Diabetes RUNNING HEAD: Diabetes Research Proposal : Diabetes



Research Proposal: Diabetes

Yesmath Islam

Wayne State University

Diabetes 1

Diabetes 2

Background on Topic:

Diabetes is a growing health concern in the world today. Nearly one million people are effected by diabetes annually, and there are about 25.8 million people suffering from diabetes today (Diabetes statistics, 2011). The rapid spread of diabetes is especially alarming because there is no cure for this disease, only treatments to manage it. Diabetes can cause many life threating complications, including heart attack and stroke ( Diabetes type 2, 2011). If a person does not take medication for diabetes, this problem will only get worse, and it will destroy all the organs in the body. That is why it is very important to take medication (for type I or II). It is also important to exercise when having diabetes because that can be the main cause; of course heredity is also another main cause. One of the major problems for diabetics is if they think non medication treatment is better for them ( it would be a cheaper treatment), also the side effects of taking these medication and how it may affect you if your taking other medication along with the diabetes medication (Martinez, 2011).

There are two types of diabetes, type I and II. For type I diabetes, the body doesn’t produce insulin, that is why a patient with type 1 diabetes must take insulin to stay alive, whereas type II diabetes, cells do not respond to the insulin.

(Nordqvist ,


Literature Review/Scholarship Review:

The evolution of this topic has expanded for decades, of course there is always new and more improvement throughout the years. Though there are many improvements throughout the decades, there are also incidents where many drugs are recalled ("Diabetes drug recall ," 2012).

The first blood sugar meters and insulin pumps came out the 1970’s. These meters were huge and needed a lot of blood for the results to be clear, and even then it would not be as accurate as now. As the years have progressed, in the 1980s, UCSF ( University of California,

San Francisco) coordinated the first multi-center clinical trial of human insulin and the

Diabetes 3 first human insulin was made. This insulin was much safer, more accurate, and also were less allergic. At this time, Stem cells were believed to play a good role for diabetes and also for other diseases. In the late 1980’s 6.7 million people reported to have diabetes, and many who had it were unaware. This is due the lack the checks and also unawareness. (Defeat Diabetes

Foundation, 2011).

In the early 1990’s, one of the main causes of blindness was due to diabetes.

Not only was blindness a problem, but kidney disease nerve damage, foot complications were also a major problem of having diabetes. Scholars in the 1980’s to 1990’s were interested this specific topic as opposed to the 1970’s because there were more people who were getting these effects of diabetes there also was a breakthrough of the approach to the prevention of blindness in diabetes (Herman, 1983). Around this time there was also a research for measuring attitudes towards diabetes, this proved that men who had diabetes were much happier than women, it also showed that a person who has a higher degree of education and also was selfmonitoring of their blood glucose had more negative attitude for diabetes ( Wikbald, 1990).

A decade later, there are still many treatments and cures to be found dealing with diabetes. One of the main options people may have is weight loss or even surgery, many people with type 2 diabetes have seen a drastic change due to weight loss. It has also been said that when many people that are overweight, there is a risk of having diabetes (Manzella, 2010).This is very dangerous because it is possible for anyone to have diabetes and is nothard to get (what? this sentences is incomplete). If person who can diabetes and is overweight, it can lead to hypertension which can lead to cardiovascular disease. Choosing a medication when having diabetes depends a lot on your weight, this is because some medication promotes weight gain or

Diabetes even weight loss because of glucose control. In 2001, there was a research done which showed

4 all types of people having diabetes and this was due to the lack of income in the family and also unhealthy life style (Khan, 2001). It also showed that people with low income bought cheaper foods and this results in unhealthy eating habits. Another research that was done showed that computerized information has helped physicians organize the database with more information about the patient since before this it was randomized and now electronic literature searches has made it easier on the physicians (Balas, 2004)

People with many other illness may take medication for diabetes and this can cause many side effects. In 2004, a study was done on diabetes patients who stop taking their medications. In the study, they used many other methods, for example if they lost weight, or if they used electronic monitoring. ( Cramer 2004)

In 2012, we stil are facing many problems with the cure of diabetes and also the effects of long term ad also effects of taking medication while having other illness. A study done in

2011, may lead us to the path of a cure for diabetes. It proved that it reduces diabetes due to the loss of body fat, but this lacked the fact that the surgical group was much younger and also much heavier than lifestyle group. In 2010, there was a research done about risk for Cardiovascular disease for people who have diabetes. There was a randomized group of about 5,145, who were overweight or obese that has type 2 diabetes, they were all the ages of 45-76. The 2 groups were intensive lifestyle intervention( ILI) and diabetes support and education (DSE) condition. The results shown that the ILI had greater results for CVD and also might them to lower cost of medication ( Redmon, 2012)

Research Question:

Is the treatment of medication for diabetes more effective than non-medication

Diabetes 5 treatments? What is risk of taking these medications? How does this affect other illnesses (when taking medications for diabetes?)

Proposed Research Method:

Definition of related key terms:

Blood Glucose level: Amount of glucose in the blood. 80 to 120 should be the amount before eating. Lower than 180 when after eating and during bed time it should be 100 tp 140.

Blood glucose monitoring: The act of checking the amount of glucose in the blood

Glucose: A simple sugar found in the blood. It is the body’s main source of energy.

Insulin: A hormone produced by the pancreas that helps the body use glucose for growth and energy.

Pancreas: The organ behind the lower part of the stomach that makes insulin.

(Legal Rights of Students with Diabetes)

Type 1 diabetes: insulin-dependent diabetes that requires life-long insulin treatment; type 1 occurs when the pancreas doesn't make enough insulin, preventing your body from properly using blood glucose as energy.

Type 2 diabetes: non-insulin-dependent diabetes, a condition in which your body either doesn't make enough insulin or doesn't use it properly and can't properly use blood glucose as energy; type 2 may be treated with oral medication, but could eventually require insulin.

( Yoffee)


The design of the experiment will demonstrate risk of taking these diabetes medications and


How does this affect other illnesses (when taking medications for diabetes). Equipment’s that will be used is a glucose meter, computer to store information, changes and results, medications for diabetes, exercise machines…. There 2 groups in the research. The participants in this research are ages 30- 70. It is divided by people who just take medication for diabetes vs. participants who take diabetes medication along with other daily medications. It will also later divided by medication vs. non medication treatment. The participants in the study come from different backgrounds and are different race.

Participants will be tested of how they are doing while they take medications for diabetes along with other medication vs. people who just take this medication. This will last for 6- 9 months. After that is done, I will also measure the amount of exercise each group did.


Concluding Remarks:

Diabetes 7

Work cited

What are key terms and concepts for diabetes advocates?. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://web.diabetes.org/Advocacy/legalmaterials/LegalRights/LR-Chap3.pdf

Diabetes statistics. (2011, January 26). Retrieved from http://www.diabetes.org/diabetesbasics/diabetes-statistics/

History of diabetes in timeline . (2011, August 22). Retrieved from http://www.defeatdiabetes.org/about_diabetes/text.asp?id=Diabetes_Timeline

Diabetes - type 2 - complications. (2011). Retrieved from http://www.umm.edu/patiented/articles/what_emergency_conditions_associated_with_type_2_diabet es_000060_5.htm

Nordqvist , C. (2009, May 15). What is the difference between diabetes 1 and diabetes 2?. Retrieved from http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/7504.php

Martinez, A. (2011, May 4). Drug-free treatment for type 2 diabetes. Retrieved from http://newcurefordiabetes.blogspot.com/2011/05/drug-ffree-treatment-for-type-2.html

Diabetes drug recall . (2012). Retrieved from http://www.weitzlux.com/Actos-diabetes-drugrecall_1962938.html

Herman, W. (1983). An approach to the prevention of blindness in diabetes. 6(6), 606-613. Retrieved from http://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/6/6/608.full.pdf

Manzella, D. (2010, November 09). Top 7 risk factors for type 2 diabetes. Retrieved from http://diabetes.about.com/od/symptomsdiagnosis/tp/riskfactors.htm

Yoffee, L. (2009, November 3). A glossary of key diabetes terms. Retrieved from http://www.everydayhealth.com/diabetes/glossary-of-diabetes-terms.aspx
