least one chocolate per week and 2-4 baked goods per week.
Estimates Sales
Through our collected and compiled information, we can conclude that most students are
expected to buy at least $1.00 - $1.50 of goods from the Candy Corner.
Estimated Competition:
Our major source of competition remains the servery and the vending machines. This is
because they provide the same products as us. However, to differentiate our product from those
in the server and the vending machines, we are going to provide fresher goods with better quality
at a lower price. These are the factors that must be presented repeatedly to the target consumers
to ensure that they consider us before purchasing goods from the servery. It is predictable that
there is going to be a huge competition and possible deficit in the beginning of the business if
proper promotional recommendations are not used in the marketing of the Candy Corner and its
Potential Problems:
When marketing a product in an area with high competition, traffic, and a clear line to
creativity after a point, problems will arise. However, addressing these problems is a good way to
ensure that we are prepared for the problems and ready with the solutions.
Some of the problems that are expected to arise are:
1. There is a possibility of a greater generation of garbage produced by the consumers.
This will damage the location at which we want to sell our goods as well as hurt our
image if we produce too much waste.
2. Students will not like to have the same goods sold over and over again and they will
eventually begin to get tired of consuming the same goods over and over again. To
solve this problem, we must create new demand by having goods with high demand
brought in occasionally on special occasion. For example, chocolate covered
strawberries on Valentine’s Day, or candy canes on Christmas.
3. Also, some may think that our goods are unhealthy and demand may begin to decrease.
So then we may want to start marketing a healthier side. E.g. fresh fruit.
4. If prices at the servery and vending machine are lowered, competition will increase
dramatically. At that point, product differentiation and the business`s ability to market
these products will be crucial.
5. Students may wish to consume the goods from the servery because there are adults
present in the servery. Also, the servery has been at North Park for a long duration of
time and is trusted.
The product that is being brought into the market has been sold by the competition for a
long time. To differentiate our goods from the competition the quality of the goods must be
emphasised. Our baked goods will be fresh and not be placed for sale day after day in the Candy
Corner Store. Also, this business is going to provide a wide range of candy and chocolate to
ensure that our consumers’ demands are met. By analyzing the current situation of the
competition, we can see that there are definitely some flaws when it comes to the quality of
goods and hygiene.
The place where these goods and services are being sold is the Commons Corner Store
that will be run as the Candy Corner. The location is often has a huge population of the target
consumers and is well suited to keep the business running and in the view of the target.
Another way to differentiate our products is to offer the goods at a lower price than our
competition. This will not only attract demand because of the low cost, but will then enforce our
other goals and hopefully attract the customers back.
Due to the small market, we have to ensure that all target consumers know about our
business. To promote our goods and business, posters around the school will be an effective
method. However, there remains a chance that not all targets will see the posters or know about
the business. Since the business will reside in a school, it would be beneficial to promote through
the use of announcements. Since sounds are not as effective as colours and visuals, we will aid
the announcements through ads in the newsletter and leaflets. The population of target
consumers is small; therefore costly means of advertising will not be reasonable for our business.
There inexpensive methods of advertising will spread our business’s name in North Park
Secondary School.