Andrade/1 Fabiana Andrade Annotated Bibliography English 1010/Kilpatrick Plastic Surgery: Good or Bad? The debate between plastic surgery has been going on for a while. Some argue that it is beneficial and that it helps not only physically but emotionally as well, and that is the biggest reward. Others would argue that the outcome is worse and does irreparable damage. Along with any other type of surgery, there are risks and side effects. It is not limited only to cosmetic surgery. Apart from physical risks, there are emotional ups and downs when it comes to altering your appearance. Spending your whole life up until that point where you undergo cosmetic surgery looking at yourself in the mirror, then realizing that you don’t recognize who you are looking at when you look at yourself, brings very strong emotions. In other cases, the result may be favorable. They may enjoy who they’re looking at and feel like a better person. Dittman, Melissa. “Plastic Surgery: Beauty or Beast?” American Psychological Association Sep. 2005 Web. 29 Oct. 2011 In this article, psychologists are studying to see the affects of plastic surgery on people, mostly emotional. They are also studying to see the affects of those who don’t get plastic surgery and feel inadequate. They mention that studies show that people who receive cosmetic surgery of some type have reported increased satisfaction, boosted self-esteem, and a better quality of life. It also says that people who are unsatisfied with their overall look have been linked to suicide. Andrade/2 This article is based off of Logos. There are a lot of facts and statistics. There was a Study of thirty-seven patient’s psychological and psychosocial functioning before and after cosmetic surgery. There are many more studies included in this article. The sources in this article are credible. It is written by a psychologist and has many inputs, views, and professional opinions of many psychologists who have dedicated their time and careers to these studies. Dittman says that there are more questions than answers when it comes to the psychological effects of cosmetic surgery. This article is a good source to use for a paper and also as a personal reference for anyone who is thinking of getting any kind of plastic surgery so that they know the emotional and social effects of cosmetic surgery. Ellin, Abby. “The Golden Years, Polished with Surgery” New York Times 08 Aug. 2011 Web. 24 Oct. 2011 “The Golden Years Polished with Surgery” is about people of an older age who decide to get plastic surgery to alter their looks. It uses several examples. One being Ms. Kolstad, a widow who underwent breast implant surgery. Kolstad says, “Physically, I’m in good health, and I just feel like, why not take advantage of it?” This article is based off of Kairos, it specifies an age group and a specific concept. It targets an age group of sixty-five and older and the concept is embracing the golden years. Many women interviewed in this article say that they want to look as young as they feel. It also has Logos. There are a lot of statistics, for example, in the year 2010, there were 84,685 surgical procedures among patients age sixty-five and older. It says that the numbers have been rising as the baby boomers begin to pass age sixty-five. Andrade/3 Ellin focuses on the reason behind getting plastic surgery at an older age. She goes through the numbers and statistics to find out what types of cosmetic surgery are being done by people past retirement age. In descending order, the most common surgeries are; face-lifts, cosmetic eyelid operations, liposuction, breast reductions, forehead lifts, breast lifts, and breast augmentation. This is a good source to use for writing a research paper, there is a lot of interesting and helpful information. Harris, Gardiner. “F.D.A Affirms Safety of Breast Implants.” New York Times 31 Aug. 2011 Web. 24 Oct. 2011 The article, “F.D.A. Affirms Safety of Breast Implants” is about whether silicone breast implants are safe or not. In this article they are claiming it is completely safe, although there are side effects including ruptures. But along with every surgery there are some kind of negative side effects. It also mentions the studies they are performing to know as much as they can about it. This article uses Logos and Pathos. The most common would be Pathos because they are using fear. They go into detail about what could go wrong with breast implants, the most common being ruptures. Women are upset because of the constant need to get M.R.I.’s in order to see whether their implants have ruptured and how it is expensive and thought to be unnecessary. Logos is being used because doctors and the F.D.A. are saying that it is something necessary and important. They are expressing their beliefs and professional opinions about taking the necessary steps after surgery to insure that everything is well. Harris explains that the F.D.A. believes that silicone breast implants are safe. There are risks that include, ruptures, hardening of area around implant, need to remove the implant, scarring, pain, infection, and asymmetry. The president of the National Research Center for Women and Families says that the two companies that manufacture silicone breast implants did a poor job of studying patients who got the implants as they were supposed to. This source Andrade/4 is great for someone who is thinking of getting breast implants. It is good for them to know the negative side effects. It’s also a good source for anyone researching the F.D.A. Kitta, Natalie. “Bad Plastic Surgery.” About Plastic Surgery 09 Mar. 2009 Web. 29 Oct. 2011 This article uses a specific case as an example. The example of a woman named Tracey Jordan who went in for a tummy tuck, liposuction, and a breast reduction. The surgery went well but the woman died while in recovery because a drug was accidentally administered during surgery instead of the Lidocaine that was supposed to be used. This article goes over multiple scenarios and stories of negative things that have happened to other people. “Bad Plastic Surgery” uses Ethos and Pathos. It uses Ethos because this information is credible. It has been reviewed by the Medical Review Board. It is based on Pathos because it uses fear. It goes over multiple stories of people who have had their cosmetic surgery gone bad. Although they mentions that death rates in plastic surgery are relatively low compared to death rates in surgery overall, they still go through all of the worst possible outcomes. This is a good article for someone who wants to know the negative side of getting plastic surgery of any sort. They go through different cosmetic surgeries and are not limited to a specific kind of surgery. It would also be useful for anyone who is against plastic surgery and would want to use this source in order to support their statement. LaFraniere, Sharon. “For many Chinese, New Wealth and a Fresh Face.” New York Times 23 Apr. 2011 Web. 24 Oct. 2011 Andrade/5 “For many Chinese, New Wealth and a Fresh Face” talks about how the most common surgery done in China is adding a crease to their eyelids in order to make them appear larger. The second most common surgery raises the bridge of the nose to appear more prominent. Many people are against how much plastic surgery is going on and especially at such a young age. This article uses Logos, it has many statistics and facts. An example would be that in 2009 China ranked third behind the United States and Brazil with over two-million operations annually, and the number of operations are doubling every year. This article is credible because it interviews many surgeons and the secretary general of the government-run Chinese Association of Plastics and Aesthetics. It is said that there are patients as young as middle school and high school students receiving eye jobs. This would be a good source for a research paper and also to look at in a cultural view. Learning that is is accepted in society to get surgery at a young age and that cosmetic surgery is accepted in almost every household. This can be looked at by an economical, cultural, and social point of view. It is good to learn what some people need to go through in order to feel accepted by themselves and others. It interviews many people and inquires the reason behind their surgery. Romero, Simon. “Chavez Tries to Rally Venezuela Against a New Enemy: Breast Lifts.” New York Times 14 Mar. 2011 Web. 24 Oct. 2011 This article is about how Venezuela is one of the world’s leading market for breast augmentation. Many people ask for bank loans in order to get their surgery done. Some skip paying their bills in order to do so. Women in Venezuela feel a lot of pressure to get some type of breast plastic surgery done. Andrade/5= This article uses Logos and Pathos. It uses Pathos because it expresses the pressure that women feel in Venezuela to get breast lifts and breast implants, and it makes you feel very sympathetic towards those women. Every woman knows how it feels to feel inadequate or to not feel beautiful for whatever reason. It uses Logos because it of the many facts included in this article. An example being that Venezuela is one of the world’s leading market for breast augmentation, between 30,000 and 40,000 women undergo the procedure each year. This would be another source to look at economically and culturally. Many women go into debt so that they can get their surgery. Also for anyone wanting to know about the pressures associated with feeling insufficient and the psychological benefits for those who get the surgery, and the negative affects for those who cannot get it but want it. From what I have learned and observed from reading these articles is that the risks that come with plastic surgery can be deadly and permanent. The benefits are good emotionally socially, psychologically, and physically appeasing. The question is not whether plastic surgery is good or bad, but whether it is worth it knowing the risks that come out of it. I am interested in the psychological benefits caused by cosmetic surgery, it is interesting to me how it can affect someone and completely change their life, whether it be good or bad.