CHEM 281(001) winter 2014-15, Inorganic Chemistry Class Activities and Deadlines Lectures: Tu, Th: 10:00-11:15 a.m. CTH 227 Labs: W: 2:00 - 6:15 p.m. CTH 303 Last updated on Nov 15, 2013 Monday 1. December 1: Tuesday December 2: Wednesday December 3: No labs 2. Thursday December 4: Discuss the syllabus Nuclear chemistry The nucleosynthesis of elements elements ( 1.1, 1.2, 1.3) Frid Decembe December 8: December 9: Periodic table Atomic spectroscopy and quantum mechanics Electron configuration. Sec 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 December 10: 2:00- 6:15 CTH 303 Lab 1 glassblowing December 11: Decembe Multi-electron atoms Sec 1.7, 1.8 & 1.9 Penetration and shielding page The building-up principle page, Penetration and Atomic Parameters. December15: December 16: Octet Rule, Lewis Structures and Structure and bond properties Sec. 2.1, 2.2 December 17: 2:00- 6:15 CTH 303 Lab 1 glassblowing December 18: VSEPR model Sec 2.3. Valence Bond (VB) theory and hybridization Sec 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 GA 1 due in class Decembe December 22: December 23: No class No class Christmas Christmas Break!! Break!! December 24: No class Christmas Break!! December 25: No class Christmas Break!! Decembe No class Christma Break!! December 29: December 30: No class No class Christmas Christmas Break!! Break!! December 31: No class Christmas Break!! January 1: No class Christmas Break!! January No class Christma Break!! January 5: January 6: An introduction to the MO theory Homonuclear diatomic molecules and Bond Properties. Sec 2.7, 2.8 & 2.10 January 7: 2:00- 6:15 CTH 324 MO theory Lab January 8: MO theory continued Exam #1 Review (Ch 1 & 2) January 5. January 12: January 13: Exam #1. (Ch 1 & 2) January 14: CTH 306 2:00- 6:15 Magnetic properties Lab January 15: MO theory continued An introduction to the MO theory Homonuclear diatomic molecules and Bond Properties. Sec 2.7, 2.8 & 2.10 January 6. January 19: No class Martin Luther King Day!! January 20: 3.1 Unit cells and crystals 3.2 The close packing 3.3 Holes in close-packed January 21: CTH 303 Solid-state Lab 1 Basic lattice types of metallic compounds January 22: Structure of metals 3.4 Polytypism 3.5 Non-close-packed January : 3. 4. structures 7. 8. 3.6 Polymorphism of metals January 26: January 27: Structure of metals 3.7 Atomic radii of metals 3.8 Alloys January 28: CTH 303 Solid-state Lab 2 Basic lattice types of ionic compounds January 29: Ionic Solids 3.9 Characteristics of ionic solids 3.10 The rationalization of structures January February 2: February 3: Exam #2. (Ch 2 & 3) February 4: NMR Lab 1 CTH February 5: 4.1 Proton transfer equilibria 4.2 Solvent levelling 4.3 Characteristics of Brønsted acids 4.4 Simple oxoacids 4.5 Anhydrous oxides 4.6 Polyoxo compound formation February February 12: 5.1 Redox half-reactions 5.2 Standard potentials 5.3 Trend in Standard potentials 5.4 The electrochemical series February Mardi G Holiday 324/306 Proton and Carbon Theory and practice 9. 10. 11. 12. February 10: 4.7 Examples of Lewis acids and bases 4.8 Group characteristics of Lewis acids Reactions and properties of Lewis acids and bases 4.9 The fundamental types of reaction 4.10 Hard and soft acids and bases February 11: NMR Lab 2. February 16: Mardi Gras Holiday February 17: Mardi Gras Holiday February 18: Mardi Gras Holiday February 19: Redox reactions, Redox stability In water and oxygen, Disproportionation & comproportionation Bonus paper due February February 23: February 24: The diagrammatic presentation of potential data Latimer diagrams February 25: CTH 303/306 Cyclic Voltammetry Lab February 26: Exam #3. (Ch 4 & 5) February March 5: March 6: February 9: March 2: CTH 306/CTH324 Data acquisition and processing CTH 306/CTH324 March 3: March 4: Last Day of Classes Comprehensive Make-up Test