Origins of American Involvement US History ~ Mrs

Vocabulary for Unit 6 Theme 1: Origins of American Involvement
US History ~ Mrs. Sadler
Vocabulary Term
Academic Sentence
Fascism believes a nation becomes
great by…
1. Fascism
Nazism believed that...
2. Nazism
Internationalism fostered peace and
prosperity by…
3. Internationalism
France and Britain used a policy of
appeasement to Hitler’s demands when
4. Appeasement
Picture or Symbol
Vocabulary Term
Academic Sentence
The Nazi Soviet Non Aggression Pact
shocked Britain and France because…
5. Pact
The Nazi ideology of racial superiority
led them to …
6. Ideology
The Atlantic Charter was…
7. Charter
Roosevelt restricted the sale of strategic
materials to Japan because….
8. Strategic
The United States placed an embargo
on sale of strategic materials …
9. Embargo
Picture or Symbol
Vocabulary for Unit 6 Theme 2: The American Home Front
US History ~ Mrs. Sadler
Vocabulary Term
Academic Sentence
The US government helped to
mobilize the American
economy during WWII by…
1. Mobilize
The Cost Plus system in WWII
used incentives to…
2. Incentive
Even though they were
disenfranchised, African
Americans during WWII…
3. Disfranchised
Japanese Americans were
placed in internment camps
during WWII because…
4. Internment
Picture or Symbol
The Sunbelt grew in population
during WWII because …
5. Sunbelt
Red points and blue points were
used in rationing as a way of …
6. Rationing
WWII refugees …
7. Refugee
Mexican American teens
wearing zoot suits …
8. Zoot Suit
Vocabulary for Unit 6 Theme 3: America’s Military Role in WWII
US History ~ Mrs. Sadler
Vocabulary Term
Academic Sentence
The convoy system helped protect
American ships …
1. Convoy
Amphtracs helped lower American
casualties by …
2. Amphtrac
Japanese kamikaze pilots crashed
their planes into targets because…
3. Kamikaze
German soldiers used hedgerows …
4. Hedge row
The US firebombed Japan with
napalm in order to …
5. Napalm
Picture or Symbol