Curriculum mapping.v2


Headteachers & Teachers:

Curriculum teaching opportunities through the ‘Wales for Peace’ project


The ‘Wales for Peace’ project is a 4-year Heritage Lottery funded project, managed by the

Welsh Centre for International Affairs (WCIA). Between 2015 and 2018 the project will be engaging 100,000 people across Wales to explore the central question : ‘In the 100 years since the First World War, how has Wales contributed to the search for peace?’

This is an exciting opportunity, which will en able us to explore questions such as: ‘Is Wales really a peaceloving nation?’, ‘Who are Wales’ ‘peace heroes’? and ‘What are Welsh people’s attitudes towards war and peace today?’ The project will be an opportunity to explore how war has affected individuals and areas across Wales, and to capture those stories. We also aim to uncover a range of ‘hidden histories’ of people who have striven for peace over the last century. By the end of the project we hope to have inspired a new generation of peacemakers – young people with clear ideas of what their peace heritage means to them and what they can do, personally and collectively, to bring peace about.

We aim to engage and inspire groups of children and young people across Wales in finding out about and exploring their peace heritage. To this end we will be supporting pupils and youth groups across Wales to find out about and respond creatively to stories that inspire them. Resulting materials – artefacts, photos, activities, films, poetry, music – will be uploaded via the ‘Wales for Peace’ website with supporting curriculum materials. In this way we will build up a wealth of materials which can be used to e nrich pupils’ learning.

The aim of this document is to map out the main areas of the curriculum which relate most directly to the themes that will be covered by the ‘Wales for Peace’ project, so that teachers can have an overview of how present and future project materials relate to their subject areas. All resources produced as part of the project will be accompanied by information showing how they relate specifically to different areas of the curriculum, including literacy, numeracy and the Welsh Baccalaureate.

Comments on and additions to materials will be welcomed, and a facility to do this will be available through the ‘Wales for Peace’ website. The Learning Coordinator can also be contacted directly through email (

) or phone 029 2082 1051.

Broad relevance of Wales for Peace to specific curriculum areas:


‘Wales for Peace’ materials will contribute to the Curriculum Cymreig by enabling learners to explore aspects of local and Welsh history, and to understand how events have shaped

Welsh society and culture. Learners will have opportunities to look at the lives of significant

Welsh people and to understand why they acted as they did and the consequences of those actions. They will also be encouraged to develop skills of historical enquiry by using a range of sources, asking relevant questions, and reflecting on their findings.


Through geography, learners come to understand their own local environment and their role as local and global citizens. This fosters an appreciation of how people across the world are interlinked, and how people’s actions impact on their environment. Activities covered by the

‘Wales for Peace’ project will help learners to understand the impact of war on environments

– both in the past and in the world today.


All materials produced as part of the Wales for Peace project will be linked to the national literacy framework. Exploring and sharing ‘hidden histories’ of individuals and communities in Wales will enable pupils to use and develop oracy, reading and writing skills – for instance by interviewing those affected by conflict about their experiences; by reading archive materials and gauging their relevance; by presenting stories they uncover both orally and in a variety of written forms. Learners will be encouraged to question, debate and think for themselves. Links will also be made to relevant literary figures and work which references aspects of peace and the impact of war.


There will be opportunities to use and develop numeracy skills, particularly through looking at and interpreting data such as the numbers of those who died from a particular area, the effect of rations on a population, the proportionate number of conscientious objectors in

Wales, etc. Learners may also be able to compare what happened at different periods of

Wales’ history, thus gaining historical perspective.

Religious Education:

Religious education enables learners to look at questions of morality and meaning, and also to understand how individuals and religious communities may be motivated to take a certain stance in times of conflict – either opposed to or justifying war on grounds of religion.

Through religious education, learners can also ask questions which enable them to come to their own views on issues relating to past and present conflicts.

The Creative Arts – Music, Art and Drama:

Engaging with an aspect of Wales’ peace heritage will provide opportunities for learners to respond to stories or express their emotions in a variety of creative ways – through writing, music, art or drama – and to share their work with others. Suggestions for creative follow-up activities will be made in curriculum notes accompanying project materials.

The Welsh Baccalaureate:

The Wales for Peace team will produce materials which can be used as a basis for an

Individual Project which will help learners to develop the following essential employability skills in particular:

Critical thinking and problem solving

Planning and organisation

Creativity and innovation.

Briefs will also be developed which will enable learners to undertake a Global Citizenship

Challenge on a peace-related theme.

Learning across the curriculum:

Wales for Peace provides the ideal framework for cross-curricular project work as well as learning across the curriculum within subject studies.

Cwricwlwm Cymreig / Wales, Europe and the World:

With Wales at its core, Wales for Peace provides strong evidence for the Curriculum

Cymreig (7

–14) and Wales, Europe and the World (14–19) as learners are given opportunities to develop and apply knowledge and understanding of the cultural, economic, environmental, historical and linguistic characteristics of Wales. Learners will have active engagement in understanding the political, social, economic and cultural aspects of Wales as part of the world as a whole. Indeed they will contribute to the future understanding of Wales and its peace heritage for future Cwricwlwm

Cymreig studies.

Personal and Social Education (PSE):

Learners have opportunities to learn to become active citizens and promote global citizenship. Through researching and sharing stories of individuals and groups in

Wales who have contributed to peace over the last 100 years, learners will develop thinking and communication skills and empathy, and come to understand how culture, beliefs and values have influenced pe ople’s decisions and actions. Exploring the ‘hidden histories’ of peacemakers will enable learners to consider different points of view about conflict, and to explore the moral dilemmas faced by those who lived during periods of conflict and apply them to views about current affairs and future global development goals.

Careers and the world of work :

Learners, by undertaking volunteer work and engaging with professional historians / archivists / ICT trainers, will have opportunities to develop their awareness of careers and the world of work and how their studies contribute to their readiness for a working life.

Skills across the curriculum

The Wales for Peace project is an enriching opportunity to ensure aspects of all expectations for Skills across the curriculum are met.

Developing Thinking is an obvious strand given the issues-based content of the project, the challenge of conflict and resolution, and the processes of planning, developing and reflecting in the research.

Developing Communication is part of the research project in planning through teamwork, oracy in individual contacts during research or when presenting to others, background reading, report writing, and preparing for wider communication through website or exhibitions.

ICT is a critical component of the project as students input to, or extract from, various historical databases, use a range of audio or visual recordings whilst collecting historical information, present using a range of software to live audiences or on the website / you tube.


Key Stage 2


Study the differences in people’s daily lives in two contrasting periods of the twentieth century


Historical Knowledge and Understanding:

2. identify significant people and describe events within and across periods

3. understand why people did things, what caused specific events and the consequences of those events.

Historical enquiry – opportunities to:

1. ask and answer relevant questions about the past

2. plan the investigative approach to be used, suggesting how to find relevant information

3. use a range of sources, including ICT,

4. reflect on their findings and the investigative approach used.

Examples e.g. study specific examples of how people’s lives on the home front in Wales differed during WWI and WWII.

Compare and contrast how Conscientious

Objectors were treated in Wales during

WWI and WWII, including a study of particular individuals.

Key Stage 3


Explore and interpret how some twentieth century individuals and events have shaped our world today


Historical knowledge and understanding:

2. describe, analyse and explain patterns and relationships

3. evaluate the significance of the main events, people and changes studied.

Interpretations of history

1. consider differing views and representations of some historical events, people and changes, and understand how and why they have been interpreted in these ways

Historical enquiry

3. independently use a range of historical sources in their historical context

4. select and summarise information accurately from sources

5. record and evaluate the information acquired, reaching reasoned conclusions.

Examples e.g. how people in Wales reacted to WWI and how this changed over time; look at some of the peace movements that emerged after WWI e.e. attitudes to conscription and military service; changing role of women – e.g.

1920s peace marchers & Greenham

Common women; the anti-apartheid movement in Wales

GCSE History – post-2015 Curriculum

‘Wales for Peace’ is directly relevant to some areas of the new WJEC curriculum - e.e.






Wales and England in the early Twentieth Century c1890 - 1919

Topic Area

3. The impact of the First World War

A 2 Depression, War and Recovery in Wales and England 1930 - 1951 2. The impact of war on life on the Home Front

A 2 Changes in South Africa 1948 - 1994 2. Resistance and oppression: opposition to apartheid. (Could be an opportunity to look at the anti-apartheid movement in Wales)

Areas relevant to ‘Wales for Peace’ could also be studied as part of the ‘ Controlled Assessment’ element of the syllabus. Possible topics could include:

The impact of WWI in Wales in terms of the development of groups working for international cooperation and understanding

The influence and significance of a key pacifist figure or movement

– e.g. George M Ll Davies; the Greenham Common women

Changing attitudes to conscription and war in Welsh society in the 20 th century


Key Stage 2


Learning about places, environments and issues:

Study living in my world: caring for places and environments and the importance of being a global citizen

Carry out investigations of ‘geography in the news’, topical events and issues in the local area and the wider world

Key Stage 3


Learning about places, environments and


Study people and the planet: population patterns, change and movement

Look at the rich and poor world: economic development in different locations/countries

Consider tomorrow’s citizens: issues in

Wales and the wider world of living sustainably and the responsibilities of being a global citizen


Understanding places, environments and processes:

3. describe the causes and consequences of how places and environments change


Understanding places, environments and processes:

2. explain the causes and effects of physical and human processes and how the processes interrelate.

3. explain how and why places and environments change and identify trends and future implications

Examples e.g. understanding how a child in an area experiencing conflict experiences their environment e.g. looking at the effects of migration on their local area, and discovering why this happens

Examples e.g. understanding how a past conflict impacted on local communities and the environment – e.g. WWI or WWII e..g understanding some of the challenges that face the world today, including people fleeing conflict, and consider how Wales as a country should react.

GCSE Geography – post-2014 Curriculum

The study of Geography at GCSE level will enable learners to understand the complex and changing nature of the world we live in – e.g. in terms of climate change, population shifts, the unequal distribution of wealth and resources, and varying levels of human and economic development. Links can be made between these elements and both the causes and consequences of conflict, leading to a consideration of how we – as global citizens – react to these challenges today and in the future so as to create a more just, equal and peaceful world.



Oracy across the curriculum


Developing and presenting information and ideas.

Reading across the curriculum

Locating, selecting and using information,

Responding to what has been read

Writing across the curriculum

Organising ideas and information


Speaking :

communicate ideas and information to a wide range of audiences and a variety of situations.

Listening : listen and respond to the viewpoints and ideas of others.

Collaboration & discussion:

– contribute to discussions and presentations

– discuss the viewpoints/ ideas of others to reach agreement.

Reading strategies:

– use a range of appropriate reading strategies to make sense of texts

– assess quality and reliability of texts.


– gain an understanding of unfamiliar information

– identify main ideas, events and supporting details

– carry out research to develop a full understanding.

Response and analysis

– organise and analyse relevant information

– distinguish between facts, theories and opinions

– compare a range of views

– evaluate the content, presentation and reliability of texts.

Meaning, purposes and readers

– plan and adapt writing style to suit the audience and purpose

– improve writing through independent review and redrafting

– reflect, edit and redraft to improve writing.

Examples e.g. Make a presentation about a peacemaker, or about the impact of war on one’s local community e.g. take part in a class discussion exploring different points of view around conscientious objection e.g. take part in a group presentation about a local peacemaker e.g. take part in a class discussion around different ways of responding to a specific conflict situation e.g. use skim-reading to make sense of newspaper articles

– and to distinguish fact from editorial bias e.g. read and understand articles containing opinions about a conflict – e.g. WWI, the war in Afghanistan e.g. distinguish between facts and propaganda; compare and contrast view of those on the home front and those who served directly in a conflict e.g. write about a conflict from different points of view and for different audiences – e.g. letter home, newspaper article etc

Writing accurately

Structure and organisation

– use a structure that is appropriate to the purpose and focus of the task

– select analyse and present information appropriately

– establish a structure to organise writing.


– use language appropriate to writing


Using number skills


Using data skills


• Use number facts and relationships.

• Fractions, decimals, percentages and ratio.

• Calculate using mental and written methods.

• Estimate and check.

• Collect and record data.

• Present and analyse data.

• Interpret results. e.g. write in a format relevant to the purpose – letter, article, report etc

Example e.g. calculate the percentage of a community affected by a conflict; conduct and interview, and calculate the numbers of people holding different points of view. e.g. looking at data presented in archive materials such as newspaper articles, reports or letters, calculating their significance and presenting this to others.


Key Stage 2


Human experience

• human identity – the ways in which religions understand human existence,

• meaning and purpose of life – how religious ideas, values and beliefs influence people’s responses to life and death


Engaging with Fundamental Questions:

• ask, discuss and respond to fundamental questions raised by their own experiences and the world around them

• use evidence from a range of sources effectively in order to present and support arguments and opinions

• carry out investigation in an open-minded way and be prepared to accept challenge in the light of new information or evidence.

Expressing personal responses

• express and begin to justify their own feelings and opinions in different ways, e.g. orally, in writing, and through creative arts

• demonstrate how what they have learned has impacted on their own views/ideas

• consider, appreciate, empathise with and respect the viewpoints of others

Key Stage 3


Human experience:

• relationships and responsibility

– how religions demonstrate rules for living, advise on making difficult moral decisions, recommend ways to develop and retain relationships and provide reasons why these are important, e.g. right/wrong; tolerance/respect; conflict/reconciliation

• the journey of life

– how and why religious people take on different roles, responsibilities


Engaging with Fundamental Questions:

• use problem-solving techniques, critical, creative and intuitive thinking to explore preconceptions, possibilities/explanations

• formulate arguments and justify points of view while recognising that the conclusions are only partial, inconclusive and are open to different interpretations.

Expressing personal responses

• appreciate, respect, empathise with and evaluate the viewpoints of others, acknowledging where they are similar to and different from their own

Examples e.g. research the life of a particular Welsh peacemaker who was motivated by religious beliefs

– e.g. Waldo

Williams. Explore the stance he / she took and why, then develop a creative response

– e.g. digital film, diary, poetry, music, etc

Examples e.g.look at the life of a conscientious objector in Wales who was influenced by biblical teachings / religion and understand how these motivated that person to take a stance against war.

and commitments at different stages of life,


Key Stage 2


Active Citizenship

understand situations which produce conflict

understand aspects of the cultural heritage and diversity in Wales

Health and Emotional Well-being

understand the range of their own and o thers’ feelings and emotions

Moral and Spiritual Development


how cultural values and religious beliefs shape the way people live

that people differ in what they believe is right and wrong

that personal actions have consequences.

Working with Others

empathise with others’ experiences and feelings

Sustainable Development and Global


that local actions have global effects because of connections between places and people

Key Stage 3



Developing thinking

• identify links between cause and effect

• distinguish between ‘facts’, beliefs and opinions

• form personal opinions and make informed decisions

• use appropriate techniques for personal reflection.

Developing communication

• listen carefully, question and respond to others

• express their views and ideas confidently through a range of appropriate methods

• contribute to class discussions and take part in debates.

Examples e.g. understand how WWI arose, and different ways communities in Wales responded to it e.g. understand the feelings of soldiers and their families e.g. understand the basis of the actions of conscientious objectors, and why others reacted to them the way they did.

Skills e.g. understand the impact of campaigning on issues such as apartheid and their potential impact


Active Citizenship

• how to recognise and challenge effectively expressions of prejudice, racism and stereotyping

Health and Emotional Well-being

• understand the benefits of accessing different sources of information, support and advice.

Developing thinking

• use some prior knowledge to explain links between cause and effect

• identify and assess bias and reliability, e.g. evaluate messages from the media

• consider others’ views to inform opinions and make informed decisions and choices effectively

• use a range of techniques for personal reflection.

Moral and Spiritual Development


• what they believe to be right and wrong actions and the moral dilemmas involved in life situations

• their beliefs in the context of those in society.

Working with Others

• empathise with others’ experiences, feelings and actions

Sustainable Development and Global


• appreciate that people’s actions and perspectives are influenced by their values

how conflict can arise from different views about global issues and be aware of the role of pressure groups

Key Stage 4


Active Citizenship

be prepared to challenge views propagated by the media

• how to challenge assertively expressions of prejudice, racism and stereotyping

• local and global contemporary issues and events,

Health and Emotional Well-being

• factors that affect mental health and the ways in which emotional well-being can be fostered

Developing communication

• listen attentively in different situations and respond appropriately

• communicate confidently personal feelings and views through a range of appropriate methods

• express opinions clearly and justify a personal standpoint

• take part in debates and vote on issues.


Developing thinking

• use prior knowledge to explain links between cause and effect, and make predictions

• analyse information and ideas in order to assess bias, reliability and validity

• take different perspectives into account when making informed decisions and choices effectively

• use a range of techniques for personal reflection e.g. take part in a role play about the anti-apartheid movement in Wales e.g. consider different points of view about a conflict, taken from newspaper articles, letters, etc e.g. understand the moral dilemmas of conscientious objectors e.g. understand the feelings of soldiers and their relatives e.g. understand how values differed in different parts of

Wales in WWI – e.g. the

South Wales valleys and more rural areas

Examples e.g. understanding of a contemporary conflict and how it is portrayed in the media e.g. understanding how soldiers are affected by active service

Moral and Spiritual Development

• how beliefs and values affect personal identity and lifestyle

• the factors involved in making moral judgements

• the range of values and principles by which people live.

Learners should be given opportunities to:

• listen perceptively in a range of situations, and respond appropriately

• communicate personal feelings and views effectively in a wide range of situations through a range of appropriate methods

• appreciate, reflect on and critically evaluate other points of view. e.g. an in-depth study of the stance made by a Welsh peacemaker or peacemakers
