AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2012 HONORS BIOLOGY Schedule Date M 8/27 T 8/28 W 8/29 Th 8/30 Period 1 Welcome to Biology Course Information and Course Topics Outline Group brainstorm: What characteristics do all living things share? Introduction to Concept Mapping (Good explanation here) Link to article used to create practice concept map HW: Read pp. 4-5 and complete 1st section of Ch 1 Guided Reading Packet Revisit: What characteristics do all living things share? Complete Chapter 1 Guided Reading and create concept map HW: Review Chapter 1 Vocabulary Discuss/Review Chapter 1.1 to 1.6 as a class Chapter 1 Vocab review “QUIZ” You can take this quiz over…and over…using any three vocab words!! Period 4 Period 8 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 T 9/4 Cube Inquiry Activity Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 W 9/5 Complete Cube Activity Write up Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 9/6 Chapter 1 Quiz Begin Unit 1 Chapter 2 Guided Reading and Review of Basic Chemistry Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 F 9/7 Properties of Water Photo Project Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 M 9/10 Continue water properties project Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 T 9/11 Discuss Chapter 2 Guided Reading and Water Properties Create Concept Map for Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Quiz HW: Read sections 3.1 to 3.3 on pp. 34-36 Carbohydrate Modeling Lab Instruction Sheet Lab Graphics Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 W 9/12 Th 9/13 F 9/14 Continue Carbohydrate Modeling: Here is a good Link with animations! Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 M 9/17 Continue Carbohydrate Modeling: Here is a good Link with animations! Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 T 9/18 Discuss polymers, carbohydrates: structures and functions (Notes) Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 W 9/19 Lipid Activity Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 9/20 Proteins: Structure and function: Model a dipeptide Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 F 9/21 Chapter 3 Quiz (3.1-3.7) Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 M 9/24 Review/Discuss Protein Structure/Function (Notes) Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 T 9/25 Nucleic Acid Structure and Function (Notes) Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 W 9/26 Unit 1 Review (Concept Maps) Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 9/27 UNIT 1 (Chapters 2-3) TEST Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 F 9/28 Begin Unit 2 (Unit Guide) Cell Theory History Guided Reading Sheet Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 OCTOBER 2012 HONORS BIOLOGY Schedule Date Period 1 Period 4 Period 8 M 10/1 Review of Cell Theory and Types of Cells (Notes) Begin Cell Analogy Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 T 10/2 Continue Cell Analogy Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 W 10/3 Unit 1 Retake -ORFinish Cell Analogy, Read Section 4.1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 10/4 Review Cell Structures and Functions (Notes) Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 F 10/5 Microscope Lab Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 NO CLASSES – TEACHER INSERVICE DAY M 10/8 T 10/9 Finish Microscope Lab Observe microorganisms (paramecium, etc) For Wednesday, Read Section 4.2 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 W 10/10 QUIZ: Cell Theory, Cell Structures/Functions Begin: Cell Size Lab Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 10/11 Cell Size Lab Part II Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 F 10/12 CDT Testing – Computer Lab Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 M 10/15 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 T 10/16 Discuss Cell Size lab results: Surface area vs Volume ratios (Notes) Guided Reading: Membrane Structure/Function Discuss Guided Reading: Membrane Structure/Function (Notes) Set up:Baggie Diffusion Lab Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 W 10/17 Analyze Baggie Diffusion Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 10/18 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 F 10/19 Osmotic Conditions Lab Instructions Observe plant cells in various osmotic conditions Finish Osmotic Conditions Lab Begin: Unit 2 Review (Chapters 4-5) Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 M 10/22 Unit 2 Review (Chapters 4-5) (ANSWERS) Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 UNIT 2 TEST Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 T 10/23 Th 10/25 Review Unit 2 Test, Discuss new due date procedures Begin Unit 3 (5.10-Chapter 6) Unit Guide HW: Create Cornell Note Outline for 5.10-5.13 DUE Th 10/25 Discuss Energy/Reactions (Notes) Energy and Reactions Writing Assignment F 10/26 Introduction to Enzyme Structure and Function W 10/24 M-T 10/29-10/30 NO SCHOOL WEATHER CANCELLATION W 10/31 Quiz: Energy and Reactions (5.10-5.13) Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 11/1 Review Enzyme Structure/Function (Notes) Begin: Enzyme (amylase) Lab Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 F 11/2 Enzyme (Amylase) Lab Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 NOVEMBER 2012 HONORS BIOLOGY Schedule Date Period 1 Period 4 Period 8 M 11/5 Enzyme (Amylase) Lab Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 T 11/6 Enzyme (Amylase) Lab First Draft DUE FRI 11/9 Enzyme and Inhibitors Graphing Interpretation Activity Graphs and graphing packet Introduction to Cellular Respiration (Great Animation Here!) (Notes) Cellular Respiration Details (Notes) (Good videos here) Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 W 11/7 Th 11/8 F 11/9 M 11/12 NO CLASSES – TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAYS T 11/13 W 11/14 Electrons in Cellular Respiration Writing Assignment: “How are electrons involved in the conversion of energy from glucose to ATP during cellular respiration?” Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 11/15 CR Lab Activity Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 F 11/16 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 M 11/19 Discuss Fermentation (Notes) Set Up Fermentation Lab Unit 3 Review (Q’s: 4,7, 14, 16 on p. 87; Q’s: 1-8, 10, 11, 14 on pp. 104-05) Also: Practice Quizzes from online textbook site for Ch 6 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 T 11/20 UNIT 3 (Ch 5.10 – 6) TEST Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 W 11/21 Review Unit 3 Test Re-examine Fermentation…do distillation followed by combustion! Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 T 11/27 Unit 4 Guide: Photosynthesis (Notes) Introduction to Photosynthesis Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 W 11/28 Photosynthesis Details Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 11/29 Discuss Photosynthesis details (Notes) Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 F 11/30 PHOTO-synthesis Activity Graphics Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 11/22 – M 11/26 THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY DECEMBER 2012 HONORS BIOLOGY Schedule Date Period 1 Period 4 Period 8 M 12/3 PHOTO-synthesis Activity Graphics Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 T 12/4 Photosynthesis variations (C4, CAM) and Global Carbon Cycle (Notes) Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 W 12/5 Unit 4 Review Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 12/6 UNIT 4 (Ch 7) TEST Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 F 12/7 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 M 12/10 Introduction to Cell Division/Cell Cycle (slides notes from class) (good animation) Mitosis Modeling Lab Lab instructions Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 T 12/11 Mitosis Modeling (Good animation here) Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 12/13 Review Mitosis/Cell Cycle (Great Animation) Introduction to Meiosis (watch this) (good comparison of meiosis/mitosis) Discuss Meiosis/ Sources of Genetic Variation Notes from Class F 12/14 Finish discussion of meiosis M 12/17 Karyotype Lab Mapping sheet Continue Karyotype Lab Unit 5 Review W 12/12 T 12/18 W 12/19 UNIT 5 (Ch 8) TEST Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 12/20 Genetic Abnormalities MidTerm Research Paper Grading Rubric Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 F 12/21 Work on research paper Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Keystone Exams Days JANUARY 2013 HONORS BIOLOGY Schedule Date Period 1 W 1/2 T 1/8 Chapter 9 Guide (Notes) Introduction to Mendelian Genetics Mendel Lab (Online Mendel Simulation) Lab Write-Up Sheet Corn Phenotype/Genotype Lab Corn Ear Graphics Finish Corn Phenotypes Lab Read: Extensions/Exceptions to Mendel’s Laws (Notes) (Answers) Discuss Mendelian extensions Read intro to: Blood Typing Lab Period 4 Period 8 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 W 1/9 Finish: Blood Typing Lab (Lab Packet) Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 1/10 Chromosomal Basis of heredity Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 F 1/11 Practice with patterns of Sex-Linked Traits (Answers) Inherited Disorders/Pedigrees (Answers) Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 M 1/14 Unit 6 Review (Full Version) (Answers) Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 T 1/15 UNIT 6 (Ch 9) TEST Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 W 1/16 Review for Midterm Exams Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 1/17 MIDTERM EXAMS Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 F 1/18 MIDTERM EXAMS Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 1/3 F 1/4 M 1/7 M 1/21 T 1/22 W 1/23 Th 1/24 F 1/25 MLK Holiday Unit 7 (Chapter 10) Guide Introduction to Molecular Genetics Guided Reading (Notes) Watson and Crick Article, Nature, 1953 Discuss DNA Structure/Watson and Crick Article DNA Replication DNA Replication Modeling Lab Lab Instructions Discuss/Review DNA Replication (Notes) Begin: DNA to RNA to Protein (Central Dogma of Molecular Genetics) NO SCHOOL – SNOW DAY M 1/28 T 1/29 Perfect Protein Lab (Modeling the Central Dogma) Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 W 1/30 Finish Perfect Protein Lab Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 1/31 Discuss DNA-RNA-Protein (Notes) Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 FEBRUARY 2013 HONORS BIOLOGY Schedule Date Period 1 Period 4 Period 8 F 2/1 Discuss DNA-RNA-Protein and mutations Gene Regulation/ Cloning Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 M 2/4 NOVA: “Cracking the Code of Life” Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 T 2/5 NOVA: “Cracking the Code of Life” Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 W 2/6 GMO’s, Gene Therapy, Genetic Finger printing Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 2/7 Unit 7 Review Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 F 2/8 UNIT 7 (Ch 10, 11, 12) TEST Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 M 2/11 Unit 8 (Chapters 13-14) Guide Darwin and Evolution Guided Reading Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 T 2/12 Discuss Darwin (Notes) Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 W 2/13 Evolution and Populations Guided Reading (Notes) Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 2/14 Discuss populations and evolution Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 F 2/15 Hardy-Wienberg Problems Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 NO SCHOOL - PRESIDENT’S DAY M 2/18 T 2/19 W 2/20 Th 2/21 F 2/22 M 2/25 Finish H-W Problems Microevolution/Mechanisms Guided Reading Discuss Microevolution (Notes) Kettlewell’s Moths Activity Finish Kettlewell Moths Activity Speciation Guided Reading (Notes) Mechanisms of Speciation (Notes) 10AM Start Day - Short Periods Discussion of Species/Speciation Unit 7 (Chapters 13-14) Review (Answers) Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 T 2/26 Continue Review of Chapters 13-14 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 W 2/27 UNIT 8 (Ch 13-14) TEST Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 2/28 Unit 8 (Chapter 15) Guide Origin of Life Guided Reading Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 F 3/1 Study Island Keystone Biology Benchmark Test Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 MARCH 2013 HONORS BIOLOGY Schedule Date Period 1 Period 4 Period 8 M 3/4 Discuss Origin of Life/ Compare and contrast spontaneous generation with abiogenesis Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 T 3/5 Mechanisms of Macroevolution Guided Reading (Notes) Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 W 3/6 History of Life Timeline Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 3/7 History of Life Timeline Essay Response sheet Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 F 3/8 Study Island Review Activities Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 M 3/11 C-14 and Radiometric Dating WebQuest Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 T 3/12 Discuss Macroevolution and History of Life Begin: Phylogeny/Tree of Life/taxonomic classification Guided Reading Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 W 3/13 Discuss phylogeny/tree of life/classification (Notes) Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 3/14 Intro to prokaryote diversity and evolutionary significance (Notes) Guided Reading/Vocab sheet Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 F 3/15 Discuss Prokaryotes/Begin Unit Review/Study Island Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 M 3/18 Chapter 15/16 Concept Map Chapter 15/16 MC Review (Answers) Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 T 3/19 Continue Unit Review Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 W 3/20 Unit 9 (Ch 15/16) TEST Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 3/21 Begin Unit 10: The Biosphere and Population Ecology (Guide) Intro to Ecology and the Biosphere/Biomes: Note sheet Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 F 3/22 Abiotic Factors in ecosystems (Notes) Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 M 3/25 Biome Simulation Lab: Reef Tank Q’s Data Table Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 T 3/26 Finish Biome Simulation Lab/Q’s Short Classes Graduation Projects W 3/27 Chapter 34 Review Q’s 1-20 on pp. 698-699 Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 3/28 Population structure and dynamics – guided reading sheet Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Red line marks end of 3rd/beginning of 4th quarters for assignments APRIL 2013 HONORS BIOLOGY Schedule Date Period 1 Period 4 Period 8 T 4/2 Virtual Population Lab Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 W 4/3 Discuss Ecology/population vocabulary/concepts (Notes) Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 4/4 Human Population writing prompt and Chapter 36 Review sheet Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 F 4/5 Finish Virtual populations (if needed) Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 M 4/8 Structure and Dynamics of Communities Guided Reading Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 T 4/9 Ecosystem structure and dynamics Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 W4/10 Discuss communities/ecosystems (Unit Notes) Begin Unit 10 review Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 4/11 Unit 10 Review/Study Island Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 F 4/12 Unit 10 (Ch 34/36/37) TEST Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 M 4/15 Unit 11: Tour of Animal Kingdom (Unit Guide) (Notes) What is an animal? Guided Reading Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 T 4/16 Animal Phylum InfoGraphic Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 W 4/17 Animal Phylum InfoGraphic Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 4/18 Discuss animals/Common phyla Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 F 4/19 Tour of Phyla InfoGraphics – Fill in Chart Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 M 4/22 Structural organization in animals Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 T 4/23 Exchange and homeostasis Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 W 4/24 Discuss Animals structure/function/exchange Unit 11 Review Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 4/25 Unit 11 (Ch 18 and 20) TEST Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 F 4/26 Final Exam Review Packet Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 M 4/29 Final Exam Review Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 T 4/30 Final Exam Review Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 MAY/JUNE 2013 HONORS BIOLOGY Schedule Date Period 1 Period 4 Period 8 W 5/1 Final Exam Review Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 5/2 HONORS BIOLOGY FINAL EXAM Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 F 5/3 HONORS BIOLOGY FINAL EXAM Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 M 5/6 Discuss/Review Final Exam Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 T 5/7 Unit 12: Comparative Animal Systems (Digestive, Respiratory, Circulatory) Digestive Systems Guided Reading (Notes on Digestion and Gas Exchange) Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 W5/8 Comparative Respiration Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 5/9 Discuss Digestive systems Comparative Circulatory (Notes on Circulatory Systems) Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 F 5/10 Comparative Circulatory Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 M 5/13 Discuss Respiratory, Circulatory systems Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 T 5/14 Keystone Exam Review/Missing work/Assessment retakes Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 W5/15 Keystone Exam Review/Missing work/Assessment retakes Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 5/16 Keystone Exam Review/Missing work/Assessment retakes Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 F 5/17 Keystone Exam Review/Missing work/Assessment retakes Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 M 5/20 BIOLOGY KEYSTONE EXAMS Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 T 5/21 BIOLOGY KEYSTONE EXAMS Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 W5/22 Frog dissection PERMISSION SHEET – DUE 5/20/2013 Day 1 Worksheet Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 5/23 Frog dissection Class Info Packet Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 NO CLASSES – AM Assembly 11AM dismissal F 5/24 T 5/28 Frog dissection - Part 2 Sheet Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 W 5/29 Frog dissection Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 Th 5/30 Frog dissection - Part 3 Sheet Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 F 5/31 Frog dissection Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 M 6/3 Comparative system/Frog unit review Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 T 6/4 Comparative systems/Frog unit review TEXTBOOKS MUST BE RETURNED TODAY! Same As Period 1 Same As Period 1 6/5 - 6/7 FINAL EXAMS