Thanks for enrolling in Essential Skills of Leadership online

Essential Skills of Leadership Online
Thanks for enrolling in Essential Skills of Leadership online. You should receive:
1. The book, Lead: How Effective Leaders Get Things Done,
2. A set of assignments, and
3. A copy of the film, Twelve O’clock High.
The course consists of five lessons. Each lesson includes: (1) a reading assignment from the
book, Lead, (2) review questions, (3) a case analysis, and (4) analysis of a portion of the film,
Twelve O’clock High, and (5) feedback from the instructor on your responses.
I suggest that you try to complete one lesson each week; however, it will be OK to take more
time if you need it.
Submit your assignments electronically. When submitting assignments, submit ONLY your
responses. It is not necessary to include a copy of the case or questions.
Should you have any questions, please contact me or the CMD staff.
Gerald H. Graham, Ph.D.
R. P. Clinton Distinguished Professor of Management
W. Frank Barton School of Business
Wichita State University
Wichita, Kansas 67260-0088
Dr. Gerald H. Graham is currently the R. P. Clinton Distinguished Professor of Management and
former Dean of the Barton School. He has made management presentations to more than
750,000 participants in 46 states, Canada, Mexico and Slovakia. He also has been the recipient
of the Wichita State University Excellence in Teaching Award and the Barton School of Business
Teaching Award (multiple times).
Dr. Graham’s latest book is titled, Lead: How Effective Leaders Get Things Done. He has also
written four management textbooks, which have been adopted nationally, and numerous
research articles. Dr. Graham has written more than 500 columns on management that have
appeared in various newspapers and journals around the country. For twenty years, he wrote a
semimonthly column for the Wichita Business Journal and for more than twelve years, he
published The Applied Management Newsletter, a monthly management training publication.
Graham is a past president of the board of directors of Goodwill Industries of Kansas and a
former board member of U. S. Restaurant Properties, Inc., and the United Way of the Plains.
Graham has served in several administrative capacities at Wichita State University including
Chair of the Administration Department and Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship and
Dean of the Barton School of Business.
Follow Dr. Graham on Twitter @dr_graham1, view his weekly leadership tips on:
Assignment 1
A. Review Questions: Chapters 1-4
Instructions. Prior to reading a chapter of the Lead book, respond “true” or “false” in the
left column. Read the chapter and provide the “book answers” in the right column. At the
end of each chapter, identify one leadership practice that you would consider placing more
emphasis on going forward.
Chapter 1. New
1. Leaders’ days are generally better organized than those of employees.
2. When taking a new leadership position, it is usually better to start off a
little “tough.”
3. When employees assume leadership positions, they actually give up some
4. Leaders can usually retain their close relations with their friends after
being promoted.
5. “Over identification” with subordinates occurs when leaders always side
with staff.
6. Leaders are often caught in the middle between their employees and
higher managers.
7. When taking a new position, it is best to wait awhile before evaluating
1. Leadership Practice to Emphasize
Chapter 2. Lead
8. The ability to remain calm during crises may predict leadership potential.
9. Some leaders fail because they focus too much on process and not
enough on mission.
10. The most important leadership trait is competence.
11. Leaders who have character consistently do the right thing.
12. Because of their high intelligence, it is usually easy for technical experts
to become leaders.
13. Although both are important, effective leaders focus more on people than
on tasks.
14. Effective leaders usually initiate more changes than less effective leaders.
15. High-performance leaders place a greater emphasis on staff selection
than on mission.
2. Leadership Practice to Emphasize
Chapter 3. Vision
16. To get the very best people, visionary leaders like to hire from outside
their companies.
17. Effective mission statements contain more adjectives than verbs.
18. Effective leaders usually resist the temptation to put individuals’ needs
ahead of mission.
19. When individuals’ needs are compelling, leaders may subordinate
mission to needs.
20. With regard to vision and mission, effective managers treat all employees
the same.
3. Leadership Practice to Emphasize
Chapter 4. Hire
21. Selection processes that encourage quick hiring decisions are usually
more effective.
22. The personal interview is the most important hiring tool.
23. Better candidates provide specific and detailed answers to open ended
24. Employee references can be extremely helpful when making hiring
25. Leaders should be very patient with new employees during their
probationary periods.
26. To retain good people, it is often necessary to match salary offers from
27. Investment in training and development is positively correlated with
employee retention.
4. Leadership Practice to Emphasize
B. Case: Which Leader Are You More Like?
A. Marty. Marty knows what he wants to get done. He expects people to carry out his decisions.
He initiates things and expects high performance from his staff members.
To a staff member, Marty says, “I have budget to upgrade our internal communication system. I am
very familiar with these systems and I think I know what features we need. I’d like for you to submit
this list of features to four or five of the top vendors in this area and request that they submit a bid.
After receiving this information, I’ll select a system and establish a training session for our staff. Do
you have any questions?”
The subordinate responds, “No, it sounds pretty clear to me. I think I can do the job for you.”
B. Argus. Subordinates say that Argus is good at delegating. He gives people a lot of freedom and is
pretty comfortable taking a “hands off” approach when he believes that subordinates are mature
enough to handle the assignment.
To a subordinate, Argus says, “I’m aware that you are pretty new to our group, but I also know of
your expertise in computerized communication systems. As you are aware, I have $150,000 to
upgrade our internal communication system. We have several options to choose from. I’d like for
you to be responsible for the project. I suggest that you check with the staff to identify the features
they think would help most in improving our customer response times. Then I would like for you to
research vendors and recommend a system for us. All I want is to improve our customer response
time and I’d like to get the system the staff wants. I’ll be available if you need help but I’m confident
you’ll do a good job.”
C. Courtney. Courtney is a confident leader who has clear expectations. She is passionate about the
company mission and she makes her performance standards clear.
To a subordinate, Courtney says, “I believe that an update of our internal communication system can
significantly improve our customer responsiveness. I want you to head a task force to get input from
our staff on what features the system should include. After that you can research vendors’ products
and recommend two or three systems to me. I have ideas about what we need, but I want your task
group’s recommendations before I make a decision. Do you think you can have your
recommendations to me in three weeks?”
The subordinate responds, “Sure.”
D. Annabel. Subordinates describe Annabel as patient and understanding. She says that she likes
teamwork and morale of her staff is very important. She is quick to show appreciation when people
do a good job. Annabel wants people to succeed and she is usually willing to give them second
In a departmental meeting, Annabel announces, “We have budget of $150,000 that has been
allocated to help us improve our service. I want each of you to consider the best way to do this and
submit your ideas. We have a lot of latitude as to how we spend the money. I think this is one of the
best things that has happened to our department this year. I want the entire department to work
together as a team to identify the best possible use of these funds. I’ll participate fully with you in
the process, but you are the experts because you are the ones who will be using the system. You
can count on me to give my strongest support to your recommendations.”
Instructions. In the worksheet below, identify the strengths and weaknesses of each of these
leaders. Allocate 100 points among the leaders to indicate how strongly you identify with each. You
may expand the cells if you need more space.
A. Marty
B. Argus
C. Courtney
D. Annabel
C. Video: Twelve O’clock High
The film, Twelve O’clock High, is based on a true story contrasting two styles of leadership during
World War II. The movie depicts successes and failures of a bomber group whose mission was to
bomb enemy submarine targets. The film is in black and white and there is no observable violence
and no raw language. The cast is all male and there is a lot of cigarette smoking. I want you to set
aside these variables and concentrate on analyzing the behaviors of the two leaders: Colonel
Davenport and General Savage.
In preparing each assignment, I ask you to view only that part of the video that has been assigned.
Instructions. Insert the DVD of “Twelve O’clock High” into your computer; fast forward to 12:00
minutes and begin viewing. The scene shows the crew being debriefed after returning from a
bombing mission. Observe the video for 19 minutes and twenty seconds and stop exactly on 31:20
minutes into the film. The scene ends with Colonel Davenport saying, “You may as well ask me to
stab him in the back. I won’t do it!” You may rewind and review, but do not progress beyond 31:20.
Complete and submit the following worksheets.
Analysis of Davenport’s Leadership
1. Evaluate the performance history of the crew. Select one.
P1 = disappointing, far below expectations.
P2 = performance below expectations but improving.
P3 = performance meets expectations, very good.
P4 = performance exceeds expectations.
2. Give three examples from the video to support your assessment.
3. Evaluate the morale of the group.
M1 = disappointing, far below expectations.
M2 = morale is low but seems to be improving.
M3 = morale is pretty good, about what you could expect.
M4 = morale is very high among this group.
4. Give three examples from the video to support your assessment.
5. Rate Davenport on the following scales and total the points.
Emphasis on mission
Enforced all regulations
Stressed performance metrics
Made clear decisions
Executed orders
Punished mistakes
Corrected errors
Supervised closely
4 3 2 1
4 3 2 1
4 3 2 1
4 3 2 1
4 3 2 1
4 3 2 1
4 3 2 1
4 3 2 1
Total points ____
Emphasis on morale
Allowed exceptions to regulations
Stress well-being of staff and crew
Wavered on some important decisions
Advocated for staff and crew
Allowed second chances
Accepted justifications for mistakes
Allowed staff and crew a lot of freedom
6. Refer to “Case B: Which Leader Are You More Like,” and identify which leader Davenport is
more like.
___A. Marty
___B. Argus
___C. Courtney
___D. Annabel
Give three examples from the film to support your labeling.
7. If you were in General Pritchard’s position, what specific actions, if any, would you take?
Assignment 2
A. Review Questions: Chapters 5-8
Instructions. Prior to reading assigned chapters in the Lead book, respond “true” or
“false” in the left column. Read the chapters and provide the “book answers” in the
right column. At the end of each chapter, identify one leadership practice that you
would consider placing more emphasis on going forward.
Chapter 5. Objectives
28. All objectives should be measured with specific metrics.
29. “Improve morale and teamwork,” would likely be examples of appropriate
objectives in most companies.
30. In most cases, processes are actually more important than outcomes.
31. In reality, there are very few ways to accurately measure “quality.”
32. Metrics on quantity, quality and costs are likely to be the most important
5. Leadership Practice to Emphasize
Chapter 6. Empower
33. When empowering staff, it is important to avoid doing work that you have
assigned them.
34. When employees make honest mistakes, it is helpful to try to find ways to
support them.
6. Leadership Practice to Emphasize
Chapter 7. Communicate
35. Improving relationships is often a very good way to improve
36. In uncertain situations, it is best to hold off communicating until you have
37. When listening, most leaders place too much emphasis on getting “just the
38. When discussions become tense in meetings, it is best to select your words
very carefully.
39. Video conferencing is more effective than email when communicating with
other districts.
40. While it can be a good tool, “voice mail” often impedes effective
41. Spelling and grammar are not as important in emails as they are in reports
and letters.
42. Leaders should work to be aware of grapevine gossip in their
43. When making management presentations, style is often more important
than content.
7. Leadership Practice to Emphasize
Chapter 8. Decide
44. Many leaders too often select solutions that avoid conflict rather than
solutions that best serve the mission.
45. Effective decisions improve performance, long-term morale, and inner
46. Compromises are almost always necessary and effective when making
complex decisions.
47. When seeking participation in decision making, it is important to accept
some inputs.
48. Participative leaders often allow staff to have unrealistic expectations
about their inputs.
49. Participative decision making is the best way to get “buy-in” to tough
50. Passionate debate often reduces support for tough decisions.
8. Leadership Practice to Emphasize
Case B: Communication and Decision Making
Mary Lord has many years of experience as a manager, but she still finds many decisions
hard to make. For example, she really hates to terminate employees and she hates to
choose one person for promotion over another. She has said, “The worst part of being a
manager is having to make tough decisions.” Today, Mary Lord faces a tough decision.
Ms. Lord is about to meet with Branch, one of her long-term subordinates. Branch has
always been an aggressive supervisor. He is trying to get Lord to support one of his
subordinates whom he has nominated as the “Outstanding Employee of the Year.” Branch
set Lord a memo that included the following comments about Barbara Smith.
As you are aware, several persons in our Scheduling Department have been working with
company computer specialists on a new computerized scheduling system. The effort has
been very difficult, but we finally made a break-through. It will save us thousands of
dollars a year.
I believe that Barbara Smith has made an outstanding contribution. Barbara is very
intelligent and highly motivated and she made many significant contributions to the
project. When others became frustrated, Barbara stayed focused. She has not been in our
department very long, but she sure has a good future with our company.
I know that a special committee appointed by the president selects the “Outstanding
Employee of the Year,” but a strong recommendation from you will help a lot. I’ve attached
documents supporting Barbara’s contributions.
Lord has heard from other sources that Barbara is talented and bright, but she also knows
that Branch has several very capable people in his department.
In addition to the memo from Branch, Lord also received an email from Henry Miller,
another member of Branch’s group that read as follows:
I realize that my communication to you is risky, but I believe that you are the only one that
I can go to at this time. I have been working with Barbara Smith and other team members
on the new computerized system. I have noticed that Branch and Smith have become very
good friends. Because of this, I do not believe that Branch is giving proper recognition to
others in the department.
I know that I have not received the credit that I deserve. I believe that Branch is singling
out Smith for recognition when the success is due to a total team effort. I have heard
complaints from others and I fear that our morale and teamwork will soon drop. Do not
tell Branch about this memo. It could get me fired.
Lord is considering the following ways of dealing with the issue.
A. Visit with Branch about his recommendation but just listen. Do not support or
disagree. Tell Branch that you will think about it and get back to him later.
B. Prepare a strong list of questions to ask Branch about his reasons for supporting
Smith. Ask Branch specifically about his relationship with Smith. Lord should make
it clear that she will make an independent recommendation.
C. Tell Branch that you are interested in hearing more about why he supports Smith.
Listen carefully for clues of biased judgment. Tell Branch the good things that you
have heard about Smith so that he will open up. Do not mention Miller’s letter. Ask
permission to visit with the employees and so that you can get a closer look at the
project. Listen carefully to employees to see if you can uncover any hints of
prejudice on Branch’s part.
D. Tell Miller that you would like a full explanation of his concern. After listening to
Miller, suggest to Miller that he meet with Branch and yourself to discuss the issue.
Tell Branch of the meeting in advance and let him know that the purpose is to
discuss a sensitive issue regarding his nomination of Smith.
Instructions. Identify strengths/weaknesses and allocate 100 points among the options.
1. Which option is more open and transparent?
2. Which option is more likely to improve the relationship between Miller and Branch?
3. Which option is likely to get the decision that best serves the mission?
C. Video: Twelve O’clock High
Instructions. Insert the DVD of “Twelve O’clock High” into your computer; fast forward to 38
minutes and begin viewing. General Savage, who has been selected to replace Davenport, is
questioning Sargent Mclllhenny. Observe the video for 15 minutes and stop exactly on 53 minutes.
The scene ends with Savage concluding a meeting and walking out. You may rewind and review, but
do not progress beyond 53 minutes.
1. Rate Savage on the following scales and total the points.
Emphasis on mission
Enforced all regulations
Stressed performance metrics
Made clear decisions
Executed orders
Punished mistakes
Corrected errors
Supervised closely
4 3 2 1
4 3 2 1
4 3 2 1
4 3 2 1
4 3 2 1
4 3 2 1
4 3 2 1
4 3 2 1
Total points ____
Emphasis on morale
Allowed exceptions to regulations
Stress well-being of staff and crew
Wavered on some important decisions
Advocated for staff and crew
Allowed second chances
Accepted justifications for mistakes
Allowed staff and crew a lot of freedom
6. Refer to “Case B: Which Leader Are You More Like,” from Assignment 1 and identify which
leader Savage is more like.
___A. Marty
___B. Argus
___C. Courtney
Give three examples from the film to support your labeling.
___D. Annabel
Assignment 3
A. Review Questions: Chapters 9-12
Instructions. Prior to reading assigned chapters in the Lead book, respond “true” or
“false” in the left column. Read the chapters and provide the “book answers” in the
right column. At the end of each chapter, identify one leadership practice that you
would consider placing more emphasis on going forward.
Chapter 9. Motivate
51. Effective leaders take pride in their ability to motivate all employees to
outstanding performances.
52. Effective leaders create an environment that invites motivated people to
do well.
53. In reality, negative feedback is a more powerful motivator than positive
54. Effective leaders actually spend more time with top performers than with
marginal performers.
55. Employee jealousy is a valid reason for reducing praise given to high
56. Praise should be given only when performance is truly outstanding.
57. Effective managers try to be fair by treating all employees the same.
58. Fear, when used properly, may be an effective motivator.
9. Leadership Practice to Emphasize
Chapter 10. Teamwork
59. Good team players willingly volunteer for any assignment to help achieve
team goals.
60. Teams are more effective when all members understand and accept their
61. Effective team training requires members who tend to be naturally
62. Strong leaders are not necessary when team members are naturally
63. Most effective team leaders are actually not good followers.
64. A good relationship is very helpful when seeking cooperation from other
10. Leadership Practice to Emphasize
Chapter 11. Coach
65. Fortunately, coaching marginal employees usually achieves dramatic
66. Top performers may actually have more room for improvement than
marginal ones.
67. Failure to get quick results from coaching usually means the employee
lacks training.
68. Performance Improvement Plans are very effective for improving most all
marginal producers.
69. Effective coaches spend more time with high performers than with low
70. Questions are more effective coaching tools than recommendations.
11. Leadership Practice to Emphasize
Chapter 12. Appraise
71. Appraisal forms are the major cause of performance appraisal problems.
72. Self-appraisals should be avoided because employees are not objective
about themselves.
73. Leaders should not negotiate performance expectations with employees.
74. A fault of 360-degree appraisal surveys is that leaders focus too much on
the negatives.
75. Unfortunately, few leaders are effectively trained on how do to appraisals.
76. Surveys reveal that most managers are dissatisfied with their appraisal
12. Leadership Practice to Emphasize
B. Case: How to Motivate a Team
Assume that 12 people work in your department. During the last several months, 10 have
completed all of their tasks on schedule. Two people have missed two important deadlines and one
in particular has been late with several other assignments. The missed deadlines have caused some
frustration among other members in the department.
Both persons who missed deadlines have offered reasons. In one case, the late employee said, “The
other department did not get me the data that I needed in time for me to complete my work.” The
other said, “Upper management kept changing the specifications of my work.” “Also,” he said, “the
two other people that were supposed to be helping me did not know how to do their jobs. I had to
do most of it for them.”
You suspect that both of the employees, who have a tendency to be late, are just not quite as
motivated as you would like for them to be. Other employees had challenges with their work as
well, but they somehow managed to get theirs done.
Instructions. On the attached worksheet, analyze each option and allocate 100 points among the
alternatives to indicate how much emphasis you would place on each.
A. Talk to the people who have missed the deadlines and express your disappointment. Impress
upon them how important it is to complete their tasks according to the schedule. Let them know
that they need to contact you well in advance if they think they are getting behind. Consider some
types of disciplinary action if their practices continue.
B. Make a list of the people who have met all of their deadlines during the last six months. Write an
email to them recognizing them as having met all of their deadlines. Consider announcing their
names in a departmental meeting and showing a list with the names of people who are current (in
green) and those who are late (in red).
C. Continue to monitor the situation. It is not unusual for a few people to be slow or late in
completing their projects. If things worsen, you may have to do something. For now, let people
know that you have some concerns about the deadlines and you will be watching the situation
C. Video: Twelve O’clock High
Instructions. Insert the DVD of “Twelve O’clock High” into your computer; fast forward to 53
minutes and view to 1:11:12. Review the material in Chapters 9-12, and respond “true” or “false” to
the following.
1. Major Stovall has changed his attitude and become much more supportive of Savage.
2. Savage did a poor job of relating to Major Cobb, a high performer.
3. Appealing to pride was a central part of Savage’s motivational effort.
4. Savage followed the motivational principle of “treating each person differently.”
5. Savage tried to get all team members to accept their roles.
6. Savage’s teamwork efforts were pretty consistent with Bill Russell’s Rules.
7. When responding to the flight surgeon’s concern about how much stress a man could
take, Savage was much less clear than Davenport.
8. Savage coached Stovall into a conspiracy to stall requests for transfers by asking artful
9. Additional practice in putting bombs on the target was part of Savage’s coaching plan.
10. Savage seemed to be unaware of each person’s performance history.
11. Savage was very willing to negotiate performance standards with his crew.
12. Savage would very likely have been supportive of 360-degree performance appraisals.
Assignment 4
A. Review Questions: Chapters 13-16
Instructions. Prior to reading assigned chapters in the Lead book, respond “true” or
“false” in the left column. Read the chapters and provide the “book answers” in the
right column. At the end of each chapter, identify one leadership practice that you
would consider placing more emphasis on going forward.
Chapter 13. Change
77. It is fact that most people just do not like change.
78. Even when employees participate in making changes, some will still
whine about it.
79. Most employees strongly resist changing what they perceive to be their
80. It is better to explain why changes are being made than to understand
why people resist.
81. Compromises are often very effective for getting “buy-in” to changes.
82. When upper management mandates changes, it is better to execute
without whining.
83. Coercion should never be used as a tactic for achieving change.
13. Leadership Practice to Emphasize
Chapter 14. Conflict
84. Leaders sometimes create conflict by stressing one action while
rewarding another.
85. A win-lose approach to a conflict is never appropriate.
86. Compromise is often best when dealing with an aggressive person.
87. Disagreements with your boss represent normal behaviors.
88. Effective leaders frequently alter attendance policies for younger
generation employees.
89. To be good at “office politics,” you will likely need to compromise your
14. Leadership Practice to Emphasize
Chapter 15. Negotiate
90. Good advice for effective negotiations is to “negotiate as partners.”
91. When negotiating with an aggressor, the best short-run strategy is to
build a relationship.
92. The more effective negotiators are prepared, open and reasonable.
93. In ethically grey areas, a good standard is, “Would I want them to do this
to me?”
15. Leadership Practice to Emphasize
Chapter 16. Influence
94. “Persistence” is a characteristic of most influential people.
95. Influence is usually more about what you do than what you say.
96. Influential people stress the substance of the request more than the
97. People who often volunteer to help others usually increase their
98. Unfortunately, very few people are influenced by rational appeals.
99. Sincerely asking others for advice is often a good way to increase your
16. Leadership Practice to Emphasize
B. Case: Negotiate Conflict and Change
Assume that you manage a department of eleven employees. After considerable study, your
organization has instituted a new, comprehensive software program to more effectively track time,
costs, schedule, inventory and other data. Your employees have a fine record of accomplishment.
They are committed to the organization’s mission and they work effectively as a team.
The change you are making is major. Your employees respect the need for change. Vendors and the
IT people in your organization sought participation as they were selecting the package. Your staff
participated effectively, and they were very pleased with the package and the assistance from both
the vendors and your IT department.
It is now about three months after you have installed the new software. You have held regular
follow up meeting with your employees. As might be expected, there have been some concerns but
most people seem to be committed to making the system work.
In a recent meeting, one of your employees reported, “There is a lot of extra documentation, and
sometimes I am juggling several projects at the same time. I just don’t have time to put in all of the
documentation after each project.”
Another employee said, “The new system seems to be designed more for the accounting and finance
people than for us.” And another said, “I think the new software would be easier to use if the
vendors would be open to a few modifications. So far they have been pretty stubborn about making
Consider the following options for dealing with the situation.
A. I would stress the importance of following all new procedures and meeting the implementation
deadlines. I would correct what I consider to be inappropriate actions by my employees, and I would
supervise my staff very closely during the next few weeks.
B. It’s normal to struggle with such a change. I have confidence in the abilities of my employees. I
would tell them that I believe that they have the ability to get the kinks worked out. I would be
patient and avoid any actions that might undermine the efforts of IT.
C. I would tell my employees that I consider them to be the experts. I would ask them to get
together and come up modifications they would like the vendor to make. I would sit in on the
meetings and offer my suggestions, but I would make it clear at the outset that they can count on
me to strongly support their suggestions to IT and the Vendor.
D. I would solicit suggestions for changes from my employees. I would also visit with IT. Then I
would decide which modifications, if any, that I would lobby IT and the vendor to make. At the same
time, I would stress the importance of fully utilizing the current system.
Instructions. Allocate 100 points among the four options to indicate how much emphasis you would
place, and briefly explain your reasoning.
1. Which option is more consistent with the material in Chapters 13-14 of the Lead
2. Which option makes better use of the information in Chapters 15-16 of the Lead
3. Which option would Colonel Davenport likely choose?
4. Which option would General Savage likely choose?
C. Video: Twelve O’clock High
Instructions. Insert the DVD of “Twelve O’clock High” into your computer; fast forward to
1:12:00 and view to 1:23:23. Review the material in Chapters 13-16 and respond to the following
questions. While this section draws mostly from the video between 1:12:00 and 1:23:23, you may
also refer to earlier parts of the video as you answer the questions.
1. List three changes that General Savage made that were different from what Colonel
Davenport was doing.
2. Savage and Pritchard engaged in a heated discussion regarding a conflict caused by Savage’s
pretending that he did not hear a radio, direct order to “turn back” due to weather. In
approximately one hundred words, or less, explain how Prichard handled this conflict.
3. Bishop still wants to transfer out. After viewing Savage’s attempt to influence Bishop to
remain in the group, determine what percentage of Savage’s appeal was focused on making
rational appeals and what percentage was focused on their relationship. Explain.
Rational %
Relationship %
Assignment 5
A. Review Questions: Chapters 17-20
Instructions. Prior to reading assigned chapters in the Lead book, respond “true” or
“false” in the left column. Read the chapters and provide the “book answers” in the
right column. At the end of each chapter, identify one leadership practice that you
would consider placing more emphasis on going forward.
Chapter 17. Morale
100. While both are important, morale is more important than departmental
101. Putting people in jobs that fit their talents is a good way to improve
102. Good performance is necessary for long-term, high morale.
103. During economic down turns, it is often necessary to relax policies to
improve morale.
104. If you experience persistent, low morale, this may be a signal to
consider other options.
105. Leaders who strive for popularity usually do not succeed in being
17. Leadership Practice to Emphasize
Chapter 18. Attitudes
106. An internal transfer is often a good option for persistent complainers.
107. Employees with bad attitudes are unlikely to improve their attitudes.
108. Effective leaders use compassionate discipline when dealing with bad
109. Effective leaders often find a way to tolerate highly productive whiners.
110. Training programs often significantly improve bad attitudes.
18. Leadership Practice to Emphasize
Chapter 19. Discipline
111. Effective leaders focus more on mission than on discipline.
112. The best way to ensure good discipline is to have clear, enforceable
113. Effective leaders work extensively to help older, nonproductive
employees get better.
114. Economic down-cycles are effective means for improving employee
115. When it is hard to find replacements, it is more effective to retain
marginal producers.
116. Termination often comes as a disguised blessing for non-producers.
117. If you are not going to terminate marginal employees, it is best to learn
to tolerate them.
19. Leadership Practice to Emphasize
Chapter 20. Miscellaneous
118. All bosses have some flaws that they are not likely to change.
119. Lengthy tenures do not earn employees the right to do what they want
to do.
120. Effective leaders invest heavily in marginal departments in efforts to
improve them.
121. Well-written policies are very effective for improving behavioral
122. When staff disagrees with upper management, it is best to strongly
advocate for staff.
123. If you have a really bad boss, it is good practice to report these
weaknesses to the CEO.
20. Leadership Practice to Emphasize
B. Case: Young Employee Attitude
Helena is a twenty-five year old technician who has been with the organization for eleven
months. Helena’s supervisor said, “Helena is very good at what she does, but she is often a
distraction to the group.”
The supervisor continued, “Helena complains about her work a lot; and I understand that,
behind my back, she is very critical of me as a leader. She misses too much work, and I
know that she hides and frequently uses her cell phone for personal calls and texting.”
The supervisor and a Human Resources representative had a recent meeting with Helena
to issue a verbal reprimand identifying the inappropriate job behaviors and attendance
issues. The supervisor specifically asked Helena to stop complaining so much (The
supervisor communicated several examples of her recent comments.), avoid excessive cell
phone use, and improve her attendance.
The supervisor also said, “I’ll be monitoring your behaviors and will meet again a month
from now to discuss how you are doing.” Helena responded, “I know I have been
disorganized lately. There is a lot going on between me and my boyfriend, and I’ve let it get
to me. I’ve finally made the decision to break up with him. This job is very important to
me. I’m sorry about my recent behaviors. I promise I’ll do better.”
The supervisor felt good about the meeting. However, Helena went back to her work
station and complained, “I’ve just been reprimanded, and I’m not doing another *&#%@
thing today.” Two co-workers, who do not get along with Helena, overheard Helena’s
comments and reported them to their supervisor. The co-workers said, “Please don’t let
Helena know that we reported this to you. She’ll get really mad at us.”
1. Rate the degree of distraction you think this outburst would have on your work team.
Great Distraction 7
1 Little or no Distraction
2. Assume that you are Helena’s supervisor. Consider the following alternatives for dealing
with the situation. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of each option, and allocate
100 points among the options to indicate the strength of your support for each.
A. I would continue to monitor the situation but would not take any further action at this
point. Helena was probably frustrated, and I did not personally hear her make the
B. I would call Helena back to my office. Without identifying the co-workers by name, I
would tell Helena what the co-workers’ told me. If she denies what the co-workers
reported, there is not much more I can do at this time. But I would remind Helena exactly
what I expect of her regarding her complaining, cell phone use and attendance.
C. I would call Human Resources and suggest immediate termination for Helena. I believe
that the co-workers are telling the truth. Helena is just too much of a distraction.
D. Helena seems pretty immature and she has been going through some personal struggles.
She is good at what she does, and I believe that she is the type of person who can be helped.
I would be willing to spend more time patiently coaching Helena to improve her work
behaviors and attendance.
3. Respond “true” or “false” to the following.
1. Helena’s complaining probably started at an early age.
2. More than likely, Helena’s managers are largely responsible for her behaviors.
3. If you change what Helena complains about, she will likely improve her attitude.
4. Helena’s behaviors are likely to be negatively impacting the group’s productivity.
5. People like Helena may be very good at what they do and still complain a lot.
6. Employees with attitudes like Helena are likely to miss more work.
7. Employees with positive attitudes are more likely to stay longer in an organization.
8. The work itself has more impact on employee attitudes than pay and benefits.
9. Helena’s relationship with her boss has no impact on her attitude.
10. Under proper leadership, Helena’s behavior will likely be significantly improved.
4. Are your answers consistent with the recommendation that you made for dealing with
Helena? Explain.
C. Video: Twelve O’clock High
Instructions. Insert the DVD of “Twelve O’clock High” into your computer; fast forward to 1:23:30
and view to 1:32:45. You may refer to previous segments of the film when responding to the
1. Evaluate the performance of the crew at this point. Select one.
P1 = disappointing, far below expectations.
P2 = performance below expectations but improving.
P3 = performance meets expectations, very good.
P4 = performance exceeds expectations.
2. Give three examples from the video to support your assessment.
3. Evaluate the morale of the crew at this point.
M1 = disappointing, far below expectations.
M2 = morale is low but seems to be improving.
M3 = morale is pretty good, about what you could expect.
M4 = morale is very high among this group.
4. Give three examples from the video to support your assessment.
5. Refer to “Case B: Which Leader Are You More Like,” (Assignment 1, Page 9) and identify
which leader Savage is more like at this point.
___A. Marty
___B. Argus
___C. Courtney
___D. Annabel
6. Compare and contrast Davenport’s and Savage’s leadership practices by selecting: A = Davenport
and B = Savage.
Leadership Practice
1. Identified more with the crew by prioritizing morale above mission.
2. Identified more with the mission by stressing performance more than morale.
3. Advocated for staff against decisions made by higher authorities.
4. Placed a greater emphasis on teamwork by clarifying roles and responsibilities.
5. Emphasized coaching/training on fundamentals to improve performance.
6. Used compassionate discipline for dealing with attitudes and performance.
7. Placed more emphasis on structure, policies, rules, and regulations.
8. Was more tolerant and understanding of individual crew member needs.
9. Carefully clarified decisions and expectations.
10. Of the two, I would prefer ____ as my leader where I work today.
7. List three leadership practices, illustrated in the film, that are appropriate in the environment
where you work.