Test - Clover

Do evangelism, not politics
We Can All agree to this
 God Saves people to be Holy and to do
good works
Ephesians 2:10 – created in Christ Jesus for
good works
Matthew 15:16 let your light shine before
others, so that they may see your good works
and give glory to your father who is in heaven
Galatians 6:10 as we have opportunity, let us
do good to everyone
2 Timothy 1:9 God has saved us and called
us to a holy life
Feeling uneasy about the
church influencing politics
 Should the church/gospel/pastor influence:
realm of education?
work place?
realm of government?
Won’t political involvement
distract from the main task of
preaching the gospel?
 If Mike Gil places much of his attention
on the sound system, won’t that distract
the church from the main task of
preaching the gospel?
No, not at all. That is what God is called Mike
to emphasize
The whole ministry of the church will include
many emphasis
if you’re younger than 58
In 1954 the U.S.
Congress amended
(without debate or
analysis) §501 (C) (3) to
restrict the speech of
nonprofit tax exempt
entities, including
churches, requiring that
they refrain from any
advocacy of or opposition
to any specific political
candidates by name.
if you’re younger than 58
 This amendment was pushed by then
Sen. Lyndon Johnson to get back at two
nonprofit organizations that vocally
oppose his candidacy for Senate
 The penalty is revocation of the taxexempt status of the church
 A bit of a hollow threat because the IRS
has never actually revoked the taxexempt status of any church for
violating this policy
The Johnson amendment
§501 (C) (3) to
 Prior to the passing of
the “Johnson
amendment” [1954] there were NO
restrictions what churches could or
could not do with regard to speech
about government and voting
Christian Legal Association
 Does not argue that “pastors should
routinely endorse or oppose various
candidates. Rather, it contends that
there are times when the moral and
religious issues on which candidates
differ are so blatant so clearly supported
or opposed by biblical principles that
pastors should have the freedom to
speak out on various candidates when
they think it is wise to do so”
Pastors and politics
 Historically, churches had frequently
and fervently spoken for and against
candidates for government offices
 Sermons date back to the founding of
America including sermons against
Thomas Jefferson for being a deist,
opposing William Howard Taft as a
Unitarian, etc…
U.S. Constitution and religious freedoms
1. Historically
2. Biblically
U.S. Constitution
freedom of religion
The Ultimate Government
 Yes
 In His theocracy God
rules Earth through
different mediators
(Abraham and Moses,
etc.) at different times
in history.
 No
 2 Corinthians 4:4
 The final form of the
theocratic kingdom will
be in the future
freedom of religion
 There is a reason why people are
coming legally and illegally to America
but not Afghanistan, Syria, North
Korea, Iran, Sri Lanka, etc.
 2010 –1,042,625 LEGAL immigrants
(India, China, Mexico, Dom Reb)
Democracy is the best government in a fallen
 Iran or North Korea?
American History
 Lots of opinions but not much knowledge
 66% of polled Christians believe the
phrase “separation of church and state”
occurs in the Constitution
 Over all, 20% of fourth graders, 17% of
eighth graders and 12% of high school
seniors demonstrated proficiency on the
exam by the (National Assessment of
Education Progress)
Declaration of
 Written by Thomas Jefferson and
edited by the Continental Congress
 The document stating that we would
no longer accept rule by England; it
also lists the reasons why we were
declaring independence
Declaration of
 “We hold these truths to be self-evident,
that all men are created equal, that they
are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable Rights, that among these are
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
 The only person to sign the Declaration of
Independence on July 4th was John
Hancock; officially put into affect August 2,
of Confederation
 1777 After the ratification of the
Declaration of Independence, establishing
the "united colonies" as Free and
Independent States, the Continental
Congress set to work on the task of
drawing up a document that would provide
a legal framework for that Union, and
which would be enforceable as the law of
the new land
1787 American Constitution
 The Constitution was our 2nd attempt
to provide a structure in order to run
the country (1st was the Articles of
 The US Constitution was originally
written in 1787 at the Constitutional
Convention in Philadelphia and was
then ratified by the original 13 states.
American Constitution
“We the People of the
United States, in Order to
form a more perfect Union,
establish Justice, insure
domestic Tranquility,
provide for the common
defense, promote the
general Welfare, and
secure the Blessings of
Liberty to ourselves and our
Posterity, do ordain and
establish this Constitution
for the United States of
1787 American Constitution
 The Constitution was created to form a more
unified government. It states the basic
principles of our society and the basic laws of
our nation.
The Constitution also states how our nation is
organized including the powers and
authorities of our government between the
different political units. It guarantees certain
rights to the people and it defines and limits
the powers of our government's different
US Constitution
Fresh in people’s
minds was the
memory of the
British violation
of civil rights
before and
during the
Revolution and
they demanded
a "Bill of Rights"
Bill Of Rights
 The Bill of Rights is
an adjunct to the
Constitution that
makes clear that the
federal government is
either prohibited from
restricting or
mandated to provide
certain rights to
individuals and to
1791 - the Bill of Rights
 The first 10 constitutional amendments
ratified in 1791 are known as the Bill of
 The Constitution has been amended 17
times (for a total of 27 amendments)
and its principles are applied in courts of
law by judicial review … well, sort of…
U.S. Constitution and
religious freedoms
 Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting
an establishment of religion, or prohibiting
the free exercise thereof; or abridging the
freedom of speech, or of the press; or the
right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government
for a redress of grievances.
U.S. Constitution ratified
Bill of Rights
1ST Amendment
A Christian Nation
Amendment I
 67% believe the phrase “separation of
church and state” is in the
Constitution - NOT!
 Amendment I
 James Madison
 Fischer Ames
“Separation of church and
 Nothing to do with the 1st Amendment
 The phrase originates in Thomas
Jefferson's personal 1802 letter to the
Baptist Association of Danbury,
A governmental law was essentially forcing
Baptists throughout the state to support
Congregational churches
America a Christian Nation?
But it is
fading quickly
Amendment 1? No Mystery
 James Madison (1751-1836) clearly
articulated his concept of separation when
explaining the First Amendment's
protection of religious liberty. He said that
the First Amendment to the Constitution
was prompted because
"The people feared one sect might obtain a
preeminence, or two combine together, and
establish a religion to which they would
compel others to conform”
Amendment 1? No Mystery
 James Madison
The 1st Amendment clearly meant that
Congress was prohibited from establishing
a national religious denomination, that
Congress could not require that all
Americans become Catholics, Anglicans,
or members of any other denomination.
government could not force or coerce
religion not that the church could not
influence government
James Madison
 “We have staked the whole future of
American civilization, not upon the power
of government, far from it. We have staked
the future of all of our political institutions
upon the capacity of mankind for selfgovernment; upon the capacity of each
and all of us to govern ourselves, to
control ourselves, to sustain ourselves
according to the Ten Commandments of
James Madison
 Madison‘s personal Bible written
notes appear in the margin of Chapter
19 of the Book of Acts:
Believers who are in a state of grace,
have need of the Word of God for their
edification and building up therefore
implies a possibility of falling. v. 32
Amendment 1? No Mystery
 Fischer Ames - 1801 Palladium
“dark and murky night of pagan immorality”
If the Bible ever fails to remain the preeminent
subject in our schools within one generation
there will not be enough prisons to hold our
Amendment 1? No Mystery
 The First Prayer offered in Congress
September 7, 1774 by Jacob Duehe
“O - Lord our Heavenly Father, high and
mighty King of kings, and Lord of lords, who
dost from thy throne behold all the dwellers on
earth and reignest with power supreme and
uncontrolled over all the Kingdoms, Empires
and Governments… All this we ask In the
name and through the merits of Jesus Christ,
Thy Son and our Savior
Amendment 1? No Mystery
Benjamin Rush
Prominent Founding Father 1745-1813
 3 x is presidential advisor
 Signer of the Declaration of Independence
 Founder of six universities
 Founder of first Bible society
 Appointed by Pres. John Adams as the treasurer
of the US mint
A Defense of the use of the Bible in Schools
Amendment 1? No Mystery
American Revolutionist and a Signer of The
Declaration of Independence
“I conceive we cannot better express
ourselves than by humbly supplicating the
Supreme Ruler of the world...that the
confusions that are and have been among the
nations may be overruled by the promoting
and speedily bringing in the holy and happy
period when the kingdoms of our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ may be everywhere “ 39
Amendment 1? No Mystery
 1st President George Washington
“Direct my thought, words and work,
wash away my sins in the immaculate
Blood of the Lamb, and purge my heart
by Thy Holy Spirit .... Daily frame me
more and more into the likeness of Thy
Son Jesus Christ”
Amendment 1? No Mystery
 2nd President John Adams
“We have no government armed with
power capable of contending with
human passions unbridled by morality
and religion... Our constitution was
made only for a moral and religious
people. It is wholly inadequate to the
government of any other.” October 11,
Actions Speak Louder Than
 The House of Representatives called for
a national day of prayer and
thanksgiving on September 24, 1789
 From 1789 onward, Congress has
authorized chaplains, paid by public
funds, to offer prayer in Congress and
in the armed services
Amendment 1? No Mystery
 Jefferson closed the Danbury letter,
written in his official capacity as
President, with a prayer: “I reciprocate
your kind prayers for the protection and
blessing of the common Father and
Creator of man."
 On the very day Jefferson sent his letter
to the Danbury Baptists he was making
plans to attend church services in the
House of Representatives.
Amendment 1? No Mystery
 Jefferson signed a treaty into law in 1803
that provided for a government-funded
missionary to the Kaskaskia Indians.
 In response to Congress' request of July
9, 1812, President James Madison
issued a proclamation recommending a
day of public humiliation and prayer to be
observed by the people of the United
States, with religious solemnity
Actions Speak Louder Than
 The Ten Commandments are inscribed
on the wall of the United States
Supreme Court.
 The Supreme Court begins each
session with the prayer: "God save the
United States and this Honorable
Actions Speak Louder Than
 In the 1892 Supreme Court ruling in
Church of the Holy Trinity vs. U.S.
(citing 87 precedents),
 "Our laws and our institutions must
necessarily be based upon and embody the
teachings of the Redeemer of Mankind. It is
impossible that it should be otherwise and in
this sense and to this extent our civilization
and our institutions are emphatically
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Supreme Court
Justice, 1833 Ruled
The American population is entirely Christian,
and with us, Christianity and Religion are
identified. It would be strange, indeed, if with
such a people, our institutions did not
presuppose Christianity, and did not often
refer to it, and exhibit relations with it.
Legislation on the subject is admitted to
require great delicacy, because freedom of
conscience and respect for our religion both
claim our most serious regard."
Old and new
 Lawsuits against the US government’s
Judeo-Christian precepts, laws and
rulings are not new. Atheism, evil and
savings schemes have always been
around him
 What is new is our response to the
Actions Speak Louder Than
Actions Speak Louder Than
 Oath Test
“ I do believe in God, the creator and
Governor of this universe, the rewarder of the
good and the punisher of the wicked, and I do
acknowledge the Scriptures of the OT and NT
to be given by Divine Inspiration”
 Atheists could not testify in court
 Could not serve as a schoolteacher or
in public office without affirming the oath
Actions Speak Louder Than
 Shortly upon completing the U.S.
Constitution the government was
immediately sued
U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Jay
"Providence has given to our people the
choice of their rulers and it is the duty as well
as the privilege and interest of a Christian
nation to select and prefer Christians for their
America : A Christian Nation
 John Jay – 1st Chief Justice of the US
“What we need is a Christian nation - the
only alternative is a pagan nation. By
‘Christian nation,’ I don't mean that everyone
is forced to be a Christian or forced to go to
church or to believe in God. People are free
to be Buddhists or atheists. The job of
government is not to convert or force
conversion to any kind of faith…
America : A Christian Nation
 John Jay – 1st Chief Justice of the US
...The job of the government is to do for the
people what they can't do for themselves.
And the job of bringing people to faith
belongs to the private citizens, the churches,
the synagogues and the religious leaders of
our nation. That separation should always
be kept. What I mean by a Christian nation
is a nation whose laws are self-consciously
built on the laws and principles of the Bible.”
Form of Government
1.The type of earthly government
makes a huge difference
2.Christianity should influence
“do evangelism, not politics.”?
 what would the world be like if we
adopted this view
 Amos 5:24. Let justice roll down like
waters and righteousness like an everflowing stream
God cares about how people treat one
another here on earth, and he cares about
government because he created it and it is
His instrument
Freedom of Religion
 Allows and facilitates the beneficial
influence of Christianity on governments
 Responsible for outlawing infanticide, child
abandonment and abortion in Roman empire 374
 Outlawed brutal gladiator battles to the deaths 404
 Granting of property rights protection to women
 Banning polygamy
 Prohibiting burning women alive in India 1829
 Outlawed painful crippling practice of binding
women’s feet in China of parentheses 1912
 Abolished slave trade 1840
North and South Korea
 similarities
 ethnic background
Cultural history
Live in the same location of the world
 Difference
South Korea is a robust, thriving democracy
with free people
North Korea is a communist country with the
most repressive, totalitarian government in
the world
North and South Korea
South Korea/Democracy
 Freedom of religion
 Robust public Christian
 25% are evangelical
 Christianity is growing,
thriving and S Koreas is
sending missionaries
around the world
North Korea/Communism
 Severe, persistent
persecution has hindered
the church so greatly that
there is
 No missionary activity
 No public worship
 No known publication of
Christian literature
 Only a handful of
Christians who must
worship covertly
U.S. Constitution
freedom of religion
2. Biblically
OT Government
 Mosaic Law
Leadership law
Military law
Criminal law
Laws of humane treatment
Laws of governing the family
Laws concerning property rights
Religious law
NT Government Teaching
Jesus distinguished the realms of God
and Caesar (Matthew 22:15-22).
 “Therefore render to Caesar the things that
are Caesar's, and to God the things that are
There are two different spheres of
influence, one for the government and
one for the religious life of the people of
NT Government Teaching
Freedom of religion is a biblical value
 Although Jesus does not specify exactly
what is outside of Caesar’s realm, certainly
“the things that belong to God” must include
decisions and actions regarding worship and
doctrinal belief
1 Amendment –government must not establish,
force or coerce religion
However, the entirety of Scripture and our past
historical response encourage the gospel to
invade every aspect of life including government
NT Government Teaching
 Col 1:15-17 15 He is the image of the
invisible God, the firstborn over all
creation. 16 For by him all things were
created: things in heaven and on earth,
visible and invisible, whether thrones or
powers or rulers or authorities; all things
were created by him and for him. 17
NT Government Teaching
 Rom 13:1-5 Everyone must submit
himself to the governing authorities, for
there is no authority except that which
God has established. The authorities
that exist have been established by
God. 2… 5 Therefore, it is necessary to
submit to the authorities, not only
because of possible punishment but
also because of conscience.
NT Government Teaching
 Titus 3:1 remind the people to be
subject to the rulers and authorities, to
be obedient, to be ready to do whatever
is good
NT Government Teaching
 1 Peter 2:13-14,17
Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to
every authority instituted among men:
whether to the king, as the supreme
authority, 14 or to governors, who are sent by
him to punish those who do wrong and to
commend those who do right.. 17 Show
proper respect to everyone: Love the
brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor
the king.
NT Government Teaching
 Summary
1. God created and has supremacy over
2. Human governments are extension of God
who ordained the institution of government
3. We are to submit to government unless
clearly contrary to the higher authority of
God himself (Acts 4:20, 5:29)
NT Government Teaching
 We are to submit to authorities (and
good or evil authority makes quite a bit
of difference)
Law enforcement officers
Governing officials
NT Government Teaching
 Israel had a succession of 20/20 wicked
kings and was annihilated by the
 Judah had 16/20 wicked kings and thus
fared a little better but fell to Babylonian
 Hosea 8:7 they sowed the wind and
reap the whirlwind
U.S. Constitution and
freedom of religion
1. Is incumbent upon every Christian to
2. It is incumbent upon every Christian to
vote for the candidates who will best
bring about a biblically righteous
Proverbs 14:34 righteousness exalts a nation
U.S. Constitution and
freedom of religion
 What if I don’t like
either candidate?
 If the choice is
being thrown into
10 or 5 foot of pig
swill - then pick 5
U.S. Constitution and
freedom of religion
The only thing needed
for evil to prosper is for
good men to do nothing
Edmund burke
When the gospel doesn’t
influence government
 Everson v. Board of Education, 330
U.S. 1 (1947)
 was a landmark decision of the United States
Supreme Court which applied the
establishment clause in the country's Bill of
Rights to state law for the first time
When the gospel doesn’t
invade government
Talking out of turn
Chewing gum
Making noise
Running in the halls
Line cutting
Dress code violation
When the gospel doesn’t
invade government
Talking out of turn
Drug abuse
Chewing gum
Alcohol abuse
Making noise
Running in the halls
Line cutting
Dress code violation
When the gospel doesn’t
invade government
 Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. F.S. 421
was the landmark United States Supreme
Court case that determined that it was
unconstitutional to have school prayer due to
"separation of church and state”
When the gospel doesn’t
invade government
 Fisher Ames 1801
 Dept. of Health 1963
SAT - drop 100
Teen pregnancy increase 553%
 15 y/o/ or less increase 1000%
Prison spending increase 884%
Violent crime increase 798%
1000 prisoners a day released
Vote righteousness
 We each have a responsibility to act in
accordance to biblical principles,
including how we vote.
 We must vote for righteous leaders. If
we vote for leaders who support
abortion, same sex marriage,
redistribution of wealth or subordination
of sovereignty to other nations, we
support unrighteousness.