Prefabricated Timber Frame Construction Advantages: •Modern stylish look. •High level of thermal efficiency. •Generally safer on site as less time working at height. •Not held up by weather as built in factory. Disadvantages: •Can be hard to extend, build on. •Need space for crane Description Buildings are made predominantly from timber, they are prefabricated in a factory and then assembled quickly on site. Steel Frame Advantages: •Large open areas can be made due to load bearing ability of steel •Quick to erect once steel have been pre fabricated. Disadvantages: •Can be costly •High level of accuracy needed Description Steel is used more and more in construction, and is far more common in residential building. They are normally combined with concrete floors or brick walls. The steel is the main supporting element of the strucure. Portal Frames Advantages: •Large internal space •Quick to build •Easy to extend •Good height to strength ratio •Need lighter foundations than brick and block. •Materials can be recycled. Disadvantages: •Need to be treated for rust. •Need fire protection coating. •Expensive to bend •Need maintenance such as re-painting Description These are generally larger buildings that provide a large open space, the steel is prefabricated in a factory then bolted together on site. Steel is moved into place with a crane. Concrete Frames Advantages: •Good fire resistance •Can be shaped into any shape •Good compressive strength •No finish required •Can be clad •Pre cast construction is faster. Disadvantages: •Require initial formwork support •Need a crane •Not strong on tension •Need skilled workforce Description Concrete is very strong in compression, so larger buildings can be built this way. The addition of steel makes the concrete stronger. Concrete can be cast into moulds or formwork on site, which requires about 5 days to cure. It can also be pre cast off site then joined together on site. Load Bearing and Non Load Bearing Load bearing refers to a walls ability to support the roof or floors above it. Non Load bearing refers to walls that separate rooms, also known as partition walls. Timber frame construction can use wooden panels covered with a plywood sheet to sheet to support the main structure of the building, this is then clad with brick on the outside of the building to achieve weather proofing. Single Storey Buildings Description Commercial premises are frequently made from a steel frame, this provides the anchor points rails and cross rails (purlins) these support aluminium sheeting which normally has ridges to give it extra stability. These buildings need large amounts of insulation as the main materials used have very poor insulation qualities. The lower part of the building is normally made from block work. Low Rise Buildings Advantages: •Easy to adapt internally •Lots of glass allows natural light Disadvantages: Description Commercial buildings up to three storey's in height. They make use of steel in order to get large open spaces internally, these can be easily adapted for different uses, or remodeled when a new client moves in. Housing Description Mainly built using brick and block, with slate or tiled roofing. Sometimes refered to as traditional building. Can be delayed by bad weather and speed of construction is limited by amount of courses that can be laid in one day. Detached – A house that is not connected to any other building Semi Detached – two houses joined together, they share a party wall, this reduces they build cost. Terrace Housing – A line of 3 or more houses joined together, normally cheaper to build as they share both side walls. You cannot access the rear of the house without going through the house normally. Historically fire can spread rapidly from house to house as there is no natural break. Modern building regs prevent this. Better U-Values due to shared walls, in older houses sound transfer between properties can be a problem. Roofs Pitched roofs Usually supported by roofing trusses Clad in roofing paper and tiles or battens Flat Roofs Short span can be supported by timber, long spans need steel. Advantages •Natural shape helps shed water •Gives loft space Advantages: •Easy to construct •Can give extra outdoor area in urban settings Disadvantages •Makes the building taller, can hinder planning Disadvantages •Often leak •No loft storage space Flats Advantages: Provide affordable housing Disadvantages: Sound travel between apartments Description Multiple residential dwellings in one buildling, normally with a communal entrance and hallways. They can be built using traditional methods or concrete, especially when over 3 storey’s in height. Warehouses and Light Industrial Units Advantages: Disadvantages: Description Retail Advantages: Disadvantages: Description Offices Advantages: Disadvantages: Description