Achievements of the PRad Collaboration 1) All major target parts have been procured, some of them delivered to Jlab 2) We expect all target parts to be delivered to Jlab by September. 3) The target stands financially solid (see the MRI report). We will need some help from Jlab for the “Vacuum Box” and visitors sport for the HyCal Calorimeter. 4) Decision is made to use new front-edge electronics for the HyCal Calorimeter: based on FADCs (discussion with Sergey B.) 5) Decision is made for the DAQ system: based on new CLAC12 DAQ, with modifications (discussion with Sergey B.), a student is assigned for this project 6) We got our name (Prad) A. Gasparian 1 Tasks for the PRad Experiment 1) Construct the hydrogen gas flow target by the end of this year. a) Develop set of laboratory control measurements to ensure the target qualities before the beam tests (density, stability, …) b) Develop a minimum set of target control system for in-beam measurements (temperature, pressure, …) 2) Finalize and make available a common-use Event Generator with rad corrections for both ep and ee-processes, for our low Q2 range (develop two independent codes, if all possible): a) optimize the geometry of the experiment (critically important, Vacuum Box) b) finalize the expected total error in extracted Rp with different FF models in the market (critically important) 3) Design and construct the Vacuum Box 4) Prepare the HyCal Calorimeter for the experiment: a) b) c) d) new cabling for FADCs repair the Gain Monitoring System (LMS) repair optics, electric signals, power supplies, … install in the Transporter, engineering survey 5) Design and construct new Veto Counters A. Gasparian 2 Tasks for the PRad Experiment (cont.) 6) Develop a new front-end readout and fast trigger electronics based on JLab’s new FADCs 7) Develop a new independent fast DAQ system based on CLAS12 new developments 8) Work with Hall B (especially with HPS group) to: a) optimize the installation process b) effective use of beam-line elements c) running versions 9) Continue to Increase the size of the collaboration (more and capable groups, individuals, …) 10) Ready for a beam tests in Fall, 2014 11) Ready for experiment in Spring/Summer, 2015 A. Gasparian 3