The Rise of Islam Islam The Arabian Peninsula Desert Home of Arabs Loyal to tribes No centralized authority Pastoral nomads Islam Arabian Religion Animistic, pagan Mecca Commercial center of Arabia Religious center Ka’ba The Ka’ba Pilgrimage site Brought money to city Islam Muhammad (570-632) Born in Mecca Involved in Meccan caravan trade Spiritual man Prophet of Islam Night of Power (610): Angel Gabriel worship God alone Revelations for rest of life Must preach to others Islam Islam on the Rise Preached in Mecca Gained converts UMMAH Overall response was negative Flight of Muhammad Invited to Medina Hijrah (622) Emigration of ummah to Medina Gained political power, subdued enemies Islam Islam on the Rise: Return to Mecca Ummah wanted to see city converted March on Mecca (630) Muhammad and 10,000 men Offer made to city, accepted by religious leaders Muhammad entered city triumphantly Cleansed Ka’ba Islam Questions? Islam Islam Islam: “submission to God” Five Pillars of Islam “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Prophet” Pray 5 times daily toward Mecca Ramadan Almsgiving Pilgrimage to Mecca MOSQUE Muslim place of worship Dome of the Rock (687-692), Jerusalem Islam The Quran Collection of revelations of Muhammad Teachings Absolute monotheism Jesus was an “apostle of God” “God forbid that he should have a son!” (4:171) Judgment on Last Day “People of the Book” Make war on “infidels” Jihad Islam Islamic Conquests (622-733) Islam Why the Successful Conquest? Arabs were fighters! Exhausted Roman and Persian military forces Not all Roman and Persian subjects were loyal Muslims were tolerant toward other monotheistic faiths No forced conversions Relied on other monotheists’ leaders Non-Muslims not equal to Muslims Islam The Caliphate Muhammad died (632) United many Arabs Who would succeed him? CALIPHS Successors of Muhammad First were early converts, from inner circle of Prophet (Rashidun) Office was political and religious Islam Islam Division within the Ummah Uthman (r. 644-656) murdered successor? Ali (r. 656-661) Muhammad’s cousin, husband of Fatima Dedicated Muslim The one Muhammad intended to be successor? Civil war between Ali and Mu’awiyah Ali assassinated (661) Mu’awiyah (r.661-680) caliph Aftermath: Sunni vs. Shi’ah Islam Division within the Ummah Sunnis Accept legality of Rashidun and subsequent caliphs Majority of Muslims (90%) Shi’ahs Faction of Ali Except for Ali and descendants, all caliphs were usurpers Led by imams Divinely inspired Await return of 12th imam Islam Islam Shari’ah Sacred law of ummah Intended to regulate all activities Sources Quran Tradition of Muhammad (sunnah) Community consensus Qadis Shari’ah judges Appointed by state Individuals before a qadi Islam Islamic Civilization The “great” civilization of Early Middle Ages Science and mathematics Quran page, beginning of surah 18 (9th or 10th cent.) Immersed in knowledge of classical world Own contributions Literature and poetry Great libraries Islam Status of Women Khadijah Women in the Quran Men to manage women’s affairs Men may have up to 4 wives, to be treated equally Some inheritance rights granted Reforms of Quran not always maintained Khadijah (d. ca. 620) was first convert Islam Questions? The Rise of Islam How does Islam compare and contrast with the other religions introduced? How does Islamic civilization compare and contrast with the others in the course?