Student Wellness Team Leader Meeting

Everyone: Grab
food & an agenda
Teams: Grab
food, an agenda,
and Forms
January 20, 2016
– Student Wellness Committee
– Name, title, location
Meeting Objectives
– Network and learn from fellow teams
– Gain resources for effectively implementing wellness initiatives
– Have fun!
Meeting Agenda
– General Updates
– Team Updates
– Break (Survey, Networking, Bathroom)
– Team Updates Continued
– The Walking Classroom
– Next Steps
Group Norms
– Have a positive attitude and an open mind
– Be a respectful listener
– Share your stories and thoughts
– ASK QUESTIONS and actively participate
– Stay focused on today’s objectives
– Relax & have fun!
General Updates
SHIPS & Assessment
– SHIPS: Updates due Monday, February 1st, 2016
– Assessment
– Updated (still 2 pages)
– Due Friday, February 19th, 2016
General Updates
Healthy Valentine’s Contest
– Application due: Friday, February 19th
– Winners notified: No later than February 26th
– Prizes for winning class
1st Place: Jump ropes for all students in class and teacher will receive prize bag + Option of: RiPs or
Whole Fruit Frozen Juice Cups
2nd Place: Prize bags for every student and the teacher
General Updates
Other flyers and forms
– Notes Catcher
– Sign-in Sheet
– Weigh and Win
– Cooking Matters (20 minute tour and can show-up between 10 am – 2 pm)
– Zumba Sign-Up Sheet
– Evaluation Sheet (Anonymous, complete at end of meeting)
General Updates
– Complete during break
– 4 Questions
– Anonymous
– Please complete this during break
Team Updates
Progress, Successes, Challenges, Next
Centennial Elementary
Kyle Mills & Ashley Vallejos
Centennial Elementary
Kyle Mills & Ashley Vallejos
– Team Members: PE teacher, kindergarten teacher, 2nd grade teacher, 3rd grade teacher, ESS
teacher, 5th grade teacher, Assistant Principal
– SMART Goal: By December 2015, our school will have established a student health committee
of 3rd-5th grade leaders who will serve an active role in educating the student body on health &
wellness events as well as volunteer within the Play 60 “plays” that Centennial will be working
on this school year.
– Completed Action Steps:
Students will be chosen to participate on the health & wellness team based on leadership skills
Students will have regular meetings regarding upcoming events and will sign in to show their
Students will engage in health & wellness events and provide information to the student body
Successes, Challenges, & Next Steps
– Successes
– Building a team of leaders (3rd – 5th graders) that are excited and positive about the events
going on at Centennial.
– Students helped promote Fuel Up to Play 60 kickoff
– Kyle meeting with kids every few weeks to discuss what’s next.
– Challenges
– Keeping our student team leaders focused and motivated to promote upcoming health &
wellness activities and events
– Next Steps
– Continue to work with our student team leaders and staff to promote a school-wide focus
around health & wellness and involvement in upcoming events
Dos Rios
Christine Sallee & Christy Condon
Dos Rios
Christine Salle and Christy Condon
– Team Members: Christy Condon and Christine Sallee as co-leaders; Kurt Smith, PE teacher;
Matthew Thompson, Assistant Principal; Eva Serrano, Dance Club sponsor; Maria Bustillos,
Dance Club sponsor; Julie Williford, Running Club sponsor; Holly Ketchell, parent; Eli and Will
Ketchell, student leaders
– SMART Goal: By December, 2015, 75% of Dos Rios teachers will report promoting participation
in various student wellness activities in their classrooms. These activities will include a variety
of physical and nutritional practices and will also be carried over to the student’s home life.
– Completed Action Steps:
Meet with district team to discuss proposed SHIP and assign responsibilities.
Survey teachers at staff meeting on use of wellness activities for baseline data and determine need for
Purchase/request any necessary supplies for new teachers.
Actions Steps Continued
– Completed Action Steps
– Promote availability of various student wellness activities (chef-in-the-classroom,
farmer-in-the-classroom, fit sticks, Go Noodle, other brain energizers). Increase
participation according to data collected.
– Participate in National Walk to School Day promotion.
– Promote healthy handwashing schoolwide.
– Promote Walking Pod Cast classroom
– Cooking Matters for Adults offered to parent group
– 45 active members of the Mexican Dance Club participating
– Successes
– 12 parents participated in a 6 week “Cooking Matters” class held in our cafeteria
– Multiple grade levels involved with the Integrated Nutrition Education Program
– Students helped promote Fuel Up to Play 60 kickoff
– Two classes are using the Walking Podcast with their students
– Student Club called “Movic” is held after school
– Student Dance Club invites students to learn dances from different cultures after school
– Participated in Walk to School Day (242 walkers!)
– Dos Rios is officially a “Fuel Up to Play 60” school!
Challenges & Next Steps
– Obtaining water bottles for students participating in Walking Podcast and
Running Club
– Getting the Running Club going
– Bike-to-School Day
– Smoothie bike use promotion
– Obtain unit level activity tubs
Romero K-3
Lindsay Robinson
Romero K-3
Lindsay Robinson
– SMART Goal:
By May 15, 50% of teachers will use at least one of the following District 6 wellness education resource
in their classroom: Chef-in-the-Classroom, posters from websites, or healthy party kits.
By December 15, afterschool program participants will use project based learning to create a wellness
education bulletin board in the school
– Completed Action Steps:
Created survey
Promotion of wellness resources and links to forms will be provided to faculty in the school’s weekly
Survey will be made available to teachers through online share file and will be conducted at monthly
staff meetings
Third grade after school program students will study nutrition and wellness as part of their extended
curriculum (1-2 evenings per week) during the fall session and will create a bulletin board display as a
culminating activity
– Successes
– Most utilized resources were non-food rewards for Halloween parties. 24 teachers
utilized this resource.
– 65% of teachers utilized at least one wellness resource in their classroom.
– A 3rd grade class of 10-15 students participated in ongoing project-based education
on the topic of nutrition and wellness.
Created wellness posters to hang on display in the cafeteria.
Created children’s books about a healthy lifestyle.
Created posters about each food group that were showcased during open house for the
afterschool program.
Challenges & Next Steps
– Challenges
– Not all of the district resources are infinite; for example, some of the teachers who
signed up for Healthy Halloween did not receive prizes.
– Time, which makes comprehensive nutrition education difficult to maintain on
a regular basis.
– Next Steps
– Advertise and lead school in the "Schools on the Move" Program beginning in
Heiman Elementary
Tiffany McCall & Brittney Bilyeu
Heiman Elementary
Tiffany McCall and Brittney Bilyeu
– SMART Goal: Include 10 minutes a day outside of recess and Physical Education of
physical activity. By December 15, afterschool program participants will use project
based learning to create a wellness education bulletin board in the school
– Completed Action Steps:
– Create and send list of resources
– Look into new brain break sticks
– Staff brain break with Fit Sticks
– Sent out links for physical activities
– Conduct end of the year survey
Successes & Challenges
– Successes
Instituting Fitness Fridays’ with a fitness focus every Friday and random fitness break.
Gearing up for 5210 and presenting at parent group meeting to increase participation
Participated in PTO’s family event “A Night of Wellness”
– Challenges
Turnover of classified staff – results in recess monitors that are not trained in Playworks
– Next Steps
Continue to promote Fitness Friday’s
Promoting physical activity breaks
Jackson Elementary
Maria Miller & Jioni Reliford
Jackson Elementary
Maria Miller & Jioni Reliford
– SMART Goal: By April 2016, 80% (16/20 Classrooms) of students will receive a
minimum of 30 minutes of activity each day, including recess.
– Completed Action Steps:
– Survey staff
– Create a survey/tally sheet that teachers can easily sign through email/Google Docs
– Provide staff with various resources that will enable them to incorporate movement
into their day with taking away from instruction
– Ensure various equipment is available to students so that they stay active during
Successes & Challenges
– Successes
When there is inclement weather, we always have 3rd and 5th graders go to the gym for stations
and dance videos
We provide teachers with resources to easy activities and the PE equipment has been made
available to teachers.
Created a checklist with each teacher’s name and a column for each holiday party.
– Challenges
Trouble recording classroom breaks, Vitamin D time, and other activity breaks/energizers
throughout the day.
– Next Steps
Activity Calendars
Continue to survey staff when there are classroom parties.
Find ways to have an active indoor recess for more grades when PE is in session.
Madison Elementary
Meagan Reliford & Kayla Whitaker
Madison Elementary
Meagan Reliford & Kayla Whitaker
– Team Members: Michelle Wiest (Kindergarten Teacher), Stephanie Nuejahr (Music
Teacher), Anthony SeChrist (MAB), Samantha Ryan (Fourth Grade)
– SMART Goal: By May 2016, 50% of teachers will increase the physical activity in their
classroom by 15 minutes each day.
– Completed Action Steps:
– Survey will be given to teachers to complete and turn back in to wellness team leaders
– Data will be analyzed and completed by student wellness team
– Meeting to go over data that is collected and next steps for more physical activity during
the day
– Data results sent out to staff with explanation for SHIP and goal for the year
– Data will be collected from each teacher and continuously analyzed
Successes, Challenges, & Next Steps
Data collection: E-mail sent out to all staff/teachers about vision and goal for this year. Team created short
survey that that was given out to each classroom teachers to get initial data so we had a starting point.
Created an activity log to give to teachers for them to select a week each month to record their physical
activity. This process began in November and we are currently collecting activity logs for the month of
Getting teachers to return their logs on time.
Getting every teacher to participate in the monthly data collection.
Trouble recording classroom breaks, Vitamin D time, and other activity breaks/energizers throughout the
Next Steps
Give teachers ideas and resources for more activities in the classroom
Other Success
Playworks; Bike/Walk to School Day; Fun Run Club through Make Today Count; Before school intramurals; 6
members of student wellness team!!
Maplewood Elementary
Will Smythe & Shawna Roth
Maplewood Elementary
Will Smythe and Shawna Roth
– Team Members: Shawna Roth (5th grade), Sandra Elbell (2nd grade), Sally Reid
(CLD), Cayla Craig (Title I Intervention), Celia Nutting (3rd grade), Chloe Knoche
(Assistant Principal)
– SMART Goal: Increase the number of teachers who participate in healthy
activities during parties.
– Completed Action Steps:
– Surveyed teachers to see how many provided healthy parties in the past
– After each event, teachers will be asked if they participated in the healthy parties.
Educate staff on different options available for healthy parties
– Chart results after each party
Successes, Challenges, & Next Steps
– Successes
Maplewood wellness night
Raising awareness through NIEP.
Administrators are providing healthier breakfast for staff.
Wellness team is meeting monthly.
Extra time needed for planning and prepping for “healthy parties”
Prizes, (would like to have one item for each student)
– Next Steps
Healthy Halloween Contest
Write article for parent newsletter.
Design a letter for teachers to send home to parents.
Healthy Halloween Contest
Martinez Elementary
Catie Budney & Max Moralez
Martinez Elementary
Max Moralez & Catie Budney
Team Members: Kathy Battelson (ELD) and Catie Drissel (4th grade)
SMART Goal: By March of 2016, 100% of Martinez classroom teachers will be offering at least 75%
healthy foods at celebrations/parties, in accordance with the Wellness policies description of
“healthy food.”
Completed Action Steps:
Create a letter to parents from teachers that show what they can bring that’s healthy and what’s not.
Provide teachers with the healthy food description and examples from the Wellness Policy
Provide parents with information about Holiday food art contests.
Buy prizes for parents that win Holiday food art contests.
Inform teachers about getting their name put into a drawing after each Holiday party if they attain the 75%
healthy food goal.
Buy prizes for teachers that win the drawing after each holiday party
Include information about the healthy food guidelines and food art contests for parties in the monthly parent
Administer surveys with teachers after the holiday parties.
– Successes
Created take home parent letter with our goal, pictures, and made it easy for them to signup for a healthy food.
Sent home information about a healthy food art contest to be done for our 3 big holiday
Teachers were eligible to win prizes by serving 75% healthy food and was tracked on
Information about healthy party challenge was included in monthly parent newsletter
– Challenges
– The lack of participation in the food art contests (2 students) and parents continuing
to bring junk food to child’s party. Only 1 classroom served 75% healthy food.
– Did not have many participants in Healthy Halloween Challenge.
Made adjustments by making letter simpler and easier to understand.
We put up pictures of all food art contest winners and of the classroom teacher’s class that
served 75% healthy food in our hallway to promote for Christmas.
Promoted Christmas party over the intercom during announcements and during class
leading up to it.
Participation increased to 5 students bringing food art and 7 teachers served 75% healthy
Next Steps
– Hang up pictures of our healthy Christmas party contest winners
– Promote healthy Valentine’s party contest
McAuliffe Elementary
Kelli Picon
McAuliffe Elementary
Kelli Picon
– SMART Goal: By May 15th students and teachers will have increased student
knowledge of healthy eating habits in our school and shared these habits with our
surrounding community.
– Completed Action Steps:
– Students will help in a community food drive delivering meals to local families.
– School will join Fuel Up to Play 60 and have a 15 person committee to help show our
community the importance of eating healthy.
– Play 60 team will go to Weld County Food Bank to see how this organization helps our
Successes, Challenges, & Next Steps
– Successes
– Had our kickoff assembly for Fuel Up to Play 60 and
introduced students to healthy eating habits
– FUTP60 team delivered Thanksgiving meals to families in the
McAuliffe area for a Northridge student
– Challenges
– Finding time to meet to work on goals as a school
– Next Steps
– Wellness night will be on March 23rd
Complete Survey
Brain Energizer
& Drawing
Meeker Elementary
Lisa McGlothlin & Kim Venegas
Meeker Elementary
Lisa McGlothlin & Kim Venegas
– SMART Goal: From October 1st, 2015 to December 17th, 2015, Meeker
Elementary will implement ten minute physical activity breaks, daily, in all
classrooms using fit sticks or in order to increase academic
achievement and physical activity among all students.
– Completed Action Steps:
– Wellness committee will meet monthly
– Encourage staff participation with PA breaks during staff meetings
– Survey teachers on GoNoodle and fit stick usage initially and at the end of semester
– Provide staff with fit sticks and login instructions for
Chef in the Classroom
– P.E. teacher will teach fit stick and GoNoodle activities and expectations during P.E. to
support teachers
Successes & Challenges
– Successes
– Participation in Turkey Trot (featured in Greeley Tribune)
– Awarded $500 from participation in online challenge called Fire Up
Your Feet
– 500 students participated in Walk to School Day!
– Challenges
– Not enough activity brought into staff meetings
– Cold weather prevents recess and vitamin D breaks
Chef in the Classroom
– Administrative buy-in
– Tight schedule due to PARCC preparation
Next Steps
– Girls on the Run
– Fire Up Your Feet (May 2016)
– Potential Valentine’s Day Trot
Katie Belt & Marissa Hughes
Monfort Elementary
Katie Belt & Marissa Hughes
– SMART Goal:
– We will maintain student participation throughout the year for Fit ‘n
Fun club.
– Incorporate "Chef in the Classroom" for at least 3 visits to Monfort
– Completed Action Steps:
– Take attendance of students who come to Fit ‘n Fun club.
– Have had 3 visits from Chef in the Classroom at Monfort
– Created a sense of unity and team through club T-shirts.
– Participate in community events.
– Incorporate exercises into Monday morning rally
Successes, Challenges, & Next Steps
Increased participation in Fit N Fun (intramural). Our numbers are around 50 students
Incorporated Chef in the Classroom for 3 visits (5th grade classes)
Hosted Fit N Fun Hot Chocolate Run (purchased Aztec chocolate through Nutrition Services)
Having additional support for Fit N Fun subbing. We will mention to staff on PDs that we
are looking for help.
Next Steps
Focus on 5210
Walking Classroom
Promote Birthday baskets
School Garden for Spring
Scott Elementary
Brad Farbo
Scott Elementary
Brad Farbo
– SMART Goal:
– (A)By 5/1/16, student involvement in active recess time will increase by 50% and
behavioral referrals will decrease by 50% during recess time.
– (B) By 2/1/16 the youth leader recess program will fully be in place.
– Completed Action Steps:
– Plan recess unit for all grades that will include core games and large group activities that
student’s will be able to play during recess time. This will also include all rules and
expectations that students will be expected to follow during their recess time. We will
create a sense of unity and team through club t-shirts.
– Plan referral process to be used during recess time to track behavioral issues during recess.
– Teach core games and large group games to youth leaders.
– Teach various games and rules to all grades and students along with behavior expectations
and taking care of the equipment.
Successes, Challenges, & Next Steps
– Successes
Finished 1st run with youth leaders during recess
Almost every student is fully engaged in physical activity during recess
– Challenges
Had a few ups and downs, but have made a few structure changes to recess and games that will
hopefully better fit our school and population.
Bad weather days/ Inside recess days
– Next Steps
Continue to adjust and build the youth leader program for the future
Build on games and structure to be used during the students recess time.
Sara Shepler & Chris Zacharko
Shawsheen Elementary
Sara Shepler & Chris Zacharko
– SMART Goal: Implement healthy food choices in classroom parties, and to
increase participation numbers by 20% in before, and after school activities.
– Completed Action Steps:
– Survey/Tally Sheet
– Advertise and announce daily before and after school functions
– In staff meetings advertise the healthy food choices for classroom parties and active parties.
– Use a sign in sheet every day for intramurals to view participation data
– Post data collection for survey/tally sheet
Successes & Challenges
– Student involvement with before school intramurals has been a huge
success. We have about 60-70 students at intramurals on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Thursdays. Staff participation in wellness activities have
increased! We have become a more active staff and have many people are
on board with eating clean, and being more physically active.
– The biggest challenge for Shawsheen is implementing “healthy classroom
parties.” We have shared multiple resources with our staff but have yet to
see any healthy parties. This includes healthy snacks, and active activities
during these festivities.
– Next steps: Keep pushing teachers in our school to have “healthier parties.”
Keep students informed and involved with upcoming programs (i.e.
intramurals, Tri-Star, Jump Rope for heart, 5210, Hoops for Heart.
Chappelow K-8
Linda Lamour & Kendra Cummings
Chappelow K-8
Linda Lamour & Kendra Cummings
– SMART Goal: By May 1st, 50% of middle school students will report
that they had a healthy item either a protein, fruit, or a vegetable
during the course of their day.
– Challenges
– Planned on creating share box for students to eat during the
course of an academic day
– Due to high volume of trash on playground at lunch,
administrative took away snacks. As a result of administration
decision we need to revisit our goal and make a change.
Next Steps
– New SMART Goal: By May 25, 40% of parties like
Valentine’s Day, Reward parties, End of Year, Birthdays,
will have “healthy” parties.
– 10% of those will use a district “healthy party kit”
Promotion of healthy parties, advertise district kits,
and promote use of smoothie bike
– Use healthy food posters as talking points in class
Winograd K-8
Natalia Turner & Kelsey Odom
Winograd K-8
Natalia Turner & Kelsey Odom
– Team Members: Taysa Ader (5th), Katie Horvath (Library), Kristina Szabo (6th),
Teresa Douglas (4th), Kesia Larrea (Health/Nurse), Valyne Esquibel (PE), Brandi
Thompson (8th)
– SMART Goal: By May 2015, students will increase their physical activity in the
classroom by 25%.
– Completed Action Steps:
– Tally sheet will be created (or printed from online resource)
– Teachers will be notified of goals and tally sheets
– Walking/running club logistics and helpers figured out
– Promotion of 5210 to get students excited and ready to participate will happen at
COURAGE assembly
– Successes
– We had teachers track the number of brain breaks their
students did a day in the month of November (baseline data).
– In March we are going to have Teachers tally again and try to
increase the number of brain breaks they do. We only had 16
teachers turn in their logs. The number of brain breaks for the
Month ranged from 6 to 99.
– Increasing knowledge of available brain breaks and signing up
for 5210
Challenges & Next Steps
– Challenges
– Few teachers have time to get involved with student wellness (especially
with all of the new curriculum changes).
– Getting our middle school students and teachers involved more (only one
middle school teacher turned in the tally sheet).
– Running/walking club idea has been somewhat shut down/defeated by
people who have tried it at our school and there are very few supporters.
– Next Steps
Food Art Carving
– 5210 participation, getting kids excited and ready! Increasing the amount of
teachers who use brain breaks.
Romero 4-8
Michelle Perea
Romero 4-8
Michelle Perea
– SMART Goal: By December 2015, 10 of the teachers at this site will implement
Chef-in-the-Classroom at least once in their classroom.
– Challenges
– Teachers did not sign-up for Chef in the Classroom
– A few roadblocks with administrative buy-in
Next Steps
– Will continue with current SMART Goal
– Continue to promote by printing sing-up forms and lay in teacher’s lounge
– Adding an incentive for any class that participates
– Prize will be given from Make TODAY Count for each participant
– Add goal to have at least 50% food/snacks at classroom parties to be
nutritious (4th and 5th)
Brentwood Middle
Megan Steward & Marrisa Sanchez
Brentwood Middle
Megan Steward & Marrisa Sanchez
– Team Members: Chris Haddorff (PE/Health Teacher 6-8), Shirley Llafet (Librarian),
Timeka Rodriguez (Health Clerk), Nicole Peterson (Principal)
– SMART Goal: By December 2015, 50% of core teachers will use Fitsticks in the classroom
at least once a day, three times a week.
– Completed Action Steps:
Survey teachers to see who would be interested in Fitsticks.
Create a small spreadsheet to go inside Fitsticks cup for data tracking.
Distribute Fitsticks and spreadsheets to teachers.
Develop weekly morning announcements to remind teachers of Fitsticks and to promote healthy
habits with a healthy fact.
Gather data from tally sheets every Friday to monitor usage.
Create a master spreadsheet to enter data gathered from individual classrooms Fitsticks cup.
Finalize data and distribute survey to staff to measure effectiveness.
Successes & Challenges
– Successes
– Participated in Fuel Up to Play 60 with student leaders
– Collected data and created a spreadsheet
– Challenges
– Teachers did not log their data on the tracking forms we supplied them with
so we ended gathering informal data from them.
– Teachers noted they like taking physical activity breaks but that it is
sometimes hard getting students transitioned back on task and behaviors
can worsen
– Challenging to do weekly announcements and will improve this semester.
Plan on writing wellness facts and have team take turns making
Future Goals
– Be more consistent with making wellness
announcements and reminders
– Use Fuel Up to Play 60 grant money to have more
availability to physical activities for students
throughout the day
– Have students create FUTP60 account
– Work with Western Dairy Association to schedule farm
tour for some students
Elizabeth Bratsky
Heath Middle
Elizabeth Bratsky & Cailey Perlas Yinger
– SMART Goal: By April 15, 2016, 70% of teachers at Heath Middle School will implement in
in-class activity breaks at least once a month in their classrooms.
– Completed Action Steps:
– Create committee
– Develop Action Plan (staff survey)
– Fuel Up to Play 60 (Kickoff Assembly – Jump with Jill)
– BRAX Fundraiser
– Colorado Education Initiative (Smart Source Survey)
– Successes
– Grant $4000
– Survey (In year 2) – Can compare results
– Teachers Using Fitsticks
– Walk to School
Challenges & Next Steps
– Challenges
– Parent Involvement & time
– Next Steps
– FUTP60 Assembly
– BRAX Fundraiser
– 5210
– 100 mile challenge
– Walkathon?
Prairie Heights
Laura Hudson & Andrea Van Hoff
Heath Middle
Laura Hudson & Andrea Van Hoff
– SMART Goal: At Prairie Heights Middle School, we will set standard for student
participation in 5210 program this February 2016
– Action Steps:
– Get guides to score students following 5210 rules
– Awareness Campaign
– Collect Data/Assess Specific totals and pass out awards
Challenges & Next Steps
– Challenges
– Beginning of semester, did not have another team leader or other
members of our wellness team. However, at the end of the
semester Andrea returned to help with wellness.
– Next Steps
– Promotion of 5210
Brain Energizer
The Walking Classroom
Christine Sallee
The Walking Classroom
– Set-up Tips:
Flagged the earbud that my class uses so that another class can also use them
Carry batteries every time we walk to replace immediately as needed.
Set an inside and outside route so that leader always knows
– Positives:
Like the fresh air
Learning about different topics (integumentary system and boogers)
– Negatives:
They get thirsty
They get tired (GOOD!)
Only use 2x/week
Next Steps
Next Steps
– If you haven’t already, update your SHIP & Action Steps for Spring 2016
– Complete the Wellness Assessment
– Use Courtney/Rachel as a resource (We can volunteer at your events!)
– Complete this meeting’s evaluation
– Check out Monfort’s Fit N Fun Hot Chocolate Run
Tomorrow from 3:45 until 4:30
Thank You &
*Don’t forget to sign-out
and complete the