Eligibility Determination


Mid-Year Special






• Welcome and Introductions

• Statewide Testing

• Guest Speaker

• Lunch and Discussions

• Evaluation/Reevaluation in Enrich

• Other topics as time allows


• 33 schools

– Several schools have appointed

“assistant sp ed coordinators”

– Several schools with outside consultants

– 8 schools with coordinators who came on after school started

• District special education coordinators

• Other supports


• Difference between ACT-approved accommodations and state-approved accommodations

– Need consent form

– Only ACT-approved scores will be reported to colleges/tech schools

• Deadline for submitting these to ACT is 1/30/15

• No oral admin for reading portion of Aspire for anyone

• More info on WorkKeys and Aspire accommodations expected end of January

• See handout Jean provided for more detailed info

Guest – Kendall McLeod

• Learning Disabilities Specialist for

Richland School District 2

• Professional developer for Strategies

Intervention Model (SIM)

• Deeply committed teacher of both adults and children


– Intervention curriculum

– At-risk youth

• PointPoint is on the BookShelf

Lunch/Discussions with


Enrich Initial


Enrich Process and Reports will now mirror the ones we’ve been using


• Initial – evaluation that determines eligibility for sp ed and educational needs

• Referral/Evaluation Planning meeting – 1 st meeting that occurs after referral packet has been approved by DSEC; existing info is reviewed and team decides if additional info is needed to answer eligibility questions (does child meet criteria; if so, does the disability have adverse effect; if so, does it require sp ed)

• Reevaluation Review – 1 st meeting that occurs for a reevaluation; existing info is reviewed and team decides if additional info is needed to answer reeval questions (does child continue to have disability (or an additional disability); if so, does he continue to need sp ed; if so, do you know what his PLPs are; if so, do you need to make changes to IEP)

• Evaluation – gathering additional info that team determined was needed; this closes the 60-day timeline for an initial

• Eligibility Determination – review of all info (old and new) and answering of initial or reeval questions; this finishes the initial or reeval

• Initials typically have 3 parts (referral/eval planning, evaluation, and eligibility determination); these 3 parts occur during 2 meetings

(referral/eval planning and eligibility determination)

• Reevaluations have either 2 or 3 parts

– 3 parts when additional info is needed (reeval review, evaluation, eligibility determination); these occur during 2 meetings (reeval review and eligibility determination)

– 2 parts when no new info is needed (reeval review, eligibility determination); these occur during 1 meeting


• If the child is eligible or continues to be eligible, an IEP always follows an initial and a reevaluation

– For an initial, the IEP may be developed at the eligibility determination meeting or may be developed within 30 calendar days of the eligibility determination

– For a reeval, the SR or AR occurs during the same meeting as the eligibility determination


• Initial

– 1 st meeting referral/eval planning

– 2 nd meeting eligibility determination

– 3 rd meeting IEP development or

• Initial

– 1 st meeting referral/eval planning

– 2 nd meeting eligibility determination and

IEP development


• Reevaluation

– 1 st meeting reeval review (new info needed)

– 2 nd meeting eligibility determination AND


• Reevaluation

– Only 1 meeting reeval review (no new info needed) AND eligibility determination AND


Initial/Reevaluation, yes need more info

Initial evaluation and Reevaluation, yes need more info are same processes

• Initial

Same Process

• Reeval

– Eval planning is review of existing information

– Reeval Review is review of existing info

– Evaluation (if needed) is – Evaluation (if needed) is gathering new/additional gathering new/additional information information

– Eligibility Determination is determining if meets eligibility criteria, needs sp ed, and present levels/educational needs

– Eligibility Determination is determining if continues to be eligible for and need sp ed and present levels/educational needs

Initial Evaluation and Reevaluation,

Yes need additional info


• Start Program

• Special Education

• Referral/Evaluation


• Reason


• Add Action

• Reevaluation Review

• Create a new meeting

• Enter information for each area (Section I of “old” Word document)

– Health, Medical, Developmental

– Educational Background


– Cognitive Processing

– Academic Achievement-reading, math, writing

– Adaptive Behavior

– Motor/Sensory-gross, fine, sensory

– Social/Emotional/Behavioral

– Transition/Vocational

– Parent/Outside Agency/Private Provider


– Other/Miscellaneous

• Each of those areas will require you to enter a description of what you already know about the student

• Each of those sections will require you to answer “Additional data needed?”

• Each section in which you’ve answer

Yes, additional data are needed will autopopulate on the parent consent!

• PWN with procedural safeguards enclosure

• From the menu on the left:

– Print and sign the Referral/Evaluation

Plan or Reevaluation Review form

– Print and get parent consent to eval/reeval signed

• Outcomes

– Date received signed consent to eval/reeval

– This date starts the clock for all initial evals

• Reevals have different timelines

Program tab now has pending actions


• Evaluation Report

• Eligibility


• IEP (any)


• Evaluation Report

• Eligibility


Evaluation Report

• Gather your new/additional information

– This is where as the sp ed coordinator, you will nag, nag, nag others to get their info to you within the timeline

• Click Create next to Evaluation Report

• Reason (initial or reevaluation)

• Check Yes/No under each area (Health,

Educational,…) to indicate whether you requested additional data

• When you click Yes, additional data were requested, you’ll get the following boxes:

– Evaluator(s) – who administered/gathered the info

– Name of Assessment(s) – can list all together or use Add Assessment to list separately

– Date Completed

– Results

• Put both narrative descriptions of performance and quantitative scores in this section

• Can copy and paste from compuscore program

• You have the option of putting all assessments for that area together or listing them one at a time (click Add Assessment)

• If you requested additional data/information in an area during the evaluation planning/reevaluation review meeting and it’s listed on the parent consent, you must click yes and enter the results

• Evaluation Summary – briefly describe the strengths and weaknesses noted in the additional data



• Include evaluator signature page? NO

• Compliance checks – if the initial was not completed within the 60-calendar days, put your reasons

• Outcome – end date is date all additional information was gathered, scored, and interpreted

– This date stops the initial eval clock

Eligibility Determination

• Click Pending: Eligibility Determination

• Reason

• Create a new meeting

• Parent Receipt of Evaluation Report – at or shortly after the meeting, parent must receive copy of the evaluation report


• If this is a reeval, the current disability(s) will already be listed

• Add Disability

– Choose category from dropdown menu

– Enter worksheet data? YES


• Must use worksheet when determining eligibility for the first time in a new/different disability category even for reeval

• Required evidence varies by disability category

• Taken directly from the SEED

• Some disabilities have Additional information required

• Some disabilities have Additional information which may yield evidence, but is not required

• Definition of disability begins each worksheet

• Required evidence is disability-specific

• Requires does/does not, is/is not, do/do not decision

• Both Additional requirements and

Additional information sections are check boxes

• Some disabilities have rule outs

– Ex: AU has “The characteristics identified as consistent with Autism cannot be attributed to an emotional disturbance” – check Yes

Disability Worksheets

• May complete this after the meeting

• Can finalize eligibility determination if worksheet has not yet been completed

• Will add compliance check to CPR for worksheets when reviewing initial evaluations and reevaluations (when additional/new disability category is added)

Based on information from a variety of sources that have been documented and carefully considered, the team has determined:

• The student demonstrates characteristics consistent with ____(disability)?

• The disability has an adverse effect on educational performance?

– Yes has a box appear to describe HOW the disability affects educational and/or functional performance

• The student requires specially designed instruction due to the disability?

– Yes has a box appear to describe the evidence that supports the need for specially designed instruction

• Does the student meet the criteria to be eligible for the selected disability?

• Additional considerations:

– Not the result of lack of reading instruction

– Not the result of lack of math instruction

– Not the result of limited English proficiency



• Conclusion – student is eligible


• Outcome date is date determined eligibility/continued eligibility

• Print and sign Eligibility Report

Move into IEP portion at this point as a

Special Review (IEP Amendment

(cover page)) or Annual Review

• Initial – click Pending: IEP (any) on

Program tab

• Reevaluation -

– SR click Add Action, IEP Amendment

(cover page)

– AR click Add IEP

Parent will receive

• Signed Referral/Evaluation Planning or

Reevaluation Review

• Evaluation Report (no signatures)

• Signed Eligibility Determination

• Signed SR or AR IEP

• Parent does not have to receive copy of disability worksheet(s) unless requested


Initial – 2-3 meetings

• 1 st meeting is referral/eval planning

• 2 nd meeting is eligibility determination and may also be IEP development

• 3 rd meeting is IEP development (within 30 days of eligibility determination) if not done in conjunction with eligibility determination

Reevaluation – 2 meetings

• 1 st meeting is reeval review

• 2 nd meeting is eligibility determination and either

SR or AR


Consent for initial provision of special education services is obtained AFTER eligibility determination but BEFORE

IEP development

Reevaluation, No info needed

• Add Action – reeval review

• Create meeting

• Reeval review is same as others; enter existing info in all categories

(Health, Ed Background, ELP, …); describe current annual goals, progress, grades,…

• Additional data needed? Check No for each area

• Determination Regarding Additional


– Is additional info needed? No

– What types of data were used to make determination? Check all


• Outcome – date of meeting

– No additional info needed – eligibility determination

• Finalize

• Print and sign Reeval Review Report

• Program tab now has 1 pending action

– Eligibility Determination

Eligibility Determination

• Click Create for Eligibility


• Reason – Reevaluation

• Link to existing meeting

• Note previous comment about parent receiving copy of reports

• Disabilities Considered

– Current disability(s) already there

– You do not need the disability worksheet

– Eligibility criteria question is already answered


• Additional considerations (rule outs)

– Lack of reading instruction

– Lack of math instruction

– Limited English proficiency

• Conclusion


• Outcome – end date is same as reeval review date

• Print and all sign Eligibility Determination

• Move into either AR or SR

– Will need to click Add Action-IEP Amendment

(SR) or Add IEP (AR)

For a reevaluation where no additional information is collected, all of this is done in 1 meeting:

– Reevaluation review

– Eligibility determination

– SR or AR

Reevaluation – no longer eligible (aka dropping one or all disabilities





• Does not apply to dropping related service (OT, PT)

• Go through the steps as usual for

Reevaluation Review with or without needing additional information

• When you get to Eligibility

Determination – disabilities considered during meeting

– Change Disability Worksheet Needed to


– Enter worksheet data? No

– You will then answer the following 3 questions

Based on info from…the team determines:

– The student demonstrates characteristics consistent with (disability)? Yes, if he continues to have the disability; No, if he no longer has the disability (probably only for artic)

– The disability adversely affects educational performance? Probably will be No

– The student requires specially designed instruction? Probably will be No

– Does the student meet criteria? No

• Additional Considerations

– Just check yes for all 3

• Conclusion – The student is eligible



• Outcome – Not Eligible (Reeval) –

End Sp Ed, transfer to gen ed

• Remember to go back to Program tab and End Special Education

Other Topics/Questions

• CPR reminders

• Data requests – Table 2 (Personnel)

• Enrich problems

– Technical issues (locked out, forgot password, error messages,… - Kendall Steward

– Process issues – your DSEC

• Next webinar – Monday, February 9 th at 2:30 via Go-to-Meeting

– Remember link is on Calendar (Word document)
