2011-2012 Tennessee Master Gardener Alliance Membership Directory Together We Are A Stronger Extension Master Gardener Program Table of Contents Tennessee Master Gardener Alliance Important Dates: Tennessee Master Gardener Alliance Board of Advocates 3 3 5 Meet the Alliance Board of Advoctes 6 Eastern Region 6 Central Region 9 Western Region 12 State Program Coordinator UT Extension Plant Sceinces 13 WESTERN REGION Membership 15 CETRAL REGION Membership 24 EASTERN REGION Membership 31 Bylaws of Tennessee Master Gardener Alliance 40 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 2 Tennessee Master Gardener Alliance The Tennessee Master Gardener Alliance is a state organization of county, state and Extension leadership. The Alliance structure fosters understanding, facilitates communication, encourages networking, and identifies areas of improvement. The purpose of the Alliance is to create a recognized structure for every county to contribute to the state Master Gardener Program. The Alliance allows group leadership an opportunity to participate in decision making, goals setting and identifying initiatives for the program. The Alliance has three parts: The active MG county groups; the TMG Alliance Board; and the University Extension who hosts the TMG certification program. The County Alliance membership is composed of active MG counties in the three geographic regions of Tennessee. All active county groups have equal representation in the Alliance. The regional county groups discuss relevant issues that affect Master Gardener volunteers, local groups and the state program. Alliance meetings are coordinated and sponsored by the TMGAB members at regional and state events. Regional meetings are held annually, prior to a state Winter School, so that regional input is shared during the state Alliance meeting at the preceding Winter School. The preceding flowchart illustrates the patterns and activities of communication in the TMG program. The TMG Alliance is a state membership group for county presidents, or presidential appointed officers, who act as delegates for a county (also referred to as a member) at state program planning meetings. TMG Alliance members should convey issues and concerns to all state or regional meetings. The TMG Advocacy Board uses county reports, meeting feedback and individual contacts to collect and provide communication for the TMG program. In the TMG Alliance power is distributed evenly to counties with representation present. Members of the TMG Alliance are strongly encouraged to contribute to TMG sponsored leadership training for understanding, networking and support. Important Dates: January 15- Annual Reports Due February- Winter School and State Alliance Gathering March- Deadline for TMG Alliance Board Applications May-June- Regional Alliance meetings Fall- Administrative Partnership Meeting with UT Extension TMGAB meets every first Thursday of the month for a conference call. 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 3 Communication Map for TMG Alliance Western Region Master Gardener Counties Central Region Master Gardener Counties Eastern Region Master Gardener Counties Communication: Regional/State Alliance Meetings County Annual Reports/Forms TMGAB Strategic Plan TMG Bylaws Listserv/Direct Email Tennessee Master Gardener Advocacy Board (3 agents) (12 MGs) (1 State Coordinator) Communication: UT Administrative-Volunteer Partnership Meeting Impact Statement Annual Reports University of Tennessee Extension 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 4 TMG Alliance Board of Advocates The Tennessee Master Gardener Alliance Board (TMGAB) is a state Extension program committee of advocates created to include representation by all facets of the Tennessee Master Gardener Program. It is composed of three county Extension agents (who are local Master Gardener Program coordinators representing each region), 12 certified Master Gardeners (four from each region) who have served as volunteers and have been active in their local MG programs, one state Extension specialist who has worked with the MG Program, and the state Master Gardener coordinator who serves as a facilitator of this committee. The TMGAB is charged with the following tasks: Establish program policies. Define relationships between University of Tennessee Extension and Master Gardener volunteers. Work with the state MG program coordinator to identify and develop new program information and materials, and revise existing program information as needed. Set goals, as well as objectives and action plans for obtaining those goals, for the Tennessee Master Gardener Program. Evaluate and provide oversight to the growth and development of the Tennessee Master Gardener Program as we seek to accomplish the program’s mission and purpose as it relates to the University of Tennessee Extension, Master Gardener volunteers, communities and individual Tennesseans. Provide leadership for the TMG Alliance, a state-wide organization structured by region. TMGAB recruits members who are interested in and committed to doing the work required of this committee and who can attend the necessary meetings. Positions require a two-year term of service, with members rotating off in alternate years. If you are interested in serving, please review and complete the criteria on the TMGAB application (available on the Tennessee Master Gardener Web site). The board communicates monthly by conference call and meets twice a year; the state coordinator and the TMGAB will determine the necessity of additional meetings. Board members head a state project from the TMG Strategic Plan: Currently these projects are: Leadership, Outreach, 3R’s, Training and Communication. Board members recruit team members for county membership to accomplish these goals. Read more about each project in the meet the member section of this directory. Contact a project leader if you would like to participate on a special project team. 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 5 Meet the Alliance Board of Advoctes Eastern Region David Craig Knox County Master Gardener 6429 Westminster Road Knoxville, TN 37919 craigdavid@bellsouth.net 865-558-5839 Project Area: Outreach Team will research innovative and successful projects throughout the state and region in order to stimulate new ideas in and among county groups. Outreach Project Activities: 1. Identify and classify local, successful and innovative projects done by local MG groups 2. Develop ways to demonstrate how these projects could be replicated state wide 3. Provide information and resources to local groups about how to initiate these projects in their county Dave Craig, BS/MS Univ of Wis, was a dairy farmer and vo-ag teacher in Wisconsin. He completed the doctorate at Cornell University, was a professor at UT in agriculture and teacher education for 30 years and retired in 1998. In 2002, Dave became a Master Gardener. He initiated the MG program in Knox County in 2004. He is president of a garden club and raises garden produce to sell for the Heifer Project and local missions. Dave created the Habitat Urban Garden (HUG) Program in 2004. HUG conducts an educational program for homeowners and has landscaped over 150 homes. He is Christian, a cancer survivor and married to Betty for 51 years. Dave’s position will be vacant for 2013 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 6 Mike Payne Hamilton County Master Gardener 1726 Collieview Lane Hixson, TN 37343 Tnmastergardener@aol.com 423-842-3743 Project Area: Fund-Raising Team will research different ways to raise money for the Master Gardener State program which will fund future state activities (i.e. Winter School, Conferences, Advance Education, etc.) Team will investigate possible ways to raise money for the future Master Gardener State Activities. 1. Look into possible sale of gardening tools and merchandise for funds. 2. Check into possible sponsorships from national companies. 3. Contact different county groups for new ideas for fund-raising Mike is a Lifetime member of the program who has served as chair of TMGAB. He has enjoyed teaching “Beginning Garden Classes” (pre-Master Gardener training courses), writing articles, and public speaking (even on TV and radio!). Mike chaired the 2006 Southern Region Conference in Chattanooga. He hopes that through his excellent public speaking, teaching and people skills that he can improve the environment, making this a better place to live. Mike‘s wife, Stephanie, is also a Hamilton County Master Gardener. Mike’s Position will be vacant 2013. Chris Ramsey Sullivan County Extension Agent 3258 Highway 126, Suite 104 Blountville, TN 37617 chris.ramsey@utk.edu 423-279-2723 Chris has been training Master Gardeners in Sullivan, Washington, Greene, Carter and Johnson counties for several years. His Master Gardener group, the Northeast Tennessee Master Gardeners, regularly hosts educational programs. NETMG are currently constructing an urban tree demonstration at the fairgrounds funded by grant money. 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 7 Chris is a cyclist and a father of two. He does a wonderful job managing this large, diverse group of MG Volunteers! Johnny Suthers Northeast Tennessee Master Gardeners (Sullivan County) 4416 Fieldstone Drive Kingsport, TN 37664 jchemie@aol.com 423-323-2202 Project Area: Leadership Strengthen local leadership to provide more efficient and effective support for UT Extension. Goals: 1. To identify what should work for state/local programs. 2. How could these programs be developed or supported in each region. 3. Collect leadership ideas and share them on the Taking Root newsletter, Facebook and listserv. Johnny is TMGAB’s newest member. He has served as President of the NETMGA group for 2 years and is currently the Projects director for the 15 projects in the seven county area of NETMGA. He has been a Master Gardener since 2006. He has served with several volunteer organizations including the United States Junior Chamber (Jaycees), Ruitan National, Greater Indian United Way and the Boy Scouts of America. He retired as a Principal Chemist from Eastman Chemical Company after working 41.5 years in their Color Technology Center. He has served in several leadership positions in professional organizations (SPECAD, ISCC, CMG, ISPE, and the Detroit Color Council) representing Eastman. He enjoys working with people. 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 8 Central Region Bob Ary Sumner County Extension Agent 155-A East Main Street Gallatin, TN 37066-3298 bobary@tennessee.edu 615-452-1423 Bob Ary began working with the Master Gardener program in1998 in Davidson County, and has continued as the Extension Agent and Master Gardener Advisor in Sumner County since moving there in 2005. While in Davidson County, Bob and Master Gardener Doris Weakley began the first Junior Gardener Day Camp in Tennessee, a program that continues to be successful. The number of active members in the Master Gardener program in Sumner County has more than doubled since 2005 as a result of the increasing efforts to involve interns in the county association meetings and in volunteering. Bob has 32 years with UT Extension, including 18 as a 4-H agent in Bedford and Robertson counties and 7 in Davidson County working with 4-H and Agriculture, Consumer Horticulture, and the Master Gardener program. Bob has been in Sumner County the past 5 years, with responsibilities in Consumer and Commercial Horticulture, the Master Gardener program, Row Crops, Commercial Small Fruits and Vegetables, and Agritainment. Jack Smith Rutherford County Master Gardener 366 Calumet Trace Murfreesboro, TN 37127 Jesmg37127@yahoo.com 615-217-0785 Jack has been a member of the Advocacy Board since 2006. He is a retired educational, government servant, and Scout Master who continues to serve his community. Jack became a Master Gardener in 2004 and served as President of Master Gardeners of Rutherford County for three years. For the past several years he has coordinated and helped teach a garden education class in Rutherford County called Garden Basics. He shares the success of Basic Gardening classes with others who are interested in beginning a similar program. 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 9 Jack continues to share his knowledge by speaking to local gardening groups, participating in local radio garden programs, presenting topics at local libraries and other groups such as the Children’s Discovery Center in Murfreesboro. As an Advocate, Jack shares his ideas and leadership skills to Master Gardeners across the state to improve the quality of life for all Tennesseans. Jack’s position will be vacant 2013. Cynthia Winfield Wilson County Master Gardener 4650 Chicken Road Lebanon, TN 37090 pandcwfarm@gmail.com 615-281-2699 Project Area:3 R’s (co-chair with Meg Georgiades) Promote and create awards that focus on retention techniques to keep Master Gardeners engaged in the program. Description of Project: collect, promote, and facilitate 1. Creative recognition systems of outstanding TMG volunteer and agent work, 2. innovative retention strategies for volunteers in county groups, and 3. Effective recruitment strategies to increase promotion of MG training and retention. A Wilson County Master Gardener since 2009, Cynthia came to Middle Tennessee in 2008 to reinvent herself as a small farmer. An educator, author, amateur vermiculturist, and now farmer, Cynthia is building the soil on her patch of rocky hillside with the aid of goats, horses, alpacas, chickens, and—of course—her worms. Since coming to Tennessee, Cynthia has benefitted from UT Extension program offerings in Wilson, Rutherford, and Davidson counties and foresees continued work with UT/TSU Agricultural Extension for years to come. She loves life in Tennessee and does not miss the New England winters at all. To see her farm, you’re invited to visit www.pandcworganicfarm.blogspot.com anytime. 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 10 Meg Georgiades 1354 Fowler Ford Road Portland TN 37148 megmastergardener@gmail.com Meg lives on 9 1/2 acres in Sumner County where she gardens with her husband Wayne, who is also a Master Gardener. She has three daughters and four grandchildren. For 27 years she enjoyed a career as an insurance agent retiring in 2008.She is also passionate about antiques, having booths at a mall in Springfield, Tn. Meg has been a Master Gardener for 13 years. During that time she served as Vice- President of the Association for 4 years and President for 3 years. She is most proud of the growth that the Association has experienced under her leadership and the areas of volunteerism that are being pursued. Meg is the newest member of the Advocacy Board and desires to bring her communication skills and can do attitude to the Alliance. 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 11 Western Region *2 other positions are currently available for this region. Denisa Cate Northwest TN Master Gardener 83 Lillie Brown Road Bradford, TN 38316 dcate@hcmc-tn.org 731-742-2545 Denisa Cate has been a Master Gardener since 2001 and has served on the TMG Advocacy board since 2007. She has held several offices in her NWTN club including president, committee chairs, and leader of the Master Gardener classes. Denisa received her BS and MS degrees at the University of TN, and her RD from Vanderbilt University Medical Center. She is employed as Director of Nutrition Services at Henry County Medical Center in Paris, TN, and has been a registered dietitian and nutrition manager since 1992. Denisa is on the national board of directors and is a former national president for the Association for Healthcare Foodservice (AHF), affording her the opportunity for many public speaking engagements. She travels around the country for AHF and frequently tours gardens in these areas. Denisa often incorporates her Master Gardener skills into her nutrition education and leadership classes. Denisa’s position will be vacant 2013. Chris Cooper Shelby County Extension Agent 7777 Walnut Grove Road Suite B, Box 21 Memphis, TN 38120-2140 (901) 752-1207 cmcooper@utk.edu As the Extension Service's Horticulture Agent and Coordinator for the Master Gardener program, Chris is a familiar face to most in the program, having just started his third year in the county. Chris's primary job, in addition to his work with the Master Gardener program, is to plan, develop, coordinate and conduct educational programs addressing issues that affect urban, commercial and home horticulture. 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 12 State Program Coordinator UT Extension Plant Sceinces Beth Babbit State Master Gardener Coordinator & Urban Horticulture Specialist 252 Ellington PSB 2134 Joe Johnson Drive Knoxville, TN 37996 ebabbit@utk.edu 865-974-7970 Project Areas: Training & Communication To make planning, coordination and implementation of TMG Training more consistent, efficient and effective. 1. Create a more professional, comprehensive, Intern Training program, increasing resources, teaching resources and … 2. To promote Advanced MG title for certified VIP Master Gardeners. Define and Establish an Advanced Master Gardener title, certification requirements, appropriate curriculum and state committee. 3. Establish a speaker exchange and provide important, interesting, effective Educator Training for UTE/TSU staff and MG Educators. 4. To provide outstanding continued educational opportunities to certified MGs Beth Babbit grew up in Nashville, where she discovered her love for gardening from her mother and learned admire its science from her father. She received her Bachelor’s of Science in horticulture from Auburn University in June 1997. Beth was awarded an assistantship for graduate school at Auburn University to study the best management practices of various horticulture consumers and professionals. Following graduation she joined the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension as an area horticulture agent in the North Atlanta area. There she served Master Gardeners, professional green industry and consumer audiences. This role was followed by a position as an assistant manager of one of Pike’s Family Nurseries retail stores. Beth is currently the Urban Horticulture Area Extension Specialist for the University of Tennessee Extension in Knoxville. She also is the Tennessee Master Gardener Program Coordinator and is co-host of "The Garden Girls," radio show on WNOX 100.3 in Knoxville. 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 13 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 14 Former MG groups reporting no activity Counties with interest in MG Gray line denotes clustered counties Active MG groups, non-Alliance members 2012 Tennessee Master Gardener Programs MG reporting to other counties Active MG groups, TMG Alliance members WESTERN REGION Dyer County Master Gardener Association County: Dyer Coordinating Agent: William Taylor Dates of Term: January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2013 Officers President Name Phone Email Betty Stephens (731) 285-3286 betjas@peoplepc.com Vice President Name Phone Email Becky Jackson (731) 285-7477 becky b1@bellsouth.net Secretary Name Phone Email Kathy Johnson (731) 253-8296 reelfootsafaris@wildblue.net Treasurer Name Phone Email Lloyd Collier (731) 285-8780 lhcsr@ecsis.net 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 15 Fayette County Master Gardener Association County: Fayette Coordinating Agent: Tonya Ashworth Dates of Term: January 1, 2012 to January 1, 2013 Officers President Secretary Name Sputt Garnett Address 4115 Yum Yum Rd. Somerville, TN 38068 Phone (901) 465-4225 Email sputtg@gmail.com Name Address Phone Email Darlene Rike 5750 Railroad Williston, TN 38076 (901) 465-9613 dellmac5@comcast.net 1st Vice President Name Address Phone Email Leslie Shocky PO Box Box 120 Oakland, TN 38060 (901) 485-5271 lesshock@aol.com 2nd Vice President Name Sherry Score Address 4655 Laconia Rd. Somerville, TN 38068 Phone (423) 901-299-0589 Email sherry.score@yahoo.com Treasurer Name Holly Cameron Address 420 Hotel St. Williston, TN 38076 Phone (901) 569-4832 Email vogt@pobox.com 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 16 Hardeman County Master Gardener Association County: Hardeman Coordinating Agent: Lee Sammons Dates of Term: January 1 2012 to December 31, 2012 Officers President Name Durward Baxter Address 150 Kentucky Ave. Middleton, TN 38052 Phone (731) 376-0276 Email Budbax@aol.com Vice President Name Kathy Laughlin Address 4185 Cloverport Road Toone, TN 38381 Phone (731) 658-2049 Email kdcclaugh@aol.com Secretary/Treasurer Name Carolyn Grantham Address 7800 Cloverport Road Toone, TN 38381 Phone (731) 658-5621 Email 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 17 Haywood County Master Gardener Association County: Haywood Coordinating Agent: Walter Battle Dates of Term: January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 Officers President Name Rita Hathcock Address 1540 Anderson Avenue Brownsville, TN 38012 Phone (731) 772-3480 Email rhwtbg@bellsouth.net Name Sue McElrath Address 37 S. Wilson Avenue Brownsville, TN 38012 Phone (731) 779-9222 Email allcarechiro@bellsouth.net Name Pat Bailey Address 132 W. Sunset Circle Brownsville, TN 38012 Phone (731) 772-1831 Email paperdollpat@hotmail.com Name Address Phone Email Pat Sollitto 375 Charlie Moore Road Ripley, TN 38063 (731) 612-8120 pat.sollitto@yahoo.com Name Sonia Clark Address 7639 Poplar Corner Road Bells, TN 38006 Phone (731) 772-9612 Email southlawclark@bellsouth.net Name Address Barbara Callery 547 Cox Lane Name Address Name Address Phone Email Name Address Phone Email Barbara Proulx 520 N. Washington Avenue Brownsville, TN 38012 (812) 568-6270 Phone Email Phone (731) 772-0735 tobacallery@newwavecomm.net D. A. Eaton 491 Country Club Lane Brownsville, TN 38012 (731) 772-9324 barbaraannproulx@yahoo.com Sandra Silverstein 2 Woodscreek Street Brownsville, TN 38012 (731) 772-1763 lily1@newwavecomm.net 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 18 Madison County Master Gardener Association County: Madison Coordinating Agent: Jake Mallard Dates of Term: January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012 Officers President Name Address Phone Email Board Member Manuel McKnight PO Box 556 Humboldt, TN 38343 (731) 217-2740 al saws@aeneas.com Name Address Phone Email Gayle Heavner 399 Browns Church Rd. Jackson, TN 38305 (731) 423-3564 gayleheav@yahoo.com 1st Vice President - Programs Board Member Name Address Name Address Phone Email Barbara Tucker 13 Sixteenth Fairway Cove Pinson, TN 38366 (731) 423-2221 bartee42@gmail.com Phone Email Doris Holder 1490 State Rt. 22A South Jacks Creek, TN 38347 (731) 9894858 mishajake@aol.com 2nd Vice President - Projects Board Member Name Address Name Address Phone Email Tharon Kirk 24 McIntosh Dr. Jackson, TN 38305 (731) 660-4354 Tharonkirk@gmail.com Secretary Name Address Phone Email Phone Email Ruth Sanders PO Box 47 LaGrange, TN 38046 (901) 489-6820 Zemuly@comcast.net Board Member Darlene Tanner 202 Ridge Rd. Medina, TN 38355 (731) 217-4885 dndtanner@gmail.com Name Address Phone Email Tom Stallings 111 Summerfield Dr. Jackson, TN 38305 (731) 668-5707 mammas an@eplus.net Treasurer Name Address Phone Email Lorene Crone 111 Greenbriar Lane Jackson, TN 38305 (731) 668-9364 lorenerobinson@charter.net 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 19 Montgomery County Master Gardener Association County: Montgomery Coordinating Agent: Karla Kean Dates of Term: January 1, 2012 to January 2014 Officers President Name Address Newsletter Editor Colleen Teet 3485 Jarman Hollow Rd. Palmyra, TN 37142 (931) 326-5899 colleen37142@yahoo.com Phone Email Name Address Phone Email Judie Treangen 540 Martin Rd. Clarksville, TN 37042 (931) 906-2967 jjtreangen@charter.net Vice President - Programs Webmaster & What’s Up Network Name Address Name Address Eddie Materia 1034 S. Ridge Rd. Clarksville, TN 37043 (931) 802-6144 material@charter.net Phone Email Phone Email Phil Greenawalt 540 Martin Rd. Clarksville, TN 37042 (931) 906-2967 plgreenawalt@charter.net Vice President - Projects Name Address Margaret Pace 1294 Morgan Rd. Clarksville, TN 37040 (931) 647-4328 pacem@apsu.edu Phone Email Treasurer Name Address Susan Binkley 3930 Sadlersville Rd. Clarksville, TN 37010 (931) 358-9860 tdd7000@gmail.com Phone Email Secretary Name Address Phone Email Diana Ruby 146 Scotts Chapel Rd. Cumberland City, TN 37050 (931) 801-0770 dlynnruby@charter.net 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 20 North West TN Master Gardener Association County: Obion, Weakley, Gibson Coordinating Agent: Tim Smith Dates of Term: January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2013 Officers President Name Jenny Courtright Phone Email kenjenny0828@bellsouth.net Vice President Name Phone Email Secretary Name Phone Email Phillip White mailto:pwhite@cddn.com Treasurer Name Phone Email Vicki McKnight vmcknight@bellsouth.net 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 21 Shelby County Master Gardener Association County: Shelby Coordinating Agent: Chris Cooper Dates of Term: January 1 2012 to December 31 2012 Officers President Director 1 Name Jean Ward-Jones Address 3918 Peachtree Lane Bartlett, TN 38135 Phone (901) 388-5382 Email jeanward-jones@comcast.net Name Robert Hollingsworth Address 192 Dille Place Memphis, TN 38111 Phone (901) 458-3655 Email robert@davidluskgallery.com Vice President Director 2 Name Anne Krekelberg Address 3736 Berlinwood Cove South Bartlett, TN 38133 Phone (901) 248-0757 Email annekrekelberg@aol.com Name Vicki Duggins Address 8716 Overcup Oaks Drive Cordova, TN 38018 Phone (901) 751-2667 Email vpduggins@aol.com Secretary Director 3 Name Nancy Davis Address 740 Canadaville Loop Eads, TN 38028 Phone (901) 867-0464 Email nbdavis1214@bellsouth.net Name Linda Taylor Address 745 Lakeview Drive Collierville, TN 38017 Phone (901) 853-4851 Email daisy522@aol.com Treasurer Parliamentarian Name Jerry Berry Address 8684 Maple Creek Cove Germantown, TN 38139 Phone (901) 758-8043 Email gtownjerry@yahoo.com Name Jim Volgas Address 3470 Oak Rd. Bartlett, TN 38135 Phone (901) 270-1131 Email jivolgas@gmail.com Corresponding Secretary Name Melissa Taylor Address 4061 N. Walnut Grove Memphis, TN 38117 Phone (901) 685-2377 Email melissaleetaylor@yahoo.com 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 22 Tipton County Master Gardener Association County: Tipton Coordinating Agent: Booker T. Leigh Dates of Term: September 1 2011 to August 31 2012 Officers President Name Address Phone Email Past President Paula Sweatt 414 McQuiston Rd. Brighton, TN 38011 (901) 832-7956 bohcre@bigriver.net Name Vernon Parimore Address 1646 Munford-Giltedge Rd. Munford, TN 38058 Phone (901) 837-8108 Email twoormorevap@aol.com Vice President Name Address Phone Email Lynda Carter 44 Charleswood Drive Atoka, TN 38004 (901) 837-9714 bigorange63@aol.com Treasurer Name Address Phone Email Phyllis Stephens 373 Sassafras Circle Munford, TN 38058 (901) 292-4279 ejstephens@aol.com Secretary Name Address Phone Email Roxanna Phillips 344 Susan Circle Drummonds, TN 38023 (901) 299-8330 RKPayne1@memphis.edu Member at Large Name Address Phone Email Merrie Thomas 7261 Mt. Carmel Rd. Covington, TN 38019 (901) 476-6977 cadclass2004@yahoo.com 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 23 CENTRAL REGION Davidson County Master Gardener Association County: Davidson Coordinating Agent: David Cook Dates of Term: December 2011 to December 2012 Officers President Treasurer Name Robert Mather Address 209 Kaitlyn Court Franklin, TN 37076 Phone (615) 599-5683 Email rmather321@aol.com Name Sheila Whitlock Address 4940 Algonquin Trail Antioch, TN 37013 Phone (615) 331-9667 Email range1320@aol.com 1st Vice President Name Bill MacLennan Address 7704 Sawyer Brown Rd. Nashville, TN 37221 Phone (615) 354-8156 Email bmac4@comcast.net 2nd Vice President Name Catherine Atwell Address 2401 Sunset Place Nashville, TN 37212 Phone (615) 297-0600 Email MGhoursLogging@gmail.com Recording Secretary Name Deborah Yoder Address 1804-A Linden Avenue Nashville, TN 37212 Phone (615) 269-8316 Email yoderpj@comcast.net Corresponding Secretary Name Judy Burger Address 438 Second Avenue South Nashville, TN 37201 Phone (615) 244-4533 Email judyburger@rocketmail.com 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 24 Franklin County Master Gardener Association County: Franklin Coordinating Agent: John Ferrell Dates of Term: June 2011 to June 2013 Officers President Name Jimmie Tucker Address 9204 David Crockett Pkwy. W Belvidere, TN 37306 Phone (931) 967-8446 Email btuck@cafes.net Vice President Name Sharon Bryant Address 3211 Awalt Rd. Tullahoma, TN 37388 Phone (931) 455-6024 Email ourcorgi@hotmail.com Treasurer Name Peggy Rowe Address 3490 Spring Creek Rd. Estill Springs, TN 37330 Phone (931) 644-2693 Email Peggy@horrequip.com Secretary Name Marcia Gilliland Address 394 Hickory Hollow Rd. Tullahoma, TN 37388 Phone (931) 455-6791 Email gillilandglenmar@aol.com 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 25 Putnam County Master Gardener Association County: Putnam Coordinating Agent: January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012 Dates of Term: Officers President Name Gloria Vick Address 440 South Maple Ave. Cookeville, TN 38501 Phone (931) 265-5182 Email gloriavick26@gmail.com Vice President Name Bonnie Coburn Address 9854 Monterey Hwy. Sparta, TN 38583 Phone (931) 738-9580 Email cbcoburn@yahoo.com Secretary Name Janet Morningstar Address 396 Arey Circle Algood, TN 38506 Phone (931) 231-9993 Email janetmstarl@frontier.com Treasurer Name Betsy Fortunio Address 380 S. Maple Ave. Cookeville, TN 38501 Phone (931) 854-0916 Email 380southmaple@charter.net 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 26 Robertson County Master Gardener Association County: Robertson Coordinating Agent: Paul Hart Dates of Term: January 1, 2012 to January 1, 2013 Officers President Name Address Phone Email Doug Buck 223 Timberlake Dr. Springfield, TN 37172 (615) 382-8098 historybug52@yahoo.com Vice President Name Address Phone Email Paul Putman 3878 Turnersville Rd. Cedar Hill, TN 37232 (615) 513-4396 pplih@aol.com Secretary Name Wanda Cohea Address 466H Old Hwy. 41 N. Springfield, TN 37172 Phone (615) 384-5071 Email wccohea@gmail.com Treasurer Name Caty Henning Address 5207 Bob Wilks Rd. Springfield, TN 37172 Phone (615) 384-0109 Email mtnrider@yahoo.com 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 27 Sumner County Master Gardener Association County: Sumner Coordinating Agent: Bob Ary Dates of Term: November 1, 2011 to November 30, 2012 Officers President Name Address Phone Email Steve Fulps 140 Chiroc Road Hendersonville, TN 37072 (615) 957 9785 tablesettingsltd@comcast. net 1st Vice President Name Address Phone Email Connie Lowery 7217 Oregon Rd. Springfield, TN 37172 (615) 389-1116 dograven@comcast.net 2nd Vice President Name Address Phone Email Charlet Rhoads 921 Skyview Dr. Gallatin, TN 37066 dalerhoads@hotmail.com Treasurer Name Address Phone Email Valeri Allen 1006 Jones Rd. Hendersonville, TN 37075 (615) 824-3731 bugbiteridge@gmail.com Secretary Name Address Phone Email Eric Skillern 140 Chiroc Road Hendersonville, TN 37072 (615) 957-9785 ericskillern@yahoo.com 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 28 Williamson County Master Gardener Association County: Williamson Coordinating Agent: Jonathan Black Dates of Term: October 1, 2011 to October 31, 2012 Officers President Name Address Phone Email Director of Volunteers Anne Knauff PO Box 9 Fairview, TN 37062 (615) 799-8200 aknauff@bellsouth.net Vice President of Public Relations Name Address Phone Email Connie Westfall 4308 Old Hillsboro Rd. Franklin, TN 37064 (615) 599-9515 conniewestfall@bellsouth.net Name Address Phone Email Director of Programs/Activities/Continuing Education Name Address Phone Email Vice President of Finance Advisor Name Address Name Address Phone Email Jill Miller 1432 Brook Dr. Columbia, TN 38401 (931) 380-0982 tncowpie@charter.net Susan Byrd 103 Poplar St. Franklin, TN 37064 (615) 790-3144 sfb@bellsouth.net Phone Email Bill Graham 414 Enclave Ct. Brentwood, TN 37027 (615) 832-7646 bwgraham@comcast.net Jonathan Black 2334 Centertree Dr. Murfreesboro, TN 37128 (615) 584-8894 jblack18@utk.edu Secretary Name Address Phone Email Marjorie Crowell 3322 Old Franklin Rd. Cane Ridge, TN 37013 (615) 941-1523 mocrowell@comcast.net Director of Internal Communications Name Paula Esposito Address 1360 Polo Fields Ln. Columbia, TN 38401 Phone (931) 451-7225 Email pkesposito@msn.com Wilson County Master Gardener Association 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 29 County: Wilson Coordinating Agent: Justin Stefanski Dates of Term: December 2012 to December 2013 Officers President Name Address Phone Email Marianne Pelletier 5380 South Commerce Rd. Watertown, TN 37184 (615) 237-9819 brezzin1usa@yahoo.com Vice President Name Address Linda Robertson Phone Email (615) 449-0831 docs@softek.net Treasurer Name Address Phone Email Nancy Moore 808 Sterling Oak Court Lebanon, TN 37087 (615) 697-0013 nancy@wzbng.com Certification Officer Name Address Phone Email John Frantz 172 Hunters Creek Blvd. Lebanon, TN 37087 (850) 866-8910 jfrantz98@yahoo.com Secretary/Newsletter Name Address Phone Email Sandy Oxford 2030 Kimberly Drive Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 (615) 268-8454 Sandra.oxford@comcast.net 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 30 EASTERN REGION Cumberland County Master Gardener Association County: Cumberland Coordinating Agent: W. Gregg Upchurch Dates of Term: January 1 2012 to December 31 2012 Officers President Communications Name Sara Senft Address 115 Fairview Road Crossville, TN 38571 Phone (931) 707-8333 Email senft@frontiernet.net Name Bev Beers Address 240 Vandever Lane Crossville, TN 38572 Phone (931) 788-5760 Email ccmgnews@gmail.com Vice President Spring Flower&Garden Show Rep Name Fred Mullen Address 129 Frazier Road Crossville, TN 38572 Phone (931) 277-3136 Email jem57@frontiernet.net Name Shirley Hughes Address 426 Valley Lane Crossville, TN 38555 Phone (931) 484-9723 Email shughes4@charter.net Secretary PDG/FGF Rep Name Address Name Nancy Christopherson Address 110 Hedgewood Point Crossville, TN 38558 Phone (931) 707-0120 Email critterswn@frontiernet.net Phone Email Melinda Mulvaney 131 Greenwood Road Crossville, TN 38558 (618) 267-3767 melindamulvaney@hotmail.com Treasurer Name Amie McDonald Address 21 Conrad Circle Crossville, TN 38558 Phone (931) 248-5002 Email ccmgatreas@gmail.com New Class Representative Name Debbie Ward Address 3510 Clear Creek Road Monterey, TN 38574 Phone (931) 787-2111 Email wfward32761@msn.com 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 31 Greene County Master Gardener Association County: Greene Coordinating Agent: Melody Rose Dates of Term: January 1 2012 to December 31 2012 Officers President Name Address Phone Email Reporter Randi Nott 814 Links Mill Road Greeneville, TN 37743 (423) 639-6431 randinott@mac.com Name Diane Thompson Address 420 River Village Lane Afton, TN 37616 Phone (423) 426-5547 Email olrallye350@yahoo.com Vice President Past President Name Address Name Brooke Sadler Address 295 Kinser Park Lane Greeneville, TN 37743 Phone (423) 787-0058 Email cabins@usit.net Phone Email Sandee Grimes 3660 West Pines Road Greeneville, TN 37745 (423) 741-2341 sandee@cooksgreenhouses.com Secretary Name Heather Youngblood Address 3060 Babbs Mill Road Afton, TN 37616 Phone (423) 525-2621 Email mysummerfieldfarm@gmail.com Treasurer Name Michele Bradley Address 470 Hopson Road Limestone, TN 37681 Phone (423) 257-2246 Email mbradley@directv.net 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 32 Hamilton County Master Gardener Association County: Hamilton Coordinating Agent: Tim Stebbins Dates of Term: January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012 Officers President Name Carol Mattews Address 5175 Long Hollow Rd. Rock Spring, GA 30739 Phone (706) 375-6098 Email Vice President Name Lisa Clark Address 8356 Randall Court Hixson, TN 37343 Phone (423) 260-0671 Email clarkld@epb.net Secretary Name Barbara Blankenship Address 3822 Kings Rd. Chattanooga, TN 37416 Phone (423) 605-4529 Email babs1@epbfi.com Treasurer Name Peggy Dyer Address 1320 Highland Rd. Chattanooga, TN 37415 Phone (423) 875-8402 Email newmastergardener@comcast.net 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 33 Knox County Master Gardener Association County: Knox Coordinating Agent: Emily Gonzalez Dates of Term: January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012 Officers President Name John Murphy Address 714 Greenfern Trail Seymour, TN 37805 Phone (865) 577-5480 Email jjmslom5@chafer.net Vice President Name Address Phone Email Candice Eagle 3205 Louisville Rd. Louisville, TN 37777 (865) 977-6471 tenneagle@gmail.com Secretary Name Lynn Carlson Address 2729 Hawk Haven Lane Knoxville, TN 37931 Phone (865) 692-5402 Email lbcarlson@alumni.indiana.edu Treasurer Name Ellen Morar Address 621 Hickory Woods Rd. Knoxville, TN 37934 Phone (865) 675-1821 Email emorar@chartertn.net 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 34 Lakeway Area Master Gardener Association County: Hamblen, Jefferson, Grainger, Hawkins, Cocke Coordinating Agent: Mannie Bedwell ebedwell@tennessee.edu Dates of Term: November 1 2011 to October 31 2012 Officers President Name Sara Turk Address 814 Mohawk Street Morristown, TN 37813 Phone (423) 585-2793 Email sarsuturk@hotmail.com Vice President Name Janet McLane Address 1299 Webb Circle Dandridge, TN 37725 Phone (865) 397-9050 Email alandermclane@netzero.com Secretary/Treasurer Name Wanda Neal Address PO Box 2135 Morristown, TN 37816 Phone (423) 586-4153 Email wgneal@musfiber.com 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 35 North East TN Master Gardener Association County: Sullivan, Washington, Carter, Hawkins, Unicoi, Johnson Coordinating Agent: Chris Ramsey Dates of Term: January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012 Officers President Name Address Phone Email Projects Blenda Anderson 473 Arcadia Drive Kingsport, TN 37660 (423) 276-3028 netmga2009@yahoo.com Name Address Phone Email Johnny Suthers 4416 Fieldstone Drive Kingsport, TN 37660 (423) 323-2202 jchemie@aol.com Vice President Certification Officer Name Address Name Address Phone Email Nancy Walker 3732 Apple Grove Circle Kingsport, TN 37664 (423) 378-3965 nancy_k_walker@msn.com Phone Email Angie Droke 908 Spring Valley Drive Kingsport, TN 37660 (423) 578-8281 adroke@chartertn.net Secretary Name Address Phone Email Kathy Waldo 430 Elmer Walker Road Jonesborough, TN 37659 (423) 913-2121 kathywaldo@embarqmail.com Treasurer Name Address Phone Email Pat Mazurkiewicz 232 Cherry Street Blountville, TN 37617 (423) 323-1644 robmazur@chartertn.net Programs Name Address Phone Email Gail Shaver 1404 Big Hollow Road Blountville, TN 37617 (423) 323-1817 cgs1955@gmail.com 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 36 Rhea County Master Gardener Association County: Rhea Coordinating Agent: Jerry Lamb Dates of Term: June 1 2010 to May 31 2012 Officers President Secretary Name Caren Ruffner Address 1174 Ware Farms Road Spring City, TN 37381 Phone (423) 365-2708 Email carenruffner@earthlink.net Name Address Vice President Past President Name Sheila Ray Address 419 Caruthers Road Grandview, TN 37337 Phone (423) 365-9238 Email sheilabeehive@hotmail.com Name Address Vice President Elect What’s Up Network Contact Name Karen Winters Address 4311 Toestring Valley Road Spring City, TN 37381 Phone (423) 365-2727 Email karen1winters@att.net Name Address Phone Email Phone Email Phone Email Faith Young 194 Young Drive Dayton, TN 37321 (423) 775-3998 fnjyoung@gmail.com Debbie Shaver 349 Sharpe Lane Dayton, TN 37321 (423) 775-0102 buffiescorner@bellsouth.net Diane Bolt 212 Memory Lane Grandview, TN 37337 (423) 365-4136 diane.bolt@rocketmail.com Treasurer Name Diane Bolt Address 212 Memory Lane Grandview, TN 37337 Phone (423) 365-4136 Email diane.bolt@rocketmail.com 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 37 Roane County Master Gardener Association County: Roane Coordinating Agent: Grant Palmer Dates of Term: January 2012 to January 2013 Officers President Publicity Manager Name Address Name Address Phone Email Tom Jeskie 226 Orchard Valley Dr. Harriman, TN 37748 (865) 919-5769 mgroanecounty@comcast.net Phone Email Linda Peterson 717 Cumberland St. Harriman, TN 37748 (865) 882-5371 etnrlp@earthlink.net Name Nancy Hughes Address 189 Paint Rock Rd. Kingston, TN 37763 Phone (865) 591-5101 Email nanh@aol.com General Membership Representative Name John Leitnaker Address 150 Dug Ridge Rd. Kingston, TN 37763 Phone (865) 376-5323 Email Leitfive@yahoo.com Pass President Intern Representative Name Address Name Address Vice President Phone Email Iris Shelton 122 Island View Lane Rockwood, TN 37854 (865) 354-6711 Sheltonirisd@gmail.com Phone Email Adam Wright 1268 Webster Rd. Harriman, TN 37748 (931) 261-2500 mountainad82@gmail.com Treasurer Name Address Phone Email Doug Dahlhauser 413 Forest Trail Kingston, TN 37763 (865) 376-3190 Ddahlha@bellsouth.net Secretary Name Address Phone Email Lisa Deutsch 227 Westshore Dr. Harriman, TN 37748 (865) 256-3643 gardening.angel@comcast.net 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 38 Sequatchie & Bledsoe Master Gardener Association County: Sequatchie & Bledsoe Coordinating Agent: Sheldon Barker & J. C. Rains Dates of Term: May 2010 to May 2012 Officers President Name Address Phone Email James Fawcett 277 Poplar Ln. Pikeville, TN 37327 (423) 881-4393 debbfawcett@bledsoe.net Vice President Name Address Phone Email Billie Cole 267 Dustin Creek Rd. Spring City, TN 37381 (423) 533-2120 colebjoyce@wmconnect.com Secretary Name Sophia Gabalski Address PO Box 1447 Dunlap, TN 37327 Phone (423) 949-4927 Email sgabalski@aol.com Treasurer Name Jim Grudzen Address 434 Stooping Oak Road Dunlap, TN 37327 Phone (423) 949-4885 Email jbcagle@bledsoe.net Member at Large Name Kenneth Lee Address PO Box 1295 Dunlap, TN 37327 Phone (972) 977-1844 Email lee37327@yahoo.com 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 39 Bylaws of Tennessee Master Gardener Alliance Master Bylaws for the Tennessee Master Gardener Program Organization Article 1 Name and Office Section 1. Name and Office The name of the organization is Tennessee Master Gardener Alliance (referred to herein as “Alliance”). The principal office is located in Knox County, State of Tennessee at the University of Tennessee Knoxville. chairperson, leader, or a designated representative. No Extension Master Gardener group, single county or multi-county, shall hold more than one membership in the Alliance. Except as expressly provided in or authorized by the bylaws of this Alliance, or provisions of law, all members shall have the same rights, privileges, restrictions, and conditions. Article 2 Objectives and Purpose Section 1. Specific Objectives and Purpose The specific objectives and purpose of the Alliance shall be to support the Extension Master Gardener associations and groups throughout the state of Tennessee, increase and facilitate communication and networking among groups, and assist in the overall direction of the program. Section 2. Qualifications of Members The qualifications for membership in this Alliance are as follows: (1) Must submit a complete county annual report and officer registration completed by group president and local Extension Master Gardener Coordinator (2) Must be an Extension Master Gardener group in good standing, (3) Must respect the program policies and procedures provided in the Tennessee Master Gardeners Handbooks. Article 3 Governing Members Section 1. Number The Tennessee Master Gardener Advocacy Board (referred to herein as “TMGAB”) will serve as the board of directors of the Alliance. The TMAGB is composed of three (3) qualified Extension Master Gardeners and (1) Extension Master Gardener Coordinating Agent from each Extension designated region of Tennessee. Additional ex-officio, non-voting members may be appointed by the chairperson, as approved by the board of directors. The Tennessee Master Gardener Coordinator, an employee of the University of Tennessee Extension will serve as advisor, record-keeper, and non-voting member of the board of directors. Section 2. Powers Subject to the provisions of the laws of this state and any limitations in these bylaws, the activities and affairs of this Alliance shall be conducted under the direction of the board of directors. Article 4 Members Section 1. Determination and Rights of Members The Alliance shall have only one class of members. Each member is an active county Extension Master Gardener group or association. The member is to be represented by its president, 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB Section 3. Admission of Members Applicants shall be admitted to membership upon submission of county annual report and officer registration. Section 4. Number of Members Each qualifying Extension Master Gardener group in the state should be eligible for one member representative in the Alliance. Section 5. Membership Records The Alliance shall keep membership records containing the name and address of each member. These records shall be found on the current county annual report and officer registration. Such records shall be maintained at the Alliance's principal office in the record-keeping files of the Tennessee Master Gardener Coordinator. Section 6. Nonliability of Members A member of this Alliance is not, as such, personally liable for the debts, liabilities, or obligations of the Alliance. Section 7. No Transferability of Memberships A qualified Extension Master Gardener group member representative may not transfer a representation or any right arising there from. All rights of membership cease upon the member's dissolution. 40 Section 8. Termination of Membership The membership of a member shall terminate upon the occurrence of any of the following events: Upon qualified group’s notice of such termination delivered to the board of directors of the Alliance or the Tennessee Master Gardener Coordinator personally or by mail, such membership to terminate upon the date of delivery of the notice or date of deposit in the mail. After providing the member with reasonable written notice and an opportunity to be heard either orally or in writing, upon a determination by the board of directors that the member has engaged in conduct materially and seriously prejudicial to the interests or purposes of the Alliance. All rights of a member in the Alliance shall cease on termination of membership as herein provided. Article 5 Meetings of Members Section 1. Place of Meetings Meetings of membership shall be held at such place or places as may be designated from time to time by resolution of the board of directors. Section 2. Regular Meetings A regular state-wide annual meeting of members shall be held on a date designated by the board of directors for the purpose of transacting business as may come before the meeting. A regular annual regional meeting of members shall be held on a date designated by the regional board representatives from the board of directors. The meeting for the purpose of electing advocates shall be deemed a regular regional meeting. Section 3. Special Meetings of Members Special meetings of the members shall be called by the board of directors or regional board representatives, the chairperson of the board, or if different, by the persons specifically authorized by the board of directors to call a special meeting. Section 4. Notice of Meetings Unless otherwise provided by these bylaws or provisions of law, notice must state place, day, and hour of the meeting. In the case of a special meeting, the purpose for which the meeting is called, shall be delivered not less than 14 days before date of the meeting. 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB The method of contact will be either in person, by email or mail, or telephone. If mailed, such notice shall be deemed to be delivered when deposited in the US mail addressed to the member at his or her address as it appears on the current records of the Alliance. If email, such notice shall be deemed to be delivered if email does not bounce back to sender. The notice of any meeting of members at which advocates are to be elected shall also state the names of all those who are nominees or candidates for election to the board at the time notice is given. Section 5. Quorum for Meetings Those members present represent a quorum to conduct business or hold an election at regular Alliance meetings or regular regional meetings. Section 6. Majority Action as Membership Action Every act or decision done or made by a majority of voting members present in person or by proxy approved by the local Extension Master Gardener Coordinator (County Agent) at a duly held meeting is the act of the members, unless these bylaws or provisions of law require a greater number. Section 7. Voting Rights Each member is entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote by the members. Voting at duly held meetings shall be by voice vote. Election of advocates, however, shall be by written ballot at duly held meetings. Section 8. Action by Written Ballot Approval of action by written ballot shall be valid only when the number of approvals equals or exceeds a majority of voting members present at the meeting. Section 9. Conduct of Meetings Meetings shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, and insofar as such rules are not inconsistent with or in conflict with these bylaws or with provisions of law. Article 6 Board of directors Section 1. Duties It shall be the duty of the directors to: Perform any and all duties imposed on them collectively or individually by law, by the articles of incorporation, or by these bylaws; 41 Appoint and remove, except as otherwise provided in these bylaws, all officers and representatives of the Alliance; Supervise all representatives of the Alliance to assure their duties are performed properly; Meet at such times and places as required by these bylaws or as necessary to perform the responsibilities of this Alliance; Register their addresses with the Alliance, and notices of meetings emailed or mailed to them at such addresses shall be valid notices. A ballot listing of candidates shall be provided to each director at least two weeks prior to vote. Voting shall be done either in person or electronically with completed ballots sent to the state coordinator. A majority of returned ballots cast shall constitute an election. Winners of the election shall be announced by the state coordinator on the prior announced deadline date. In the case of a tie vote for officer, the final decision resides with the state coordinator. Section 2. Qualifications - Advocates Advocates shall be of the age of majority in this state. Other qualifications for directors of this Alliance shall be as follows: (1) Must be an active member of an Extension Master Gardener Association or group for at least three (3) years; (2) Must have served as an officer or board member of their local Extension Master Gardener Association or group; (3) Must have attended a qualified TMG Leadership training program. Section 6. Role of Officers – Board of directors Role of chairperson shall be to serve as leader of the board of directors and preside at all meetings. Execute the established policies and procedures to ensure fulfillment of the stated objectives. Work with state coordinator to appoint chairpersons of standing committees, special committees, committee chairpersons, etc. as approved by the board of directors. Meet with state coordinator on regular basis. Role of secretary shall be to develop proper record keeping procedures to ensure accurate documentation is maintained. Record, distribute, and maintain minutes for board of directors. Serve as communication link between board of directors and TMG membership ensuring appropriate information is dispersed. Role of State MG Coordinator shall be to serve as staff for the organization. Supervise and coordinate work completed by other staff and directors on behalf of the organization. Serve as non-voting member of board of directors. Work closely with board of directors’ chairperson and secretary. Assume responsibility for records and archives. Perform other duties as determined by board of directors. Section 3. Application & Election - Advocates Qualified TMG members shall submit application to board of directors. Each candidate will be contacted and interviewed by a current board member. The board will approve candidates by consensus. Elections will be held at the annual regional meetings and voted on by those regional members. Each Alliance member shall cast one vote per candidate. If no provision is made to hold an election for available advocate positions, the board, at a regular meeting, may elect new members to fill those vacancies. Each voting board member may vote for as many candidates as the number of candidates to be elected to the board. The candidates receiving the highest number of votes within their respective region shall be elected to serve on the board. Section 4. Term of Office - Advocates Each advocate shall hold office for a period of two (2) years and for no more than three (3) consecutive terms with emeritus status thereafter. They may continue to serve as mentor for his/her successor. Section 5. Election of Officers - Board of directors The election of chairperson and secretary of the board of directors shall be conducted as the positions open (biannually) by the board of directors. 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB Section 7. Compensation – Board of directors Advocates shall serve without compensation. In addition, they shall be allowed reasonable advancement or reimbursement of expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. Any payments to advocates shall be approved in advance. Tennessee Master Gardener Coordinator’s compensation, advancement, and reimbursements are managed through University of Tennessee and not applicable to these bylaws. Section 8. Place of Meetings – Board of directors Meetings shall be held - at such-place as may be designated by the board of directors. 42 Section 9. Meetings - Board of directors Regular meetings of directors shall be held based on consensus of the board. Special meetings of the board of directors may be called by the chairperson or by any two directors. Such meetings shall be held at the place designated by the person or persons calling the special meeting. Section 10. Notice of Meetings - Board of directors Unless otherwise provided by these bylaws or provisions of law, the following provisions shall govern the giving of notice for meetings of the board of directors: Regular Meetings. No notice need be given of any regular meeting of the board of directors. Regular Meetings, time and place, are determined at the beginning of each fiscal year. Special Meetings. At least 7 days prior notice shall be given to each director of special meetings. Such notice may be oral or written, may be given personally, by email, first class mail, or by telephone, and shall state the place, date, and time of the meeting and the matters proposed to be acted upon at the meeting. Section 11. Quorum for Meetings – Board of directors A quorum shall consist of a majority of the voting members of the board of directors. Except as otherwise provided by these bylaws or provisions of law, no business shall be considered by the board at any meeting at which the required quorum is not present, and the only motion which the chairperson shall entertain at such meeting is a motion to adjourn. Section 12. Conduct of Meetings – Board of directors Meetings of the board of directors shall be presided over by the chairperson of the board or, in his or her absence, by a chairperson chosen by a majority of the directors present at the meeting. Meetings shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, and insofar as such rules are not inconsistent with or in conflict with these bylaws or with provisions of law. Section 13. Nonliability of Directors The directors shall not be personally liable for the debts, liabilities, or other obligations of the Alliance. Section 14. Indemnification by Alliance of Directors and Officers 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB The directors and officers of the state Alliance shall be indemnified by the Alliance to the fullest extent permissible under the laws of this state. Section 15. Vacancies – Board of directors Vacancies on the board of directors shall occur (1) upon the death, resignation, or removal of any director; (2) whenever the number of authorized directors is decreased (3) or upon expiration of term. Any director may resign effective upon giving written notice to the chairperson of the board or the board of directors, unless the notice specifies a later time for the effectiveness of such resignation. No director may resign if the Alliance would then be left without a duly elected director or directors in charge of its affairs, except upon notice to the appropriate agency of this state. Directors may be removed from office as permitted by and in accordance with the laws of this state. Article 7 Committees Section 1. Executive Committee The Executive committee shall consist of the board of directors’ chairperson, secretary, and state coordinator. The duties of the Executive committee shall be to conduct TMG and board of directors business between board meetings and shall report such actions to the board of directors at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Section 1. Other Committees The Alliance shall have such committees, as may from time to time be designated by resolution of the board of directors. These committees may consist of persons who are not members of the board and may act in an advisory capacity to the board. The term of each committee shall be one year unless otherwise specified by the board of directors. At the end of the period, the committee shall be discharged automatically unless the term has been extended by the board of directors. Committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the board of directors’ chairperson with the approval of the board of directors. Terms shall be for one year. Committee chairpersons may be re-appointed for a second term. No committee chairpersons shall serve three consecutive terms unless approved by the board of directors. Article 8 Amendment of Bylaws Section 1. Amendment 43 Subject to the power of the members of this Alliance to adopt, amend, or repeal the bylaws of this Alliance and except as may otherwise be specified under provisions of law, these bylaws, or any of them, may be altered, amended, or repealed and new bylaws adopted by approval of the board of directors. Reference Documents: County 76 Master Gardener Association Bylaws. University of Arkansas. 2008. Memphis Area Master Gardner Association Bylaws. Shelby County Extension. Robert’s Rule of Order Newly Revised, 10th Edition. Robert III, Henery M., et al.2000. Tennessee Master Gardener Program Volunteer Handbook: Statewide Guidelines and Procedures. W199. University of Tennessee Extension. Tennessee Master Gardener Program County Program Handbook: Statewide Guidelines and Procedures. W193. University of Tennessee Extension. Tennessee Master Gardener Program Administrative Handbook for Program Staff. W226. University of Tennessee Extension. ADOPTION OF BYLAWS We, the undersigned, are all of the initial directors of this Alliance, and we consent to, and hereby do, adopt the foregoing bylaws, consisting of 5 preceding pages, as the master bylaws of this Alliance. Dated: _____12/15/11______ Digital Signatures for: 2010-2011 TMG Advocates Mike Payne Meg Georgiades Denisa Cate Chris Ramsey Cynthia Winfield David Craig Johnny Suthers Beth Babbit Chis Cooper Bob Ary 2011, TMGAB Bylaw Committee/ TMGAB 44