Freshmen Spring Final Review

Freshmen Spring Final Exam Study Guide
How many players are on the court from each team at one time?
What is the number of seconds to get the ball across the half-court line?
What is the 3-second rule?
What is the amount of time allotted to bring the ball inbounds?
Traveling violation (When is it called?)
What is the difference between man to man and zone defense?
What is the technique for dribbling (Using pads of fingers or palm of hand)?
Right side lay-up (What is the take-off and execution?)
What is the difference between a foul and a violation?
What is the definition of a 3 point shot?
Field Goal (How many points it worth?)
Double Dribble (What does this call mean?)
Boundaries for the serve (Where can you serve from?)
Scoring (When can a team score a point?)
Three basic types of hits during a game (What are they called?)
What is the number of hits allowed per side?
How many players are on one side of the court at one time?
What is the definition of a side out?
How many times can each player hit the ball?
Does a block count as one of your 3 hits?
Determining legal and illegal hits (Such as: Ball hitting the net on a serve, using the palms of your
hands to pass the ball, touching the net on a follow through of a hit, and reaching over the net to
play a ball)
What is the rotation for service?
Track and Field:
Shot Put (Is it a girl or boy’s event or both?)
The correct sequence of the triple jump (How to perform it?-Three cue words we used in teaching it)
Throwing the shot put and the toe board (Are you allowed to step on it? Over it?)
The definition of a scratch in the long jump and shot put (What does this mean?)
The distance of the 4 X 200 for each runner (How far does each person run?)
The distance of the 1600-meter race (How many laps around the outside track is this?)
4 X 100 meter relay (Are you allowed to change lanes after the first curve?)
Handing off the baton outside of the exchange zone (Are you disqualified in an actual race?)
Anchorperson in a relay (What number runner is this?)
4 X 200 meter relay (Does this have a staggered start?)
Exchange zones on the outside track (They are marked with what shape?)
4 X 400 relay (How far does each person run on the outdoor track?)
Fast Pitch/Slow Pitch (What size is the ball, how many players are used, and how is the pitch
executed for both?)
Slow Pitch (What position is the short center?)
Positions on the field (Name them)
Situations of a force out (If runners are on first and second, how many possible bases can have a
force out?)
Proper technique for throwing a ball overhand
Proper batting stance
Defensive Positioning (What is your knee placement and glove placement for playing defense in the
infield and outfield?)
Tagging Up (What does this mean?)
Chapter 2-Fitness Components:
Be able to distinguish the difference between health-related fitness and skill-related fitness and be
able to understand the definition of the terms below:
Cardiovascular FitnessAerobic ExerciseHealth-Related FitnessSkill-Related FitnessMuscular StrengthMuscular EnduranceFlexibilityBody Composition-
AgilityPowerReaction TimeCoordinationSpeedChapter 5-Principles of Training:
Definitions of the terms below:
Chapter 9-Nutrition:
Definitions of the terms below:
Chapter 13-Evaluation of Activities:
When should an individual first evaluate their health needs?
What are some examples of lifetime activities?
Do team sports rely on a group of people working together or individuals working alone?
Decisions to make when putting together a fitness program (Is it important to determine whether to
work alone or in a group?
Is it important to determine where the exercise is going to take place as well as what type of
equipment will be needed?