FUNDAMENTALS 1: 10:00-11:00 9/20/2010 THEIBERT NEUROTRANSMITTERS SCRIBE: KRATIKA PAREEK PROOF: ANGI GULLARD PAGE 1 OF 11 I. NEUROTRANSMITTERS [S3] a. Neurochemistry is thought to be a subdivision of 2 different types of specialties. They include biochemistry and neuroscience. Neuroscience has to do with the brain, PNS (peripheral nervous system) and the spinal cord. i. Signaling between neurons is a very special type of cell – cell signaling. One thing that specializes them is the type of chemicals that are used for signaling and these include the neurotransmitters and the neuropeptides as well as the speed and the specificity of the signal. ii. Today we are gonna talk about synaptic signaling, which is a type of paracrine signaling where the signaling takes place between 2 different neurons or between a neuron or its target cells and this happens in the synapse. iii. Acetylcholine was the first neurotransmitter to be identified by Otto Loewi. He isolated Ach from a specific preparation and showed that it could regulate the activity of the heart. He won the Nobel Prize for the discovery of Ach. II. Outline [S4] a. First talk about nervous system and kinds of cells that make it up. b. Ion channels involved in action potential and synaptic signaling. c. Morphology and function of pre-synaptic and post-synaptic area. d. How neurotransmitters are made e. Post-synaptic response and receptor proteins involved f. Diseases III. Review of nervous system and neurotransmission [S5] a. Two main types of cells comprise the nervous system neurons and glial cells. Glial cells glue their neurons together, metabolic support, removing toxins and small molecules and myelination and immune function. i. Synaptic signaling uses neurotransmitters, but it’s a lot more specific because synapses are regions where neurons are close together, specific because there are very specific receptors, and synaptic signaling is very rapid and neurons can communicate with each other in milliseconds. ii. Nerve cells are highly polarized cells. They have a cell body, which contains the nucleus, protein synthetic machinery. This is where the majority of proteins and mRNA are synthesized. iii. It also has 2 regions of specialization: dendritic regions long thin processes, which are the info receiving part of a neuron. Other neurons make contact with these dendrites at the synapse. Typically neurons have a lot of dendrites. They are highly branched and this is called dendritic arborization. Dendrites also have dendritic spines signaling at synaptic spines is the major place where excitatory transmission takes place between neurons. iv. On the other side is the axon. It’s the info sending part of the neuron. Typically neurons have 1 axon, but it can branch at the end and produce the axon terminal. v. So the flow of info is from the dendrites or the cell body to the axon. FUNDAMENTALS 1: 10:00-11:00 9/20/2010 THEIBERT NEUROTRANSMITTERS vi. SCRIBE: KRATIKA PAREEK PROOF: ANGI GULLARD PAGE 2 OF 11 Speed of synaptic transmission is determined by myelination. Majority of neurons in the PNS have a specific insulation called myelin. It speeds up the conduction of synaptic signaling and also allows for more efficient signaling. Some of the neurons in the CNS (central nervous system) go through the white matter. This is where the axons of the brain have their myelin sheaths. IV. Central nervous system [S6] a. There are 2 main parts of the nervous system: CNS = brain and spinal cord and the PNS = sensory neurons and the projections (axons) from the motor neurons. i. PNS is involved in gathering, collecting, and detecting sensory kind of information such like heat, light, pain, and the axons will then transfer this info into the spinal cord or the brain. CNS then integrates that info, stores it, and the brain will decide to generate specific behavior. Behavior is performed by the motor neurons in the form of muscle contraction. ii. There are many different kinds of neurons that make up the different divisions of the CNS and the PNS and the types of signaling is wellconserved. b. Talk about how neurons communicate with their target cells, what neurotransmission is and what are some of the neurotransmitters and how they perform their function. V. Different kinds of neurons and their morphology [S7] a. The 2 major types of neurons in the PNS are sensory neurons and the axons and projections of motor neurons. i. Cell bodies of motor neurons lie in the spinal cord. So the motor neurons are a part of both the CNS and the PNS. ii. The motor neurons project their axons to 2 different types of targets. One is muscle cells, and they can innervate and form contacts and signals to skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle. Motor neurons can also regulate glands and so they can control secretions of other cells and they are found in the PNS. iii. So this is info being sent from the brain to the rest of the body. b. Sensory neurons gather info from different parts of the body and send it to the CNS. c. Other neurons found in the brain and the spinal cord are called interneurons. There are many different kinds of these. i. They can be found in the cortex, the cerebellum, hippocampus, throughout the spinal cord. ii. They receive info from the sensory and other neurons, integrate this info and generate behavior by synapsing on motor neurons and allowing for the info to flow that way. d. The neurons in the PNS are myelinated because they are often very long and they have to have this myelination in order to have rapid and efficient conduction. e. Many of the neurons in the CNS are myelinated, but are not either. VI. The conduction properties of nerves [S8] a. So I’m gonna give an overview of what I am going to talk about today, and this is the essential core of what you need to know about synaptic transmission. b. Drawing on the board neurons use electrical signal called the action potential to send info to their target cells. i. Action potential is a way of depolarization followed by repolarization. FUNDAMENTALS 1: 10:00-11:00 9/20/2010 THEIBERT NEUROTRANSMITTERS ii. iii. iv. v. vi. c. SCRIBE: KRATIKA PAREEK PROOF: ANGI GULLARD PAGE 3 OF 11 Action potential travels down the axon. It’s generated at the axon hillock because this is where the voltage-gated sodium channels are concentrated and this is what begins the action potential. Action potential travels down the axon until it arrives at the pre-synaptic region (before the synaptic region). When the action potential arrives at the pre synaptic terminal, the electrical signal gets converted to a chemical signal. This occurs in 2 ways. First there is an activation of calcium influx into the pre-synaptic terminal. This signal is sensed by proteins present on vesicles called synaptic vesicles, which contain high concentrations of neurotransmitters. So you have pre-packaged neurotransmitters in these vesicles found concentrated in the pre-synaptic region. The influx in calcium then instructs these vesicles to fuse with the presynaptic plasma membrane and they release their contents in the region between the 2 cells called the synapse. vii. The synapse is a very small space about 20 nm in diameter. A synaptic vesicle is about 40-50 nm. It’s very close to the post-synaptic membrane, but the 2 membranes are not fused. So the signaling that takes place between these 2 cells has got to occur through neurotransmitters. viii. The vesicles fuse and this allows the neurotransmitters to be put into the synapse. They bind to specific receptors on the pos synaptic cells. These receptors mediate changes in the postsynaptic cells, which then mediates the synaptic transmission. ix. There are 2 different types of receptors: receptors which directly activate changes in the electrical properties of neurons, and there are neurons which are involved in producing 2nd messenger through G-proteins. x. This info then can lead to electrical changes in the dendrite, which are transmitted passively along the dendrites. There can be 1000s of different inputs at the neuron and at the axon hillock all of these inputs are summed. Some can be excitatory or inhibitory and if the summation allows for large enough depolarization this neuron will then fire an action potential. xi. So these are the main parts of an action potential that you are going to need to know. So I’m going to start talking about action potentials. The resting membrane potential in most cells is -60 to -70mv. It’s negative on the inside with respect to the outside. i. If that membrane potential becomes more positive up to about -50 or -55mv, and if that cell is an excitable cell i.e. it has voltage-gated ion channels, that cell will be able to fire an action potential. ii. An action potential is an all or nothing wave of depolarization of the plasma membrane. What happens is when the membrane potential becomes more positive, it activates an increase in sodium permeability first, followed by an increase in potassium permeability second. iii. These are caused by the specific set of ion channels found at the axon hillock and also the length of the axon. iv. The resting potential changes due to some inputs that the neuron is receiving that leads to this very large depolarization and the membrane potential goes up to +30 and then the membrane repolarizes and it actually repolarizes past the resting potential. This is called hyperpolarization and then the cell goes to normal. FUNDAMENTALS 1: 10:00-11:00 9/20/2010 THEIBERT NEUROTRANSMITTERS SCRIBE: KRATIKA PAREEK PROOF: ANGI GULLARD PAGE 4 OF 11 VII. Mechanism of action potential [S9] a. So what is the mechanism that underlies an action potential? It turns out that it is carried by 2 different types of voltage gated ion channels. i. The initial depolarization is by the activity of voltage-gated sodium channels, which are found in the axonal plasma membrane. ii. At rest, the voltage-gated sodium channels are closed. When they hit threshold to get to about -50 to -55mv, this change in membrane potential is sensed by specific protein channels within the core of the channel. iii. This leads to the opening of voltage-gated sodium channels. Remember that the sodium potassium ATPase keeps the concentration of sodium high outside and low inside. iv. So once you open this channel, sodium then flows down its electrochemical gradient and flows into the cell, and the cell becomes more and more positive. It becomes even more depolarized. v. Eventually this channel becomes inactive and it closes and it stays closed for a refractory period until the membrane goes to the resting membrane potential. b. Now subsequently, there is an activation of voltage-gated potassium channels. The sodium potassium ATPase keeps the concentration of sodium high inside the cell and low outside. i. So after the depolarization this leads to the activation of voltage potassium; potassium goes out and membrane repolarizes back to the resting potential. VIII. Structure and operation of ion channels [S10] a. Ion channels are selective. i. They only allow specific ions to flow through them. Sodium channel is specific for sodium. Potassium channel is specific for potassium. ii. Potassium channels are slower than the sodium channels and they are said to be delayed, and that’s why there is an initial depolarization followed by the repolarization of the membrane. b. A lot of what we know about these voltage-gated channels was facilitated by the use of specific toxins, which have been identified to block these channels. i. Two different types of toxins are tetrodotoxin from puffer fish and saxitoxin from amoebas; they have been shown to block the sodium channels. ii. The result of this is that because the neurons in their prey are unable to fire action potentials because their sodium channels are blocked, these cells are unable to release their neurotransmitters and they cannot perform muscle contraction and this leads to paralysis of their prey. iii. It’s kind of interesting how no specific potassium channel blockers have been identified from different vertebrate or invertebrate species. c. Now let’s look at a segment of an axon. i. Here is an action potential, which is being conducted by an increase in sodium permeability and is being carried down the axon looking at time 0. ii. If we look at after a millisecond, we see that the action potential has been carried to the next segment of the axon and now there is influx of sodium, and this leads to depolarization of the membrane. Subsequently, you get an activation of potassium channels, and this leads to repolarization and hyperpolarization. FUNDAMENTALS 1: 10:00-11:00 9/20/2010 THEIBERT NEUROTRANSMITTERS SCRIBE: KRATIKA PAREEK PROOF: ANGI GULLARD PAGE 5 OF 11 IX. Looking at the action potential in motion [S11] a. The action potential only travels in 1 direction along the axon and the reason for this is because there is a refractory period after which sodium channels are inactivated. They cannot be opened again until the membrane potential returns to its resting membrane potential. And this guarantees that the action potential only travels unidirectionally down to its pre-synaptic membrane. X. Myelination: what is it and what it does [S12] a. Myelin is specific lipid membrane made by Schwann cells in the PNS and by the oligodendrocytes in the CNS. i. These glial cells produce this membrane, which can wrap around its axons and lead to its insulation. ii. This is critical because this insulation allows for very rapid conduction of the axon, and it is very efficient. iii. Neuronal axons are leaky and so ions can leak across the membrane and insulation prevents the leakiness of these axons. b. Myelin has been very well characterized. We know all of the lipids and proteins. i. There are specific de-myelination diseases like multiple sclerosis where we make auto-antibodies to myelin proteins and this leads to decrease in myelin and that can reduce conduction velocity along specific axons. Motor neurons are very badly affected in multiple sclerosis because they are so long. XI. Myelinated nerves have the advantage...[S13] a. So what does myelin do? i. Myelinated nerves can carry action potentials 10x times faster than unmyelinated nerves. ii. This is very critical because the rate of conduction of an action potential is proportional to the diameter of the neuron. If neuronal axons were not myelinated, then we would need neurons with large diameters to take the action potential to the periphery at the rate at which we need them, especially for things like escape responses. XII. How myelinated neurons work? [S14] a. Myelination creates a problem because you have created a barrier to the flow of ions across the membrane. i. The way that neurons get across this is by having gaps at specific regions in the neurons. These are called nodes of Ranvier. Here the plasma membrane has direct access to sodium and potassium ions flowing across the membrane. ii. Because of this reason conduction of action potentials in myelinated axons is called saltatory. iii. What this means is that you have specific regions where there are concentrated voltage-gated sodium and potassium channels where there is activation of these channels at these unmyelinated gaps, and sodium and potassium can flow in and out. iv. Then you have a passive flow of sodium and potassium down the axon of concentrated regions of voltage-gated ion channels, which can then be activated. v. So you have a jumping of action potentials from the nodes of Ranvier. FUNDAMENTALS 1: 10:00-11:00 9/20/2010 THEIBERT NEUROTRANSMITTERS SCRIBE: KRATIKA PAREEK PROOF: ANGI GULLARD PAGE 6 OF 11 XIII. The pre-synaptic area [S15] a. The action potential is travelling down the neuron. It’s an electrical way. So what is the purpose of this? i. The reason that action potentials are so important is that they will allow transmission of info from one nerve to its target cell, and the way it does this is through synaptic transmission. ii. I will talk about the pre-synaptic region as the region where transduction takes place, the synthesis of neurotransmitters in this region, and then the mechanism of neurotransmitter release. XIV. The pre-synaptic area is a very busy...[S17] a. Pre-synaptic area is part of the axon and this can be viewed morphologically as pre synaptic to the synaptic region. It’s highly enriched in synaptic vesicles. b. These pre-synaptic vesicles have to be loaded up with neurotransmitters before they can be released. They are generated from the early endosome in a cycle, which allows them to be filled up with neurotransmitters. c. When the action potential arrives at the pre-synaptic terminal, it activates voltagegated calcium channels in the pre-synaptic membrane. i. The voltage-gated calcium channels are activated by the depolarization that is brought by the action potential. ii. In addition to the sodium and potassium gradient, there is also a high concentration of calcium gradient outside the cell. iii. You open up the voltage-gated calcium channel, and calcium flows down its concentration gradient and into the pre-synaptic neuron. iv. Once the calcium gets in there, it stimulates the fusion of synaptic vesicles with the pre-synaptic plasma membrane. XV. Figure showing what she talked about in the previous slide [S18] XVI. Arrival at the synapse [S19] a. Before I talk about what some of the mechanisms are for the vesicles fusing, I wanna talk about neurotransmitters. i. Neurotransmitters are a type of chemical that are specific in synaptic signaling. XVII. The synthesis of neurotransmitters [S20] a. One of the first characterized neurotransmitters was acetylcholine (Ach) i. Ach is made by acetyl CoA and choline, and the enzyme choline acetyl transferase. ii. Acetyl CoA is made in the mitochondria. Choline is pumped into the neuron by a specific choline transporter, and together in the cytoplasm these two combine to form Ach. iii. Ach is one of the major excitatory neurotransmitters. It’s the main neurotransmitter in the skeletal muscle. iv. It’s made by motor neurons and Ach works on skeletal muscles to induce contraction. v. Once Ach is made it has to be pumped into the synaptic vesicles and there is Ach transporter, which is present in the synaptic vesicle membrane, which pumps Ach up its concentration gradient to fill the vesicles with Ach. FUNDAMENTALS 1: 10:00-11:00 9/20/2010 THEIBERT NEUROTRANSMITTERS SCRIBE: KRATIKA PAREEK PROOF: ANGI GULLARD PAGE 7 OF 11 XVIII. Diagram of synthesis and storage of Ach [S21] a. You have formation of Ach in the cytoplasm. Ach will then get selectively taken up and pumped into the synaptic vesicles. b. These vesicles are ready to respond to the calcium signal by the voltage gated calcium channel. These vesicles are pretty symmetrical and contain about 8,00010,000 molecules of Ach. c. This packet of vesicle is called quantum and release of synaptic vesicles is quantal because these individual packets of synaptic vesicles will release the neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft. XIX. The synthesis of neuroephinephrine [S22] a. The other kind of excitatory neurotransmitter is glutamate, which is one of the building blocks of proteins. i. It’s a major excitatory neurotransmitter found in the brain and the spinal cord. ii. The region where the synaptic transmission takes place for glutamate is on the sub region of the dendrites called the dendritic spine. b. The major inhibitory neurotransmitter is GABA (gamma amino-butyric acid) used in the brain and glycine, which is used in the spinal cord. i. What we mean by inhibitory is when they bind to the post-synaptic cell that leads to the inhibition of the cell or the hyperpolarization of the receptor response. c. We have modulatory neurotransmitters, which include catecholamine and the neuropeptides. i. Catecholamine includes things like dopamine, epinephrine and norephinephrine. ii. They have tyrosine as their precursor. It’s acted on by tyrosine hydroxylase to make Dopa. This is often given to people with Parkinson’s disease because this is a precursor to dopamine. iii. Dopa is converted by aromatic amino acid decarboxylase to dopamine. iv. Dopamine can then be converted to norepinephrine by the enzyme dopamine beta hydroxylase. v. Investigators use the presence of these different synthetic enzymes in a neuron to determine what kind of neuron it is. vi. Dopaminergic neurons only have TH and the AAAD enzyme because they only make dopamine. vii. In contrast, norepinephrine-specific neurons also contain the dopamine beta hydroxylase, which converts dopamine to norephinephrine. viii. There are only a few neurons that use epinephrine as their neurotransmitter. But they share the biosynthetic pathway and the final specific neurotransmitter are neuro-modulatory in their function because they modulate the activity of neurons. d. Like Ach there are specific transporters whose job is to transfer these neurotransmitters into the synaptic vesicles. All these enzymes are found in the cytoplasm, but the neurotransmitters themselves have to get concentrated into the synaptic vesicles. e. For the major excitatory neurotransmitter, glutamate, there is a transporter that transports glutamate into its synaptic vesicle. Skipped slide 23. FUNDAMENTALS 1: 10:00-11:00 9/20/2010 THEIBERT NEUROTRANSMITTERS SCRIBE: KRATIKA PAREEK PROOF: ANGI GULLARD PAGE 8 OF 11 XX. Calcium ions induce the transport and fusion...[S24] a. We know that calcium influx has occurred into the pre-synaptic vesicle. How does this calcium influx lead to synaptic vesicle fusion? b. There are specific proteins that have been identified on the both the synaptic vesicle membranes as well as the pre-synaptic membrane, which facilitate the fusion of these vesicles to the plasma membrane. XXI. Figure [S25] a. Here is the figure that depicts what I said earlier. There proteins were originally identified in yeasts. i. They form this protein-protein interaction and they bring the vesicle into very close proximity with the plasma membrane and dehydrate to get rid of the water molecules that are surrounding these two lipid bilayers. ii. Once you bring the two membranes close together, the lipids will spontaneously fuse. b. This is under calcium-dependent regulation and the calcium sensor is a protein called synapti-tagnan (I don’t know how to spell it). i. It enters into the protein-protein interaction and it prevents vesicle fusion in the absence of calcium. ii. When calcium levels increase, it removes the inhibition of synaptic-tagnan allowing these proteins to interact with each other and bring the synaptic vesicles close to the plasma membrane and allowing for fusion. c. So this is a type of regulated exocytosis. i. Once the synaptic vesicles have fused with the plasma membrane they have to be recovered otherwise you would just expand this plasma membrane presynaptically. ii. So you need a balance of endocytosis of this membrane and there are different proteins involved in the endocytic pathway, which allow for the recovery of synaptic vesicle protein components. iii. Once the vesicles go back inside the cell, they fuse with the early endosome and you can regenerate synaptic vesicles from this region. XXII. Neurotransmitters are simple, small molecules [S27] a. There are different kinds of neurotransmitters. i. The cholinergic neurons, motor neurons, and few other cholinergic neurons throughout the brain. ii. When we talk about a neuron being cholinergic we talk about the kind of neurotransmitter it releases. That neuron can have many different inputs and can receive many different kinds of info. iii. Catecholamine including dopamine and norephinephrine are found throughout the brain. They are very important in regulating things like mood and behavior, cognitive and executive function iv. Amino acid derivatives include glycine, glutamate, and GABA. These are the transmitters that mediate excitatory and inhibitory transmission. v. Epinephrine is found throughout the body. It can also act on neurons at the periphery and lead to vasoconstriction as well as the neuro-modulators including the endorphins and other peptides. b. In general, a neuron will only synthesize a specific type of small molecule transmitter, but it can also make specific neuropeptide transmitters. FUNDAMENTALS 1: 10:00-11:00 9/20/2010 THEIBERT NEUROTRANSMITTERS SCRIBE: KRATIKA PAREEK PROOF: ANGI GULLARD PAGE 9 OF 11 XXIII. General list that investigators have come up with [S29] a. Neuro pharmacologists and neuro chemists, since Ach was identified, have come up with specific criteria to identify a molecule as being a neurotransmitter. b. The criterion is that it has to be at the synapse. You have to be able to make it. c. It has to be released from synaptic vesicles d. It has to produce an effect in the target neuron and you should be able to mimic that effect by exogenously applying that neurotransmitter. e. The effect it produces should be directly proportional to the amount of neurotransmitter released. f. There have to be mechanisms to remove or inactivate the neurotransmitter. g. Initially this is how we identified and classified neurotransmitters. h. It has become a gray area because there are some molecules that can be released that are not packaged into vesicles. These include some lipophilic molecules like small free radical gases, nitric oxide. They have many of these properties that they can modulate neurons and their release is stimulated, but they are not packaged into synaptic vesicles. XXIV. Arrival at the synapse [S30] a. One of the main criteria that has to be met by neurotransmitters is that it has to be inactivated. b. So another property of synaptic signaling, which distinguishes it from other endocrine or paracrine signaling is that not only it is very rapid, but it is also very transient. c. The reason for this is that at the synapse there is both active and passive mechanism to inactivate neurotransmitter. i. Passive mechanism is that a lot of neurotransmitter just diffuses out of the synaptic region. ii. But some neurotransmitters are actively degraded and there are enzymes that actively degrade and remove these. For example, Ach is removed by Ach-esterase at the neuromuscular junction, which degrades it into choline and acetate. Choline can be retaken back into the motor neuron. d. Other neurotransmitters like glutamate and dopamine have specific transporters found on the pre-synaptic plasma membrane as well as the glial plasma membrane on the glial cells that are found nearby. i. These are selective uptake mechanisms that transport the molecule back into the pre-synaptic neuron or into the glial cells. ii. These are things like glutamate transporter and the dopamine transporter. iii. Many of these transporters are important in psychiatry because things like serotonin and dopamine or non-adrenergic transporters are the targets of many drugs, which are used for treating depression. XXV. A quick review and lead in to what occurs at the post synapse [S31] a. Once you have the release of neurotransmitter in the synapse that neurotransmitter before it gets degraded or taken back up better do something and what it does is it interacts with receptors on the post-synaptic membrane and generates a specific response. XXVI. Post synaptic receptor proteins [S33] a. There are 2 types of receptors, which are involved in regulating the response, and these are called the transmitter gated ion or ligand gated ion channel, which mediate vast synaptic transmission. FUNDAMENTALS 1: 10:00-11:00 9/20/2010 THEIBERT NEUROTRANSMITTERS SCRIBE: KRATIKA PAREEK PROOF: ANGI GULLARD PAGE 10 OF 11 i. Ach at the neuromuscular junction and the glutamate receptors on dendritic spines are ligand-gated ion channels. ii. They bind the neurotransmitter. They are themselves ion channels and when they open up they allow either sodium or chloride ions to flow down their concentration gradient and directly lead to a change in the membrane potential of the post-synaptic cell. b. The other type of receptors is called metabatropic receptors, because they are involved in regulating metabolism. i. They use G-proteins and 2nd messengers. ii. The targets for these 2nd messengers are ion channels themselves. iii. So indirectly, these can lead to changes in the electrical properties of the post-synaptic neurons using these G-proteins and 2nd messenger coupled pathways. XXVII. If we consider Ach, it will bind..[S34] a. So this is an Ach receptor. Sub-type is called nicotinic receptor and it can modulate its properties. It’s an ion channel and it’s found on the post-synaptic cell. i. One of the best characterized nicotinic Ach receptors are found at the neuromuscular junction and they are found the muscle cells. ii. Ach binds to these receptors. It opens up the ion channels and sodium flows into the post synaptic membrane and this can lead to depolarization of the muscle membrane and activate the actin-myosin machinery and lead to muscle contraction. b. Ach receptor is a non-selective cation channel. i. So sodium flows down its concentration gradient first, but it will also allow potassium to allow to flow out of the postsynaptic cell. And it also allows calcium to flow in as well. ii. The concentration of sodium in extracellular region is more than calcium, so sodium is the major conducting ion for this channel. c. Other types of ion channels are similar to nicotinic Ach receptor. Normally it binds Ach and nicotine is just used to distinguish its subtype. d. Other ligand gated ion channels bind to the ligand on the extracellular, opens the channel and allows for ions to flow in. Skipped slide 35. XXVIII. Muscarinic Ach receptors [S36] a. The other type of receptor is muscarinic Ach receptor. i. This is a G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR). ii. It binds Ach on the outside, activates a specific G-protein. iii. One of the major targets for G-proteins is ion channels. In this case, a specific potassium channel. When this potassium channel is activated, potassium will flow out of the cell and lead to a hyperpolarization. iv. Going back to the first slide, when Loewi originally identified Ach, he found that it slowed down the heart rate. Now we have identified the mechanism that the effect of Ach is through GPCR to slow the heart rate. XXIX. Parkinson’s disease [S37] a. So now I want to talk a little bit about disease mechanism. b. Parkinson’s disease is a disease in which we use L-Dopa. Another agent is bromocriptine. FUNDAMENTALS 1: 10:00-11:00 9/20/2010 THEIBERT NEUROTRANSMITTERS i. ii. iii. XXX. In this disease you lose a specific subset of neurons in a region called the substantia nigra. In the substantia nigra are dopaminergic neurons that project to many places throughout the brain. One of the places it projects to is the caudate nucleus and then the caudate can regulate specific motor behaviors. Bromocriptine is a type of dopamine receptor agonist. It stimulates the dopamine receptors post-synaptically. So together with L-Dopa, bromocriptine is an important neuro-pharmacological agent to treat diseases. What is important to know [S38] Questions that Dr. Whikehart thinks we should know. [END 54:34 mins] SCRIBE: KRATIKA PAREEK PROOF: ANGI GULLARD PAGE 11 OF 11